(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

bbribena, me too! have been drinking myself since preg! used to love ice latte but no good to have too much caffeine. we are all friday mood liao!

pooh, later we all chiong to the toilet! not output from the mouth but from the opposite end ah!

stefie: yaaaa~~呈你贵言...i hv think +ively...did not brood over the bad things...look forward to mon scanning n welcome my lil beanie...i still continue to eat good, rest well...tame down my temper...today, my boss tok to me...i still smile @ him...hahahaha....nothing can hit me now...i m the strongest!!! hahahahhaaaaa....

Audrey, u heard of the bad luck too eh. My mum hse no back door. I will hv to learn how to climb a rope up to storey 12 to get in by kitchen window. Hahaaa sorrie feimei's transmited the+ve virus to me tat I m hallucinating

Hi Feimei,

yes man, Jia you together, babies more important now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Other things will eventually work out[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi moms.

its best to eat more cooked vegs, and white meat during your pregnancy.

As we will be given the fish oil tablet soon too for baby brain and eye development.

So if you are concerned about fish high in mercury, you can sub that with fish cod oil tablet. Its huge though.

Talking about age, i am golden mouse mummy, i had my first daughter a golden pig at 23.

Stefie u got bring cushion to Ofc or not. More comfy. Me intend to bring one more nxt tue when I go back work. My boss room got sofa if zzzz god hits me, I will go in his room cos he usually not in. Haha

milo.. hahaha... i agree we need to chiong for that powerful combination :p

friday mood, why are we still working so hard.. i want to go home and nap.. :p hubby going out with his colleagues tonight.. boring..

sparkle bee: steady lah...u got it mann~~keep it up the good job!!! see what stefie say: Other things will eventually work out de!!! dun tink too much~~~

Amelia must feed ur beanie Liao. Got natural snack?

Amuro woe u v young mummy. Same age as my Lil bro. He still changing gf like changing clothes now. U already got kid. So good eh.

My husb is 8yrs older, me and him always wanted to start a family early, i got married at 22, concieved at 23, my husb had fertility issues at 30 at that time, luckily i was young so after he did the tcming for 1mth with the help of the digital ovulation kit we had our daughter.

The downside of having a kid early, you kinda get detached from people of your age group, as they are still talking about branded clothes, where to club, what movie to watch and i m staying at home mom. But of course, theres no regret here, as i ll be like my daughter pal when she turned 16 hahaha, and still have lotsa energy to handle her teenage problem by then.

Ya lor amuro. Hv to stay up to date so when ur gal is teenager, there is no gen gap! I think me and my bro 6yrs diff already got gen gap. Haha

amuro, i agree with the detaching from ppl of your age grp. i had my boy at 25 which was also the time when all my classmates were still having fun! and me leh? have to rush hm everyday to pick my baby up from mum... but like u say, no regrets cos parenting is really a very rewarding journey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sparkle bee: ribena very sweet not good for preggie .. so, hv to dilute it lo .. somemore i m nt the slim type, so, better watch out my sugar intake , i scared later stage hv diabetes then jia lat already

I also want to Koonzzzzzz.... but damn sianz. Just finished lunch. Was starving.

Had class till 12:15pm then got meeting till 1:15pm then 2pm going back class.... HOW TO KOONZ!!!!

milo - mine is without cockles.. but not shiok lor like lack of something..

amuro - i'm on calcium and fish oil now.. the pills is HUGE!! everytime wanna puke when taking..

sparkle bee, drink milo kosong lor. No sugar, no condensed milk. After you tried milo kosong, you will realised how much sugar and milk they put in a normal cup of milo, coz kosong really no taste despite you put lotsa milo.

halo all again,

had lunch of instant noodles didnt finish.. felt er... ate a prune slept for a while.

feel better now..

i also another milo addict now hahah wake up first thing drink milo...

o for those of u who wan to try something else can try the korean citroen tea comes in a jar, just scoop 1-2 tsp dilute into water can liao.. has some honey, citroen skin etc.. another alternative.

Ooo tnx for the interesting article Amelia

think my cousin also kana diabetics during p and every meal time only can take 2 table spoon of rice cos rice is carbo=sugar

i also drink milo kosong le i super scared will get diabetes, no history but my first boss she kenna when she had twins in her pregnancy and she never recover le... i will forever remember le...

Hi mommies,

I zzz for a while, now feel better. Now neck ache. Now surfing internet see what to buy, hubby just gave me some $$$ for birthday present.

Tonight feel like eating Airport T1, grilled salmon with teriyaki sauce from staff canteen.

i loove starhub today.. singing karaoke at home on KTV hahhaha..self entertain abit ah haha

sparkle bee, u dilute lo.. i also dilute.. but i realise that eating fresh plums got same effect on me u might wan to try.

my family has diabetes history ... so hv to be more careful lo .. always hv to remind myself nt to take too much carbo n sugar ..

Which channel crystal. Me wanna switch tothat. And also the bb education channel u gals toning about which channel issit ? Now my dad go out I can snatch the use of tv. Haha

hi p00h, so cute nite nite[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Rainbow,

that stall very nice, their thai fried fish also nice. Sweet & sour stuff vey appealling one.

sparkle, still a while to go before confinement, maybe during this time can gradually "brainwash" your mum. i also dowan to do at mil's place even though i'm staying there 'cos i dun like her cooking and house is always messy! if have to eat for 40days, i think i will starve, or trip over something & fall down. LOL!

In the meantime, relax!!! think happy thoughts!

but seriously first time i've heard cannot do confinement in own mom's place le and soo many "rules" to follow somemore..

i always thot its very common and in fact norm to do confinement in own mom's palce le...

reallie learn alot this pregnancy haha

Hi crystal,

I am like that even before pregnant. Just that now whatever I want to eat got no taste or shiok feeling.

Btw lots of pan dangs, I can share with all, my mommy super pan dang kind.

Hi dew dew,

yeh lor, Leave on the dot today, tomorrow/Sunday can sleep till shiok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi crystal,

I am staying with my parents, and i did my confinement at my parents place of course, basically apart from drinking logan red dates and wear socks, i dont really follow the rules of confinement, still bath everyday and all. Also i find staying with our own mom makes us feel more at ease.


i was telling u to turn off your power so that your channels can re-arrange to the new ones.

all chinese channels now are from 8++ onwards..


Jus got ur pm. My iPhone aB it lagging.

I will try to adhere to those pan tang rules as much as I can. But if really makes me uncomfy, I won't do it lah. Jus think 百无jin Ji then.

