(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi Esquare: congrats! When you say not too ex what do you mean? Like if its Mt A, is it too ex?

I think Dr Kenneth Lee from MT A is rather reasonable priced. you can try him he's super nice. 62525778.


Dewdew, lovebyte, feimei.... What's happening with our bodies?? I was so worried that all that hot n cold can cause harm to the little one.

Esquare: Frankly I am not too sure cos I didn't use him in the end. my friend saw him and I met him for a first appointment. But I remember my friend and I compared cost (I delivered at KKH TSP during my first pregnancy) and it was roughly the same.

Hi moms,

anyone started using stretch mark cream?

I am using them now at 7 weeks, my 1st pregnancy was earlier 6 weeks. My husb does e application though cos he says its his duty.

I bought mine from mothercare.

And i think applying early does help as my tummy has a small mini scar caused by mosquitos.

Hi E square, congrats to you again.

do you stay near the east? Theres a few good gynae there too.

I have consulted adelina wong from tmc for my 1st, pretty reasonable price.

My current one is geraldine tan from tmc too as its near my daughter school.And 5mins drive from my place.

My husband is down with cough, and daughter had flu, i am keeping my finger cross i dont get it. Been stuffing myself with veges,and spices dish to cleanse myself.

chillli: thanks .. perhap is the pregnancy jitters getting on to me. Feeling unwell almost everyday awake .. tt's why. I felt so lonely & helpless. Suddenly my world have changed .. sometimes I'll breakdown when I eat.

bbridena & p00h & cherrry: Yes, I'm learning to cope with it. It's my first .. so bit fearful. It really helps alot to read & learn from all the mummies & daddies here.

I started sipping Ribena today and feels better :)

I'm a salad lover, esp. Swensen's caesar salad & The Soup Spoon's.

My first gynae visit appt will be on Mon. Really anxious wat will the doc say.

ethan: I'm feeling bloated too .. tik it's week 5 now cos I check at Babycenter.

bbribena: ehhhh~~~if i din rem wrongly, original color is white flesh worrr...red one is later part, 'new invention'....c...u like the red one becos it's sweeter...white one is tasteless...but white one is healthy.....i rem i saw one program, they intro the plantation of this dragonfruits grow locally...they farmer did say that they use some kind of soil or added what fertiliser, thats y it become red...anyway, fr the start, i never like red one becos it seem like too soft...n once eaten...got the red red color... @.@

but if i eat...i dun eat one whole...i usually eat half becos very full already...

good afternoon mummies and daddies!!! yesterday was a hectic day for me. didnt manage to log in during office hours and when i reached home to log in, i cant. tried several times. the page was blank. i cant find any of our thread. super sad! yesterday was such a happening day for you gals, how i wished i was there to join you gals in your chat!

anyway, yesterday slept early at 8+pm cause feeling very tired, xinku and emo. cried myself to sleep. around midnight hubby came in to check on me, see if im ok/still breathing or not.

this morning woke up at 7+am and has been out till 1.30pm. tired tired tired.

congrats and welcome to the new mommies.

regarding sashimi. i remember my gynae telling me that its definitely alright to eat but make sure its from higher end restaurant cause of freshness and handling procedures. he said if sashimi is not allowed, we will not have toyota, suzuki, etc.. i.e. those japanese brands le. cause japanese cant survive without those daily dosage of sashimi de.

next is rebonding, cause i am in the same situation like some mummies, i have natural wavy hair so i looked terrible now. but gynae gave a straight no no when i asked him that. he said if i really have to rebond, do it from the 26 weeks onwards.

now tired le. read 2 1/2 pages of thread... haha... gona go take another shower as super duper hot and oh, i went to cut my hair earlier. cause really very messy and dried at the ends. now i look worse cause of all the curls!!!

hope everyone has a good weekend ^_^

Hi lil sunshine,

I am at week7 and i m bloating like nobody business. Its quite bad really .I hope it will be over in a few weeks time.

amuro: the bloating just dun go away .. I feel "sick" most of the time but can't do anything to relieve it. Tot of rubbing "ru yi you" on the upper part of the tummy, wonder if it's ok? Now, I drink Perrier to help blurping. Omg, I'm only 5wks .. long way to go :-(

EonEon, tears just rolled down when I eat cos feel miserable. Simply emotional but can't help it *sigh* ..

Hi Ladies

I am in my week 4 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My first child after TTcing for some 3 years already. Glad i made it to join u sisters here

Hi nann congrats. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Does that mean you your EDD is end Dec/early Jan?

lilsunshine: haha.. i think this emo stage will follows throughout the pregnancy bah. simply helpless.

nann: congrats and welcome. so when is your edd?

everyone taken dinner le mah? i realised that i feel better when i take food such as porridge and soupy stuff. oily food makes me worse.

gosh! im putting on weight like nobody's business. and the worse thing is, my face has started to expand too but its expanding faster than my body. now so round and bloated looking. is this normal?

Hi Eoneon/chilli

Thanks ladies. EDD is 31 dec 2010 How abt u ladies? How many weeks already?

I have yet to announce to news to my family. Only my hubby and one gf knows. PLan to break the news at week 6. May i ask the following questions

* Are u ladies working currently? My hubby worried abt the first tri but i told him i will take it easy at work and try not to stress.

*What fruits can i take? Only know cannot take watermelon and papaya as it's too liang

*Do u ladies see TCM to "an tai"? When can i start?

Thanks sisters for answering my queries. I am 37 this year so i have to be very careful with this pregnancy and no one to ask yet as this point in time. Thanks in advance !!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon: They say that if you look more manly and a bit "ugly" during your pregnancy you may be expecting a boy! If you are expecting a girl normally the mommies look like they have a glow on their face. Hehe.

Nann: I am 6 weeks, and also have yet to announce to parents and family. Only hubby and very close friends know. Will tell them when I have heard the heartbeat at my appointment on Monday.

Fruits - My gynae says everything in moderation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So I ate everythin. :p

Did not see TCM. If you are spotting or anything best to consult your gynae?

Have you scheduled for a first appt yet?

hello mummies.. this tread is moving soo fast, had to spend some time reading..

TenQ, i think its normal ba.. i feel cold in office, and hot when i'm at home.. perspiring like nobody business.. keke

congrats nann.. i'm in my 5w6d.. so far, i ate golden kiwi and strawberries.. cos i'm abit choosy to fruits, hee.. Did not see TCM

lil sunshine, hope u are feeling better now.. dun cry.. *pat pat*

crown: Wow tats a challenging one. If you are carrying long feng tai let us know ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pooh: Hahaha. Like Zhong Wu yan.

p00h, like that become Zhong Wu Yan. haha. i really hope the days quickly get over faster and my babies quickly grow faster, cant wait for week 12 to come to confirm my babies are stable

hee hee.. crown, me too.. still long way to go for me.. i'm like counting down to my next visit.. keke..

chilli, hahahaha..

Hello to all new mummies joining this thread!

I'm at week 9 liao and since y'day I feel a bit weird about certain food. All the while I can eat anything and everything but now... eat a bit here and there start to feel nauseous... is this the start of MS?? I dowan!!!


First appt at week 6 on 13 May. So exciting. Can hear heartbeat already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for sharing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haha..one side pretty side ugly so funny. Anyone expecting twins here? Double happiness [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, kiwi i also like. Me also counting down to see gynae. First time "kan cheong" cant wait to see dr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew, wk 9 then got symptoms? U are lucky to have escaped it for 2-3wks. Everytime my husband asks me what I wanna eat I feel nauseous already. Like Eon Eon only soupy stuff n porridge makes me feel good.

morning everyone!

nann: most of us are working mummies. usually its advisable to avoid watermelon, pineapple and papaya in the first trimester. but i eat everything in moderation.

yes, please take things easy during this period. cannot carry heavy stuff, walk slowly, eat healthily and rest more.

my mum said an tai should only starts from 2nd trimester onwards. but some of the mummies here have already started.

chilli: i dont know leh. different people tell different version. so i also dont know. but my instinct tells me its a girl. hehe... i have started looking for girl stuff though have not started buying. hehe...

crown: thats a good question hor. thus far havent heard any comment/advise on that.

dewdew: lucky you. only have to endure 3 weeks of MS. take care ^_^

tenq: ya loz.. every kind of food sounds nauseous to me. luckily i have my crispy pork floss to go with my porridge. else dont know how to swallow my food.

viven: thanks for the information.

Nann, congrats. Same here, ttc for 3 yrs & first bb. I'm 5th wk & will see my gynae to confirm on Mon. I'b seeing my TCM on the same day too. Currently taking GNC prenatal formula, not sure if it's sufficient. I am usually bloated & feel congested .. appetite quite low mostly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chilli: Same here, only HB knows cos he did the test. We do not plan to disclose until everything is fine & confirmed by the doc.

p00h: Thanks .. I'll try to stay calm & cheer up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it should be enough.. Just that later on in the pregnancy you may need calcium pills..


thanks for the info.. My first kid is delivered at gleneagles, 2nd at mt a so the third one I was hopping to try thomson.. Any good gyane there?


Any sahm? I am sahm... Planing to go back to work this year but pregnant.. Hm.. So back to housewife again


Congrats to u too. I am with TMC. You? I also plan to announce when it's 2nd tri. Jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for the info. Cause this is my first pregnancy so very kan cheong. Dun know how to tell my boss so he wont give me so much work. Can i say personal reasons not comfortable to share? Does it sound rude? I cant quit now as i am afraid i will stay at home and have wild thoughts like "Is baby growing" etc

I will take it slowly and tell myself " no stress no stress " hee.......

congratulations to new mtbs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew: I tink i started my MS! i been threwing up past few days and feels terrible! everytime my mouth feels tasteless and i want to throw up! what can i do to relieve myself?

tenQ and Eoneon: yea, porridge works for me now and hope it stays ok.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i tried eating sweets but end up i feel that i m piling up on unhealthy sugar! and i eat prunes and i can feel the unhealthy salt too!

lilsunshine: me too! i am also very nervous cos tml i seeing my gynae for 2nd visit! it's my 5-6weeks ba. hopefully i can see heartbeat! at least i feel more stable and certain! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so it shd also b a v-scan lor?

nann: it's my first too... so super kan cheong and worrying too. worry abt this and that.. really hard to take it easy!

btw, i getting my bra extenders from one of the BPS here, if u are intd, check it out here:


the moment i threw up, i worry tt the nutrients will not get to the baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Welcome new mtbs... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nann I already started tcm an tai med though gyne say dun take. But I allow 2-3 hours gaps between duphaston and tcm med.

Cheryl... U starting ur ms Liao eh!!faint. Eat small meals probably may help to ease ms. Pat pat.

Yday I went east coast park then parkway. Feeling so giddy after I come bk. Cannot do much stuff. Wanted to but the pants extension cos my skinny jeans damm tight. But my Hubby say dun buy anyting yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so got to ren till coming thur gyne visit at tmc. Seeing alll the bb stuff at mothercare soooo cute!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I m soo pissed with my dumb Hubby. He threw a bag of chips on my tummy when I was slouching at the sofa. Scolded him but he say I onli put never throw. So dammm pissed!!!

Think he shld stay away from me. Every little stupid action made me so mad n furious with him.

I also feel MS is making me emotional, feel like crying and giving up. So so xin ku... I think our husband will never understand this feeling. He keep telling me "bear with it, will be over soon" argghhh!! Soon... i guess another 6 wks, how to drag these days?!

Same here win. My mood swing is horrible. Hope when ms comes I will not be tat miserable. Jus think our our Lil beanie and try to b happier

Bee, is like that one, P ladies get irritated easily. Me too

Win, there is really nothing your dh can do. If my dh, he will say the same too. Try to endure. You can overcome one. Try to munch something then you dun feel like vomitting all the time. At least your dh comfort you when you vomit. My dh said he feel like vomitting when he hear me vomit

Esquare: I believe there are many good docs that deliver at TMC. Maybe the other mommies have recommendations.

I am a SAHM. Been one since my first child is born. I intend to wait till our 2nd one is 18 months before going back to work.

Nann: Most of us do tell our boss, so that he/she can be understanding towards us. Hopefully lah at least.

cheryl: Ginger tea is the way to go if you have bad MS!! My hubby just boiled a whole bottle of ginger/sugar cane for me. Really helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think the hot weather also play a part, make us flare easily.

Crown, u are right, there is nothing man can help. BTW, so envy u are having twins, are they your first born? Can close shop after that, don't have to suffer 2x like me :-(

nann: no worries. we are all here to share. when we are uncomfortable or unhappy, we rant non stop... but all the mummies and daddies here are very understanding. they will share all the advises...etc. so at the end of the day, you wont feel alone.

actually i told my boss when i was only 4weeks plus. just so that he/she wont pull their hair out when we have to take too many MC.

cheryl: you just have to make sure you dont stay empty stomach, this will aggravate your MS.

maybe also because of the weather, worsen our appetites. so far, i realised sweet drinks make me feel better. but also trying to control the intake.

sparkle bee: shouldnt be wearing tight clothing le. maybe if you skinny jeans is tight, change to dress? those that are more flare or A line de?

haha.. so funny! thats why i have been telling hubby, "dont irritate me hor!"... wahaha..

crown: your hubby is funny leh. mine when i vomit, he will stir clear. wont say or do anything. super sianz... need his console yet he is so blockhead!

Esquare: i will be moving on with Dr Tham to TMC. he will be with KKH till mid may.


you are right.. We are all here to support each other..


you can try to take some honey water or have some dried/preserve Ginger in your bag.. Each time you feel nause just put 1 thin slice in..remember to have ms is good coz I means you bb is growing and hormones level is up..


actually having twins is good but it is very tough as everything is double but if you have 1 at a time

then you can pass down certain things.


jia you.. You must eat well. Coz I have a few friends who have twins..take good care and most Important is to relax..

Eon eon I hv to change new wardrobe Liao. Actually without p almost outgrowing all my xs fitting stuff. No flare stuff in cupboard. But Hubby lah say wait till this thur see gyne, if can see proper sac then go get one two pcs of stuff. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

esquare, so fast can book confinement lady Liao? Jus tok to my mum. She wanted me to get a maid instead to help her take care of hsework n bb. So won't be hiring CL lor. Feel my hse so overcrowded with one more adult.


bleh... MS sucks. I haven't thrown up but got not much mood to eat. All I can tahan are dry food, nothing with liquid. Porridge and soup are definitely out. Ok, since everyone has been saying MS is good for baby then I'll just take it lor... xin ku us only. :p Haizzz...

To all mummies who are feeling emotional, book says it is normal and just let your hubby and family know it's not personal, just our hormones acting up. I'm also feeling irritated with some people here... hahaha... but that one cannot snap at. :p

E square, honey water helps with MS? I'll go make some now...

