(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

i'm a dog mummy.. had graduated, so no more exams for me..

lilsunshine, dun be depressed.. cheer up.. when i am ttc, i was also sad when my DYM come.. :p things will get better.. "chuan dao qiao tou, zi ran zhi"


ya, sparklebee... like muddypaw says, no salad. 2 days ago, when my colleagues ordered salad to share, i saw all the raw egg, veggies, and i jus tell them im not eating. all wonder why i dont want to eat.

hehee.. pooh, ya... dont worry, u will see urs soon too

welcome lilsunshine! dont feel lost, we are all here to share.

yes yes, stefie, i be going for the oscar scan straight after i come back from my trip. i shld be in 12 weeks then. he already booked for me le.

stefie, muddypaws,

me same same, snake year too!

RE: fish with mercury

salmon got mercury ah? i just had 2 big servings of salmon (RAW) 2 weeks b4

Thou I agree sometimes Wikipedia might not have a very accurate information, but sometimes can read it as a reference. Here's some information on polluted fish: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_in_fish

One thing must note is that fishes caught and consumed in different region might hv different level of mercury. So the general idea is that eat smaller fishes as they are in the lower food chain. If you go to a teochew porridge stall, you can eat the fishes that they serve as a whole, eg the length is like less than your lower arm. Those are generally safe. And most prob these kind of fish live in the water region nearer to the land aka river fishes, so less lightly to be polluted. Fishes that are served in their cross-section sizes, those are considered medium and large fishes, so gotta wary about those. And, like slice fish bee hon, you might want to ask what kinda fish they use.

Like most doctors said, everything in moderation, it shld be fine. No stress no stress! =)

Can I ask something? I m sooo angree now. Jus yoked to my mum. She said I must do my confinement at my

mil or my own hse cannot do at mum hse cos not good. Wau Lau for tat 40 days I got to move all my stuff back?! And so many barangs barangs! Soo fuming mad. I told her once I move out I will not move back here anymore!

Hi Win: Wow... Such a coincidence... so you also 3 tiger in 1 family huh.. haha...

Actually i ever heard that not all tigers are fierce... depend on the timing they were born... Haha... heard more fierce de born at night cos tiger active at night mah...

Seems like alot of mummies looking out for pumps and cots lo... Wa... seem very early to me leh...

Hi NateM,

Good to know another snake Mommy here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just had my lunch, will be sleeping soon. Today 2 hrs lunch break. Can zzzz..... till 1430 hrs[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Cherrry,

Ha!! Ha!! Can see you beanie up close then[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy your trip.

p00h: ya...hope we c our lil beanie soon!!! can't wait @.@

nateM: try avoid RAW food...but since u already taken...dun tink back...lol...soo moving forward, u will try to avoid lol

sparkle - y cannot do at own hse?? i'll rather do it at my own place to convenient my DH. I cannot imagine how my hse will look like after i confine at my mum's place for a month!!!

Hi sparkle_bee,

I think you mom's place has praying session is it? Or some old people worry may cheong with the family memebers?

I would rather do at my own house without anyone saying this cannot, that cannot etc etc.

sparkle - i'm also doing confinement at my mum's house, definitely not at my MIL's house. i think it's a pantang thing, depends on how you believe it. a few of my friends also went back mum's place to do, no problem.

sparkle bee, perhaps your mum worries your mil would mind doing your confinement at her place. Try communicate with your MIL, see if she minds at all for you to do your confinement at your mum's place. It's still early to decide. Prob by the last tri, they see you heavily preg, they prob give in? =)) Relax! If really no choice, move your stuff a little at a time. By the time you give birth, you prob too tired to care what you need (eg. your facial wash, moisturiser, etc) and prob hugging your pump to sleep. LOL! No angry no angry! =))

bbribena: when i asked my gynae on the fish thingy...she oso said how to classified as low-mercury n high-mercury....fish oso got seasons...n come fr diff regions...sometimes when the sea or ocean change, low mercury fish can become high mercury fish...how to avoid such thing??? soo the best, eat moderate n dun overdo it...and u r safe!!! i oso tink quite true...becos we human r like that...things u wan to avoid but 'pian pain' u got hit...soo u just can't say one...right???

soo all mummies...moderate in ur food is the key word to rem...

i am staying with my in-laws.. haven decide on my confinement yet.. mum was asking me to go back.. still thinking..

sparkle_bee, no angry no angry.. relax... take deep breathe..

Btw Sparkle Bee still a long way leh. Worry later lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ladies, my mum say got pantang one. Coz in past when she did confinement at her mum plc, my eldest bro died an infant. My great great grandma already warned her before tat.

But I really dub like my mil hse cos bad air circulation - she dun open windows in the hse at all soo stuffy and also she nags like sun wu kong's master. Non stop. Gimme headache!!

U mean I will look like shit during confinement ? Sob I wanna br a glam mama wor... Need all my mask and beauty pdts

sparkle bee: i oso got frenx doing the confinement @ their mum's place...no issue so far worrr...dun worry lah...try tok to ur mum again in later stage...most pro i will be doing @ my own place lol...my mum passed away liao...my dad confirm dunnu how to do confinement de mah...hahahaha...soo most prob hubby will ask MIL to come our place, we staying quite near...

just had fried fish bee hoon soup...quite nice!!! i was soo hungry that i walked very very fast...luckily no queue...back to office...quickily slurp...slurp...hahahaha...lil beanie realli hungry lol...now feel like kunning...

NateM Me really like sun wu kong when she start nagging , rolling all over in agony! Dunno how my Hubby, sil and fil can Tahan her shrieking constant nags. Haha

Hi Sparkle Bee,

Don't get angry lah, not good for baby. I think your mom's intention is good one, she don't want you to go thro the pain like her. If your elder brother not healthy, anything can happened anywhere, not just her mom's place. Just old people's own explaination lah. Just suits her, to make her feel better.

sparkle bee: Relax....relax...dun brood over such thing for now...when times ripe to discuss this topic again, dan u will make a better decision...soo dun tink too much lah...now we concentrate on lil beanie, ok??? eat well, rest well...ok!!! :D

i got the +ive virus spread from stefie...hahahaha...be +ive n be happy!!! this virus is good...good for mummy n lil beanie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

Stefie then I must really buy two good pairs of ear plugs. One small one baby size. Haha else we will suffer at my mil plc. My current aptm rented out. Boh pian.

Tonite when my Hubby back in town I must pester him to save up asap for new aptm lor! Otherwise so pathetic not to have own housing.

p00h: i walked very fast one leh....hahahaha...when my users need help...i will run leh...dan i realised i cannot run...

-_-!!! hv to walk fast lol...becos my tummy playing drums lol....hahahaha...

Ha!!! Ha!! Feimei, Happy that you get my +ve virus, +ve +ve and happy all the way. Good for baby and mommy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kunning good leh, I almost zzz soon, but enjoying chatting here with mommies leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sparkle, dunno leh, the cockle smell so raw! tat is the conseq of a greedy mummy, ha ha kept eating till never check properly! heng never eat any though not sure if the soup is contaminated :p


Laksa no hum not nice leh. So I rather have no laksa since I can't eat hum[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sparkle bee, for a moment i thought you saying Milo+Ham cooked in hot laksa gravy... I went like "Wow! Fushion combo!" LOL!

Haha Milo hv to b more careful nxt time.

Me pouting my lips hiding in my room still... At least unyil my patents come in and sayang me back :0


I also think the same leh. So cute right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena, milo+ham!!! dun cook me! LOL

stefie, i never like hum so still ok for me... *drool* dunno where tat bowl of laksa is down... digested liao!

sparkle, now its the time to be teh liao! privilge!

sparkle bee: i m distributing the +ive virus to u lol...asking u not to think all those unneccssary things now...just relax...cool mind...but horrr...dun treat mi as ur MIL leh...i dun 'niam...niam...niam...keng' to u leh...hahahahahahahaa.....

feimei, try to slow down in ur walking lor..

power combination man, milo + ham + laksa.. hahaha

i dun like hum, so still ok for me.. the laksa thing is like so yummy, i also feel like eating now.. oh oh

Hi Sparkle Bee,

take a nap lah. So comfortable can sleep on bed, me sitting on my chair, cannot bend forward and rest my head on the desk leh, cos my belly quite big. Smile okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also send you +ve and happy virus like what feimei did okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angry so more, baby next time like you mouth tu tu one how? No cute right, so smile more leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Waa.. the thread runs so fast, i only take my lunch n nap. =.=

sparkle; you are the one complaining mother say cannot do confinement in own mother's place? I heard people saying if u do confinement in own mother's house, it will bring bad luck to the guys staying there. So when daughter doing confinement in own mother's place, they have to go in by back door, must inform ancestor and 神明. After confinement, u still have to give hongbao to the guys in the house.

