(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

carseat: I discovered a new way to make Kayden sit in his car seat. After I buckle him up, I will give him his sleeping pillow and pacifier. Then ask daddy to on his children songs cd. Then he just sit there with no fuss at all. Soon, he will fall asleep on his own in the car seat with no coaxing from me. Hope this continues to work.


bdmummy, hee coz my mum is taking care of my gal.. so in a way is lucky coz she can cook for her daily. if my gal is in IFC, confirm have to depend on cereals/frozen food lo.

DF: hmm my bb usually has her last feed between 11pm-12am. she drinks every 3 hrly. if her last milk intake is 8pm, i still gotta give her DF at 11-12am coz im afraid she will wake up in the middle of the nite! she usually sleeps from 9pm to 730am.

btw hw to get bb to open mouth? my girl does not allow me to touch her mouth and i have not cleaned it for quite sometime! i bought spiffies wipes which is alr so sweet but she just dun wan to open up. so i give her water after every milk feed to rinse her mouth...

hi, for 2moro Robinson members preview sales, can non-member attend too?

can i sign up as Robinson member on the spot?

I called OCBC that day, they said it takes 10 days to process an application wor ..

SK: hahaha ! K is so cute, dont want open mouth... my C open mouth whenever hands go to her mouth as if got something to eat...maybe my C is "tam jia"(hahaha!)

hmm try using her favourite chew/toys etc... Sure there is something she would love it so much to put into her mouth to enjoy...

Hi Mummies..

Yesterday when i came back hm.. My MIL told me that my bb love durain.. then I was OMG!!!

I ask you let him eat.. she said yes abit ...

how can let bb eat durian.. durian is so heaty and sweet...

I juz answer her not to let him eat anymore.. if not he fall sick again..

We adult eat also feel very dry at the throat area... and my FIL everytime wan to bluff bb wif food... even use ice cream to let bb lick...

tell them before but dont know if they still let him eat behind my back ...

eliss: i'll try that, but recently she is refusing solids! so see the spoon she turns away. sigh.. luckily she drinks her milk as usual.

beannie: my K very weird one. she is teething le but all along, she doesnt bite or chew things. not even teething toys. she doesnt drool much. (i always tell her daddy it's because i dun care wad ppl say & eat wad i wan during pregnancy) if it is a new toy, she might bite to test but knowing that it is not food, she will not put in her mouth anymore. that's why she doesnt even take pacifier. the only stuff she sucks/bites is food, her thumb, bolster, or anything soft (foam toys, cloth books, my clothes) strange right?

yvonne: i used to remind my parents nt to anyhow feed my bb rubbish but they still do, and i cant control coz i am nt ard. once my dad even gave my girl wear his specs a while coz he think v funny! i was so pissed!!! nw i close one eye & tell myself giving her bits & pcs of food is good exposure. sigh!

SK : all bbs are different...

I also eat whatever I want to eat only Gynea tell me to avoid certain food, I will avoid... otherwise I just eat anything that came into my mind. hahaha!

Lately my C also prefers her fingers to her toys. But play with her toys she will want to take over to put into her mouth lar...

Any bbs here showing signs of like very excited knowing you took her toys to "sayang" "hug" "kiss" then also want to do the same to the toys?

C have got 2 lamaze Octopus toys, which she loves to nutts ! the moment she saw it would makes her so excited to touch and bite and hug it. so whenever me or HB took the octopus to hug and sayang, C would want to do the same thing... so cute to see that.

beannie: haa! so cute... K will snatch & bite the bear lor. she will cry if i carry another baby, easily jealous! if i hug her bolster, she will want to snatch and if i dun give back, she will make noise. sometimes is she herself throw the bolster away yet when i hug she wants it back. selfish!

lately she is so sticky to me that she doesnt even wan her daddy. if i put her with her daddy for a while and disappear to bathe, do my things, she will scream and cry. at public places worse. cannot leave her sight at all! even daddy ard she also dun wan.

claudia: My son eats slightly lesser than 1/4 cup of rice cooked in chicken/onion/corn stock. Then I add a small slice of cooked threadfin fish into the porridge as well as 1 teaspoon of ikan bilis powder and 1 teaspoon of white bait powder. Then I add 1 cube of vege puree... sometimes spinach sometimes asparagus sometimes broccoli.

He finishes them all for lunch.. night time is cereal (with vege or with fruit) for him.

Btw it is really easy to prepare because I freeze my stock as well as my purees. However some are against freezing so really up to you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SK: got to teach K to glue daddy too...

I always tell C "You can dont glue just anyone but you must glue daddy, daddy so sayang you, you know"

hahaha like that HB is happy and he really TC himself these days and doesnt pissed me off by letting my "shower once a day (usually morn.), go out come back only change clothing, no shower" ILs to carry my gal, as least not in my sight.

Best part is over weekend, my MIL Birthday dinner, MIL keep wanting to carry C, the moment carry over only, C cry till tears drop so big that can seems to tell everyone she is so poor thing. And end up only want me to carry and totally ignore everyone including daddy. hahaha!

Sweetkiss: So you intend to DF your bb till what age..? I feel like stopping soon. Luckily your bb likes to drink water, at least can rinse the mouth. I also need to force my bb's mouth open to clean his mouth. Bbs really have a lot of strength to keep their mouth close! lol.

Beannie: your bb so cute!!! hehe!! mine won't leh, just that he is very kpo and wants to hold whatever we are holding- wallet, phone, pen, watch, etc.

Charlie: cute ah ! she can be quite a handful at times that me and HB gives up playing her and just left her in her empty cot to do whatever she wants while we watch TV or close our eyes to ignore her for awhile... hahaha!

Hi mommies, the sharing of how cute our babies are brought a smile when I read the posts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mag Mag w straw: Yeah! after 1 week of practising, baby Ev can finally drink from the straw... initially only bite, then drink but will get choke, now drinks and keeps laughing or when naughty will spit out the water in glee... very cute! So gotta be patient and let them try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

charliebrown: not sure leh.. but if last feed is 8pm till next day 730am, can mah? even if she nv cries for milk i also scared she gets hungry. coz 8pm is kinda early.. moreover i usually sleep ard 12am so feeding her is not a problem. maybe wait till when she starts to eat more solids like us (3 meals a day).

beannie, cannot leh.. i always tell my hubby is becos he nv spend enough time w her. come hm after work only entertain her a bit, of cos she not sticky to him la. he still tells me my bb "dont like" him. my bb sticks to my dad too, coz even my dad knows hw to change her diaper, feed her and bring her go downstairs walk walk every day. so i tell him, isnt it obvious why bb doesnt want him?

Carol: Last time i went for Robinson's member sale, i dun remember they check lei...think non-member can go but just cannot get those member price/promo...

SK: My boy's last feed is at 9/915pm till next day about 815/830am lei...i never DF for very long already...but he drinks 8oz (250ml) at one go, just increased recently from 7oz (abt 220ml)...

SK: slowly encourage ur HB to feed/change diapers/shower K lar.. my HB also started off bit by bit... now he can handle BB for few hours should I need to go work... but started of slowly like HB shower BB, I dress BB. He prepare milk I feed BB. I wipe BB's Butt, he put on diaper for BB. Of cos most of the time I handle C myself. Weekends usually I just let my HB do all that for BB.

as for feeding. usually around 5-7pm C will be given a small meal like fish slices/cereal/porridge/vege(I eat what she eats what - w/o seasonings - as I take food pretty blend) follow by a slice of pear/apple/papaya(any fruits actually) or a cup of yoplaits yoghurt, 930pm to 1030pm will give her about 5-7oz milk with cerelac brown rice (about 3 scoops) before she sleeps.

no DF in the middle of the night for about coming 3 weeks with 1 of the week on/off (transition period) hahaha!


I have some stock I would like to clear, so I am offering this up to only July Mummies.

Playskool Shirt Bibs at onlyl S$2

It can be used for feeding or art & craft.

(Blue)Oops, it wasnt me


(Yellow)On the farm with Friends


Orange -What's for tea under the Sea


Light Blue - My Fairy Castle


Pink - I am a Lady who lunches


Charliebrown: we recently stopped our girl's DF also. Must slowly increase the day feeds. Now her last feed at 7plus, sleep by 8pm, until 7am. The first time u drop the DF just be prepared to wake up in the middle of the night to feed lor. If bb wakes up, then gotta increase thenext day's feeds. We dropped DF coz we realized bb was waking up during the DF, eyes wide open and drinking. So that means we were disrupting her sleep. At this age, they're more aware so won't guai guai sleep n drink already... our bb turned 9mths last week.

Eliss: ya, i think to borrow member card from other shopper too..but just afraid nobody wanna to borrow the card..

vernie: haha, thanks for your confirmation..i just afraid 2moro i go all the way there but cant get in as i see the adv is written as "member preview"..if so, then i ll just walk in 2moro..

Grace: im keen!!may i know the collection point? pm u too..


i can pass to you all around Dhoby Ghaut area during weekdays. Alternatively, just add 50cents for normal post.

If you are one of the mummies who do meetups for lunches quite often, I am sure we can pass it around. =)

hmm.. but i am just worried she eats very little. cos at her best she can only eat 3 tablespoons of cereal or a small bowl of porridge. now, only a few small spoonfuls. milk is 6 oz every 3 hrs. so on a usual day she has 4 milk feeds plus 2 solids. if i skip the DF, she only has 3 milk feeds + that few pathetic mouthfuls of solids. which is so little... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

vernie: wow ur boy drinks a lot! im waiting to for mine to drink more too so i can change new bottles! hahaha..

After 3 hours... finally mangaed to get my boy to sleep!

thanks gals for sharing your schedule


when you feed cereal, how much and veg/fruit puree also 1 ice cube? Yah, not that keen onto freezing.. so i tend to prepare fresh which is prob why i tend to feed him more! should stop doing it cuz not sure if that's what's causing his hard poo despite all the easy poo food i feed him... overdose!


i'm keen too... PM u in abit


maybe you should increase solids intake first before stopping df... How do you make your cereal? Maybe can mix with milk if you haven't already... since closer to milk taste... then hopefully bub will eat more cereal?

Claudia, i used to mix with milk but now i mix with water. coz i wanted to let her taste all her food without relying on her FM taste as cereal alone is very tasty le. most of the time she has porridge. last time she can finish a bowl but only recently she rejects solids. i dunno why.. she's teething but she can finish her milk though. ya i think i will cont with df till she is having solids as her main meals.


so the reason's likely to b coz she's teething [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Read somewhere that babies tend to reject solids when teething and prefer the bottle cuz it's painful. Maybe changing to a softer tip spoon.. it might help

Hi mummies,

Had not log in for long . Saw the posting. It has been a exciting 9 mths. I seldom do meet up the only person I have meet till now is charliebrown.

Charliebrown, nice seeing you n bb kenji in the little gym. In the end did you sign up for the class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just a thing to share wit u girls. 3 days ago , I bought my boy

to the market to tp lunch using ergo carrier to carry him.

Normally I prefer using stroller and ergo carrier was kind of

new to me. In my mind I thought just tp only maybe the carrier will be easier so I happily sling him down. After When I was walking back home my boy started to cry loudly

And this sotong mummy me still didn't realized what happen

until I touch his leg because of my negligent I had actually scalded him with the wanton soup. My poor boy got blister on his leg now but overall he is fine. Haizzz ...never felt so guilty before just hope that there won't be any scarring when

recovered. I had learnt this lesson real hard so girls be really careful if any of you would to tp food using a sling k..

Grace, I am interested in the bibs had pm you.. Thanks

Babybee: yup ... dont worry about having a scare there...

my bb got scalded by hot wantan soup on 31 dec 2010. when she is just 4-5 mths old. admitted KKH with a 2nd degree burnt.

Now few days to her 9mths old, she doesnt have any scar on her affected areas.

But do keep the area dry and avoid direct sun to the wound. should heal up within a week or so.

Thank Girls.


this is what I tp also stupid wan tan soup :0 I never bring him to see doc wor.. His wound now kind of dry up Liao although still can see his flesh..what kind of med did kk give huh ... Now I applying egg white on him hmmm..

SK: Yeah, his appetite is quite good these days. Am happy for this coz he was on milk strike about 2 mths back for 2-3 weeks. That time can hardly drink 150ml, sometimes only 100/120ml. But he still no bak-bak de…You saw him at kindermusik, very active and busy crawling everywhere. Maybe that’s why he is drinking more, all the energy used up for crawling! He takes 3 milk feeds plus 2 solids a day.

I asked PD before, how much solids is considered enough to replace a milk feed. She said a small chinese bowl of porridge/cereal. Baby needs at least 3 good bottles of milk a day and her definition of good bottle is 180 to 210 plus ml of milk.

bdmummy - how to encourage your bub to drink from straw? I know have to keep shoving the straw to her...but if she does not know how to suck, i cant be giving her water via cup? that will be confusing for her no?

i've been letting my boy anyhow taste foods & fruits.. Just like durian,mango,strawberry, chocolates, sweet and even the soup that we drink every dinner time.. :)

thus, now my boy is super tan chi lorz.. whenever we eat, he also wanna to give abite of what we have... :)

Claudia: my bb is also having the same experience as yours now. Think it's due to teething cos he used to sleep thro' the nite but now his sleep was disrupted 2-3 times throughout the night. And he willl wake up crying & be 'wide awake' & need to rock to sleep again.

His poo poo is also a few times a day, sometimes w small lumps each time. It's due to the solids they are taking & not bcos they started to develop into a bad habit ;)

SK: my bb dun have his DF since around 5 mths old. He automatically stretched his feed but we up his milk feed. Just like what some mummies share to do away w DF, need to gradually increase his milk feed in order to stretch the feeding times.

Carol: Dun think Robinsons checks, so non-members can get in too. Robinsons card holder will get extra 5% off on their credit card bill (includes sale items I think), so maybe when u approach the shopper to charge to their card, may wanna highlight that they will actually 'earn' a bit lei

Grace: The bibs are nice! I am interested to get 2 bibs (1 yellow and 1 orange; if OOS then replace with 1 light blue), still got available stock? Via normal post pls. Can PM me your bank account details so I can transfer? Thanks!

Eliss: I did not give him water from cup, so no confusion. After cereal, I used to feed him water from spoon. Initially he just keeps biting the straw and choking so a bit scared to try... but he finally realised that can suck from the straw. When he sucks, once I see the water moving up, I will pull the straw from him gently so he takes in less water and will not choke. Think he thought it is part of playing and keeps laughing when I pull out the straw! haha... after a while he steady drinker with the straw already!

Caris, Claudia: My boy was super cranky and drank very little, and hardly ate when he started teething... super yang orh... think most bb will go thru that phase. hang on, it will pass.

Hi mummies, how's your experience with offering finger foods? I've been offering Gloria sticks of honey dew, toast, bread, grapes cut into half, plums cut into half, mango with skin attached, puffs, penne pasta, pancakes rolled into a tube. So far, she's ok and in fact, I think she loves self-feeding with fingers, more than eating from a spoon. She even tried eating porridge with her fingers from the bowl. I wanted to see if there are any other suggestions for finger foods.

Claudia - it should be 2 naps... consider the 7-8am one... :p Oh yes, she is very energetic and loud, my MIL always complains she does not nap! Even my dog naps more than her...:p

Wah Julie - you good... think I am the typical asian mother who hates baby to create a mess of herself... so far i only let her try the rusks, rice crackers and banana once on self-feeding...

caris/bdmummy -

prob is i don't see any signs of teething leh... I really hope its teething!!

julie -

yeah... you inspire me... been a lazy mummy... and likewise my boy also damn lazy! haha... everyhing also must hold for him

leapfrog musical table -

those who have it.... do you know how high is the table when set up? and is it stable? to enable bb to pull himself up and support their weight?

eliss - i don't envy your mil... no sleep = dunno what to do with bb! haha.. but can go out lah

claudia - i do not have the leapfrog's but i do have the FP pop-tivity. Its not heavy and is sturdy enough to allow BB to pull himself up. It's height at my daughter's waist when she stand still... so she prefers to kneel to play after sometimes...it will move if BB lean their weight on the table too much when they pull themselves up...

Babybee: Nice meeting you too at the gym. I did not sign up in the end. Don't worry and don't feel bad ok, bb A will be alright.

Julie: wow! your bb must be enjoying herself so much with the food! Grapes ok to intro at this age?

Claudia: Mine is lazier than yours la. I tried giving bb puff on his hand so he can self-feed, he moved his hands away and auto opened his mouth for me to feed him. Is it cos we both lazy? :p

peanut: Yes, a few times while Dfing my bb, he woke up, so I feel bad disrupting his sleep. Last nite I did not DF him at 10pm, but he woke up crying at about 11pm. I did not feed him but he slept again soon after, and only woke up this morning at 7am, slightly earlier than usual. So does it mean he can skip DF already?



Yeah also 1 cube. However if i'm outside, then I will use those packet or jarred purees.

Basically I boil my stock for about 2 hours, then some mommies were saying (when we chat over lunch), that it is not good to refrigerate stock even for 24hours as it can lead to tummy ache. Before that, I have been boiling stock every 2-3 days, refrigerating, and using them up every 2-3 days. So ever since then, I freeze the stock which works better for me now. All I do now is to make a bigger pot of stock, boil for 2 hours (once a week) and freeze 6 portions for 1week's worth.

Save my gas too!!!

