(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


when you are out u feed the whole jar... whole jar quite alot compared to 1 cube no? Is it the normal ice cube size or some special cube?


haha... kenji is so cute... smarty pants want mama to feed him!

thanks eliss... actually the fisher price one is more interesting... but more ex.


i might be going down later to Robinson's to check out the leapfrog @ about 12... i'm a member... if you happen to be there can tong pang me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can PM me if you keen

claudia: It is the baby cube. Yup one jar is alot.. sometimes he can finish, sometimes not. It is getting harder to feed G because he moves about alot now. hard to get his attention and get him to sit still (who am i kidding!).

Claudia: think it's some other Mummies asking about Leapfrog musical/activity table & not me...haha!

Mummies, what are some of the symptoms of allergies for bb? Eg like rashes or diarrhea/vomitting?

Bdmummy: when do we actually start our bb w drinking on straw? Thot we are weaning them fr bottle to cup...my bb is drinking fr his Avent magic cup still.

Jaclyn: do u still feed yr bb w porridge or cereal when outside even with the ready-made puree jar food?

Jac - to minimise the risk of choking by not serving grape on its own...

claudia - I however find the Leapfrog more interesting but my DD is still keen on the pop-tivity after 1 month... now she will not protest long if we leave her in the yard... she will entertain herself

vernie: lol, yeah! your boy is really so active... i dunno when my gal will start crawling everywhere like him, but i guess soon. because of this i started to engage PT maid to keep the house clean regularly! i went to the agency u posted last time. btw, do u give her ur house keys when u not ard?

caris: i tried to increase before, but her intake is 7oz means 7oz.. when i increased to 8oz she will drink and leave 1oz behind.. haha

July 2010 Babies 1st Birthday Bash - payment

Hihi. Mommies who have registered for this event - you've got mail!

Regarding drinking with straw - My boy manage to drink with mag mag cup. He tried for 3 days & he manage to drink from the straw however he still can't estimate the flow therefore he will get choke if he drink too fast...or if not water dip down from his mouth...

He started off with biting the straw (dun know is it before he's teething or not) then slowly drink from it.

kepsis, got your PM - have added you to the waitlist

claudia, initially i started off with those commercial jarred baby foods, so those are steamed and pureed fruit. then decided to ditch commercial and go fresh when bb was about 7.5 mths - from then on, i haven't been steaming the fruit. usually will mash/scrape, except for apple, which we scrape

my babies has tried these fresh - apple, banana, papaya, pear, plum, peach

next up - blueberry

julie, i can think of these foods that you can give as finger food - blueberry, banana, any vege that can be cubed and cooked to soften.

so far my baby has only had rice cakes. hahaha. yesterday i gave her a HB puff but she didn't know it was food, so didn't put it into her mouth. i popped it in and observed while she gummed - she could move it to the side of her mouth and "chew". test passed! so now can give it to her as snacks

SK: Yes, i give the maid a set of keys but not the complete set. Gave her the wooden door and padlock key. The grill door key i don't give. So on the day she comes, i have to make sure i don't lock the grill door when i leave for work. Oh, i also started giving the keys only after we are comfortable with her, ie, after we supervised her for a few weeks.

Yeah, now bb is crawling, gotta keep the floor clean. I find once a week done by the PT maid not enough, think i have to find time to do another round myself during the week.

Eliss, we should organize. It'll be great to have the babies together again. I don't mind hosting. I live near Newton. Anybody interested?

babycoco, not really signed up - just called them and they said can make payment when i'm there this Sat

Hershey - where got fast? march dun have le...

Must warn you gals first...my gal still scare of crowds yar

Eliss, Amelie was like that during CNY. It's just a phase. They outgrow it. So here are the dates :

Apr 10

Apr 17

Apr 24

Let me know which day.

Caris: Pigeon Mag Mag w straw is for 8mths onwards so I just try straw since my boy bites those cups with spout. Reckoned that eventually must drink from straw since many water bottles come with straw... hehe, have not tried to let him drink from cup yet coz he is not able to old a cup properly, much less drink from it.

Mommies, just wondering, what is the recommended foods to start with for finger feeding? Coz my boy does not like the teething rusks - puts all other non-food into his mouth, but for the rusks, he licks a bit, then throws aside. Tried puffs too, but coz he is drooling a lot, the puffs stick to his chubby fingers and they dun find their way into his mouth lei...

Babycoco - any cap in number? Pris capped at 20 babies the other time. Timing? Potluck? Anything special items that you wish the mummies ccan along?

Finger Foods - I started off with chunks of cooked apple, pear and broccoli trees around 6.5 mths when she had her 2 bottom teeth. Initially, she doesn't know how to swallow, so she ended up with lots of food in her mouth, like a hamster and unhappy. I had to dig out those foods. Found out from another forum, that it is quite common for babies not to swallow but they will learn eventually. So I persisted. Now she's quite happy with most foods.

Grapes - A little apprehensive at first, but I halved the grapes as suggested in the forum and she is ok with it. She will eat the flesh and the skin is left behind. Same for peach, she will eat the flesh and leave the skin behind.

Rice crisps are quite good for finger foods too. I bought organic rice crisps from NTUC finest, no salt added, but not specifically for babies, so it's cheaper. I also give her organic puffs from a shop in Tanglin Mall - $5.50 for a huge packet.

She doesn't like food from a spoon and prefers to feed herself, hence I'm cracking my head over finger foods. She likes most fruits but I want her to eat her porridge!!

Self-feeding is messy, but I see it as part of the learning process. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I like her to be independent. In fact, I'm exploring how to set up the home so that she can independently get her toys, things, etc. Anyone has done this before? I think it is along the lines of Montessori concept.

anyone used dentinox before...does it really help...i look like panda nw...my gal cant slp at night i dnt knw if its due to her teeth coming out..

its driving me insane...lol

Eliss, pot luck will be good. The function room is about the same size as at Pris. But we can spill over to outside. Those keen to take their babies swimming can do so too. I'm checking if the shower rooms have hot water.

omg teething ! my BB C got her 5th one out till I didn't know !

the upper one on her right side!

she is just too fast !!

but I read on the box of Heinz teething biscuits shown a picture of when bb's teeth will roughly spout out... by 12mths old bb should have about 4 on top 4 on the bottom.... is this correct ?


my key concern on self feeding is that bb will choke... since he has got not teeth and in any case he seems to be just swallowing rather than chewing first. What's ur experience in that regard. Am keen to start him on self feeding...


I did speed shopping @ robinson's earlier. Didn't see anything else that catches my eye tho... Most are like 10% + 20% for card holders... Lamaze is 20%... Bazaar items seem more for new borns (avent and medela) Pigeon wipes usual 10.50 for 3

hihi mummies...

How r u gals doing lately?

Have been really busy and must had missed alot of interesting discussions u gals hv been discussing and maybe missed some outing too...

So any mummies planning for a meet up lunch anytime soon at ard Raffles Place?

oh ... some out some not out ... heee ... link me back to the days when we were waiting for our little ones to be out from our womb... hahaha !

Hi mummies,

For the gathering at babycoc's place. Can we start with 24th april first.. more time

Vernie! I just realized that you are the one beside me during the kindermusic class.. sorry that I didnt say hi.. but your boy caught my attention leh.. nice big eyes and so active.. paiseh that my gal keep disturbing him..haha

Claudia: Did you buy the leapfrog table for bb RF? My concern is also similar to yours, scared bb will choke. But nowadays I blend all veg/fruits very quickly so that they are bigger in pieces, but still soft, and not that mashy anymore. Maybe you can chew in front of him and see if he can mimick you. Normally they will gum their food although no teeth.

Beannie: Wah so fast! My bb's 4th teeth is just coming out. His gum is still abit swollen so when I wipe it, he will give me a horrid look. but I am still waiting for him to crawl!!!!!

babycoco & May: hihi, i have sent you an email regarding the customised clothing for the birthday bash. Kindly reply me soon, latest by end of this week. So far everyone else have replied =) Thanks!

Gathering at Babycoco's Place: I am keen and ok with 24th April too. It's the Good Friday long weekend!

Mine is bo-gay too!

Charliebrown - yeah.. i bot the leap frog table.. i thot would be good to let him try to pull himself up. Height is about half the height of the stool. But it is quite slippery.. maybe put on the play mat would prevent it from moving...


i was actually refering to this FP laugh and learn musical table


Eliss: mine also bo geh...like ah pek...haha!

Geri: oh no worries...by the time u came in, class also starting, no time to say hi and talk already...but our bbs talk, never pay attn in class...haha! Dunno whether my boy disturb your girl or the other way round, or they just disturb each other lar...haha...and i was busy chasing my boy, no time to talk much...

Claudia: thanks!

Any mommy going to Robinson later?

Member can get additional $25 off if purchase above $150.

I got the coupon n going there later..

Intend to get a leapfrog activity table & some pigeon items..

If anyone going, perhaps we can combine items n get $25 discount..


anyone know what is the diff between the pampers active sold in NTUC vs. Giant? Giant seems slightly cheaper but branded as Stages Active i/o Premium Active


my hubby told me he went to buy the leapfrog table too! i was eyeing the fisherprice one initially. wadz the diff? i read so many mummies here talking abt the leapfrog one!

