(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Thanks Claudia for the feedback. Very gian to buy it too. Will go Robinson this weekend to see. haha!

Playdate at Babycoco's: I'm keen too, but what is the time like? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Carol! I alr went during lunch time. Only bot the leapfrog activity table n some pigeon items . But cos didn't hit $150, so no disc of $25 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


The sale is till Sunday.

Claudia: You may like to check the thread Baby Led Weaning on the Baby Whisperer forum. My girl has 2 bottom teeth which she uses to scrape food. But I also notice that she also chews the fruit that she has bitten. But it did take some practice before she managed to do this. Maybe can start with Rice crisps and puffs?

I read about the difference between gagging and choking and my impression is that it is alright for babies to gag if they can't swallow the food. It looks scary when she gags, but she's ok. Something like a reflex. Of course, I'm still worried, so I always sit in front of her when she is eating and be vigilant!

Sun_tan, are you a member? Oh too bad, could have asked you to get the Baby can read set for me & we can use the $25 voucher. Will you be going to Robinson again?

hi mommies morning!!

hehe, finally manage to get the leapfrog activity table..

i manage to get a mommy there to share with me, which means both of us get add $12.50 discount as she also bought the table.

babycoco: so sorry, i cant wait til weekend as my hubby is going to business trip this sat, so no one fetch me there on weekend.

tigger_mum: you must get the original voucher. Printed one is not accepted.

leapfrog table feedback: i quite like it..not yet give to my gal, but i think now it becomes preloved one ady as i played it once i reached home ytd, then played again this morning..hehe..

compare with fisher price (3 panels) which i saw in Robinson i think leapfrog(4 panels) is more interesting.

Hi Carol,

Tks, will go home to check my robinson's brochure for the origl voucher ;o)

Me thinking of getting the Leapfrog activity table also, is the height good for yur baby?

tigger_mum: we not yet fix it. but hubby said it is not very high..i saw got mommies bought for their kids who are about 2-3 yrs old..

Leapfrog review 2

I like it... the height is just nice for him to practice pulling up and standing... and he did it this morning... just now put him in cot to zzz and found him pulling himself up to stand again! Haha.. not sure if its the leapfrog cuz juz got it yest but i would like to think i got my $69 worth!


If you are refering to the Fisher Price laugh and learn musical table... I actually think that seems more fun that the Leapfrog one. But got the latter cuz it was way cheaper. Pretty similar but the 'toys' on the table are more 'sophisticated' i feel. There was a mummy's amazon review that her kids prefer the FP one.

Grace: I have bank in the payment to your acc & pmed you my details. Sorry for my late payment, have been busy recently :p

Pls kindly confirm. Thanks!

Leapfrog review 3: I like the music! Haha…quite nice and not irritating like some cheapo toys does. I find the table a little slippery when placed on the floor. My boy tried to pull himself up and the table moved. However, when placed on the playmat, the table is steady. Somehow my boy prefers to kneel and play, have not really seen him pulling himself up much. Overall $69 is well spent ...better than renting!

Hi babycoco,

Where do you stay, I'm going for the Robinson sales tmr & if my purchase does not hit $150 then i can combine with you to get the $25 voucher deduction ;o)

Not sure if I'm getting other stuffs though, but i can sms u if you're keen.

claudia: oic! yup the fisherprice retails at $89.90.. so hubby got the leapfrog since its on sale & comes w the free toy phone. but my girl play a while then lose interest le. same for all the toys she has!

Hi everyone,

It had been an hectic week for me. Alot of meetings and work to do. So tired. Am glad that today is Friday and looking forward to the class at My Little Gym.

My menses finally came yesterday and the flow is super heavy lo cause abt 3 mths no come liao. Cramps also quite bad too. Hai.. so now even got lower mood to work.

Leapfrog activity table: This is quite fun. My boy like to play with the trumpet and listen to ABC song. He also like to use the table to help him stand. Although I placed the table on the mat, the table will move if he adds too much weight on it. Now he will use the table to transfer himself to hold on to the playyard to stand and see what we are doing.

Thks for sharing Julie!

its very informative!

My boy only like to say "mum mum" when he know that its meal time

or when he see u chewing food.

Yesterday he wave bye bye to my friend and also following the tone trying to say

"bye bye" too, another milestone from him.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Julie, thanks for sharing. very informative [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now i know why H keeps banging the rice cakes on her high chair tray, and throwing them onto the floor.

showed her 2 dresses yesterday night, her eyes were looking back and forth btwn the 2 dresses, and finally settled for the one she liked better. after a while, i asked her again and she chose the same dress

thanks for the link, julie!

brought my bb to ikea last weekend.

showed him few small soft toys... snake, hippo, mouse & others. he selected the small green snake... :p

put the snake & mixed it with 4 others soft toys. bcs i dont like snake :D :D :D but he picked the snake again.

then i mixed with other big soft toys. for the 3rd times, he still picked the snake :D :D :D finally i bought the small ugly snake for him..

Baby girls - sometimes very scare to see my gal's action! She can bang on her high chair table with barehands as though she is a drummer one... her palm will go all reddish....!!! too tomboy! does your DD act too tomboyish!?

Chez - I saw ur FB! so adorable lor!

I dun like snake lorz.. but that snake is cute! haha.

Eliss, haha,I tink it seems fun for them.. (though mine is a boy)bang bang bang! my boy will bang his toy, swing here and there.. in then end will hit his face and have a ba lu ku...

chez.. i think the snake attracts them. coz my girl also took the snake last time among other toys.. and she hold it in her hands all the way while inside the stroller. but i nv buy for her la.. haha!

Cheese, the friend is me rite. Hehee.....

Reminded me of a newspaper report on a bb and a snake. A baby bite a snake's head till its dead. As bbs do not know what is dangerous, that bb jus pick up that snake that came near to him and put into his mouth to bite. He tot its a toy. That poor snake died in the bb's mouth. hehee...

Chez: Hee! Ur boy so cute like the snake so much. Let me try to get my boy choose something and see what he does.

Lately my boy is exploring his toys differently too - he will shake them, push them, throw them. If I hide the toy behind me, he knows it is behind me and will look for it. The most pitiful one is Sophie... he will hold Sophie by the neck and "piak" Sophie on the floor non stop!

Geri/Vernie: What is covered in Kindermusik class? Fun for the babies?

Music is good for dev of the brain... but it seems most playgroups in child care centres cover mainly percussion instruments etc. hehe, they are so young so I am wondering when should send them for such lessons?

Robinsons sale: Not much good deals hor, other than the Leapfrog table and Your Baby Can Read Dvds. Only set 2 of the lift the flap cards are avialable and no discount lei...

wow so busy with bb and unpacking at our new house these few days, no time to come read the forum

charliebrown: i think your bb is ready to drop DF! did you try again the last 2 nights? he prob woke up at 11 out of habit. try again for a few nights and see how la..

Peanut: Actually bb managed to sleep thru for 2 nites without Dfing at 10pm. But last nite, he woke up at 3am and fussed till 4am, crying. So ended up I gave him milk. After milk still cried, so I rubbed Dentinox on his gum, cos he is teething too. So will try again tonite and see how.

Leapfrog table:

Could not stop the temptation and went to buy it. As per every new toy, bb has yet to warm up to it, but I quite like it! :p hubby said no new toys for the time being, but I am very bored with entertaining bb at home.


Last Friday, MIL bought bb a walker. He has not sat on a walker b4. So he is now just sitting on it and not moving leh. I am still much against bb sitting on walker, so will limit his time on it. The feet should be touching the floor (but his legs are bent) or should bb be tip toeing ah?

Julie: thanks for the link! very good read!

Charliebrown: The physiotherapist at KKH has strongly emphasized not to let bb sit in walker, it actually impedes their motor skills development and also it main cause for many accidents. But MIL buy one, hard to be politically correct and not use it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bdmum: i m surprise that my gal doesnt knows how to use the walker at all...

my mum keep scolding me for carrying her around or putting on the floor and not letting her use the walker...

but my gal now can walk 1-2 steps with side supports with changing her legs...

this weekend going for her 9mth check up ... will ask the doc..

any bb here doesnt use the walker ?

bdmummy: Precisely! I read that it is not good to keep using walker, but if need to use, need to limit the time, less than 20mins per day? MIL kept saying my hubby used to be on walker so he learnt to walk very fast.

beannie: My MIL also said don't always carry bb, put him on walker, so he can walk! I think bbs at this age should be on playmat most often. Is the 9th mth check up compulsory? My pd never schedule leh...

Charlie: hmmm mine is follow the health booklet ... hee... u flip the pages to near the end, slight after the middle page, should shows the checklist of bb's progression...

so far still following the checklist...

my HB also thinks that BB should be left to explore themselves on the floormat with cushioned sides with supports so that bb can learn to climb up and down and fall on their own...

I also read somewhere that BB must be taught how to bend their knees when they wanted to sit when they are standing up... so they dont just fall off and have phobia of sitting down from standing position...

now whenever bb is standing up, we both will actually help bb to bend her knees and position her to sit down. then praise her and clap hands... hahaha ...

do look stupid at times but my HB enjoys doing that...

Re: walker

Not getting 1 at all. My #1 din use it n started to walk kn her own by 1yo. #2 now oso pulling to stand and I think will cruise soon.


Urinal not necessary for tods at this moment. Don't think they will graspe the concept of stand to pee... Hee... They still hv prob controlling their muscles..,



i'm using walker most of the day time... as i need to do hse work.. so i cant possible leave my boy in his cot.. If i do so, he will sure to be so very angry... :) and in the night time, i will place the map on the floor and let him crawl around.. but forever he will crawl out of the map.. and onto the floor.. lol~~ :)

