(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Sweetkiss: Milk is still main source of nutrients, so if your gal is drinking milk regularly, it would be ok. But food is important coz they need to learn to eat from spoon, experience the diff textures and move lumps in their mouth (which also helps in speech development). Some babies take to solids fast, some slower... jia you!


talking about not sleeping immediately after drinking milk...

but my boy when during his dreamfeed time, he will finish up his milk and automatically turn to his side and sleep immediately leh...then how huh???

Hi Mommies,

Like to check has any of your babies on puree veg & fruits w rice cereal experiencing hard stools? Had recently changed the brand of rice cereal fr Organix to Healthy Times mixed grains when it was out of stock. Previously, my bb's stools was alright...

Supergal: Maybe can try to feed some water to 'rinse' the mouth? But may be challenging coz sometimes after pulling out the teat, they will just clam up and go to sleep. Currently we no longer feed my boy middle of the night, so last feed around 10pm and next one at 6am.

Caris: My boy is on Healthy Times cereal with veg/fruits added, taking 2x a day, so far no constipation. Maybe you can try to feed about 60ml water a day on top of cereal and milk and see if it helps.


ello mummies... now my hse is like chicken pox period.. 1st my gal, than my hubby.. now i'm praying that the pox will not turned to my boy... hai~~ >_<

feeding per day :

8am-9am : 200ml (milk with cereal,HT)

12nn-1pm : porridge

3.30pm-4pm : 200ml (milk with cereal,HT)

7pm-8pm : porridge

10.30pm-11.30pm : 200ml (milk with cereal,HT)

sometimes in the evening around 4 or 5pm, i will steam pumpkin or puree fruits or snack time for my boy to eat... :) Drinking water after porridge abt 50ml... :)

my boy been crawling all over the hse.. nothing can stop him, even he is tired.. he juz will not stop and rest... hai~~ damn buz... >_<||| bought him legging for him knee.. he simply love it.. lol~~

oh ya.. my poor dog.. is so scare of my boy man... been avoiding my boy like hell... hahah~~ my boy even snatch my dog's toy...

car seat : been looking for 2nd hand car seat.. and recently i have ppl offer "nania", "maxi cosi"... wonder which brand is good to take?? Been aiming the maxi cosi de... :) any recommend??

I bought the Britax Safe n Sound Royale. E has been using it since 1 mth old and I think it is rather comfy cos he doesn't complain and most times end up falling asleep. I bought it from Robinsons. I think the retail price is $499 but I got it when there was a storewide 20% sale.

Mummies, try to keep your babies in rear facing positions as long as possible as studies have shown that it's the safest position if there's an accident. The neck muscles are still not as strong to support their bigger, heavy heads.

Good morning mummies.

Finally the thread is back on. Seems to be missing for days.

car seat: I regretted not buying Britax.. boy doesn't really like the Inglesina one. I am not sure if he dun like to sit in the car seat at all or dun like the one he has. Sometime, even before I get into the car, just open the car door nia, he cry liao cause he knows that I will strap him to the car seat le. Told daddy maybe we should consider buying him a new one but daddy say the old one still in working condition, don't need to buy. Hai...

bdmummy: Ya.. quite hard to give him water after milk cause he full liao lei and won't suck anymore.

Hershey: My girl last sunday try to take a bite of Kayden's biscuit when he was holding, Kayden cry like hell. See liao.. so funny. But Kayden also like to play with her toys than his own toys.. dunno why.. always have to keep the dog's toy basket away from him.

Kat, i agree with you. new advisory from the US PDs assoc (i think that's the name, anyway it came out in the papers) said to keep them in rear-facing position for up to 2yo. mommies, should view the video (think can be found on youtube) and you'll understand why it's important to keep them in rear position

Ann, mine is the inglesina car seat and my girl loves it - every time in the car, she'll sure nap in it. maybe you can go try out other car seats, see whether K dislikes being strapped or it's really the car seat. btw, do you buckle him up in the stroller?

btw, saw your fb pics on the little gym class on Sat - i was there, too but not sure it was you till i saw the pics. then Chelsea dropped me a note on this as well. if it's not too late - hi hi! now thinking whether i should sign up. my girl likes it a lot - after that class, she is more 'samseng'

Caris, my girl used to be on HT cereal. now she's on HB and sometimes her stools are hard, little pellets but not dry. when she was on HT, she was ok. when this happens, i'll give her pear, peach and the stools will be soft again. she drinks more than 100ml of water a day

Hershey, take care! and wow! your boy's appetite is so good. my girl has just started to accept porridge yesterday and has to be entertained. dunno why she can accept cereal + vege/fruit puree so easily

ica: Ya, I do buckle him up in the stroller.. but sometime he also don't like.

Oh.. you were there? Frankly, I don't really know who is who at times.. haha!! I might find baby fmailiar but unsure. So next time, must walk up and say Hi. So will you be joining the class with us?

Ann, still thinking coz it's quite physical and hubby not free for the next few wks to join. my hands not big enough to hold H. hahaha. personally i prefer this to kindermusik lor

H also protested when we first buckled her in the stroller but we persevered and now she's ok with it. sometimes she'll look towards her stroller, indicating that she wanna sit in it


pls do not buy a 2nd hand car seat, unless it is someone you know v v well. most 2nd hand car seats looks ok but u really do not know if there are "accidents" to the car seat.

so if you can, pls buy a new one.

re: car seat

actually, the maxi cosi priori is really a good buy and it is v suitable for toddlers.

ann - i think no kids like to get strap to car seats. I have two car seats. My gal will eh eh eh when we strapped her to carseat... but we dun care la. After securing her, she will stop her nonsense, think she's just testing us! :p

13th night(Mon night)

Sleep thru after his midnite feed till 7.30am...

Its been almost 2 weeks and it looks like its working. Other mummies Jiayou too!

Hurray to not looking like a PANDA soon.


Any bb tried minced pork meat porridge already? My bb only likes chicken porridge, dislikes threadfin fish porridge. So thinking of giving him minced pork meat porridge.


Mine is Narnia car seat. Bought it during Robinson sales last time, quite cheap, think was around $100plus only. Did not do research on car seat that time, so just grabbed. Bb likes the car seat and always naps in it.

Hershey: your bb can eat alot of solids! thats good! Mine is still on 2 solids per day. Still thinking if to feed one more to make it 3 per day.

grace: it pays off! your bb knows not to wake up for water anymore! :p

Charlie: you having the narnia car seat too ! me too ! but did you put head support? my bb tends to slp with her head falling off like that... even if I tilt the seat she still sleeps that way.

my bb sleeps thru the night for the past 2 weeks... hopes she carry on this way...

my bb is having those fish slices... similar to those selling fish soup and also having alot of other fruits ... but would like to give avocado... but mommies ... how to choose the fruit ah ? I saw all green green color, but my aunt ask me to choose those dark dark green color... how to choose ah ?

Charlie: oh ... hahaha till now i still let my bb slp the way she likes too... i seems cant find a suitable support for her to use now...

Ica: I also prefer Little Gym to Kindemusik, coz my boy is really active and I think physical activities suits him more. During Kindermusik class, my boy kept crawling everywhere, cannot sit still. Crawl to snatch other bb’s drums, egg shakers…aiyoh…Think will send him for music classes only when he is older. But hor… I still have not signed up with Little Gym coz hubby is travelling a lot lately and I think it is not fun for me to attend the class alone with bb. I remembered some of the activities require both parents to participate and find it good for parent-bb bonding…

Beannie: Buy the dark colour ones if you plan to feed within the next few days. When you press them, they are softer than the green ones. If you get green ones, think you gotta wait few days for them to ripen.

Swimming Session @ SAFRA Yishun

Anyone interested to bring baby to swim at SAFRA Yishun this sunday? Time ard 4pm.

Vernie: oh oh !! so if put a few days to ripen, where should i put ... on the table will do right ? hee ! I very new to this fruit!

Hubby brings me to have a cup of the avocado milk drink then I realise it's so sweet ! haha!

beannie.. ya black ones are those that are ripe. green ones maybe u can put on table lor. the avocado milk is sweet coz got honey/gula melaka.. but usually not sweet de.. but dunno why my bb likes it a lot, she eats it plain.

choosing avocado: JTS, press the top part where the stem was. if it's soft, then it's good for makan oredi

to fasten the ripening process, place avocado in a paper bag with an apple/banana. you can place it on your table. i didn't have a paper bag, so i used a plastic bag - also can lah. once it's soft enough and you want to keep it, can place it in the fridge and the ripening process will stop. same for pear

beannie, avocado milk shake is not sweet unless sugar is added. or the milk is sweetened milk

Ann, me just called to sign up for Little Gym. so see you and K this Sat

vernie, going alone with bb is not too bad. of course there's no one to take pics lor. when i was there last weekend, there was a mommy alone with her girl and they were having a lot of fun

thanks alot mommies !!

Haha ! Shall go choose 1-2 avocado home to feed my BB eat this week!

hmmm think is added sugar or sweeten milk... hahaha!

Ica: That's great. See you there this Saturday. Must walk up to say Hi ok? I will try to keep my eyes open to spot you & baby. Haha!!

Ica: am trying to let my bb drink more water now. Like to ask, how do u manage to get ur bb to accept porridge? Mine still rejects porridge despite my 2nd attempt today. I'm not sure if he dislikes my porridge or the pork bone soup. Can share on how we cook the porridge? Do we still add water to the pork bone soup? Had tried grinding the rice grains beforehand to achieve the puree effect. First time I just cooked & blend it. He rejects so I thought it might be due to the rice grains not fine enough as puree.

What's HB cereal?

Mummies, do u ladies wait for interval of one or two days before introducing another new food to bb? Or once bb is fine w the new food for few days & they can have another new food the next day?

ann : my boy so bad.. half way eating his biscuit.. he don wan to chew anymore, he will juz throw down to my doggie to finish up... lol~~

ica : my boy appetite for now is good.. dono down the road will he still be eating this much... lol~

jellypurin : what do you mean by "accidents"?? i don quite get it... :)

charliebrown : my boy only take 2 times porridge per day only.. so i think don nid to increase to 3 times ba...

Hershey: your boy is so nice to "share" his food with his new friend! hahaha !

my gal will just feed my dogs! that's so nice of my gal that I have to watch when she is eating ... thought my dogs doesn't snatch from her, but will just stand or sit infront or next to my gal to share her food!

many times my gal was smiling n drooling away feeding the dogs with her biscuits!

but lucky thing is my gal doesnt put her biscuits back into her mouth... hahaha! As the dogs eats faster

haha~~ beannie ya lorz.. so gan cheong, everytime when is feeding time.. my doggie sure "hiding" under my boy high chair.. lol~~ but luckily my boy will not share his porridge with my doggie.. but his biscuit sure to share with my doggie..

and tat's not all lorz.. my doggie still picky lehz.. i bought 3 type of biscuit for my boy.. 1 HT maple flavour, 1 heinz, another is organic teether biscuit (difficult to chew).. my doggie loves to eat HT and Heinz biscuit lorz... hahahah~~

Caris, when we 1st tried, my girl rejected the porridge, too. could be the timing wasn't right as she was teething then. or the texture not fine enough. so we stopped for 1 wk and just resumed over the weekend. we added these to the porridge:-

Sat - chicken, potato, carrot porridge: rejected

Mon - chicken, carrot: accepted but reluctantly

Today - chicken, carrot, potato: bingo!

My mom cooked the porridge. i tasted Sat's porridge - potato was a bit raw even though they have softened, so suggested to remove potato.

Mon: i happened to reach home when my mom was feeding my girl. had to entertain her by moving a plastic bag up, down. my mom blended the porridge

Today: my girl readily ate the porridge - turns out she likes it blended/pureed very fine, like how those commercial baby food companies manufacture their purees

my mom doesn't pre-cook the soup stock - she wanna do it fresh every time. oh, the 1st time we cooked, we used pork meat

i guess you have to keep trying? that was my friend's advice - her girl initally refused porridge. her babysitter was wondering why - to her it was really tasty and sweet. then one day, her girl took to it. just like that

HB = Happy Bellies, by Happy Baby Food, another organic baby food brand

beannie, hershey, your babies are so cute! can share food. mine will definitely not share when she's holding it - very protective of what's in her hand

hershey, me kaypoh a bit. the safety of the carseat may be compronmised when the vehicle is involved in an accident. so it's advisable not to buy 2nd hand unless you're really sure that it comes from an accident-free vehicle


right on. accidents include hairline cracks you cannot see or did not notice.

another accident i cant think of is when a 2nd hand carseat was washed and clean and while assembling it, maybe a screw is lost and it was replaced with something else that does not fit the original part.

hence, i suggest u buy a new carseat.

caris, i rem the 1st time i intro porridge, i only cook plain porridge then add in the veggie puree. each new veggie must give bb for 4 day, aka 4-day rule.

once she has tried a variety of veggies, i started to add flavour in the porridge, such as adding wolfberries, red dates, and chicken/pork bones.

for porridge with pork bones, i will boil the bones in water for 2-3 mins, rinse it with running water, then add into a new pot of water with rice. then add in the veggies/meat. once porridge is cooked i blend everything together.

i dun freeze stock/puree as i still prefer to give fresh too. maybe is just me coz i am very fussy. even i myself dun eat overnight food or soup.

Beanie: Choose the brown and bumpy avacados. In case they are not ripe after you cut them in half, just wrap with the clear glad wrap plastic (so will be air tight), leave in fridge and dig out with spoon only when soft (haha, when I first bought and cut, not ripe, so left mine to ripen for many many days coz no choice already cut into half already). Excess can freeze in big pieces, will not brown that easily.

Caris: I try to keep to 4 day rule as much as possible for each new food introduced to bb. If not, at least 3 days. Should do this especially when start to introduce a new category of food e.g. starchy, protein, etc. But do have friends who after a while, heck care! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sweetkiss: Your bb is very lucky to get fresh food daily! I will cook and freeze in bb cubes over weekend.

July 2010 Babies 1st Birthday Bash-Customised Tee

Dear Mommies,

In about 3 more months we'll be having the July 2010 Babies 1st Birthday Bash! Currently we have started work on the customised tees. For mommies who have registered for the birthday bash, please check your email for the details and get back to me by end of the week. Thanks!

heheh~~ understandable.. thanks for the advise for the car seat.. :) ♥♥♥

porridge : my mummy cooked sliced meat porridge... but my boy don really enjoy eating meat porridge.. but when my mummy mixed meat & fish tgt into the porridge.. my boy will enjoy eating it.. :) and than mixed meat & veggies, my boy is like so-so only..

haiyo~~ now my mummy going to grind the ikan beli (tat small small fish) than cooked sliced meat porridge and mixed with the powder form ikan beli lorz... so my boy will enjoy eating... :)

Porridge: seems like many babies starting on porridge? I'm still feeding K milk n cereal. How do u all go about introducing porridge? Can share with me ur feeding schedule?


Kepsis, S's feeding schedule is as follows:

6am - milk

10am - milk + cereal

2pm - milk + puree

6pm - porridge

11pm - milk

At first when i started him on porridge at 6pm, its just partial. Ie milk + porridge. After 1 week when he takes on well with the porridge, I replaced that whole feed with porridge. And after porridge I will give him plain water. You can let K try a bit first, see if he likes porridge.

Kepsis: here's my bb's feeding schedule:

7.30am- milk

11am- porridge or cereal with veg/fruit puree

2pm- milk (sometimes plus snacks)

5pm- porridge or cereal with veg/fruit puree

8pm- milk

10pm- milk (DF)

For porridge, maybe you can try adding bb's fav veg in first to make it tastes good to bb. Like I used pumpkin cos it is one of my bb's fav food. It takes awhile for bb to accept porridge, and I have never blended his porridge b4. You have to trial n error abit.


Any mummy stopped Dfing bb already? I rem there is one mummy who said that we should stop? Can bb sleep thru without Dfing?


My boy dun accept DF long ago.

He will eat cereal at 7+ (now change to 2tbps only) cos I add water + milk already 3/4 bowl, scare too bloated for him)

Then he will sleep. He dun accept DF. wanna sleep means sleep.

But somehow dun last him till 6+ am..

he will wake up at 1-4am to drink one feed..

Then 6+ am I feed again...

at times he 5am wan milk.. 6am wan milk again.. haha.. tink he 4get he drink before le..

Re: porridge

Ya agree with CB - it's a trial n error thing. Some babies like it really thick, some even take really soft and mushy rice

CB, I mentioned b4 - it's according to the Baby Whisperer lah, by 8 mths should stop df oredi; up bb's milk intake in the daytime. I've never df my bb, not becos I don't want - she wouldn't open her mouth once she's asleep. She's sleeping thru the night

Kepsis - all 30 slots taken up oredi but u can still PM me ur details - bb's name & gender, mommie's name, email address, contact no., pax attending (capped to 2 adults & 2 kids). Will keep u on waitlist, if u're still interested


any of you wants a can of Nan pro 2 400g exp 30/6 and 1 can of 400g S26? i am giving it away.

pls contact me if you want it. collection in town

car seat

got a britax diplomat which sadly, my boy has been fussing a whole lot since we changed from maxi cosi infant seat. Cries big time... and alot of times as i'm alone, bo bian just let him cry all the way. Find the seat very hot but he was like that on the MaxiCosi as well...

sleeping/solids/poo... BIg Headache!

For the past week, somehow things have turned topsy turvey! Anyone experienced the same?

sleep used to sleep ard 10hours at night thru to 7 but now, barely hitting 9hrs and waking up @ ungodly hour of 5.30-6am! Refuse to go back to sleep thereafter and doesn't sleep longer in the day either!

solids have been rejecting solids and not finishing his milk too... i do hope its cuz he is teething!

poo have been poo-ing bit by bit everyday like 3-5times a day but each time a mini lump. Wonder if its cuz he is constipated or just a bad habit he is developing? Refuse to sit in potty and refuse to be carried in a sitting position to eh-eh!

Amt of solid to feed

HOw much veg/fruit puree do you mummies mix with cereal or porridge everytime? I used to give like 4-5 tablespoons with 6-8 tablespoon of cereal or 3/4 green pigeon bowl of porridge. But am thinking maybe too much?

Sorry for long post! Haven't been on so one shot regurgitate out! :p

I prepared broccoli + carrot + pork puree/soup over the weekend and keila tried it for the first time yesterday together with porridge. According to my MIL, she likes it... yeah...she can eat meat lo

Birthday Bash Customised clothes - think if you are not joining birthday bash, you can still order from Irene/Geri.

My baby schedule

0600 - ebm 180ml

0800 - nap for 1hr

1000 - ebm 180ml

1400 - lunch porridge 3 tablespoon + 4oz puree

1600 - yogurt/puree if she's not nappping

between 12pm to 6 pm - sometimes she wont go to nap then start cranky at 7pm

1800 - oatmeal 2 tablespoon + 4oz puree follow by ebm 80ml

2200 - ebm 180ml (sleep thru)

cheese, ica: my bb has been df since quite young, cos that was part of his "sleep thru the nite training" package that time. So now abit afraid that if I were to stop his Df, I will mess up his sleeping habit n he will wake up in the middle of the nite to feed. I have also increased his day milk intake. Maybe this also got to take a risk and try! haha!

Claudia: I am still steaming and pureeing his fruits which have to be steamed. But for a new fruit which I intro just recently- blueberries, I just cut into small pieces and feed him. He is nuetral to this fruit.


Good morning mummies,

So sian... felt like sleeping. Last night baby Kayden sleeping also weird. Not much coaxing was needed to make him sleep last night but in the middle of the night at about 3am, he was in a crawling position when I went to his cot to see him, eyes wide open. Refused to sleep. Have to bring him to the yao lan and coax him to sleep. Then he sleep in the yao lan from 4am till 7am in the morning. Dunno is it because my master bedroom is hot or what. I also run to the guest room to sleep cause I feel hot.

My baby feeding schedule

0600 to 0730 - FM 180ml

1000 - Baby yogurt

1200 to 1230 - 1 plus Pigeon bowl of porridge with half a jar of puree vege

1530 - FM 180ml

1700 - Fruit puree

1800 to 1900 - 1 plus Pigeon bowl of porridge with half a jar of puree vege

2130 - FM 180ml (if sleep before 2130 then will DF at 2230)

