(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


9th Night(Thurs nite)

Alwyn slept at 9plus pm and only drank 60ml of his 10pm feed. Woke once at 4plus am, and becaused he didnt finish his feed cos he is having blocky nose, We gave him 100ml of milk which he drank and next woke at 7.30am.

hmm, will most probably see results better when his nose clear up. hopefully soon =)


Carol: I am bukit batok & sometimes at Tampines !

If want to meet can meet at Lot 1 ? Causeway Point @ Woodlands? Westmall @ Bukit Batok?

If meet at Causeway, I can ask Michelle out too ! lolx ! I hope to see her able to travel with her BB S too...


Yup, u shld try to bring bb out alone. It's really not tat scary. Last time I also dare not bring my boy out alone. But as my hubby works during weekends, its just me n my boy. So if even then I also didn't bring him out, he is like very kelian, always stay at home. Now for me is 1 bag, 1 carrier n off we go. Yup I also stay at bukit batok . Next time can come put during weekends.


U using Nan HA? I have a free tin. U wan?

Beannie: agree! Quite hard to please men at times, but they also got to try harder to please us women! :p

Carol: I stay west side, near jp. Come come, let's bring bb out.

Hello mummies.

I was so busy today that I only manage to come in and read your postings now. Hehe!!

Oh.. I managed to take a photo of my boy's teeth today. Looks crooked right? Dunno whether it is something to be concern about or not.

Wondering if any of you going to see PD, can help me to check with PD about it.

Dunno if it is because he takes pacifier when he sleeps but he dun eat it for long during sleeping cause he will spit out when in deep sleep.


Ann, i did hear from the old folks that pacifier may cause crooked teeth due to prolonged biting at the gums area...but fret not for now..cos my son doesn't take pacifier at all...and when his bottom teeth started emerging, it's also like your boy's!

once the teeth are fully emerged, you will see it straighter! hope the same for your boy as well

Kat: Actually he was shouting, that's why his mouth open so big. Haha!!! So I quickly snap the camera to take the photo of his teeth.

Jasline: thanks for sharing the story. Read till cried cos so touching...

Carol: In fact, am like yourself. Had yet to venture out alone w my bb to shopping/lunches...guess we got to learn to be independent like most of the mummies. Hope to also join in the gatherings w mummies here if there's any in the northern area too ;)

hi ladies...

been a long time since i post here -_-!!

my gal having been giving me endless sleepless nite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..thought tat it might be due to her teeth coming out soon...bt check wif pd, pd say tis going to take wks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] how...i look lik panda nw @-@

annie- let me try to take my boy pic today. veri hard to take.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bring BB out alone: Put BB in ergo carrier and go downstairs ntuc/market buy things & tabao food considered bring BB out alone or not? Other than this, I very much depend on hubby to drive BB and me to go gai-gai. Gotta learn to venture further and refresh my driving skills. Got license but never drive lei! Lol... Really admire some of u mummies going out with BB for lunch, etc..


Haa do I happens to have similac stage 2? If dun have it's ok, will pass u Nan HA for free lah. Hmm where u work? Me in raffles. If not pick up at my place?

Ann: My boy's lower teeth is exactly the same as your boy's, crooked one... but at least its inwards so will not jut out against the lips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe, the top 2 are much BIGGER than the bottom 2 hor?

Read in books that crooked baby teeth does not indictae that the perm set of teeth will also be crooked. Important to have to wipe / brush diligently and preferably dun sleep immediately after milk - my friend's 4yo daughter's teeth drop and paediatric dentist recommended to do crowning that costs a few k lor...

Jonas: Adjust your camera near the mouth and pull the lips down. When he scream or shout, faster snap. Haha!!

bdmummy: Serious? Cannot sleep immediately after milk? At night before my boy sleep now, I will let him have milk at 9.30pm. When he finished, I will change his diapers and wipe his mouth with the dental tissue wipe. Then he go koon liao lei. Is this consider as sleep immediately??

Re: teething

Just went to e dentist today. My dentist told me by 3yo, Ur child shd hv all 24 milk teeth. When e first one grows is not v impt. Fir mommies who r concern abt dental health, it is gd to offer water after a milk feed to Ur child. Fm or bm is sweet. Hv Ur child drink water to wash away e remaining fm or bm.

Bbs who direct latch r also at risk of dental problem so it can b a blessing if Ur child does not hv the first tooth

bring bb out alone, I bought bb out once to meet my cousin at raffles city... :) that was like 2 months ago.. though abit tough.. it was fun... :) and i've been practicing bringing bb downstair together with the 8.5kg stroller... but i am still no confident to bring bb out along without the stroller lehz.. sianz~~ really nid to hunt a lightweight stroller... hahahahah~~

Jellypurin, my elder gal is 3 yrs old.. She only got 20 teeth.. I thou kids has 20 teeth till maybe 6-7yrs then e 4 permanent molars will erupt?

Jellypurin, no problem.. I thou my gal still short of 4 teeth.. Coz she is a super late teether.. Only 1-2moths before her 3rd birthday erupt her last molar..

bringing BB out:

last sat, i succeed in bring my ger (30mth) n my boy (8mth) out to JP to wait for my HB to off work to have dinner.

I place my ger in stroller, (once she see it, she want to sit in) then my boy in carrier, then off we go. walk to MRT (5min), take train to jurong. I told HB, i got no problem in bring them out, but i can't do any shopping. so i will still wait for him to bring us out. LOL~

Hi mummies, I am doing a private spree for beco baby carrier. If interested please PM me asap as I should be ordering on this Sunday night.The lead time is around 2 weeks.

re: GAP/ON Spree

mommies, i had billed all of you. pls check your email. thanks


am interested. will email u know to chk the details.

Hi, anyone brought their babies/toddlers to Royce Kids Gym at Liang Court before? Any reviews?

It seems fun when I walked past. Casual play 60 min $14, with membership fee of $55.

hello mommies,

just to check something about car seat...anyone bought the britax safe and sound range? is it good?

my boy has outgrown his infant car seat and now refuse to be seated lying down unless he is super tired and sleepy...

so must quickly go get a those upright car seat for him liao

would appreciate if mommies using this range can share more about the car seat...many thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mommies, morning!!

xbeanniex, sun_tan, charliebrown: bukit batok is quite near with my place..probably nxt time we can meet over there..last time my gynae was Dr Wong Mun Tat, so went to BBatok quite often too..

Caris: hope nxt time i able to be like you, can bring bb out alone =)

vernie: thanks for your info..how's the feedback on the musical table? ur boy likes it? but im not Robinson's member ..

Hi supergal,

my baby gal has been using the britax safe and sound since birth. Mine was a pre-loved. I find it comfortable.

im also looking for car seats.. those which are convertible from infant to toddler.. is the britax one convertible? wad is the selling price like? so i can check out pre-loved ones..

Carol: Non-member also can buy @$69, I think. Just cannot get the free Leapfrog phone. My boy did play with it for quite a while, banging and pressing the different things for music. But with any toy that he has, after a while he will lose interest and start looking for other things to play. I just have to keep rotating his toys to make the toy "new" to him.

SK, Supergal: My boy has been using Britax Royale (http://www.britax.com.au/car-seats/royale) since birth. It is the convertible type. I find it very comfy and he never fussed whenever we put him in it. I bought it at $350 plus (i think, cannot remember already) during Robinsons sale.

Hi Eliss, Venie and MVH mommies,

Many thanks for sharing your opinions about britax car seats. I'm going to take a look at those range that Robinsons is offering later during lunch time!

Wanted to get those that are convertible ones...must be able to sit upright, titled slightly and also, in a sleeping position..must have at least 3 different positions la...saw one at Baby Kingdom selling $249 but maybe it's discountinued..thus, can't find the "Omega" range from the britax official website.

Thanks so much, dear mommies! Appreciate the sharing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

supergal - that's my gal in safe and sound


re- carseat

Alwyn is using Britex first class. We got it for our number 1 2-3yrs back.


10th night ( Fri nite)

He woke up once at 5plus am...

11th night ( Sat night)

He slept thru!! until 9am. I think its abit of the medication.

12th night (Sun night)

Slept and woke at 5plus for milk then slept back till 8am.

We are nearly there....nearly nearly...

Eliss!!! Your gal is of a good size especially when she is a girl girl...I think in terms of size, she is almost equivalent as my boy (who is 10.4kg as from last week's check)..from the appearance of it lah! and she looks so cute in that bandana thingy..hehe!

Yeah, indeed..she looks quite comfy in the car seat.

haha - this was taken last Christmas. I think that time she was still meaty...but now she hasnt grow muchin weight for the past one month. Her double chin also not so prominent le

eliss, it's normal right? coz my relatives has been telling me my girl looks "slimmer" every time they see her.

i also dunno why she doesnt want to eat solids. milk intake is normal but for solids, she will only entertain me by eating 2-3 PIGEON spoonfuls.

ive seen hw some of ur babies can finish such a big bowl! mine wont eat solids.. previously she can still finish 3 tablespoons of cereal.

sigh i spent the whole morning making the stock, cook the porridge & end up coz left too long le i had to throw everything away. same case for baby cereal. will she miss out on all the nutrients or not?


Ann: It's ok if you are wiping the teeth after milk. But as Jellypurin mentioned, good to give water after milk coz the milk pool in the mouth e.g. on the tongue, which will still cause bacteria to breed. haiz... but I know it is easier said than done, coz my boy also likes to sleep after the night feed.

Vernie: Thanks for sharing the Robinsons mailer! Wow, at $79 for both cards and dvds is a good deal ah... I got the dvds already so hope there are good offers on the cards individually.

Eliss: Your gal like kwai kwai sit in the car seat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I added mango plus blended veg to the cereal, so far my boy no constipation... maybe coz also have veg.

