(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Geri - I'm just managed to send out emails and see if we get any sponsors! Lucky draw would be a better idea... no need birthday gift exchange la...

In the event if there's no sponsors, is everybody agreeable to fork out more $$ then we go more few items as lucky draw???

If we managed to get sponsors - i would relinquish my responsibility on the collection/sorting of these items to someone else hor...okie?

Hi Ladies...

Wow, it sounds like it is going to be really fun. I would definitely love to join and volunteer my help if it's okay? Coz I had missed out on the Xmas gathering and is a newbie to this grp. Thought it will be fun for my daughter to get to know new friends of her age.


come come! actually the b'day bash is my 1st time meeting the mommies and babies. so i'm also a newbie, in the physical sense. heee...unless there's also a pre-CNY meetup?

Btw I just went to browse online for the gym and it definitely looks like lots of fun! =D

I can volunteer for the decor bit I guess and maybe suggest to make something for all Bday boys/girls...like a corsage/badge thingy coz it's their special day! =p

And ohhh..I was thinking it will be nice to include some activities if not it might be pretty boring. It will be nice if parents can relax and have fun interacting with each other and some couple bonding too. EG: Some telematch thingy..and What do you think of like a DIY romper/tee session for our babies on that day? And maybe we should come with a theme for the bday eg: "Jungle Safari" so that we will know where our decor/dress code/activities/cake can head to.

wow yvonne - u r even more excited than us...

Just to let you know that gym school trainers will be there to help us according to Mic. As for telematch and such, we will finalise when Mic provide us with a time schedule?

tentative programm

1700 - registration

1730 - play gym with trainers

1830 - makan time with lucky draw (if any)

1930 - cake cutting time with group photos

2030 - pack up and head for home...before kiddos starts to get cranky and for the benefitof those who live further away.

Eliss - U bet! What's a bash without some crazeeeeness?! =p We need to "bring down the house"! hahaa....Mic, just kidding! Im sure we are all responsible Moms here.

Looking forward to the updates abt this event then.

Geri/Irene - will be in charge of clothing for birthday boys and girls... this is optional so Treasurer/co-treasurer not responsible for collecting money for making customized clothes ya :p

ICA(Jessica) - When you collate attendance list. Please list down the following

1. Mummy name & birthday boy/girl name

2. email addresses

3. contact number


when you collect attendance list can you please also add in another column.. customized clothings for the babies..

to all mummies who are attending, please let ica know if you prefer customized clothings for the babies. If majority are against it then we will look for something else..

thanks ica

Sweetkiss/ Vernie -- Thanks for ur reply, cos my bb have been drinking 130ml 6 feeds since 3mth and seldom cry for milk anymore, we feed him when it is time and recently drink even lesser and gain little weight which make me worried and so qiao mil happen to start feed him water but after hear ur reply i more relief, hope after gif him cereal will help.

I am also quite new to this forum can i join u all in facebook also?

I see the Christmas gathering so many babies so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I like to join future gathering if possible hee as it seem quite fun but the 1yr event if in tampines abit too far for me as i stay in west.

July 2010 Babies 1st Birthday Bash

Saturday 2 July 2010

mommies who are attending, either PM me or email to [email protected] these details if you don't wanna post in the forum:-

Mommy's name:

SMH nick:

Baby's name:

Baby's sex:

Email address:

Contact no.:

Customised clothing: Y/N

Eliss, your details captured [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i stay in the west, too. haven't told hubby i'm going for the b'day bash - he's gonna kill me. but anything for the baby, he's ok. hahaha!

Wow this seems more & more exciting!

By the way spot this during my lunch. See if its of help :


wahaha Jessica - well done!

By the way - it would be nice if you are able to do up name labels for the attending family...if you need help to do it... let me know... I do have labels...

hello mummies

so long never post in here liao...been real busy @ work!

bringing my boy to his 1st Gymboree trial class @ Tanglin Mall this Sun.

hope he enjoys it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear mummies,

really admire you all for the passion in making the birthday bash a success! i would love to attend and volunteer but my gal's 1st birthday falls on 7 July 2011 (thurs), so i believe i will be celebrating it on 2 July as well with my family. thus won't be able to make it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

I'm new to the July thread. I has been following the August 2010 thread but my ger borne in mid July, the 1st birthday bash sound interesting. Can i join?

Dear all - i'm so sorry if some of you have to give the birthday bash a miss because of the dates... but big event like this is quite difficult to accomodate all mummies... hope you gals understand!

Hi weiyao - sure you are welcome to join... please give your contact details to ICA (jessica)

All - I must really emphazise that this event is payable in advance hor maybe in May... Once payment made, non refundable one, you would probably get someone else to stand in your place should you choose to forgo...this is only to be fair to all attendees and organising committee who took pains to make this event successful...

bday cake: if the budget is S$120 for 2kg, for sure we needa look for other alternatives. cuz strictly pastry surely more exp than that.

i can call up pine gdns to chk?

customised tee: im for the idea of customising a tee/ singlet for our babies.

wat abt getting those sleeveless white singlet fr mothercare n we go print our babies name w some 1st yr old party designs?

newbies to forum: comecome join us!!

dun worry abt ur spouse is unable to come... my husby haf nva appeared in any of the gatherings.

a few mummies also attend gatherings w bb alone. it's an oppty to know more fellow mums! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup all just come. As for the date... We have already let you know more than 6 months in advance!! Haha! Pls mark that date down as "BOOKED BY JULY MOMMIES" now!

My husband also nvr show his face in all our meetings. Only the one that was held at my place (that one he no choice). So just come alone, no worries :D

i would like to join in the 1st birthday party bash with you all.. But now i can not confirm with you all.. Coz hubby place my boy & girl birthday chalet on his pending list.. hai~~

haa.. i dun noe if my hubby wanna join a not,

I dun care, i wil go with my precious bb!

Haven seen u all for 3mths? Cos i rem the one at Jaclyn's place is like mths ago! and i missed the chalet..

Hope it be a success! just one note.. cos majority will wanna celebrate their own precious bb on their own date too right?

So.. let it be low cost ... kekeke

Hi Weiyao: WELCOME!!! Of course you are welcome to join us =)

ica & yuki: me also stay in the west, the extreme west in fact, near Jurong Point. The 1st gathering was at Jaclyn's place in SengKang and then the xmas gathering in Changi chalet. Both I went with my hubby and everytime he ask me why so far hahaha. If he knows the birthday bash is in Tampines, he will probably faint hahaha.

Junie: I also thinking of bringing my bb to gymboree for trial. Do let us know your feedback ya.

Eliss: Thanks for the link on the customised clothings. Looks good! The tee with 1 colour is only $11.90 and every additional colour is add $2. Should be able to get at least 10%. Will follow up with Geri on this.

Jonas - yes we will try to keep it low cost... in fact we already save on venue already. Michelle mentioned each family to pay $10 for the usage of the gym (after operating hours need to get building mgmt to extend the aircon which is payable).

Michelle - any way to bargain to a lower amount for that aircon usage?

We opted out the more expensive cakes... food will also keep on low budget.

Party Decor - this is also an expensive stuff... each balloon bouquet can cost a lot... though they look really nice la...if really want save on balloons, we probably blow ourselves and let the balloons lay on the floor? then we will decor with banners and drawings which are definitely cheaper? who can pick up this job?

Irene - Yah me too stay in extreme west near pioneer mrt.

All ur post make me very want to join leh, think i will go home sakio my hubby hee.


well my friend got it for her son birthday.

so for my girl 1st & 2nd, i also order from them.

the feedback i get from them is nice. I find it not bad also.

the outer layer is cream.

if u in my FB list, u can actually take a look at Eleanor 1st Birthday & 2nd Birthday album.

Eliss: yup I wld like to help, I not v creative one so won't hv much ideas to contibute, but Cos I'm on the road most of the time so I think I can help in e area of collecting stuff if we r ordering anything in bulk or like blowing balloon on the actual day, just let me know!

Gg gathering alone: ya dun worry about coming alone, my hb never ever join our gathering one, he rather go coffeeshop sit den come with me.

Re: customize tee

I dunno if e mommies here are keen but u can actually get plain tees and stamp your own design on it. All we need is fabric stamp pads and some stamps and you can customize it any way u like. Just concern if we hv time to do that since some of us will only come w our bb n no other help, ie. Hubby, helper, etc


eliss & jasmine: juz saw the ecreative. looks good!!!

tink we shd go w this, since we haf a budget to keep to,

so 2kg is enuff? or 4? mayb wait for the attendance to b more or less cfm b4 we decide on the size of cake.

kepsis: samesame... my husby same as urs... can b our chauffuer when he's free... then go somewhere la kopi... come back fetch me n bb aft gathering.

