(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Been Mia for some time coz everyday got to work until very late sian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Today managed to off 1day as it's my elder daughter 7year old bday and my bb 6 month old today! Went to collect bb passport today too.

Missed out the Xmas gathering last Sunday hope to join the next time

Feeding cereal

Can I know if feeding bb cereal 3 times aday izzit ok?


Sweetkiss: Same here. My mum suggested for me to train my girl using the potty whenever I sense that she is going to poo or practise peeing/pooing on the potty during her bathtime. I used to use the sink and "whistle" for her to pee last time. She will smile whenever I whistle; thinking it's funny. So cute! Now, I use the potty. She does poo and pee in the potty and is able to sit on it for sometime; whenever I try to let her poo there. It's never too young to start; esp ard now(5 mths) their spine is stronger and can keep their backs more upright. It helps that I tuck her at the corner of our bathroom so I don't have to "carry" or hold her when she does that; which can be quite "siong"...kekeke

Supergal: I totally agree with you. It isnt so noisy when I change her diaper plus I can readjust if I find the 1st taping too tight or loose; without worrying that it will loose the adhesiveness. And I tried the drypers samples fr mag kinda sucks! (in my opinions) the stuff inside gets so "nua nua" after a few pee, and I notice her butt gets wet too. The absorbent function is bad. I tried Goon too. I thk it is not bad too but like cost-wise, seriously might not be economical. I heard Mamy Poko seems to be the best brand among the range of diapers...but it's also the most exp. I think it's really "Yi Fen Qian, Yi Fen Huo".

And ladies...totally agree on the r/s part. No matter hw much we love our babies, we must never forget out husbands. Lol...I'm sure sometimes they feel "neglected" by us and it's really sad if a once loving r/s sours up after baby. Afterall, a family should be more complete with the addition of the baby and not make it worse. I also want to recommend this book "Babyproofind your marriage" which I borrowed fr lib. It's a really gd book and highlights problems most Moms encounter after a newborn. And boy I tell you....they are so RIGHT! At least, it makes me feel normal and let me step out and see the so-call problems from a different perspective; which sometimes we need. Very enlightening and humourous read! We all need a dose of humour to get us thru Motherhood each day at a time. =D

Hi mommies,

For those who have done ur bb's passport, roughly how long wld it take from the day u submit the application online till the date to collect?

Yvonne: wow! how do u tuck ur bb in the corner? for diapers, i agree drypers not really gd plus the cutting is small. but i tried the drypers drypantz before (pull up types) not so bad. the material is softer. among all brands i like Pampers the most. i am using the active baby balloon stretch for my gal at nite. it feels softer and lighter than MP.

cereal: i tried giving my gal 2-3 tsp of brown rice cereal over the weekend. i mixed it with a little BM but she made a frowning face and refused to eat after tasting it! when i tried to offer again she started to cry. i know it is normal but am afraid if this continues, i will have a hard time feeding her solids.

Sito: I guess besides the number of feeds, you have to see the amt u give as well. And baby's reaction is the best gauge. (Eg: poo, behaviour...etc) Just make sure they don't get sick fr overfeeding. Afterall at this age, the BM or formula they are getting should provide sufficient nutrients they need. Weaning them now is to better prepare them for eating solids in the future. So I guess you probably can look into how you want to intro your baby to acquire the new skill of swollowing thicker consistency food. And most imptly, do it as a slower pace as their digestive system is still weak and growing.

I learnt it the HARD way when my daughter was overfed with porridge when I just started to wean her. I had told my MIL that I wanted to start feeding her porridge since I thought 5 mths shd b the appropriate time to start. By then porridge, I thought it should be those puree consistency. But my MIL (with her many yrs of looking after kids experience) said that the soft grainy consistency is OKAY. She claimed that was what she fed her sons last time and they started ard 3-4 mths old. She cooked the porridge in those electric slow-cooker, added fish, veg to sweeten the porridge. So we started to feed her the porridge for her lunch and dinner. Yes! Just like that, never say start with a few scoops or just 1 meal a day 1st...(I know you ladies must be thinking what this Mum was doing!) then on the 3rd day morn, she threw up during her lunch. And oh, she was already crying during her previous night feeds and I wondered why! Then on the 3rd day afternoon, when I went back to my mum's, my daughter pooed and it was full of indigestable rice grains!!! previously, I did discover a bit of grains in her poo but my MIL assured it was norm. And also, my daughter's face colour was bad. Pale looking. She was sick from indigestion. And that's when I went to research online and realised we have been overfeeding! My mum also reprimanded me for this. Kaoz....I felt so guilty for "hurting" my daughter and putting her thru the pain. It hurts so much to see her cry whenever she drinks her milk and she could only drink 1/3 of her regular intake. Sigh..and I thought it should never go wrong to follow an experienced mother and baby-sitter (aka my MIL)but god knows! BTw, did I mention it was the 2nd time of overfeeding? The 1st time was with the brown rice paste. (Goodness!) So now, after learning my lesson(s), thou shall not BLINDLY follow "unsolicited" advice on how to take care n bringing up my baby. It's always best to follow one's instinct as a Mum coz we know what is best for our own child. And most imptly, do our own hmework by researching! At least at the end of the day, you wldnt have to blame anyone.

btw, I just realise there's a typo error to the book I recommend. It shd be "babyproofing your marriage".


Hi Supergal,

Oh ya....think maybe not the lowest in price... cos 1-2 mths ago i saw spring having promo too @ emmm can't remember is $49.9 or $59.9 ... heard from my colleague usually after x'mas there will be post x'mas sales....maybe u can try to get it on 26/12

Thanks Ann hee MP is the only diaper i have not tried so far. Weekdays night fine with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm... in regards to couple time, i feel it always need both parties to make effort lo. Not easy, my hb always say aiya 老夫老妻 liao no need sweet sweet de lar then i always *roll my eyes* at him

Sweetkiss: Lol..at the corner, where 2 walls meet lor. But of coz, I sit in front of her in case she decides to pull a stunt like leaning forward or slipping backwards. The corner provides a support for her back so as mentioned, I dun have to hold her thruout the pooing session.

And as for cereal...I guess it's very normal to receive "negative response" fr our babies. But we must persist and get thru it (then again, gauge what is best for our babies. Persist but not blindly force it thru) I read fr sm web that it is also not necessary to feed cereal when we wanna intro solids to them. We can try veggies as well. A gd website we can refer to is http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/. Lots of info on introducing solids to baby and recipes we can follow. As for myself, Im holding on awhile more till my daughter's tummy strengthens again after the indigestion episode. I think we shd be still on track since she is only 5 mths. Just gotta know how to pace ourselves and dun get too "gan jiong". =)

Oh Sweetkiss, I have also read that babies with reflux, can react to rice cereal. (in case ur daughter has a sensitive stomach) Read an alternative is oatmeal.

Sweetkiss: I also just introduced brown rice cereal to my boy during the weekend. He took a few tsp then gave me the "yucks" look. Somemore push the spoon away when I tried to feed him. Then yesterday at the nanny, nanny said he finished half a bowl of cereal for lunch and dinner! Think my boy bullies me lar...

I was quite worried coz my bb doesn't like to drink much milk..just started to feed her cereal again after stopping a few weeks and luckily she's like the cereal. Just bought healthy times organic Barley cereal, any mummies tried for your bb?

Thanks Yvonne & Vernie. i think i will try offering 2-3 tsp a day slowly till she accepts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

by the way, can anyone advise if it is possible to consume remaining ML as & when during my notice period if i resign?


dont be in too much of a hurry to feed her solids.. if she doesnt want to.. try not to force her. Dont worry, when they are feeling hungry and are ready for solids, they will be in a better position to accept the new food. Solids to them now is like just letting them taste new stuff and feel a different texture in their mouth. It is not really meant for "filling" their stomachs. Milk is still 99% their main food for nutrition.

Old school of thought normally start feeding babies solid when they r 4 months old, but now we mommies are more educated, we have abundance of information on our hands and so we don't need to conform to the traditions.

As for baby G, he is not yet ready for solids. When I put him down on his bumbo, his head wobbles alittle and we can tell he is not sitting up strongly. It is impt that babies can sit up well on their own without support.. this is part of the "are they ready" for solids guide.

I'm hoping to start him off next week when I come back from USA, but if he is not ready for it.. i will not force him. I think that only makes it worse and will make him reject it more

Jaclyn: my bb is not ready for puree too, but she is showing signs of interest to what we adults are putting into our mouth... and right now my bb is only tasting those bb's rice biscuits which melt in mouth... and of the half pcs i give my bb, usually will leave some bits on her hand that she cant reach... hahaha..

Hi ladies,

Wld like some advise. lately my boy has been very cranky. cannot put him down. must carry also must walk around. if u sit down or put him down, he will cry like someone beat him. my thinking is whether he is teething? any advise? very heart pain to see him crying so hard. sometimes u carry him and walk ard he still cry. very "ke lian" type... if he is teething, any idea how long this period will last?


Morning mummies!

I also don't intend to start feeding my bb solids yet as I am not ready (haha! have not done much research) and bb is not ready too. His head is still abit wobbly, and he cannot sit without support. But he is always eyeing our food and sucking his fingers like drumsticks. He cannot even flip yet and he is coming to 5months next week. Any bb still cannot flip? :S

Is it better to start with cereal first? Then puree? Or it does not matter? Can I feed bb solid only during the weekends first, then slowly everyday?

Bumbo seat:

Is bumbo a must or need? My hubby said don't buy. But I read that the bumbo helps correct bb's sitting posture.

charlie: my bb is 5 mths+ now ... also cant flip. I am not worry as some bb just doesnt want to flip at the moment. hahahaha.. but ever since the x'mas gathering, my bb seems to be interested with flipping ! she tried to turn her sides, working hard i think. hahaha


Bb flipping: My bb is 24 weeks liao – I still have not witness him flip from back to tummy though his nanny mentioned that he did once or twice. Only saw him flipping from tummy to back twice when I placed him on his tummy. I guess no need to worry bah – just let bb develop at their own pace.

Bumbo seat: U can let bb sit in it to feed solids , otherwise, not really a must. My bb won’t sit long in it – after awhile will eh eh want to come out. But bbs look damn cute in bumbo though…haha…I got a 2nd hand one, so no need to pay so much.

Charlie: haha... indeed a few bbs were doing the flip during the gathering ! And 1-2 bb even flip the moment put down on the bed. hahaha !

Vernie: my bb did 2-3 times from tummy to back but dont know is coincidence or bb really can do that. but nvm,if bb want to flip will sure flip on her own 1 day but maybe today doesnt know how to flip but the next day will keep flipping the moment u put down in bed. hahaha ! BBs these days just learn fast !

baby flipping...

should be soon that ur babies can flip! Have a new set of headache when they decide to flip... change always must struggle with bb cuz keep wanting to flip! And @ nite... always like to flip and sleep on tummy!

Btw... those babies flipping.... I have only seen my flip from tummy to back 3 times! But he is a real expert now at flipping from back to tummy! I thot the former is easier?!! Is this normal?

Claudia: indeed is another challenge when bb knows how to flip while changing diapers and after shower.

Back to the days when my cousins were still young and I helped to take care of them whenever they are at my parents house. -.-lll

have to play n talk to bb when changing diapers... hahaha ! And now my turn to come soon.

I agree witH Claudia! Last night around 3am I saw my baby face down. So I flip him back upwards, then he force his way back to face down position. donno y! We flip him again, then he wake up and start crying cos we disturb his sleep... aiyo!

As for solids... pls use the 4-day rule. Meaning ANY new food introduced to the baby.. you should feed him that food for 4 days straight without introducing anything else new. After that 4 days, you can try another product. For example, I feed brown rice cereal, i should continue feeding him this brown rice cereal for 4 days straight without anything new. After 4 days, i can add in maybe mashed avocado... after I add in mashed avocado to his diet.. i stick to it for 4 days. After that 4 days, then we can add new stuff like mashed banana.

This way we can "see" or be able to tell if he has any allergic reaction and straight away we will know what food is it that caused it.

Baby flipping:

Haha, more things to check on bb once bb learns to flip. Anticipating every day when my bb will learn to flip. Want to be the first to witness it. LOL.

Tummy time:

Nowdays my bb has a new pattern of doing tummy time. He will stretch out his hands in the air like superman, while kicking away. Is very funny to see him but about 5mins or less, he will eh eh eh cos no strength.

my bb havent flip yet too! haha! i think she too lazy! she's 23 weeks now.

jaclyn: thanks! actually i tried offering cereal again today, 1 tsp mixed with BM. this time round, i fed her 30min b4 her usual milk feed instead of after. she seems to accept it and kept eyeing the spoon! very happy when eating also. 1 hr later, she has her milk.

i am giving her Healthy Times organic brown rice cereal. i tested but tastes abit too sweet with BM. is it normal or shld mix w water instead?

Hello mummies,

I am now planning to start on my childcare leave. 6 days must be cleared by end of this yr.. so practically I will be on 1 day work week or 2 days work week. So looking forward to it.

high chair: Went Ikea to buy a high chair.. quite cheap and Kayden like it very much. Will be starting him soon on cereal.

Flipping: I totally agree that it is tougher to change them now. They will keep flipping. Maybe it is time to change their diapers to pants instead.

Swimming: Would like to check how old should baby use the neck float untill?

Semisolid: I have those sample packs from Nestle but then 1 pack cannot last for 4 days lei.. how ah? Does it means I cannot use the sample packs at all?

My baby does not flip but i still have trouble changing his diapers these days - coz he will use his legs and kick himself backwards until his butt is out of the diaper...or he will keep wriggling until he is out of the diaper...so naughty! Gone are the days when he will lie down still for me to change him..*sigh*..


ur boy can sit high chair already? that's real good. Mine still can't sit unsupported and always like to wriggle and turn to the side

Swimming float

Was told by the baby spa person until they have full control over their neck. (prob also mean they can sit unsupported - control their upper body?) But safer to use neck float till as old as possible cuz the rest can be detached from body easily unlike the neck float

Semisolid - Cannot get more than 1 sample meh? Altho i read some mummmy's previous comment that nestle has sugar in them so better not give?

Farting - Any of your babies fart alot and smelly fart? Mine does... wonder if its normal!

Pants diaper - will it be messy for us to change/clean bb if they poo poo inside? Coz if we pull the pants diaper down, then the poo poo will touch the legs?

Claudia: Ya.. he can sit in high chair.. but I still put supporting cushion around him.. bought from Ikea too..$9 for cushion.

Normally they dun give more than 1 sample pack. I see the ingredient, no sugar at all in them. But I think might be some of the ingredients have sugar content ba.

My baby only fart smelly when he is going to poop that day. That's how I tell which day he is going to poo on.


Smelly fart! Check!! My bb also farts loudly, quite alot and smelly! Worse than mine. Is normal I guess and is good to get rid of the wind. haha.

I saw a parent change her boy's diaper. Is a pull up pants type. She just pulled it down, and pulled another one up, did not even wipe leh. The boy can stand already, so it is very easy.

ann -

R u referring to Nestle's Cerelac? There Sucrose wor... I have a few sample packs from PD... Not sure whether I wanna let my boy eat tho....

Charliebrown -

High five again! haha

Claudia: Yup, it is the Cerelac one.. now that u mention sucrose, i see again the packaging then I saw it. I think Marie or one of the mummies did feed her bb this. Should be fine ba. I also have a tin of Happy Bellies Brown Rice Cereal but thought of using the sample pack first.

Me thinking of getting a high chair too! Went mothercare to take a look, quite nice but pricey.

My girl fart oso v smelly hahaha tot its becos of the FM. Once my SIL went to smell her & v zun she fart, my SIL cannot tahan say want vomit lor

re: highchair

if you are considering getting a highchair, do look out for those with chest harness, not lap harness. one of my friend's child fell off the highchair when she was not looking and her daughter has a permanent crack on the back of her skull.

highchair: I think babies or kids should be supervise at all time if possible when using a high chair. Accident will happen in just split second.

Eliss: Ah... July babies bday bash.. but K is born end of June lei.. can still join in?

Ann-my ger also june 30 ya. So babies inthis thread all can join.

Since its so far away, shall we fix the date on the 1st Sat of july? Then end june babies wont be that far off! So all of you do keep that day free!

Michelle just told me that her sis mentioned she let us use the gym school on sat after 5pm... I know most prefer afternoon but by then our year old babies should be more active so should be able to stay out later!

Volunteers? Do let me know

Thanks Jac - pm me your email address/contact no please for future co-ordination

Oh I forgot an important birthday bash item besides venue and food... BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! If anyone has lobang/recommendation, let me know....

I come across a baker in BP selling cuppies/cupcakes creation which are suitable for birthdays. I find them pretty and convenient for large group party, an example...


...but need to book her in advance and i'm not sure how much would it cost...



I apply my bb passport on line and was approved within 3 days, made an appointment to collect her passport & its was super fast, waiting time just 10 mins!

My bb was so cute, she put her thumb up to do a good sign while waiting for her passport although she looked moody haha..

eliss juz lemme kno my duties!!

m able to help too!!

Ann: ya, I fed my bb w the cerelac. only once a day... n I tink these few days my mum bz, nva feed him already...

plus he's pretty much drinking milk normally... so kinda stop feeding him the rice cereal.

we started feeding him tat cuz he was on milk strike. but he started drinking again aft he tried semi solid.

tink my bb cunning lah... wanna try new stuff.


my mum she uses a rubberband to tie the unused portion in the pkt n keep in fridge. cuz we r also feeding him w the sample pack.

i all, ive 2 jumperoo for sale.

i bought one for my hse and my MIL's hse.

both are used for a couple of months only and is 9/10 in condition.

im selling at $160 each.

kindly email to [email protected]

collection at bukit timah.





yr girl is hilarious! how did she put up a thumbs up sigh? her hat looks cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if you need help, send me a pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mommies whom started kiddos on solids

we start on white rice then brown rice with just a breakfast feed 1st then after than lunch & dinner? frankly, i cant rem much of what i did with my first ... lol .. getting old liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

