(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


sry mummies, didnt get the chance to meet up or turn up for the gathering.. :C missed out so much fun.. HOpe i could join in for next gathering ba..


my boy keep latching on me for this whole week til he fall aslp.. how ya?? And i feel tat his feeding is decreasing.. y will this happen???

and my mummy keep asking me to practice to give him drink FM from bottle.. but he super de lorz.. he stuck his tongue out and jam out all the FM.. and cry like hell.. headache.. I am so afraid that my BF supply will suddenly decrease and cannot feed up his demand.. hai~~


hey moms, no need to thank me! i just hosted e place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tchoupi: btw thats my mom, and my mom's sis (means my aunt) not my sis hahaa she'll be so happy to hear u say that =D

Jac: thanks for being such a good host and all the effort put in to organising the event. all the babies are so cute!!! and it's quite funny looking at them kicking n boxing at each other.

tchoupi: oh that's ur boy! he really stands out among the crowd. wonder when my little boy will be so big as well hee. it would be great for me if we have a gathering at ur condo at Bt Gombak cos I stay in the west too =)

tchoupi! Pretti mummy n ur handsum boì!nw wil rem u le!oh ya!next time i wana carry ur boi! Im d 1 with white top [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac, tks for a great gathering. Had lots of fun. It was nice to see so many babies born around the same time. Must do it again soon.

Wa it really do sounds v fun... So sad my hubby don't let my baby go anywhere except my mum place till she's 3mths n older....

I shy shy to go gathering but so tempted... Do organize again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm in the west too! Btw, do u have fb? U can see the babies' photos there. Can just add any one here.

So sad I can't join u all yesterday. Hubby dun allow me to bring my boy out alone. Can add me at facebook? I wanna see the babies photos. [email protected] Will try to join the next gathering at Bt Gombak as I am staying in the west too.

Hey Jaclyn.

Thanks for organising the meet up session. It was very fun.

My family had fun yesterday. My boy was so happy that he forgotten that he had injections during the morning period. But when he reached home, all his crankiness start to come le.


i juz give my boy taste taste plain water and gripewater only.. let them use to the taste, so down the road, easy to feed them le..

bbbliss: i've added u on fb. u can also join the fb group "SMH July 2010 MTB".

sito: i usually feed my bb some plain water after drinking gripe water and FM. about 3-5 sips each time. but my bb is very good at recognising the taste n he dun like to drink plain water. sometimes he will accumulate in his mouth n spit out haha. so like hershey mentioned, got to slowly let them get used to the taste.

Staying in the West: oh seems like quite a few staying in the west. that time the easterners had a small gathering in the east. maybe we can have a small gathering in the west too.

Jastine: I stay in Sembawang.. quite close la.. haha.

But I travel to the east to meet up with the mummies there too. Now start work le... abit hard to meet up with you ladies during weekday.

Sembawang is closer to west right? (according to MRT track *keke*)

I haven't meet up with any mummies from this forum before. A bit shy so dun dare to go to Jaclyn's gathering...so many pple :p *keke* Hopefully can meet up with a small group of you guys for tea or something?

hahaz, jastine.. abt north ehz...

Im able to meet too! but my boy going IFC soon... sob... must have more quality time b4 I resume to work...

sito: northpoint got a baby spa place where baby can swim! I wanna bring my baby there but hubby dun want coz it's $30 per swimming session. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sito: We should organise a small group meeting. Hehe!!

Jastine: I also wanna bring my BB there to swim.. Just bring lo.. why hubby dun wan? So bad.

Ann: he say too ex! $30 for a swim! *faint* but i saw pic/video of bb swimming...SO CUTE!

cheese: where is the IFC ur bb gg? I trying to find a IFC for my girl, but so far no vacancy. Now gg to put her with a babysitter next month :p

I was just talking to Jonas.. maybe we can organise a swimming session at Hwa Xia Northpoint for our north mummies.. cause they have big pool then can have more BBs in it. Sure very cute one. Haha!!

huh.. i tot like $10 nia eh.. $30 meh? Kao.. ex leh

Sito: haven get to tok to u much, but. envy ur figure eh~ weet u weet man! keke.. so SKINNY!!!!! I want. ... lol

Jastine: near sembawang MRT.. have to book IFC long ago one eh.. cos now many ppl putting bb there le...

Ann: our BBs can use big pool?!?! Wat if collide?!?! *HAHAHA*

But i thought big pool is for big BBs. :p but if can use then it will be SO DAMN CUTE!!!!!


from the picture: can fit 4 babies? *keke*

but i think first time use single pool? i scare me baby scare then cry... cause my girl even bathing also scare scare one.


maybe you can plan and organize 1 small gathering at northpoint, prefer a tuesday or Sunday..

Didn't know the bb swim at northpoint cost $30 ? It's 1 hour $30 or how many hours?

Haha cheese don't envy me,I actually think I'm too skinny, prefer to put on about 3 kg on butt,face and boobs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] resume back to my pre pregnancy state 47kg,now 42.8kg only is consider underweight Think too stressed Liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jas, me stay woodlands v near to u hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I oso shy shy... Nv meet up with any of the mummies here either n seldom post here too hee only sometimes read read abit.

I going work soon so will be nice for a small gathering before I go face work...

Ops mistake hee I nearer to Ann.

Hmm I usually sleep late, tink will be hard for me to adjust back to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hihi mommies .. so next gathering at my condo ONZ !!! Need to check with hubby on the dates, he's still in Paris this week, but tentatively let's put it on Sat 30 Oct, everyone's schedule ok ? coz starting Nov-Dec i got many biz trips, haizz .. even in Oct already 2 trips to HK =(

@Sito, nice meeting u! tks for complimenting my boy =) you really v slim, i need to start taking brown rice too & check out your RF slim treatments!! re water, i feed my boy 30-50ML a day (1-2 ounces) but that's coz he's on 100% formula. he just guzzles it down, but PD say 1 hr before his feed don't give water or he may regurgitate milk due to tummy too full.

@sun_tan, tks tks, Skyler is a charmer too, i keep waiting for his eyes to open, then i found a grp pic of him with eyes WIDE OPEN!

@Jac, heehee sorry didnt know it was your aunt, cos both of u have the same eyes i thought was your elder sis! She & your mum both very kind, even offered to babysit for the mommies so they can grab some food...

@irene, hehee my boy stand out cos he takes up so much space on the couch! soon ur boy will be this big n your hand will be very 'sng' from all that carrying!

@cheese, haaa! so u r the one with the 'leng zhai' son !!! he's very photogenic leh! hope all goes well with the IFC ..

@phy, yep i have fb .. can't wait to check out the pics later! u r like the 'big sister' coz u seem so calm & experienced with the kids =)

did i miss out anyone ?!

Ann - count me in.. If there's any North mini gatherings.. I stay AMK..

Jastine - yes, we can meet up.. Mini one, to warm up.. Hee.. R u staying near AMK..

Lasery - Aljunied is also fine with me.. We can also arrange something or perhaps together with the North mummies..

I'm just so bored at home.. Thinking of where to sneak out with baby as currently staying with my in laws.. Hee.. Also, going back to work soon.. Hope to enjoy my "tai tai" dayzs while i can..

tchoupi - my son is beside ur son in the ps.. the one in red.. nice meeting you too.. pretty mummy.. oh, another gathering.. so fast.. west is a bit far but i will try to make it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


west and north mummies all meeting up

CALLING all east mummies... seem like we are very low in numbers..i oni know a few...

tchoupi: think now mummies will remember you ... ur boy so outstanding, didn't get a chance to "disturb" him. Maybe next time ya hee. I remembered he had a big appetite.. do come in more often

btw mummies who were at jac's place: we fogot to take gp photo of mummies and babies.. all too occupied with bb ps.. next round must remember k

keer13: i stay in bishan. we can meet j8 or amk hub!

i just order a baby sling online! Waiting for it to come then I can take bb out alone. Now I only can bring bb out to market in my stroller. I can't handle stroller and baby if go further or take public transport.

=tchoupi & all mummies,

wahh.. If there's gathering in the west I would like to join u guys too. Din get to meet u all as my Hubby find it very far n I can't handle bb alone now n also shy. Sad!

Saw the pix that u guys upload. It's seem so fun n all the babies so cute.

Good morning, ladies.

Ok. Let me call Hwa Xia & find out more abt then tub. Will try to arrange a small gathering session at north area soon for the north mummies.

As i had started working, so i hope you all don't mind meeting up during the weekend.

jastine: i am also staying in bishan ;)

i also shy shy...plus hubby was busy last sat, so didn't go for the gathering...dare not go out with bb alone yet...saw the video posted on SMH July 2010 MTB Facebook Group...so many babies! So cute!

from reading the posts, you guys really had a blast! how i wish i was there - always have something last min cropped up. i've also not met any mommy from this forum yet


ooohh! another gathering! ok, this time I must go. Pls count me in - I've put it into my calender. hehehe

west side mommies

i'm in the west, too! if there are any mini gatherings, let me know ya? will try to make it but only weekends as I've started work oredi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

weekends are spent tending to the needs of my royal highness - really! she has her really naughty and kwai-kwai days - sometimes an angel, sometimes a rascal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby swimming

i'm also thinking of taking baby to Hwa Xia but $30 is quit ex. i think it cost more if it's in the big pool? but it will be nice to let baby swim. hubby keeps saying to my baby that he'll take her swimming once she's 6 months old. so maybe this is a good way for baby to practise and not forget her natural ability to swim. she's starting to kick her legs against the bathtub


i watched your baby's flipping video - she's one smooth operator! looks so effortless. i showed my mom and she was saying "wah! so fast and smooth!". so we tried it on my baby. think her head is too heavy. hahaha! my mom was saying that by 3 mths flip, by 6 mths crawl (some chinese saying lah)

i'm giving my baby water since she was 1 mth old as she was almost on 100% FM by then. at most 30ml, only once a day, using Avent #1 teat to control her intake coz don't want her to drink too much that it'll affect her feed. she's using #2 teat for her milk

phy - baby in bumbo seat

very interesting idea! yeah, will be so nice to see all the babies in the seats and their reaction when they see each other. and you know what? after reading your post yesterday, i took out the seat and placed my baby in it - for practice. hahaha! i had to support her head still but she liked it - another new viewpoint for her

sigh...babies are such a fortunate lot of little people. so tiny yet so demanding but no complaints [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies! I missed the last outing in the east because my hubby was busy and i am not confident of bringing the baby out on my own =(

Do count me in during the next outing! =)


hi mummies...

off topic,

any mmummies out there have gd instructor to recommend for learning car?? auto car......

private or school better??

