(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Kepsis, I had bad morning sickness for first 5mths of my pregnancy (yes it's 5 months for me!!). I will vomit everything and felt damn lousy the entire time. Nthing worked for me and I tried everything, Ginger pops, preggie pops, sour plums, biscuits in the morning... It all don't work! I can only say just let her be , if she can't eat, don't force her to. As long as her weight loss is not drastic (not more than 10% of her original weight) it's ok de. Baby will take their own nourishment not to worry.

There IS a light at the end of the tunnel ..


cheese84: I saw your nick on the bulk purchase tread for Phyto Fiber....I'm interested in the product too... is it useful? by the way, is it suitable for BFing mum?


if u taking in a straight 3 mth of ML, u just count as weeks which included sun n public holiday.

if u taking over the yr, it will calculate as no. of wk days x week.

e.g = 5.5 x 4week = 22. so u got 22 days to take over 1 yrs.

keropi,hi. Its suitable even for preg. U go google n i saw nt bad review.it juz help u dabian more often.i lose 1kg only though..hai. Gt ppl reali lose a lot!


me! Bad morning sickness in fisrt and last trimester. Even puke water. Gynae gave me this suppository which cost me $80++. Didn't use it coz the puking just stopped after I got the medicine!!

Can try sweet potatoes with Ginger. Must add sugar for it to taste nice



my boy naps ard 30mins to 1.5h.. Depending on weather. Today pretty hot n humid so he napped abt 30 mins for morning nap. Afternoon slightly better, ard 45 min.

Couldn't stand weather so went shopping mall to enjoy the air con. Then dropped by my Mum's place and came home only after 8pm. Totally messed up my boy's feeding time. He got cranky and kept wanting to latch on. Just managed to settle him and elder boy. So later the df at 11pm I will reduce the amt.


envy u tt ur gal is sleeping thru already. How old is she? Did she just auto drop the night feed? Can share ur feeding schedule?

If u wanna stop pumping at 2-3am, U can try dragging the pump timing slowly. Maybe try drag till 330am then pump? Then 430am and so on.

Hi Phy, thanks for ur reply.

Btw, would like to ask when u mention 3 hours difference between feed, which timing did u take?

@ the time when bb starts drinking his milk?

@ the time he finishes his milk?


I did what you describe except for putting 2 pillows by his side. I shall try tomorrow. By 8pm, he will usually be very sleepy and cranky and once we switch off the lights, he will sink into deep sleep.

thanks to mommies whom gave input on doc. i might tryout kinderclinic@paragon then .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking abt dropping feeds, i was waking up for 1am, 4am, 7am feeds till only 2 days ago - i forgot to set alarm & slept thru! my baby had last feed abt 11pm & wokeup only @ 630am. i thought it was a fluke so i did it again yesterday & she slpt thru! prblm is i dont know if sleeping thru @ only 7 wks old is good for her growth? shld i still dream feed her at 1am, 4am? or "celebrate" her sleeping thru & leave it be? what does everyone think?


i also would calculate like sillyhp @ the start of ea feed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Phy,

Thanks! Just tried DF my boy again and not successful leh. He is so sleepy.. No matter how I disturb him, he is still motionless..

He only manage to suck 50ml.. Think he will be waking up at 2-3am to drink.. Sianz..

Hi tek koh, wow!

Congratulations!!! Haha.. I'm actually looking forward for my boy to sleep thru leh..

Cos my #1 coming to 2yo is still waking up for milk!! Sianz.. And if this #2 same as him, I will be double and triple sianz..

Btw, how many feeds ur gal drinking now? And how much she taking now every feed?

sigh i dont mind my boy drink alot of times as long as he falls asleep.. but he doesnt!! hes a super light sleeper at night..

i have to tip toe to my toilet and close the door GENTLY else he will wake up! But in the day, whatever noise oso wont wake him up.....

I brought my boy to a GP cos he still didn't poo yesterday which is the 4th day le. GP teach me to use cotton bud and put KY jelly on it & put into his asshole and turn. He say this can help him to pass motion. He also commented there's poop, if my baby didn't poop at night, try again in the morning.

He didn't give me any insert lei. He also say need not change milk formula cos this is very common among formula fed babies.

He also commented that the inserts can be purchased from any pharmacy easily.

Don't know should i bring my kid to a PD instead.

i'm trying to drop my ss as i decided to go FM.

Planning to get pill stop milk or let it dry up. Anyone has any idea how to dry it?

Me planning to lengthen pump time & time only abit out then stop. But breast still feel abit full.. dunno this way can dry up milk or not.

Last nite my bb instead of sleeping throu the nite, she woke up at 12am+ and 3am+ and 6am+ for milk!! Super tiring loh. She took 45 mins to finish each feed. Aft I settle her to sleep, me myself haven't sleep much n she woke up again for milk le... Haizz

My boy merlion twice the day before, and merlion once yesterday night. Practically throw out his entire feed after feeding. I guess it could be due to the wind in his tummy as he doesnt like us to burp him. Also, he is coughing away. Sigh..

I am going to bring him to KK now and check. Hopefully he will get well soon.


Why u wanna stop bf?

Last time I wean my #1 by lengthening the pumping frequency, but will still empty the breast. With lesser frequency, ss will reduce, until eventually negligible ss. Took a week or 2.

teh koh,

So envious, if i were u, i'll celebrate and let bb sleep thru.

I am currently recovering from flu and cough. #1 caught it from me and is getting better. Today realised bb seems to have mucous dripping out from nose. I had been breast feeding him, and thot the anti bodies will pass on to him and keep him free from my flu. Looks like this theory didn't work. If i bring bb go see doc, doc will prescribe medicine for him dispite this young (10 weeks) right?

Hi Phy,

Can share ur feeding schedule? Feedings and zzz time..

Last night, I manage to pat my boy back to sleep at 2am and 4 am when he started eh eh eh.. Wonder if this is a good sign thou.. Will try DF again tonight and pat him tonight..

Tinkerbell, Phy

Can check, when you pat ur bb back to sleep, where do u pat? On the chest or bottom (turn side ways)? Thanks.

Peace / Babycoo

dun think i have any tips on making bb sleep longer in the day man! Read somewhere that should always put him in the cot, darken the room, swaddle and sleep.. but am afraid if I try that baby would not be able to distinguish between day and nite and it will screw up his nite sleep. Besides, also wanna train him to be able to sleep everywhere! So no guts to try...

Phy -

Any tips on making bb sleep longer in the day? Does he go to sleep automatcially or you have to rock him first?


I'm also planning to stop BF...

CL going back already and I will be alone at home.. impossible to pump sometimes cuz BB doesn't quite sleep alot in the day. Afraid of engorgement tho... already kenna mastitis twice!


Here it is. I try to stick to it as closely as possible.

Typical day is like this

8 to 830am - 140ml ebm or latch on

(Mostly latch on then pump. If I still zzz,

weekends HB will give son EBM)

play for a while then zzz

He should be Zzzing by 10am. If not latest

1030am. (Within 2 hours after he wakes up)

11 to 1130am - latch on

play bathe play zzzz

He should be zzzing by 1pm. Latest 1.30pm.

2 to 230 pm - latch on

play play play

He should zzz by 4pm.. latest 4.30pm

5 to 530 - latch on


no more zzzing unless he needs one.. then

power nap say 10 to 15 mins

715 to 8pm - preparing for bed, bathe, pjs, dim

lights, music on, ebm 140ml, burp, swaddle,

cuddle a while. Lay him down

in cot. On good days he zzz by 815pm. If not

ard 9pm.

1045 to 1115pm- 140ml ebm, dreamfeed. I pump

after tt. Or if hubby helps me give him

dreamfeed, I'll be pumping away.

Wee hours is feed on demand.

Will share more later.. Now gonna rush to pick up #1 from playgroup.

Yeah!! My BB poop lots this morning. The technique which the GP taught works. My $20 is well spent. Hehe!!

Sweetkiss - I'm also using Ameda pump & I love it.. Not sure why you say it's not good.. Hee.. For me, I initial use the pump by itself and it was painful as my nipples usually become enlarge during the pump. It will rubbed against the breast shield. So, I went to purchase another breastshield from mums fairies.. It just need to be connected on top of the existing Ameda breast shield. That solve the painful nipples issue and I can pump longer now.. For me, I usually use the medium setting for suction & cycle. What settings are you using?

Minmin - My bb also throw up almost the whole bottle at times.. It happen 2 times & a few other times with 10-20% throw up.. Hubby also wanted to go see PD but I thought it was normal reflux so we didn't go see doc. What did your doc say about it? I ask my GP in polyclinic when I thought bb to see for JD, he asked us to break down to smaller feeds each time n increase the frequency.. I'm doing that now & hope it works.. But, the funny thing is he only gets uncomfotable with the reflux only arounf 7-9pm.. Wonder why?

Any other mummies also have babies with reflux? How to settle babies?

HI Claudia,

I am also thinking to stop BF.... i kenna infection this week and still under antibiotic now. I cant take care of bb at all during these 2 days as i have a high fever and body very weak... i think i rather spend more time with my baby than pumping milk... but i really struggle now...

My nipple & Breast still very pain but no more fever and i saw my nipple bleed & sore and i feel very frustrated cos my milk supply also not good actually ... take care of baby is not easy task and somemore need to suffer all these....


Can everyone tell me how to relieve the pain? will it better after finish my antibiotic ? i have tried hot massage and regular massage on affeted area but my breast seem still pain...

Hi All,

i have been a reading the postings and good to know that some mums have successfully wean off the nite feeds.

For me i'm still a confused mum. My gal will drink 120ml every 3 hours including nite feeds.

I am thinKing how i can drop off the nite feeds.

At 10pm, i will givie pacifier for her to make her sleep. Then she will wakes up at 1 am and 4am. She falls back to sleep after both feeds.

i wonder it is alright if she wakes up at nite, i could just give her pacifier to make her fall sleep again cos it seems like she is not cying out loud for feed. It seems more like she does not knOw how to settle back to sleep.

Any mum encounter the same situation as me and is using pacifier to wean off the nite feeds?

Phy: so u only feed ur bb about 6 times a day? How old is ur bb n when did u start him on this schedule? My bb is turning 5 weeks, is it too early to try this?

Overfeeding: my bb is on ebm, is it possible for me to over feed him since bb has strong need to suck so they will try to finish everything in the bottle n still cont to suck even when the bottle is already empty. I was feeding my bb 100 ml ebm n just yest I increase to 110. Bb still finish everything. But my mum insist that I am feeding too much. My bb is now 5 weeks. Any advice?

Peace: I'm also down with flu n cough, my Gp told me to put on a mask if I am nursing him, so I guess bb will still catch the virus but the antibodies in our bm will help bb fight the virus?

Jessica: I'm not successful yet but I tried last night when my bb woke up at 2 am, I gave him a pacifier n pat him back to sleep. My last feed was at 11pm. He manage to sleep for another 1hr 40 mins n woke up at 3.40am, this time his cry sounded more angry so I gave him his milk. Im just not sure if my boy is too young for me to ignore his night feeds but I'll try again tonight if I can.

Back from KK. My boy is 2months and 1 day old today, birth weight at 3.31kg and now weighing 5.80kg, gaining almost 2.5kg. Feeding him 110ml now.

Keer - The doctor says based on baby's weight now he should be drinking around 80-90ml. The vomit might be due to overfeed or extras that his body cant hold.

As baby requires 100 to 120 (mass) of fluid intake per day. They calculate based on 100 or 120 multiply by weight (ie: 5.8kg) divide by the number of feed (ie: 8 times if its 3hourly) = 87ml. So doctor asked me to reduce his intake to 90ml and monitor from there.

Kepsis - Try using the above calculation and check if you are overfeeding your baby if you are keen.

sorry for the complain but i need to vent.

my mom went to see a female doc cos of menopause. The doc is a GP and not specilised in gynaelogy but does papsmear, ultrasound scan etc. my mom was chatting with the GP and told her that i refused to let her use bottle to feed the bb initially cos i m breastfeeding. then the GP said that "no ah. can use bottle to feed one." then my mom call and keep telling me "u all were wrong la." and keep repeating and repeating. and say that u learnt the wrong things from the internet and blah blah blah. i was so upset that i just told her "we r not wrong!" and then hanged up.

b4 bb was born, my mom wasn't supportive of BF. she keep saying other ppl's bb also feed FM and all ok ah. after bb is born, from day 1 she has been super discouraging and keep wanting to feed bb with bottle. me & hubby tried to explain to her but no use. after bb seems to be latching ok for 1 week, hubby n i gave in to my mom's constant nagging n let them use bottle to do the night feed. but sometime, without us knowing, she would feed the bb with water using bottle as well. then one fine day bb refused my nipple. we tried to teach him to latch again but most of the time he takes >1hr to latch and looks very pitiful when he's struggling. plus my supply low so think he suck till very xin ku. so now i basically express BM and hardly latch.

i really regret giving in to my mom's nagging and gave bb the bottle. it was so hard to teach him to latch initially. i endured the pain of sore, cracked n bleeding nipple. i endured the tiredness of latching him every 1-2hr cos he gets hungry very fast after each feed cos my supply low. and i missed the bonding with him during BF. but i nvr blame my mom cos it's our own fault that we r not strong enough to resist her nagging.

but i really couldn't take it just now that she keep saying we r wrong. she choose to listen to a doc who is not a gynae and certainly not a PD and called me to tell me such things. i felt really sad that my own mom didn't support me BF and yet still call me to say such nonsense to hurt me. i almost cried just now thinking of this.

cheese: Use a cotton bud. Apply lubricant (i used KY jelly) to one end of cotton bud. Put the cotton bud into his asshole. Not the whole stick. Just the cotton area nia. Twist and turn the cotton bud a few times. Then take out. Then put it in again and twist and turn a few time and take out again. That's it. Wait awhile. If no poop, then maybe do it again at night if you done that in the morning.


are you still having high fever? Are u taking panadol with the antibiotic? I took it with the antibiotic to cure the fever first... after fever down stopped the panadol.

Based on my experience, pain should come off and breast shouldn't feel so hard after the medication. Breast should be less red too.. if after that still no use, suggest you go to see doc for a follow up.

Yes, i felt the same way... If i am alone, I would rather spend more time playing and talking to BB than leaving him lying ard on his own while i pump milk... and it's really tough to catch his sleeping moments to pump since he doesn't sleep a long stretch most of the time... Later kenna infection again...

Anyways, It's impt for you to nurse yourself back to health first... owise really cannot look after baby! Take care... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So I'll still need to bring bb to see doc right? Not sure if it make sense to solely continue breastfeeding and let bb fight the virus?

Minmin: My boy is currently 2mth 8days old. He weighed 6kg. Based on the calculation which you had provided,my boy should be on 90ml each feed. But he is drinking about 120ml per feed but no reflux. So do I need to reduce his feed intake too? I scared he overweight only but GP never comment that he is overweight or anything. So I guess his weight still acceptable.

weight gain & amt of feed -

I just wanna make this comment that I realise the KKH docs are usually very concern abt the weight n amt of feed the bb is taking. I am saying this because when I brought my gal (tat time she was 6 weeks) to KKH AnE for breathlessness due to her cold. The doc there also told me I was overfeeding my gal and that she was overweight.

However, whenever I asked my PD if my bb was gaining too much weight, the PD wld always say its ok as bbs will usually gain less n eat less as time goes on.

Haiz. I hope my boi in acceptable wt. he seems smally to me... going to take 6 in 1 jab next week and see how the weight barz

Ann: I am concerned coz my baby throw out the entire feed sometime. But I guess, if your baby is coping fine, then don't need to reduce his feed intake. Probably, more chubby baby? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

celeste didnt poo for 4 days... PD say.. bfing bbs can dun poo up to 2 weeks...

today, celeste poo-ed.. WaH.... its not a lot... its DAMN a lot... poo overflow on her bloomers and shirt!! OMG.. when i clean her up.. she look sooooo relieved and relaxed and didnt wanna move.. -.-'''

what i did was to feed her with gripe water every morn and warm water.. if still no poo, then gripe water after her night bath. then i will rub ru yi oil on my hands and "warm" her tummy... did that for 2 days...

i got a shock when i saw the poo... i tot its LS.. scare me...

Peace: I'm not too sure, but if I'm u I'll bring my boy to c doc just to make sure he's ok ( I'm a bit more paranoid) but I'll also cont to Bf cos I read that the antibodies will help him not only now but in future too.

Wasted bm: just to share what I hv been doing. I try to pump abt 1/2 hr b4 I expect my bb to b hungry, put aside 100 ml of what I hv pump n keep the rest, so if bb can't finish the 100 ml then I'll store it since freshly expressed bm can be kept outside for 4 to 6 hrs.

Just settled 2 boys for their naps..It is so unbearably hot. Resort to switching on Air con and letting them nap in my room.

Tinkerbell, claudia and kepsis,

The schedule is a guide to me. On some days, my boy wakes at 8am but doesn't ask for milk so my MIL will just change him out of pjs and change his diapers. When I wake around 9am, I'll latch him on. So the schedule will sort of being pushed back by 1 hour but come evening time, it will straighten out.

Also, if my boy morning nap is shorter, say 30 minutes, after his noon feed(11am to 11.30am), I'll let him nap after the feed if he seems tired.


No, my boy feeds (currently) at least 7 times a day. There's still a 6am feed in the morning.

My boy turns 2 mths on 10 Sept..Honestly, I won't try to get BB to drop all night feeds at 5wks old. I only started to let him drop 1 feed when he was 6wks plus.

His feed after the 11pm dreamfeed was 2-3am, 4-5am. Then when he was 6ks plus, I started to get him to drop the 2-3am feed. How I did that? Hmm, just don't feed lor. Ask hubby to pat him back to zz land. After a few days, he slept through the 2-3am feed.

So last Friday when BB was 7wks, I started to push his 4-5am feed to 6am. Again I deployed my hubby to pat him back to zz land when BB woke ard 4-5am. Succeeded. When BB got up next ard 6am, I will feed him. So far so good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My #2 will be 8wks come this saturday.

Last week took him to polyclinic and had him weighed and length measured.

At 7 weeks, he weighed 5.5kg and was 60cm long. His birth weight was 3.67kg and length 52cm.

Am I concerned if I'm overfeeding him? No. Coz I latch him on most of the time so he should know how much he wants to drink. Normally he only takes 2 ebm of 140ml each. One ard 745pm and the other 1045 to 1115pm. The two EBM serve as tanking up for the night.



Last night my #2 only managed to zzz at 10pm coz I messed up his schedule. He fell asleep after latching on from 930pm to 10pm (of coz I made sure he was semi-awake in his cot then I pat him to Zzzland). So I reduced the dreamfeed amount to 90ml at 1130pm.

He managed to sleep through till 6am this morning.

As for tips on sleeping longer on day naps.

Well, I don't rock my boy... vividly remember my hubby made that silly mistake with #1 by rocking him to Zzz at night. So it was hard to wean him off the rocking part. I would rather pat pat and PAT [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like what I mention, I don't carry my boy much. Prefer to play with him while he's lying down on bumper mat or rocker in living room. Think he is used to not be carried to sleep already (my whole household WARNED by me not to carry BB to zzz. When carry and baby starts to stone, must lay him down in cot to let him fall asleep on his own (best), if not then pat him to zzz). On good days my boy can fall asleep on his own. He will play in his cot or on bumper mat on his own then zzzz. Bad days we will have to pat or calm him down by carrying before repeating the patting while he lay on bed.

So far so good.

When Bb doesn't nap long, it is usually due to weather or noisy environment (dogs barking, someone washing floor upstairs etc). But I realise if he doesn't nap long in morning, he will compensate by napping longer in the afternoon. So I let it be.

U may want to consider switching on air con and music? That's what I did just now. Now both boys are still sleeping.

