(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

I rem a doc at polyclinic did mention that bb will grow abt 300grm more or less per week.

Using my example:

Birth wt: 2.56kg, wk 6=4.7kg

Gain: 2.14/6wks =0.356kg per week.


Where do I pat? Depends on my boy. Sometimes he wants to sleep facing up. So I pat the side of beanbag that is placed on his chest or his thigh area. If he wants to sleep sideways, I'll pat the side of his buttock or on his buttock. If not I'll pat his left shoulder/chest area.

Kepis, your bb's timing same as mine. Thks for your reply. Tonite, I will try to give pacifier too for the 1am feed and see whether she will continue to sleep.

Kepis i think ur bb's feed seems fine. My bb at 5th week is taking 100ml. She is now 7 weeks going to 8weeks. She is taking 120ml since 6weeks.

Pls update me your experience again tomorrow. Thks


--- Last night, I manage to pat my boy back to sleep at 2am and 4 am when he started eh eh eh.. Wonder if this is a good sign thou.. Will try DF again tonight and pat him tonight---

His eh eh eh is hunger cry? Or just make noise? Must differentiate. If it is hunger cry then gotta feed. If not, chances are bb wakes up due to habit/conditioning.

JTS, when do I decide to help boy drop 2-3am feed? When I realised he only suckled for 10mins on 1 side and then zzz and won't wake no matter how I disturb him. It happened for a few days. Then I realised he was not that hungry. Just a habit. So I roped in hubby to pat him back to zzz when he got up ard 2-3am. After a few days, he slept through the slot. But I believe the dreamfeed/tank up feed at 11pm also helps him to stay full.

Hmm, for df, when my boy wakes a little, I'll stuff the teat into his mouth. Normally I let him finish whole bottle at one go then burp. If he falls alseep halfway, will sit him up and burp him or unwrap his swaddle... another way that works is to stuff teat into his mouth, then turn the teat in his mouth to get him to suck.

U may have to try dreamfeed over a few days to get it going.

by the way, before u give dreamfeed, when do u give him the previous feed? Amount?

Pacifier to help bb sleep through a feed

Have u ladies consider swaddling? Sometimes Babies wake up due to their arms and legs... they can't control their limps yet so find it hard to zzz with flying arms and kicking legs..

I swaddle my boy for night so his limps. Plan to remove swaddle when he has more control of his limps and won't wake becoz of swinging arms and legs in his sleep.


Y stopped bfing? U can latch on instead of pump... When I was looking after #1 for 6 months on my month, I did full latch on from 3rd month on.. so much easier...

I think my girl is the biggest drinker considering her size. At birth she was 2.44kg. At 8 weeks 4.2kg and drinking 130ml every 3 hours. Pd said her growth was very good, just nice. Now 10 weeks and taking 140ml. She doesn't spit out milk as long as burped properly but sometimes can go 4 plus hours in the day without crying for milk.

Phy: wow u really make ur whole household listen to u! I tried to tell my parents not to rock bb, must burp bb aft every feed, dun give water but they just dun listen... Arghhh... Oki I'll try when my bb slightly older... Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Hi Phy,

Yes, i only started swaddle last nite. Surprisingly, she sleeps from 10pm till 2am. One hours more. In between the 4hours, she did struggle abit here and there and fall back to sleep again. At 2am she's making the eh eh eh sound but not the hungry cry. So i still continue to feed her since already pass 3hrs.

Now, i just wonder if instead of feed, i give her pacifier, will she continue the sleep which i'm going to try tonite.

=.=!!..mine is overweight...as commented by the polyclinic doc...the doc did the calculation for mi also..n he also very concern abt bb weight...bb now is 56cm n 6.2kg..=X..drinking 120ml..

he indicated my bb is having a buffet tt's y so heavy...duh~~.coz he feeds every 3 hrs..


FINALLY! I decided to go GP near my place for jabs! Can use CDA and medisave for pneumococcal.

The package is $600 (with 2 rotavirus vaccine, consulation and assesment) then each jab for pneumococcal is $165.

Here is the schedule

1.5mth 6-in-1 (since I missed the 1.5mth, will start at 3rd month)

3mth 6-in-1 and rota(reschedule to 4th month)

5th mth 6-in-1

12th mth pneumococcal

14th mth pneumococcal

15th mth MMR

18th mth booster jab

phy: Swaddling not hot meh? Nowadays weather hot like hell. For my boy, everynight, i got to take away his long pant and let him sleep with top and diaper only.


Maybe try to let him eh eh eh first? My boy does that too. I just let it be as long as he is not hungry. After a while he falls asleep..

But if you're ok with pacifier than go ahead ba.. for me, try to put off pacifier as long as I can.


BB sleeps with us in master bedroom.. air con on at 26 degree celcius from 8pm till the next morning when I wake up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So not hot for baby.

Ya, hot like crazy so I decided to let my boys have a cool afternoon nap...they have been napping for 1hr 10minuts le.

Can I check with mummies who express their milk and store in freezer....if you have tasted/smell the milk b4?

I find that the taste/smell of :

(1) freshly pumped BM

(2) BM stored in fridge

(3) and BM stored in freezer then defrosted, all taste & smell different.

The worse if BM defrosted from freezer to fridge, smells weird leh...is that normal?


i m fine now just that the breast still red and pain.... and i found out that my milk supply very low now and need longer time to pump 100ml milk....is it normal after infection ? you got any ideas ?

Phy -

Actually tried re-latching him on after my 1st bout of infection.. He really doesn't like my breast and keep crying and pushing away... And my nipple becomes flat after feed. Latching problem... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Guess i didn't have the preserverance! The thot of latching on did come to me but abit scared... cuz the one time i latched him on @ the PD cuz bo bian found an ant in his bottle.. I quite enjoyed it but immediately later have blood clot liao.

Jasmine -

I found that my supply dropped during the infection. But when i recovered, somehow i noticed that it came back up again almost back to pre-infection days... If your breast still red and pain.. maybe you go back to your Doc? Not supposed to i was told...

Phy -

Yes swaddle baby @ nite and he can def sleep better! Tonite try ur dreamfeed again... Actually now CL looking after him @ nite... Can't wait for her to go back (altho it will be really tough) so I can experiment and try stuff on baby's sleep! Grrrrr.... wish me luck! haha

mrs long -

Have never tasted my milk b4... would be keen to know too as recently i have been freezing my milk. Anyways, my baby has been taking refridgerated milk for a month now and seems ok... how does it taste like?

junie - the refrigerated and thawed BM tasted very metallic with the thawed ones has stronger metallic taste... i've let my BB tried the thawed milk, she seems ok with it leh

Hi there

Anybody encountered inflammation of breasts? My right breast is lumpy and inflammed and milk supply low. Now I dare not take fenugreek in case.

Had to see breast specicalist and was told that bf mums will have milk cysts.

phy, my bb will be 10wks this saturday. she started off waking up every 3 hours at night for her feed, usually, 1, 4, 7. then became 2, 6. now she goes to bed at 9-10pm, and wake up at 5-6am. her last feed is usually around 8pm. i'm actually quite worried that she's not drinking enough during the night. she's a small eater, during the day, she latches every 2hrs, sometimes 1.5hrs.

how can we tell if bb is drinking enough at night?

Jasmine, Claudia and Ling

We all have the same prob, Mastitis. I just recovered from it two weeks ago and today it came back, on the same breast. And guess what, this is my 4th time since I gave birth to my baby in July. Thought of giving up BF when I got hit the 3rd time but I persevered and told myself if one more time, I am gonna stop my moomoo career..didn't expect it to happen again so soon.


THe redness and pain should go away after u finish your antibiotic. And yes, during this period, the supply on the infected breast will be affected, usually less 50% of what it used to yield but the supply will return to normal in abt a weeks time after it is healed.


is yours painful? if yes, go see a GP to get antibiotic

As for me, I am going to see my gynae tomorrow to get the pill to stop milk supply le.

My GP and massage lady advised that if very painful, can put cold cabbage on the breast. I tried, but only relieve the pain for a while, so I will take panadol if is too painful.

Mommies who took the herbal tea to boost your milk supply, is the tea effective? And is it expensive?

I tried Domperidone and fenugreek...fenugreek doesn't have much effect but domperidone did...though I find the pills a little expensive

Keer: For my Ameda pump, i am using max cycle. For suction, also abt medium at first but i find that my breasts always still feel full after pumping. so i started adjusting to max suction. During pumping, milk flow becomes stagnant after 15 mins. i need to press and massage my breasts with the pump on, then i can see milk spraying inside! in total, i can spend up to 30mins massaging+pumping, yet and breasts still not emptied! thus, i get engorged very fast...

Re: Breast Infection

I am recovering from my mastitis too. My milk supply also dropped a lot during the infection but now it is increasing slowly back to the initial amt. I find that eating fish helps.. for me my supply always hit record when i eat sashimi, haha!

I used to hate BFing due to pain but did so because wanted to give my baby the best. when i was down with mastitis and cant BF for 1 week+, I missed it so much! imagine my infection developed into abscess, had surgery done, had milk leaking from my open wounds, and i was told to give up so my wounds will recover faster... but i didn't.. and i'm glad i was determined enough. Somehow, latching my baby doesnt hurt anymore after my infection cleared. Perhaps my cracked nipples recovered during that time too. My bb had almost "forgotten" how to latch at first, and i had to be very patient. Now everything is back to normal, but i am concentrating on building up supply... i will encourage all to cont BF if possible!

sigh experiment failed. Bb had last feed at 8, then we gave df at 11pm. But she just woke up crying for milk. Will try again tonight...

Phy, think we should increase the df amt? should it be a full feed or more than that? Anything else we can try?

Hi Claudia, Scrumpee, Sweetkiss

Thanks for your information...i think if too stress on BF also not good lor...make ourselves so unhappy ...

Hi Sweetkiss,

what is abscess ? i think i have a lump in my breast and it is very hard and pain when press it...I am trying hard to get rid of it but seem difficult ... I am very pei fu you

Hi jasmine, abscess is when the lump contains pus inside... (i think so).. it will happen if u dun treat the lumps quickly. same as u, when i first noticed the redness and lumps, i also kept massaging and pumping but no use. even used warm compress so many times till the skin on my chest area very dry. do quickly start ur antibiotics and monitor if the redness is spreading.


Don't despair ya.. gotta test diff amts and keep going for few days to see which amt works.. Yes, you can increase the amt for DF but slowly, coz you must see if your baby can take it without regurgitating. BTW , how old is ur bb?

From 11pm to 330am.. 4.5hours. If it is hunger cry, then probably you can give more. For my #1 then (he was a big drinker too), I gave FM as dreamfeed coz only that will last him a stretch of 6hours or more. Only when he turn 2.5mths, I stopped giving him FM as dreamfeed coz by then, he could sleep from 9plus 10pm till next morning 6-7am.


Ur gal can last so long! From 8pm till 5-6am is almost 9-10hours! May I ask how u settle your girl for bed without a feed?

If you're worried abt her intake, maybe u can also try giving her a dreamfeed at 11pm.This df is more for her to eat more and not for sleeping through, since yours already sleeping through.

She seems to me to be a 'grazer', meaning she eats small but frequent amts in the day. This is alright too but a bit siong on you coz u won't have much free time? If u wish, can start giving her fixed feeding?

How to tell if bbb has enough? Don't worry, babies won't starve themselves. If they are hungry they sure wake up to drink. Chances are your girl drinks enough during the day to last her through the long night.

Babycoco, my gal same as yours, small but frequent eater. She drinks every 2 hours during the day. Then at night last feed at 10pm which usually can last her until 5am plus.

Hi babycoco,

My bb will be 8wks next thur.

She oso started off waking up every 3-4hrs for her feed.

Now her last feed is between 10.30~12MN, then she will sleep thru till 5~7am. But I will usually wake her up to latch by 6.45am cos breast cannot take it liao, then pat her back to sleep.

If she is gaining weight, she's definitely eating enough.

And I totally agree with Phy, they wont starve themselves. So not to worry![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mummies:

Just want to check with u all.

Does all ur bb feeding on every 3hrs, cos mine is feeding 120ml on every 2hrs, i tried to increase his feed hopefully it will last him 3hrs, but he will stop at 120ml. on other hand, i tried to decrease his feed to 90ml, but if he is not full, he will start crying, till i feed him another 30ml, then he will fell asleep.

At birth, he weight 3.4kg, at week 8 he weight 5.4kg. is it ok for bb to drink every 2hr, cos my elder feed on every 3 hrs. i know every bb is different, just need some comment.

Jasmine: the doc told me one... cos i cant take it went to see breast surgeon. did ultrasound on my breasts. the surgery almost painless. just use needle to extract the pus out.

Sigh!!! My experiment fails. I suppose to make my gal sleep at 9pm, df at 11pm. See whether she can tahan until 4am for feed.

But she refuse to sleep on the cot even with pacifier and keep rejecting the pacifier. She would rather sleep on my arm without pacifier. Keep waking up every half hour until 12am and i gave her the normal feed and she fall asleep after that and wakes up at 4am. Then i give pacifier and she continue to sleep till 6am and i feed her again.

But she cant fall into deep sleep from 4am to 6am.. in btw alot of eh eh eh then she fart and fart while struggling to get her hand out of the swaddle.

Dont know wat happen. Not sure is it becos she did not poo yesterday or she dont like being swaddle.

Will try again tonite and see how cos this morning, i manage to encourage her to poo and it's alot of shit..all over the diaper.

Hi mummies, how do you all clean your bb tongue? My bb is 8wk old n got a thick white coat on her tongue (quite inside, front ok). When I try to clean her tongue using a wet gauze she will cry n cry n refused to open her mouth. As the white coat is quite inside she vomit once when I insert my finger in too. Do u all have a good method to share?

My bb is formula fed, how often do ur bb poo poo a day? My bb poo poo 4-5times a day n if anyone got encounter bb stool is mucous? I quite worried. Thanks

happy bee, i wrapped a damp washcloth around my finger and try to clean my baby's tongue but difficult to reach the bag, and i don't dare to stick too deep for fear my baby will gag...

phy, my dreamfeed always very stressful coz when baby is sleepy, he gets frustrated when i try to feed him. recently he develop this gag behaviour when i force him to drink when he's sleeping. sianz. in the end have to pour away my EMB. =( his feed is normally 12, 3 then 6 or 7am.

any mommies can recommend a good savings account with any banks and insurance plans for hospitalisation? thanks!

Hi Ann,

Your boy poo already? I bring mine to see a doc yesterday & he poo twice... also like what u have mention in your earlier post...using cotton bub to insert through his bum... where to get the KY jelly that u mention?

Eliss >> ya, i can't describe the taste/smell....think like that u said, metallic. Almost like rubbery kinda smell, hehe.

My BB also drinks and it's ok but i just wonder if it's normal.

Guess it is then....so i dun hv to worry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Scrumpee, Jasmine, Claudia

I went to see lac nurse in Parentcraft, then went to GP, finally went to gynae who referred me to a breast specialist in Mt A. The running around makes me tired especially it happened during my confinement.

The 1st time it happened, it was so painful that i could feel the pain on my breast when i tried to lie down in bed.

Tomorrow i'm gonna see the breast specialist for follow up on the result of the culture of the pus. It was painful when he drew out the pus using a syringe. I just wondered how to bf for 6 mths when I'm back to work. My gynae said 3 mth bf is enough, sigh. Sometimes, I get upset with myself when my boy who latches on well but I can't feed him with my EBM.

Been pumping and throwing away the milk as doc also prescribed some medicated cream for me not suitable for nursing.


I heard fm my frd whose mother-in-law told her that she took those pills to stop milk supply but it made her breasts shrink to even smaller than before.

If really want to stop bf, how to stop without taking the pills? I hope to persist at least for 3 mths.

Phy, my girl's 10weeks already. Seems like I'm a bit slow in training her haha. Suddenly got kancheong coz returning to work soon and I can't still be up all night feeding her and go to work the next morning! I think we'll try to increase the df tonight. Her usual fed is 140 but we only gave 100.. she seemed quite contented drinking in her sleep last night haha

Ling -

Urs sounds more serious than mine. Actually my 2nd infection, i have finished my antibiotics 1 weeks back but breast still hard and lumpy.. bit painful but very slight only... hopefully its not pus!

same like you hoping that i can last 3 mths.. that's my target but with me being alone @ home and looking at my baby.. not wanting to sleep much afraid that my pump will be v infrequent and kenna mastitis again... My hubby's actually asking me to stop and start weening off.



thanks for the word of encouragement... I am tempted to latch on again but kinda scared too.. cuz lots of stress and pain and baby cry and refuse breast. So prob will not try to start again

