(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Cheerymum, Yvonne,

Cheer up! I also feels that sometimes my baby like doesn't recognize that I'm the mother. When she cries I carry her, sometimes she'll cry like I'm murdering her - body all straight, face red, struggling like mad to get away from me. Then when my mom carries her, she stops crying immediately. I also feel being abandoned - ha! Funny right, that it's the other way round? But then when I think about it, if my mum can make her stop crying I'm ok. If not, she'll get more wind inside her and won't sleep well at night.

My mum told me to hold her close to my body, as close as possible, coz my baby wants to be 'manja'. So I'll press my face next to hers and says shhh into her ears. Or I'll press her face to my breast. Seems to be working now. But sometimes she's just being cranky - even my cushy hubby carries her she'll still cry

Motherhood is like this lor - there are ups and downs. When you're older and you look at them all grown up, you'll know it's worth all the pains. My gynae told me that our babies are our best legacy - they carry our genes


My Bb poo daily & 3-4 times aday before she's 1 month old, but after her 1 month jab her cycle of poo totally change.

After the jab, my BB poo only 2-3 day once..also dont know why?

Any mummies give BB drink Mamex Gold H.A HypoAllergenic Milk ?

If yes, does your BB put on weight fast? or look Chubby?

My BB was on Isomil & BF but I find she grow very tall instead of looking chubby? My BB is 2 months old & her height is 60cm, everyone said very tall.

So I switched her FM to Mamex Gold H.A HypoAllergenic Milk,anyone can review on this milk?

Hi ica, thanks for advice! Will monitor..

Hi Sito, same here, my bb also used to poo a few times daily, till recently, he had his Hep B jab (after one month), his poo cycle changes..till recently, 2 days have not pooed.

My bb on similac.

charliebrown: Dr Heng was my bb's PD when he was in hospital and after we discharge, we went to see him twice. Personally my husband & myself do not feel very comfortable with him. Before we were discharged from hospital, Dr Heng didn't ask to do a test for jaundice for our bb even though he appear a little yellow. 1 week later when we went to see him, bb had developed jaundice and need to go for phototherapy. Later we found out that it is quite common for bb to do jaundice test b4 discharge so that parents could sun their bb at home if necessary. after we discharge, the first visit was the 1-week old review and then we realised bb got jaundice. the second visit was supposed to be a follow-up about 1 week later. during the follow-up checkup, Dr Heng didn't mentioned anything at all about bb's jaundice until we asked. Basically we find the way Dr Heng answers our question is a bit weird and he doesn't have much initiative in telling us things. most of the time we really have to ask to find out alot of thing. And we also find that the staff at the clinic are not very friendly. But these are just our personal experience and opinion. I have friend who started going to Dr Heng when his bb was bigger and still continue going to him. But my husband & I have decided to go to another PD near Jurong East MRT - Dr Agnes Tay at Alpha Baby & Child Specialists. We will be going to Dr Agnes for the immunisation jab in early Sep so I am unable to comment on her service yet, but at least the clinic staff was much more helpful and friendly.

hi yvonne & kepsis,

as for nipple confusion, think my bb can recognise btw nipple n teats.. he is asking to suck nipple everynight b4 he sleep else he gets cranky..

yvonne, haha i also getting lazy hence only pump like 1-2 times a day. think tats y my bm getting lesser ba.

i will try to pump more often n see hoe things goes..

Thks for advice!!

Cherrmum: Ya lor, same here, my neighbours and relatives all keep saying my bb very ‘heaty’ cos got eye discharge need to drink water, say coz my bm very ‘bu’ cos i eat all the heaty stuff so my bb drink liao also very heaty. Must drink water, and my mum got influenced and keep insisting that i feed my bb water. I fought over this matter for 3 weeks le. Now my mum still trying her luck but not insistant anymore. I am so irritated cos i read many articles and i’ve asked my gynae n 2 pds, all say no need water coz bm 70% water. I am more irritated cos these people who comment are those who never bf before. They all feed their kids formula one.

Yvonne: Ya i tried today, i took over from my mum when he was crying, thou he never immediately stop crying, but i only took about a minute of talking to my bb to let him stop crying. I still felt very good. I just realised tonight that my bb seem to like my maid to, her arms a bit more bak then mine, and when she carry bb, bb will stop crying too. I notice a few nights liao. Haiz... means i must make myself fatter is it?

hi all..i havent log on for a long time.

I can understand how you ladies feel! I also felt useless and failed as a mother miserably! I'm a first time mother and eversince my nanny left.. i have been battling with my gal. She refused milk after the nanny left and was alwaz crying. Even when I bf her or bottle-fed her .she will struggle and gek and wailed her lungs out. Then she will vomit most of the milk out. I ve seen doc many times liao.. coz she is still throwing n vomiting her milk out! She is 2 months old le. She never get any better. Until last week i brought her to seek some oestopathic trtment n was asked to change to soy-based milk powder which i did. Now she started coughing a bit n is feverish coz I changed her milk formula. Her poo turned yellow which i dunno if its normal! But she still vomit almost every feed! I veryheart pain. But the worst was my mum has brought m gal back to her house to take care. I know she meant well coz i was on the brink of collapsing from exhaustion n bb alwaz cry when i carry her or feed her. I had to battle thru the night n by morning i almost cannot tahan liao.I feel so useless! and i'm worried that my bb wil reject me forever coz she is staying at my mum's house now and due to space constraint.. i couldnt move back there to stay with my mum n bb. I see my mum so old and have to do all the night feeds daycare for my baby.. i juz feel like crying

ica: Me too.. when i tried carrying my bb today she cried her lungs out again. My maid n hubby came to take a peekaboo at me.. they tot I'm killing my baby! Then my mum rushed to my place to see bb and brought her back to her house. LAter she called to tell me that my gal threw out all her milk again! I dunno what to do! Think will bring her go see another doc this week ba. Btw.. she gek so much that one fine day her belly button protrudes out! It never went back since.. it looks very scary coz its pretty big and sticking out!anyone's bb has the same prob? is it normal?

Ak: I think ur bb is having umbilical hernia, which is not uncommon but requires treatment as it affects the intestines. I know abt it as my best fren's son has it and I also read up abt it. It usually gets healed early

Morning to all Mommies,

Was so busy with all the baby shower thingy for the last 2 weeks as we have 3 session split on 2 weeks...totally KO..

I have been following through on the thread...realise alot of mommies also facing certain challenge when it come to handling bb..here are some views on my part..


My wifey and me use to cant stand the thoughts or even crying which the bb makes. However, througout this journey of 10mths, we realise life is such a miracle..from our 1st scan, till what we see,hold,smell...the journey till birth has change our mindset totally.I remebered when i 1st witness the birth of my bb, holding him,knowing that a life was born...it make it all worthwhile. Everyone of our bb, family situation is different..therefore the way to handle them will be different as well.They are afterall someone with different personality,character and etc. Just liked when i 1st read online n forum, i am trying to absorb all i could and apply it to my bb..then got frasturated sometime when he will just wont stop crying, been cranky..or even wish he could just simply tell me what he wants...soon when i calm down..i realise that those are good information,however may not necessary work for every bb as they are unique by their own.So instead i took another approach, try to understand what my bb like, at what situation he will calm down, how to coax him to stop crying, what kind of crying means what and etc...although i am still learning..but i sort of get the cue after awhile.


Yes, this is huge part i miss alot too..been able to travel as n when, go drinking,ktv and etc.But deep in my heart, i understand this...i can leave him to my mum or maid..but no matter where i am..my mind and heart is all about him..(is he fed?wat is he doing?dunno if they know how he like to burp?....)So i know end day..actually he is more impt than anything else..Looking back..i think our parents also do make the same sacrfices for us too..now been a parent..i truly undertand how they feel.

3)Been DAD.

Speaking from a dad perspective, i believe that a man play an equally important role in the parenthood.I remeber going to a seminar, the speaker mentioned:" what u do for your kids in the 1st 10 years,u will know it at the next 10 years"...it some sort of strike a fear into me. So i know i really got to work hard in my role as a dad..before it too late. been a dad..also doesnt mean that focusing only on playing with kids and etc. I realise that not only the kids i have to care for..i still have a wife which i must balance..to ensure that it the parenthood exprience is a nice n memoreable one.So i woke up 1 hr ealrier everyday,to play,change n feed my bb. When i am home in evening, i will also make sure i have take over shift from my wife..to have my part in the parenthood.I am sure that some of your hubby is also doing this, give them encouragement..cos they also need to know what u like and dislike them to do.I realise communication is most vital...dont keep all to yourself..this is parenthood,not purely motherhood..so both hands have to clap...

Sorry for the long post...just wanted to share my personal view/exprience from what i went through and saw.All of you area wonderful and great mum to me. Cos the reason why u all are here, is just to ensure that you have the best for what u can for your bb....this journey is still has a long way to go...give everyone a pat on their back,encourgement along the way, a listening ear for each other..i am sure we all can do it..and know a few friends along the way... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all this is my first post on this thread.. My girl Zann born July 16. Read some of the posts and wanted to comment.

Yvonne, don't feel sad or demoralized. We just give our best that we can. Formulae is equally good, didn't we all grow up by that? U may want to try latching when bb is really hungry cos they won't starve themselves to death. But to resume latching have to make sure they are hungry enough to "work"

Hi happymay

This was what I did. Pump every 3 hours. Drink hot water or take warm bath before pumping for letdown. Abt 2-4 wks milk will establish. Hope it helps.

Hi may

My first bb got nipple confusion, second no. I think also could be due to diff baby.

Hi cheerymum

Just carry and soothe the baby as much as u want... As long as bb feels loved and cared for, they will be happy, isn't that what we want?

Hi ct

Try burping baby during feed. Maybe after 30 -40 burp then continue feed. Or when see bb is struggling to swallow milk.

Hi atomickitten

Relax u need to enjoy the process. This is wat I tell myself everyday also cos we stress bb also stress. She will not reject u as a mother as we are all bonded to our kids. I used to go overseas every week and only see my kid for 2 days in a week, now he sticks to me. As for bellybutton, my nanyang said could be wind. Use ruyi oil to massage bb stomach. Rub on ur palms and push from side to center to "force" wind out. My nanny does this everyday and bb farts a lot!

Hi ak

My first bb got linguinal hernia. Need op. But usually they will see whether it gets better along the way if bb is too young.

Hope I contributed some of my experience that can help the group. These are solely all my experience and it may not apply to all situations. ;)

Christina- I am not a good dad, i am trying my best to be one for my bb, good hubby/friends for my wifey..i am sure there alot who do much better than me...just sharing view for a 1st time dad...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Same like here..i always find that all mommies here are great and wonderful ladies. They can chhose to bo chap, dont need to strss from BM issue,pimple issue, carrier issue and etc...but all of you bother so much..so i believe as a dad...we have a part to play in it too.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kepsis / AK /ICA

I was thinking is it bcos our body got smell..(milk smell) bb recongise us as mummies.. hence they alway cry to latch... sometime my bb alway anyhow bang his head on my neck and shoulder area trying to latch when i try carrying him...

mayb i will try tonight to see if he stop crying when i carry him away from my MIL.

when i bring him out he is so quiet like a good boy but when at hm he torture me...


wait till he very hungry.. he more fraustrated to latch.. scream, make disappointed sound and pull my nipple... firece...


no leh.. I try keeping close to bb but it doesnt help... haiz.. think my bb very cranky..

so tired the whole day..

feed, pump, wash and stream feeding accessories... from 7am till 11am non stop...

so tired!!!

sean: i was very touched reading ur post. will forward it to my hubby =)

i posted a recent photo of bb on facebook and my friend commented that he looked like my MIL. then another fren commented that maybe he sees too much of my MIL already. Then it struck me that maybe I am not spending enuff time with my bb. I've been concentrating on trying to increase my milk supply and been pumping every 2 hrly hence hardly have time to interact with bb. When I latch him, it would usually be a 1-2 hr session, and after that I would be tired and just pass him to my MIL while I pump again. Althou my bb has yet to "reject" me when I carry him, I feel that he doesn't like me as much as he used to. Hence now I try to interact more with bb, eg be the one to bath him instead of being the one beside to help out, coax him to sleep or play with him whenever I finish my pumping. I also make his daddy feed him and play with him more often so as to make the daddy feel more involved.

Irene- haha..it something from my heart..which i thought to share for a dad perspective cos all of you are mommies ma...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My wifey was having the same prob with her supply of BM too.We have all along intended to go full BM..but somehow it just doesnt happen.She was stress up..busy with pumping n etc.We soon come to terms that it just not happening..and realising BM is good, but it only part of the growing up process. BB at this stage need alot of time for us to interact with in form of chatting, playing, body touches...n u will realise that none of us can be perfect..as long we tried our best, within our means...we are doing a great job liao..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My elder daughter umbili.cord also popped out, we brought her to see a specilist when she's 2 years old ,dr said it will not affect her health whether she have or not have to op.

Just used a 1dollar coin, stick it on BB cord daily & it will push the popped button back

Pain after expressing bm: Is it normal to feel pain ard the nipple after pumping? I feel it often and i read from the net that expressing bm should not be painful. How long do you all pump each session? I always take about 45 mins at least, is it too long thats y my nipple is painful? Or is the size of the shield?

Yvonne/christina: Ya my bb also always bang his head on my breast when he is very hungry, could be the smell. And i thought this might be a good time to let him learn to latch again, but coz he very fustrated and cry even harder and start to struggle.

irene: yest during the manyue my gf oso says my girl looks like my godmum too....she's the main caretaker of both my kids

Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - 8:47 pm:

Re: July 2010 MTB - Sean Lau PS

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7. Serene ([email protected])

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18. Shann Yheng -([email protected])

19. Phyllis -([email protected])

20. Pann - ([email protected])

21. ica - ([email protected])

Gripe Water:

anyone giving bb Woodward's Gripe water? I tried giving my bb that but she dun wanna drink. She kept spitting it out. Was wondering whether it can be mixed with milk to drink??

kepsis: I think 45min is abit too long. I only pump for 20-25 min (excluding time for massaging the breast).

jastime: i m giving my bb a small spoon of gripe water in the morning after bathing. usually bb wont refuse gripe water cos it's sweet. not sure if can mixed with milk but i know can mix with water.

Irene: my bb really spit out the gripe water..twice! Once she even cry and refuse the gripe water until she vomit out milk. Are you using Woodward's brand?


pain after expressing... is it like slight pain like needle poking... might be new supply coming in ... our breast working...

sound like if tat the case not tat bad.. bb smell us... cry when we carry .. a sign of recongising us as mummy....

i pump like 30mins...

Jastine: yup i m using woodward, it's the most common and trusted brand. maybe u can try using ridwind instead if ur bb keep refusing gripe water.

wah man, my MIL is here and I just heard the dumbest thing on earth! She asked me to put BB's urine on my bb's pimples to cure the pimples! I really want to kill her.

I really dislike my MIL now, she always comes and wakes my bb who is sleeping. making those stupid PIPIPIPI sound! And she will just carry bb around. Grhh!!

I think it's quite normal to hate the antics made by parents-in-law. They are not our parents after all. And sometimes, they do make certain comments like "is your bm enough? use formula milk if really not enough". Maybe for my MIL, it's a kind thought, but it just sort of puts me off.

For me, I just try to ignore and look away when my MIL carries my baby girl. As for the times, when my parents play with my parents, I just make sure my husband doesn't see that, cos he also gets jealous. I try to remind myself that actually, it's good for baby to be loved by many people - that it's really a good thing that so many people love to carry her and talk to her. It would be quite tiring for me alone to talk and entertain baby.

I also find that after bf baby all day long, it's quite tiring for me to try to other stuff with baby. Wonder if anyone has any good suggestions. Sometimes, I try to sing nonsensical songs to her when bf. Other times, I just read aloud something that I'm reading, when I'm not too sleepy.

I just started pumping my bm. First attempt was 80ml and second attempt was 40ml. I used the Philips Avent Breast Pump. I still think baby sucking is more effective. Anyway, I just wanted to try pumping to try to increase my milk supply. Wonder if it is really effective. But it's quite tiring trying to pump after latching on almost all day. haha.

Yeah..sometimes I wonder is it me or is really my MIL who pisses me off. But the comments she makes are really silly..even my hubby also scolded her today.

Sometimes I will sing to by bb when nursing, sometimes I will teach bb ABC..haha..also not much ideas but I think as long as BB hears our voice, that will be good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello everyone!!

Its very tiring esp now bb is getting more and more zeng.. im at her mercy la.. haha.. she dun wanna sleep, and she even choose her own sleep positions... she sleeps when im awake and wakes up when im abt to sleep...

im quite shag actually... but i will continue to tong! for the child.. i will loonzzzz

Jastine: I mixed mine with water. BB like to drink cos sweet.

charliebrown: My grandma say use BB's urine too but not on pimple.. but to clean his TONGUE!! Yucks!!

Serene: Ya lo.. BB now more and more alert.. my BB now like big BB like that.. wanna be awake more... wanna stand somemore. Hai... Ambitious boy.

Breastfeeding mummies: I ordered 2 boxes of Organic Mother's Milk Tea to help promote lactation but it just arrived and I had given up on pumping my BM. So wondering if anyone of you interested to buy them from me. PM me if you do. Thanks.

found a way of calculating the amt of milk per feed.

150 x weight of bb / the no. of feed in a day = the amt to be feed

e.g: 150 x 5 = 750ml in a day

so if ur bb drink 8 times per day

750 / 8 = 93.75ml

Hi all

Just to check as my son is on tbm, often puke milk out. My Frd say need to clean mouth n tongue but CL say bm no need clean one.

Dunno she's plain lazy or wat.. Yes she's lazy n unhygienic so need to ask u all for help n advise.


mine oso almost tbf, tongue confirm nid to clean....will hv milk stain 1...ur BM it's still milk ley

By the way base on calculation, my bb should be feeding at 51ml per 2hr but me feeding 80ml now! Anything wrong?


Per day, 24hr, around 12 to 13 feeds.

Morning everyone.

I realise when my BB sleep from 12.30am to 6am, his mood will be super good. But he only does this once in a while. Yesterday was the 2nd time he does it.

Later going to bring him to open a saving account before going grandparents house.

ceres: Normally my CL will use gripe water and put it on a handkerchief and use one finger to go into my BB's mouth to wipe the tongue. No need to do it everyday. Just do it as and when needed.

Organic Mother's Milk Tea

I ordered 2 boxes of Organic Mother's Milk Tea to help promote lactation but it just arrived and I had given up on pumping my BM.

So wondering if anyone of you interested to buy them from me. PM me if you do. Thanks.


I bought the NUK sterile oral wipes to clean my bb's mouth. You can use clean cloth too but I prefer to use the oral wipes as they are sterile. You can get them at kiddy palace or mothercare

Base on the calculation, my bb is drinking way lesser... Mine is 7 wks old now, 5.2 kg. Shld be drinking 150 x 5.2 = 780ml for 24 hrs period but she is now drinking 600ml max a day only.

Last nite aft 10pm feed, she never wake up for milk until 5.30am. I think is bcos I use the air purifier got scent can help her sleep better.

i am so envious .. my bb at 7 weeks is still waking up in the middle of the night after her 1opm feed at 2am.. then at 5plusam again

ceres: during bathing time u clean bb's face liao then u wrap the cloth to ur finger juz put in n gently rub tongue....do it everyday n the milk stain will go off....dun let it thicken coz by then it's v hard to remove n bb later no wan take milk

Hi mummies, I have an almost brand new My Brest Friend for sale. Selling at S$50. Anyone interested?

It was purchased in early Aug this year but I have not been able to latch on so not much use for it already. Interested parties may pm me.


My bb is only 3 weeks old n I'm totally exhausted already, my bb shower this Sunday but I got no energy to plan anything at all! I dunno how I'm gg to continue on... N my office still keep calling me to ask me this n that. Feel like telling them stop calling but can't. Haiz...

