(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

okie thanks silly...my office no pumping room, so gotta look out to see nearby places got pumping room or not...

Millenia walk one do not have separate area...



forgot to mention, there's a partition to separate the areas but no doors to be closed to give u more privacy. Also the area us pretty small. Go have a look first b4 u decide where to pump.. Oh, marina square ones also no separate areas

Massage for BB to rid wind: Mdm Ida teaches me how to massage for BB to reduce wind in tummy. I teach my CL. Now she use ru yi oil to massage for BB instead. Seems like working for BB. Maybe I should take a video and show how CL do the massage. Hehe!!

Jasline: Snoring? Who's snore do you wanna treat? Last time my hubby snore very loudly too. He went to a GP to get referral letter to see a specialist and he went for an op. Now snoring is better. Not so loud liao.

i work at temasek tower. any idea where would be the nearest most convenient plc to pump ? my office doesn't have a BF room.. and i am not keen to pump in the toilet.

sillyhp, marina sq got nursing rooms that you can lock. even got plug so can plug in your pump. i have a shop at marina sq and have brought my bb there a few times. i usually breastfeed her in the nursing room. it's very clean & very convenient.

jasline: cool dwn cool dwn...my state is more worst then yours...bb just disgonse with bad flu n cough...had been cranky for every single nite for 2 weeks liao n still carrying on..

he gotta be on antibiotics and cough syrup..it's tough being a mum but hang on there..i also tot to myself if it's really wat i want..use to be slim n nice..now is like duh with all the stretch marks at tummy(bikini buang)!!.. can chiong on weekends and go ktv with friends wheneva i like..now is like so restricted..keep thinking if bb eaten n is sleeping well..go out also keep rushing hm..

suntan: u can try mustala cradle cap shampoo..i using it for my boy..1 week clear off liao..

sillyhp: mine stop lochia stop liao...menses also finsh le..


i have to admit taking care asick bb is really hard. my bb is down with flu n cough since last week. and he was admitted to hospital for 5 days.

now back at hm, we still need to carry him tll he fell asleep, but when we put him down, he cry again. really feel like crying, specially i was down with flu also, still having to wait up in the middle of the night to feed bb. specially seeing hb sleeping sound beside me, really feel like kicking him out of the rm.

so i decide to come back to my parents' house, even though, my sisters are still recovering from flu also, (my bb actually caught the virus frm them)really can't tahan to look after my bb alone, at least i got help frm my mum.


If u video the massage can I have a copy Ma??? Since my bb got colic, I would like to massage bb to reduce the wind.. =)

snoring: I want to treat my husband.. His snoring is damn loud!!!!!! I cannot tahan.. Try all kind thing n still the same.. Now taking of bb already not enough sleep n hearing him snore make me more can't sleep.. Damn frustrated!!!

Go for op, wow... Than how much need to be spent??


Ya I know no matter wat muz hang on there.. Jia you ba..

Ya last want to go anywhere also can.. Now really restricted.. Even go out also keep thinking of bb.. Haiz!!!

Ya my bb also on antibiotics... Poor thing.. I think cry until throat infection.. Hard time taking care of him n give him medicine... He always split out or vomit out... Headache!!!

Any mummies give bb drink firso comfort??? Was recommend by PD this brand cos she said will have reduce colic, no vomit n easy digest.. But it can only be dissolve at room temperature water.. If use hot water than it will become lump... So would like to hear commend from mummies who use this formular milk.. Thanks!!!


Ya I understand how u feel... That's y now I very scare bb sick.. Taking care bb already very tired, sick bb more cranky!! Ya I agree, specially seeing hb sleeping sound beside me n snoring loudly... N wen i settle bb wan to rest liao, hearing the snore make me cant sleep... really feel like kicking him out of the rm. Haiz!!!

Bcos I cannot handle Wen CL left, I cried thus decided to shift back to ah Ma house (where I live since young).. Than my mother or sister can easily come back n help me on wkend.. Now getting hand on how to take care still ok.. But sometime do feel helpless too Wen taking care alone!! Can't even have time to eat or go downstair buy food...

After 7th month will have to shift back to in law house liao.. Hopfully I can cope well...

Yesterday I realize my boy dun seem to recognize me anymore, only my mum, every time he cries, n I pick him up he will still cont to cry, n when my mum takes over he stops crying immediately! I notice this since last night, n it happened again when he was hungry just now n my hubby warming up the bm n bb was crying loudly, so I picked him up n try to comfort him but he still cont to cry, my mum woke pun took over, the moment she carried him he stop crying, why is this so??? I'm the one who have been feeding burping n tending to his needs, my mum just once in a while help me n play with him. Some more I carry him for 9 mths in my tummy, how come he dun seem to know I'm him mummy? He should feel safest in my arms, not anyone else... I feel super heart pain seeing my own bb finding comfort in other ppl. Why like that? I'm so scared the first word he say next time is ah Ma n not mommy....

Relax Kepsis sometimes BB is like tat .. Imagine my 1st and 2nd son does not want me. Only Daddy. Till now also Daddy first even they are already 9th and 6th yrs old.

I also Breastfeed them , nurse them, and put 100% love to them.. Its just they feel better with the daddy..

My 3rd one almost 2 months old also feel comfy with my MUM now. I only sent him to my mum for 2 hours 8pm-10pm every Mon, Wed and Friday due to my night class.

My BB is warded ... There are 3 possiblities ..

1) Catch the cold virus from My Mum or Hubby cause both of them are sick.

2) My breastmilk no Vitamin cause i fasting so BB immune system not strong

3) Enfalac A+ packing stage 1. The normal ones sold at NTUC have a gold and white background while the ones sold at minimart is green background with gold wordings.

BB puke after each feeding like MERLION . So doctor says got to monintor him for a day.

I am now sleeping in the hospital with him. Lucky no blood test or dripping yet cause i was fast to sent him to Hospital.

Doctor says they have to scan the tummy to check with the stomach twisted or just a normal cold virus ... Hope just a normal virus, if twisted sure more $$$$$$ ...

Jasline, last time my #1 has reflux prob so PD recommended friso comfort. The lump very hard to dissolve and I find it hard to feed her. In the end, I switched back to normal friso 1. My girl is ok with that but tends to spit out a lot of milk due to her reflux

Baby is awake from 4am till now still haven't sleep! Must be bcos she sick not feeling well. Can see that she is very tired but just can't fall asleep... Haizzzz

Kepsis, sometimes is not bcos ur bb don't want u. Next time u try let ur mum carry 1st, u will see that once u take over from ur mum's hands, bb will stop crying. What I m trying to say is sometimes changing ppl to carry while bb is crying will somehow stop their cries. U understand what I mean?

Jasmine, same here... Last nite from 4am i carry my bb until she sleep then I put her on bed and she open her eyes! Continue on this for v long till 7am plus. Now I'm carrying her dun dare to put down... 1 hr already. I rather I tired myself than letting her no sleep at all. She is not well so need lots of comfort n cuddling.

Kepsis, is your mum bigger size then you? BB seems to prefer ppl with more cushion... Also, maybe your mum is more skilled in carrying BB.. my mum also the same.. but it applies to almost ALL bb that she carry.. Maybe you can observe how your mum carries and imitate her.. My BB dun like my hubby to carry cos from the way I see not comfy at all for BB.

Claudia - PD - you can try Kinder clinic. There's one in Parkway parade and another in Parkway East hospital. I go to Dr Lim in Parkway East. Very patient guy.. spend time answering all our queries.. I read the review of an indian lady doc in parkway also not bad.

Kepsis maybe try to carry in a diff position? My bb will cry when I cradle her but she likes it when I carry her upright. But she likes to be cradled in my mum's arms. Depends on the person la.i think my forearms not bak enough heh.

CT oh no hope your bb recovers soon!

My Bb also fell sick when she is 9 days old, got eye infection cos the CL pass the virus to my bb.

The CL kept coughing at my BB face when she carried her, I told my hb to change another CL coz the current one is down with serious cough..end up my hb scolded me said dont be troublesome..I was very upset during that time.

My BB had an eye infection alot of discharge & cant open her eye when she's 9 day old so we brought her to see a PD.& the PD said BB eye infection is due to virus from cough ..if late abit den BB got to admit Hospital,so immediately my hb asked me to change another CL..

BB recovered 1 week later and after that during 1mth old got umbilicord infection,went to KK emg in the nite, got fever & flu from my mum when BB is 6 weeks old..I was very depressed & worry coz my elder daughter never fell sick until she's 1 year old.

Thanks so much for all your advice! ya i think what you all say makes sense, my mum is much much more bak bak then me, maybe bb feels comfortable. and i tried this morning, my mum carried him while crying and i insisted on taking over, though he did not immediately stop crying but after talking to him a while he stop crying. And ya, he dun like his dad to carry him also, think cos he very skinny and also i can see his position not that good. I feel so much more confident now. Being mummy is really no easy, i kudos to those 2nd and 3rd time mummy! Lucky there is this forum here, cos everyday i like fighting a battle, and there is nobody i can talk to and when my hubby back from work i dun really wanna bombard him with all my problems cos can see he also very stress already. Lucky got you gals around. Thanks so much!

Formula Milk: CT, how come got different packaging one? Is it made from the same country? This is scarry. Last week heard from my mum that news reported got a brand of milk powder manufactured by a chinese company, bb after drinking develop breast! Omg, lucky its not imported to singapore!

My BB is 2 months old but she's still not drinking much milk..now only drink somestimes 120ml but most of the the 100ml only..izzit normal for a 2 month BB to drink so little?

hi mummies,

just wanna share my exp as well, my bb also fell sick when she was 3 wks plus.. now she is 7 wks and is still sick. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]( I brought my bb once to Mt E A&E and once to KKH Emerg. It brought my heart seeing my bb sick n suffering . I even broke down at the Mt E A&E.

I hope my bb and all the sick bbs here will recover asap as I can understand how heartpain we mothers feel for our bb.


Take care ya! And hope your baby recovers fast

Kepsis, CT,

Enfalac A+ I've only come across the gold packaging, never the green one. Even the ones sold in Msia are also gold packaging. Oh ya! In Spore it's $43 per tin, in Msia RM86 per tin. Differences:-

1) Msia repacked in Thailand, Spore direct from Netherlands I think

2) Msia 850g, Spore 900g

3) Msia plastic cover only, Spore plastic cover + tin lid

Also nutrients composition slightly different- Msia tin listed trans fatty acid (minimal) but not for Spore, so either dun have or just not listed


It's true- babies prefer people who are fleshy to carry them - more cushy. Every time my hubby carries my baby, she'll immediately stop crying, without having to be rocked. If I carry, or my mum carries, we hv to rock her and move about then she'll stop crying. Other babies also can be comforted by my hubby easily. Just imagine being hugged by a big Teddy bear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sito - my girl in 7th weeks also feeding 100-120ml... i think the daily intake amount is more important...

So tired... so busy taking care of bb... he keep crying ...

if it is time to feed still ok..feed him milk (130ml every 2.5 to 3 hrs).. born on 13 jul (6wks old)

if its not time for feeding he cry I do watever i can .. change diapers, put ruyi oil, pat,carry him and put him to sarong (sometime help)

dont know y he juz keep crying... bb dont cry for no reason then y he juz cant stop aft doing all i can...

hi all, mummies,

Been a while since i last log in.

my baby was hospitalise when he is 11 days old due to bad cough which the CL pass to him.

He was hospitalise for 11 days. everyday have to do suction,. see liao my heart pain.. sob sob...

No time to even do confinement also.. most of the time in hospital. so sad..

now after confinement period, i have just shifted back to my mum's place. Then have little time to come in here for posting.

Mummies, i remember that there is a post on mdm ida massage.. may i know how much she charge for massage?

Is it too late for massage now? my baby is like 41 days old liao.

Yvonne, maybe you can sing to him, swaddle him and rock him or maybe he's very warm and i will try undress him a bit or carry him nearer the fan? Or he could be too cold if you on the aircon? Maybe diaper rash?

Oh dear, seems like many babies falling sick... dun worry i am sure they will be better very soon, mummies, we all got to take good care of ourselves cos bb need us even more, so we must stay strong ya?


i also realise my bm is lesser liao.. any ways to increase bm?

I tried to latch him on till i got crack nipples and doc says to express out.

Now always tried to latch him on but super painful lor cos he will grip it and shake his head.

nowadays i will latch him on for abt 10 mins on each side then supplement him with formula.

he is drinking between 100-110ml every 2+ - 3 hrs.


My bb wan to drink leh.. last thurs juz brought him to see lactation consultant ...

she say i even didnt give 4 cup = 120ml during that time i was only giving 90-100ml...

haiz.. I fail being a mummies.. sometime i wan to break down and cry...

wan to BF but bb alway dont seem satified.. slowly he hv nipple confusion... and slowly I dont BF so frequent...

bb cry dont know wat he wan... do wat ever i can he still cry...

i also hv the same problem .. my dad and MIL carry bb.. dont cry leh.... i wan to carry also must wait till he cry satified.... see mood....

wan to burst already... i think i fail as a mummy.. once bb cry... bb will be hand over to MIL... make me feel so useless


I play songs for him liao .. i also play the musical toy, swaddle him.. put him to sarong...

i dont on aircon... cant be too cold.. he is wearing romper so cant be too warm too...

Cant be diaper rash cos his butt is not red at all...

or maybe he is juz cranky wan to sleep but dont bear to sleep????????


do u bottle feed him if yes he slowly will hv nipple confusion and later on get fraustrated if he cant suck... and lead to sore nipple.... tat wat happen to me

Hey Yvonne, i totally understand how you feel, i am in the exactly the same situation and just last night i had the sense of failure as a mummy too. I was breastfeeing him initially then cos his weight increasing very slowly so on the 5th day i started to express out my bm and bottle feed him as suggested by the PD, so that i know how much he is drinking. Now when i want to latch him, he also treat my nipple as a teat and bite on it, thus very painful, at first i endure the pain cos at least he is sucking directly but the next day he dun even want to suck liao, so no choice now i just express out my bm and bottle feed him. Some mummies from the forum shared with me their experience and say we just have to persist, but everytime when my bb try to latch and he fail to he will feel fustrated and cry and seeing him like that make me heart pain and also i feel he is like rejecting me, so i gave up. But look on the bright side at EBM we can know exactly how much bb feeding and easier to control, and it is less tiring then bfeeding then pumping out the milk after that. That is how i console myself.

Regarding the bb stop crying after ur MIL and dad carry, some mummies offered me some reasons and i found it quite true. You read the post earlier today. Dun be sad, we are first time mummies, we still got many things to learn. I think as long as we try our best can liao, we will definately still need help from others one.

May, you try pumping more often, eg, if you are pumping 4hrly, try decrease it to 3rly. And i will always use a hot towel to massage my breast first, for about 5 mins then i start the pump, i make sure each time the milk 'sprays'out. If it doesn't then i massage again and try pumping again. initially i pump every 4 to 6hrly, when i feel like it, then i realise i cant catch up with my bb's increaseing appetite, then i started to pump every 4 hrly then now 3 hrly. So far it has helped to increase my ss. Even at night also must pump. but at night i only pump once, either after his 2am feed or his 5.30am feed cos i still a bit lazy.

Otherwise you can try domperidome/stementil. You got to see a doc for that thou.

My sick baby today whole day want ppl to carry leh. Put her down, she cry. And I can't tahan the comments from relatives... Say what keep carry baby no good, wait baby body hot hot... Aiyo, baby sick of course need more comfort from us ma. They dun understand. Keep comment nonstop. Arrghh!! What's wrong with us carrying baby?? Is the parent xin ku ma, we dun mind then ok Liao what. Now dun carry, few more years later they grow up le don't want us to carry le! Sickening comments!

Sorry. Need to vent out my anger.


Yes I read the previous post... bcos bb like bak bak ma...

when bb cry he will be immediately carry away by my MIL.. so make me more useless ...i know she is trying to help me..

so when u tried carry ur bb again did he stop crying...


ya i understand if not till the extend . if bb dont cry we will juz leave it as he/she is... they just dont understand.. and cant be we juz leave bb there crying and no carry ma.. will hv colic ...

so busy this few weeks... by not logging to forum to spend more times learning to take care of bb

Hi all

My 5 weeks old bb has not poo for 2 days. He is on FM and BM. He is passing a lot of smelly wind. I have tried ridwind and ru yi you on him too. Is this normal? Very stressed, been waiting for him to poo..scare he constipation cos he is drinking FM..

Anyone seeing the PD Dr Heng Joo Teck from:


Blk 353, Jurong East Street 31 #01-111 S600353

(Opposite Chinese Garden MRT)?

My bb's PD is from gleneagles and it is far from my house, I am staying at Jurong West, and thinking of seeing Dr Heng..

CT: Ur BB puke every feed. Abit or alot. Mine too merlion after feed not immediate though.. but every feed sure puke abit & afew time. not little & no alot But a small pool.

Ask doc all just say might be reflux only.



Bb dun poo 2 days normal. Mine also mixed feed, actually more FM. PD says normal. 3-4 days also ok. Not considered constipated. If constipated, poo is hard and sometimes with blood. Mine's on enfalac, so bb dun poo every day and PD says that bb on enfalac is like that


Now that I remember - enfalac has formula for bb who regurgitates frequently. Saw it at cold storage

