(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

for the milk stain, my pd said no need to clean. so mummies who feels uncomfortable cleaning can skip the cleaning. i din clean for my #1 too


Ceres-yes, no matter what milk..u will need to clean. Cos it will accumulate bacteria. Just use a wet towel to clean can liao.

Serene-Jia YOU!!

Jastine-Yes, the gripe water can mix into milk.alternatively, you can let yr bb have some water(juz a bit) after the gripe water.

Charliebrown-Aiyo, what kind of suggestion is that.Sometime dont follow the old folks tale..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milk intake -

just sharing my experience. My 6.5wk old baby was drinking 130-140ml per day.. which is way over the 150ml * weight formula. 1st PD said i am over feeding and ask me to cut back.. 2nd PD said its OK as long as he is not puking too much milk out. The 150 * weight formula is just an absolute reference. Some babies go up to 200+. His guide - So long as the baby can last 3hrs means it is sufficient. If cannot last, then must up the feed.

Expressing -

How do you all massage your breast during expressing? Initially i was doing circular motion around each spot of the breast. Then got Mdm Ida to consult on breast massage and she ask me to use 3 finger point and push downwards towards the nipple. Tried her method initially and seem to work. But after 1 day my yield now seems to have dropped.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hmm..i realise i am not a very gd mummy. My bb is now 7 wks old and I still expect her to just eat and slp so that I will be free to do my other stuff. Was reading babycenter and realise that by this time, I can start playing and reading to bb to develop her senses.

Has any mummies started a schedule or routine for their bbs? Do you wake bb up everytime at the same time or allow the bb to wake on her own?

I wonder if I shld wake her up everyday at the same time.

Claudia: All i do is to press the areas where my breasts feel 'hard' to aid in milk expression... maybe im too impatient so i squeeze to get the milk out faster hahas!

Milk stain: WHy different PD says different thing. Mine asks me to clean regularly. I clean my son's tongue twice a day.. once in the afternoon when he has his bath and once at night when we wash him before sleep.


munchies: Mine is also about same age as yours.. we just talk to him alot. I don't wake him up but he'll automatically wake himself up if he needs milk. He wakes every 2-3 hrs. HOwever, his "stay awake" time is longer now so we can interact with him more now.

charliebrown: yup sure. will PM u after my visit to Dr Agnes on 3 Sep.

ceres: we've been cleaning bb's mouth since the start even though that time he's on TBM. so i think should clean everyday, good hygiene practice too. the method is similar to what Ann mentioned but we used cooled boiled water to clean instead of gripe water. we do it during bathing time. for gripe water, we feed after bath.

kepsis: hang in there! the first month is the most tough. things will get better as u get to know bb better and more settled into routine. and after 1st month u will be out of confinement and will be able to care for ur bb better.

Hi mummies ..

Me new to this forum , but in big trouble now , hope every one will kindly adv n share ur experience.

It rained heavly yesterday n think my bb - ansel had too much of cold wind- " len feng " bcos I placed bb play pen right next to the window .. He didn't develop a cold , but noticed there's pheglm building up in his throat n nose . No fever at the moment .. Any one encounter such prob ? Any home remedies b4 I take him to my pd ?

claudia: before expressing, i will also do the circular motion massage/the 3 finger massage. during expressing, I squeeze my breast to get the milk out faster.

munchies: i allow my bb to wake up on his own. there was a period we tried to wake him up regularly. but then he gets frustrated and very cranky when we try to latch him and keep waking up every now and then when we try to make him sleep and he seems to be in distress. Hence now we just let him sleep and wake up as he wish. now he hardly get cranky and during his awake time he is very active and doesn't really cry so long as someone is there to keep him company. overtime, my bb has somewhat settled into a routine. basically we will feed him at 11-12pm then he will sleep till 3-4am then wake up at ard 8-9am.

goh chia - if the nose is blocked, you can try using the sea water spray. can get from guardian or from pd.

jaclyn - think i will try to talk to my bb more often too

Irene - hmm think i monitor my gal for a while see how

tired tired n tired...

my 6weeks old bb is eating my pocket a big hole..he finishes 2 can of milk powder n he still drinking BF somemore...

weighing 5.6kg and length 60cm...sound kinda scary...duno is he over weight...but he is lean leh...

milk stain: i use the old sch cleaning syrup then dap on the hanki n clean his tongue...coz he on FM then tend to have milk stain daily..

munchies: mine at 6weeks, he will auto wake up for milk but also notice he tend to stay awake more offen now...need to find things to entertain him...

lasery - for bb is tall. My gal was only 54cm at 6wks. She weighed 4.65 but looks very very chubby. My gal is also burning a big big hole in my pocket. Milk powder is so exp

irene: ya get the sea water spray...brand is sterimar..baby size. i use it on my bb now also..don't wait until develop cough n flu like mine..always keep bb warm with long sleeve n long pants at nite.

Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - 8:47 pm:

Re: July 2010 MTB - Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

8. Jessica - [email protected]

9. tinkerbell_lim ([email protected])

10. Ireme ([email protected])

11. Piggy_77 ([email protected])

12. fion_loh - [email protected]

13. Sean tan([email protected])

14. Noknok ([email protected])

15. Carol([email protected])

16. Kitty - ([email protected])

17.Missymic-([email protected])

18. Shann Yheng -([email protected])

19. Phyllis -([email protected])

20. Pann - ([email protected])

21. ica - ([email protected])

22. Justina - ([email protected])

Sean/Irene: Thanks, the thing is my hubby been working OT recently, so he also quite poor thing coz he works 6 am and finish abt 11 then straight away come home help me take care of bb at night then next day 6 go work again. I see him like that also very heart pain. I hope bb will soon have less feeding session but each time eat more.

Sea Water Spray: May i know what is this for? Can use it everyday?

Phlegm: How do you all know if bb has lots of phlegm? My bb makes a lot of noise, quite nasel ones like 'hi hu hi hu', my hubby say must be got a lot of phlegm. But i read from books say its normal.

kepsis, the sea water spray is non-medicated so you can use it everyday when neccessary.

As for phlegm, I am not sure too. Its usually my mum that tells me that my gal has got phlegm.

cheese: yes, they will suddenly cry until very qi liang and sometimes laugh on their own...just coax n pacifiy them back can liao...


you've given up pumping, so you're directly latching your baby? how nice. i've just started drinking Sacred Tea but it makes me fart so much and smelly some more. and my baby's experiencing the same thing - thru my BM. every time she farts, her dad thinks she poos. hahaha!


ya, my baby cries suddenly sometimes. even when drinking milk, sometimes, she'll scream. dunno what's up with her lah. every day, she has something new up her sleeves, especially when it comes to feeding

today went to PD. my baby has slight eczema on her cheeks and cradle cap on her ears and brows. i see her, i feel so sad. hope she recovers fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

munchies; if i m getting sea water spray from guardian , do i have to pay attention on its dosage or have to search for those specificaly for baby ? n how do i use it?

lasery2k: i feel the fire in my pocket too !i have low milk supply , so bb have to rely mainly on FM! almost 1 can per week ! hes now 4 weeks n weighs almost 5 kg ! he drinks 120ml every 3 hours in the day n 150ml at night ! hes always hungry n crying for more !

my baby has turned 2 months last sunday! and i'm just so happy cos she's learnt to grip her rattle and move it around.

i'm slowly starting to start to feed her EBM from 8 - 5.30pm so that it matches the time she will be at infantcare. she's so used to latching most of the time i'm soooo scared of nipple confusion but i've bought NUK bottles. i hope that works!

Yo ladies!

Hope those babies who r ill get well soon.

Night feeds

hmm, I am trying not to feed my 6.5 wk old boy when he habitually wakes at 3am. For last 2 nights I managed to pat him bk to lalaland. Hopefully soon he can zzz from 8pm to


I'm tired too. Been spending more time with #1 than the bb. Took my #1 out yest and today and left #2 at home. Have not even started to introduce games to the bb. A bit guilty abt tt.

U ladies started exercising? I'm signing up hatha yoga at a cc where my elder boy is attending playgrp.

jasmine: the spray can be use daily de..my pd say use 3 times daily..but i use when i bathe n sponge bathe bb..

mine partical feeding..3 weeks 1 can...i change from similac to nan 1. cheaper n bb adapt to it better also..similac bb eat liao heaty..

Hey mommies~

for those attending our 1st July mommies playdate...:

I've booked the function room (the quartz @ sengkang central) already for 25th September. We have the room from 10am to 3pm (cos there is another booking at night by other ppl). Please confirm attendance plus number of pax. You can email me -> [email protected] (Pls tell me how many pax as well as your HP number to keep you updated...)! We have decided to go catering, price would be around $10-$12 per head. Depends on the attendance. Would need advance transfer of $ (no need so soon... 1 week b4 can already) to prevent misunderstanding.


Our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=150588054957748&ref=mf



I'm thinking of getting a diaper bag... is it really useful? If you are using one, please let me know where to get and how much it is...


To administer the spray :

Lie bb on the bed, face lying sideways, place the nozzle in the nostril and press briefly. Repeat the same for the other nostril.

There are instructions on the can. Its quite easy to use. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi lasery2k, my bb is on similac, how do we tell if bb is heaty, other than constpiation?

do mummies here feel that your hubby is not doing enough for bb? I know that my hubby has to work and is tired, but he seems not interested in learning more on how to take care of bb. He only knows how to carry, feed n change diaper..I mean,taking care of a bb is more than feeding and changing diaper. Many times I have to check the internet on bb's stuff and inform him, like bb's milestones, discharge on the eyes,real social smile etc..haiz..sometimes feel that we have a lot to learn as new parents..

Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - 8:47 pm:

Re: July 2010 MTB - Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

8. Jessica - [email protected]

9. tinkerbell_lim ([email protected])

10. Ireme ([email protected])

11. Piggy_77 ([email protected])

12. fion_loh - [email protected]

13. Sean tan([email protected])

14. Noknok ([email protected])

15. Carol([email protected])

16. Kitty - ([email protected])

17.Missymic-([email protected])

18. Shann Yheng -([email protected])

19. Phyllis -([email protected])

20. Pann - ([email protected])

21. ica - ([email protected])

22. Justina - ([email protected])

23. keropi - ([email protected])

Eliss - I just got a okiedog diaper bag from the taka fair... is really very useful to have one as it is more organise... easier for us to find things... cost $95+ during the fair.. initially we didn't want to waste $$ getting a diaper bag but end up buying one cos is really difficult to find things using normal bag

Hi, any mothers staying in the west area, mainly bukit batok, bukit timah area? I'm staying at the Hillside condo and would like to see if any mothers like to meet for baby talk/walk. I think I will get bored at home in the afternoon.

Lasery, munchies, jasmine: same here! My BM supply is low so everyday need to top up 1-2 feed with FM. He’s 5.5 weeks now and already finished 1.5 can of 400g FM. As FM once open can only keep for 3 weeks, so at first we bought 400g version cos we scare waste. But now he can finish half a can in less than 1 week so we bought the 900g version. Not only FM expensive, diapers are also a killer. And my dear son like to poo after we just change his wet diaper, wasteful boy haha.

Cherry.sue: congrats! NUK is good. I’m using NUK teats and so far my bb doesn’t have nipple confusion etc.

Phy: I also wanna exercise but really no time…haiz…my weight has been stagnant for the last few weeks. The last few kg is so hard to shed.

Charliebrown: I’m feeling the same as u. my husband also know how to feed and change diaper for bb but he doesn’t really have the initiative and gets impatient when bb is not very coorperative. And like most husband who need to work, he always say he is tired when he is home, althou he got time to watch tv, surf net etc…haiz. Actually he has been very supportive already but still I feel he should be more involved. When my husband is home, I always try to get him to interact with baby. But my parents n my MIL always ask my husband to hand the bb to them and go and rest cos he needs to work. I guess for the older generation, the husband earn the dough and wife take care of kids, so to them it’s alright that my husband dun need to help out with the bb. For example, my FIL totally nvr take care of the kids at all but now that the kids are older, they r not close to him. I guess this probably has some influence on my husband. But I ask my husband “do u want to be like ur dad?” I’ve been emailing and smsing him about bb stuff and try to talk to him about bb’s progress every night. Hopefully he will start to learn together with me…

Ya irene, my hubby too.

he is too workcoholic and at times now I will report to him what bb did, anything I encounter etc...

he will carry, change diapers, feed him but he nv talk much to bb de.. unlike me, every sentence will tell bb what am I going to do etc so that he can listen to my voice.

my hubby character is all along like that. but when bb smile at him, he was like over the mood, any little noise bb make, he will still care...

just that I tink he spend too much time in work, at home just reach room, he already going to on his PC and do work... -_-"" like company really got shares leh...

Charliebrown: my bb is on similac as well. I read from somwhere before that it suppose to be more heaty.if the stool is hard...been they having consipition lor. what i did was that i try to dilute the FM...mean 1 spoon for 60ml..i will make it to 80ml?so far it seem better.

Lasery, munchies, jasmine: yup..the FM and diaper is really a killer...i aldy lost track on how many tin..cos better dont go count liao..hahah

Charliebrown, Irene: i guess fatherhood is also vital to the kids as well. Well gone are the olden days when kids are only taken care by the mommie.Perhaps you can try to give some encouragement for things they have done well, get them to spend time to interact with the bb when awake? Or get them to be involve in planning and buying bb things?i guess it more of the communication..everyone show their concern in diff way..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lasery2k, thanks for the sea spray recommendation. My baby sometimes can't sleep at night, due to blocked nose. And we can't do anything about it, except hope she sneezes the stuff out. Maybe this spray will help.

NUK teats - I started using the nuk teats for my gal but I think the teat might be too small for her as she takes abt 25mins to finish abt 120ml of FM. WHen I use the medela bottles , she can finish the 120ml of milk in ten mins.

Mummies, how long does it take for your bbs to finish up their milk? How do we know if the teats are too big or too small for them?

hello mummies, hvn't been logging in lately...busy and CL went back yest morning liao.

Re: Diaper Bag

Eliss>> I have a few diaper bags. It's actually useful cuz it's more organized. If u're just the only one carrying the bag, u can just get those medium to large size tote bags and not just diaper bag in specific per se.

Re: FM

Due to BB's jaundice not totally gone yet...once again, I've stopped feeding my BB BM (expressing still tho & keep in freezer) but with FM at the moment.

Currently I mixed 2 brands of FM for my BB already. Since Enfalac he drink liao, stool is watery and lately Pro-Nan, stool abit hard. I mix the 2 brands together.

E.g. 1 scoop Enfalac, 2 scoops Pro-Nan...now his stool is normal.

Irene: yea, feel the same as what you have written. Wish hubby can take more initiative.

Cheese: I also talk more to bb, especially bathing time. Every thing I do will narrate to him. My hubby seldom talks to bb, mostly call his name onli. Sometimes feeding, he will watch tv instead of looking at bb. heart pain..

Sean: Din know FM can dilute. It wont affect the nutrition? maybe I will try later...thanks!

For NUK teats, S size is for breast milk and M size is for FM..


I'm at bukit panjang. Count me in for play dates. In fact I've resumed taking my elder boy to play dates.


causeway point? Go tues to eat gelare icecream waffle! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

charlie-i heard from some mommies here that y i dilute...but since dilute..i din feed mine with any water..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

julie: u can get those suction pump from pigeon..those use mouth with a tube to suck 1..it helps to clear the mucus in the nose. i bought both the pump n the mouth suck 1..

if u felt the mucus really making yr bb uncomfy, can bring bb to KKH for suction..i brought mine down also..don't wait til develop into cough wor..(mine develop into cough n i felt quite bad over it) remember not to feed bb 2 hrs before the suction at KKH if bring there.

hubby issue

actually we can't demand much fron hubby lah..they need to work and will feel tired when come home. i always engage mine in changing diapers, feeding, carry, coaxing bb to sleep, make milk for bb n run around the hse to help mi take this n tt when i tied dwn with bb.

sean, irene, munchies, jasmine: ya...scary loh..i using bumwear in the day then ddisposable at nite..so still nt so xiong. but then he also another wasteful boy..i normally coax him to poo poo first then change after each feeding..but he still will poo another big 1 for mi once the new diaper is put on for him...super irritating..got once..got 1 nite he change like 6 diapers thanks to the pooing..

sean: i swop to nan 1 liao..similac too heaty for my boy..if i put him more on FM he won't poo for like 3 days n everyday will gek until very very peh chek..at nite can't sleep well also..my boy take liao also gt phlegm..now is so much better..he pooing as usual jus not as watery compare to more breast milk.


wanted to share..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4414728.jpg]


•Thaw milk overnight in the refrigerator, or hold the bottle under warm running water to quickly thaw. You can also place the sealed container in a bowl of warm water for 20 minutes to bring it to body temperature.

•Thawed milk is safe in the refrigerator for 24 hours. DO NOT REFREEZE.

Read more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


