(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Re: July 2010 MTB - Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

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1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

8. Jessica - [email protected]

9. tinkerbell_lim ([email protected])

10. Ireme ([email protected])

11. Piggy_77 ([email protected])

12. fion_loh - [email protected]

13. Sean tan([email protected])

14. Noknok ([email protected])

15. Carol([email protected])


cecil>> haha...me too! Wear until like damn itchy / stuffy down there. Am in my 3rd/4th week post delivery too and somedays only have stains, then next day, got blood again. Duh.

BTW, i tot i remember some mummies said if we dun latch, milk won't leak from nipples. Is that so? Cuz now I'm into 100% EBM but milk still leak le...sometimes so messy, hehee.

mrslong - i am also on EBM and milk still leaks like crazy if i don't pump regularly, esp in the mornings...

and yah, i wonder when this lochia will end! i dont like it at all!!!!!! =(

mine has been 4 weeks!

phy- yup...got to endure also...i had a time when all relative keep carry him...n he only want to sleep when being carry...it really took me sometime n pain to get him back to been able to fall asleep by himself..in fact at 1 pt..i thought of pacifier...(if cant tahan)...then decide to endure..take the hard way out..hahaha...know how u feel

Aisha: my baby has those bumps on her eyebrow and cheek area... i apply a bit of cream which her PD gave for her neck rashes.

cecil: my lochia just stopped around this week. about 6 weeks after bb is born. it already lightened on the 4th week so i was wearing pantiliners already..

anyone bought baby carriers already? can share what brand u bought?

hi mommies who r on EBM... how much do u all feed ur bb? mine is on 130-140ml but still does 3hrly feeds! he is 6 weeks old

n do u all pump regularly every 3 hrly even 2 nite?

sweetkiss - i have not bought the carrier but i heard from mommies in this forum that the brand ERGO is good? Any sprees for this brand, i wonder?

welcome tigger: ofcoz all mummies are welcome here..

mi ar..yesterday battle with my hungry monster from 1am until 6am in the morning until hubby finally can't stand it n wake up to help...

1am feed 120ml, 3am feed 150ml, 4am latch him on and he fell aslep ( tot it's finally over, ended up when i put the timebomb on his own bed he start to wail and start all over again). then 5.30am feed 120ml again..

6am he finally start to doze off after hb took over and sleep until 9am plus..

as for mi..from 9am KO until 12pm..hard time hard time...

Claudia - Mine is 120ml every 2hrs unless he is super tired in the night time after midnight than i can sleep for 4 hours for next feeding.

my boy also like big eater.. although he have not taken 150ml in 1 shot.. he takes like 100ml.. then 1hr+ cry for milk again, then give him like 50ml and he dozes off.. 1hr+ cry again !!

its smaller feeds but very frequent feeds. Maybe breastmilk easy to digest thts why??

My 5.5 wk old feeding schedule

9am - latch on

12pm - latch on

3pm- latch on

6pm -latch on

7.30pm - 120ml ebm

11pm - 120ml ebm (dream feed)

wee hours is feed on demand. Usually he wakes up ard 3am then 6am.

This morning he only napped 10 minutes. After that he got up and I let him cry it out for a good 45 minutes. In the end, took him out from crib, bathed him and then latch on ard 12pm again.

Now want him to nap. But hor, he's crying again.



I'm tempted to up the vol. for EBM too.. so that he can Zzz longer in the wee hours..

But holding back coz worried he may puke it out.

Hai..mine big eater too. 90ml every 2 hrly and he is only 3 weeks+. I cant catch up with his dd using ebm..sob sob..and my ss seems to be dropping these few days too. Stress..

CT - okies i was reading about feed to feed 4-5hrly and wondering whether am i alone when he still feeds 3hrly despite taking 140ml!

lasery - i gave up latching on after my mastitis and nipple still sore and pain and he cries on my breast and refuses to sleep and keep looking for food still 1hr+ later... but applause to you... you seem to have great preservance and patience!!! Are you feeding on EBM? How to know how much he wanna drink and make hot in time for his demands? I still can't bear hearing him cry for even 5mins... anyways, hang in there.. my boy (if urs is 10th jul... mine is 1 day older, 9th jul) bit cranky these 2 days and tell myself possibly growth spurt week (week 6)!

Phy - - envious of ur schedule.. seems like you're doing a great job! good stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

claudia: really? desitin is my miracle cream.. no nappy rash for baby since the start ! But I heard baby's skin will build up a resistance to it.. so apply lightly

sillyhp: no harm trying !


same.. my boy dont like destitin & pureen, use le more worse..

but after using the drapolene.. i can see the rash disappear lorz.. heehee~~

maybe the destitin & pureen too thick..

while drapolene is soft..

Hershey & claudia

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm very rigid de... so poor boy gotta 'suffer' the training.

Now problem is his napping issue. This morning only napped 10 mins! and now? Happily playing in his bouncer!Desperately want him to sleep by 2pm.


Hubby doesn't want me to increase yet.. maybe tonight I'll try 130ml.


Any good cream is paw paw cream

phy- yr schedule seem good...i guess it more of letting them have a routine...so that we can judge and also knwoing what to do in between...u are doing great!!

sun tan

why stress? Take fenugreek? More fluid?

I'm starting to pump after latch on to store... target 1 pack per day.. SS slowly increasing. tell myself no stress if can't meet target [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


at least ur boy have routine & used to it..

My boy ar.. even i train him with the routine.. he still can slp thru out the day & nite.. Fainted~~

worse is when it rain.. he can slp up to 6 hrs.. and unwillingly to wake up to latch.. argh.. than my bm flow non-stop lorz... & DON wan to change pamper.. fainted..

what a smell & lazy boy i have... :D

YES! KO at 2pm! Hurray!! Now it's me time before #1 wakes up ard 3pm.

Ya, I'm a believer of routine lor.. But life will be boring lah.. but at least I can plan things ard their routines..


I envy u leh.. ur boy can sleep long stretches! How old is he already?

Actually my #2 sort of set that schedule.. my schedule is not like that one... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wait till he can drop his night feeds then I'll shift his schedule a bit.

sillyhp n sean: ya he big eater..he taken 160ml before also...yap sillyhp our boys are same age..

erm...he drinking formula for tt 150ml n didn't last long also...

claudia: nope, i feeding formula to him at nite to keep him full n can sleep better..yesterday nite he super cranky..mainly due to his block nose n can't breath properly..haiz poorthing n poor mummy..

my right side had mastitis before and supply only 50ml for pumping n stuck at tt volume since then whereas left side is like a tank..he can finish until flat flat when it's super full n hard..still only lasted for 3hrs n his latching intake is confirm 150ml coz everytime i pump is 130ml from left side.

1245 he just finish latching him n maid still carrying him n trying to coax him to sleep...haiz...my boy is getting less sleepy as days goes by..

Mrs Long,

Nope, no confusion (PHEW!) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

First wk he did have issues when I fed him some water using a syringe..Then he got confused abt how milk should flow into his mouth. I retrained him to latch.. then only introduced FM when he was warded for jaundice... was worried abt nipple/teat confusion after he got discharged but lucky for me so far ok coz most times I just latch him.


Ya yours is big eater! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must be very ba ba de (fleshy)

Your supply is real good! Think I've yet to hit 100ml from one side only.

As for naps, I read that day times our kids should have ard 3 naps of total 5 hours.. so I'm trying to regulate my boy's naps to be at least 1.5 hr each. Morning, mid noon and late afternoon.

In between will plan activities for him like tummy time, bouncer time, bath time etc

20mins nap and he is up crying for me again. Hmm be +ve... better than this morning's 10 mins nap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sillyhp, tt's only 1 side..hahaha...the other side supply might cut off anytime de..

my boy boy not ba ba at all..lean n long with some meat..

he morn can slep n slep n slep then at nite will make noise..sometimes will resort to carrying him n slep together...(final option is pop him on my chest n let him sleep there, as long he quiet and don't make noise can liao <--not advisable but wateva liao)

Hi all

How many bottles of DOM did you consume? i kept sweating after drinking DOM even when i slept with air con on. Even Hennessy makes me sweat.

My mum said I should drink more but I'm breastfeeding and drink only at night and I only pump the next day.

Ling: I consume none .. refuse to take cos i bfeeding too hehes

sling: Today i felt brave and carried my son in a sling while making a short trip to the supermarket.. end up i am still carrying him with 1 hand cos scared to be totally hands free. Now i feel the muscles in my that 1 hand damn tired haha..


Well done! Taken the first step. Nothing's gonna stop you now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mummies..

Do you still swaddle your baby? My boy is now 1 month 18 days old, he cant sleep well if I dont swaddle him. I have to swaddle him even during the day.

He can wor.. lol!

I am starting to train him, but he just dont sleep. Even if he fall asleep, he wakes up within half an hour.. Aiyoh..


ur boy is 1st july??

mine boy is 1sy july.. heheh~~

i nv swaddle my boy for so long de.. but still he will jumpy jumpy during his slp.. heheeh~~ but nv wake up..


my boy cannot tahan hot.. LOL~~


Jaclyn: I hope the alcohol dun go to the milk as my mum added the alcohol in the cooking. I couldn't drink the alcohol direct as i'm allergic to alcohol.

Minmin: my boy is 2 wks old and i still swaddle him as sometimes he cries and likes to be swaddled. I use the diaper cloth to swaddle him as it's less hot. I think once a baby reaches 1 month old, no need to swaddle cos my frd said to me there is no need to buy swaddling cloth as its only for a month.

