(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

sean: ya totally agree..was telling my HB everytime..when i get back to work i would have muscle like back in my fit days..mine is aready 1 packet of rice plus. 5 and a half weeks.

and the best part is he don't look buibui at all..lean n long with some meat..wondering when he really start getting buibui i will faint.


ya don't let bb lie dwn straight after eating..pop bb up 30 degree and let them settle the milk down then burp...after burping let them rest in the same 30 degree position for 15-30mins be4 puting bb back to cot to prevent vomiting or spit ups..

yesterday was asking pd on how to prevent bb from vomiting n spit up. tt's wat he taught mi..tried in the nite n bb didn't spit up..

lasery2k-yup..in fact my bb also not looking buibui..wonder if he is 3-6 months...i think by then my arms sure have very define muscle liao..wahahaha

Hi would like to check

(NB69) Japanese Inujirushi Nursing Bra

Colour: Black (M)-

Is it very tight fitting?

Haven’t been logging in to the forum for a few days as I was super busy due to bb’s full month celebration. The full month celebration also marks the end of my confinement and my parents who did my confinement just left and now my MIL took over to help out. As with most if not all MIL, there’s quite a bit of “adaptation” to go through. Was very upset & worried yesterday…hopefully things will get better.

Wah all the bb seems so much heavier than my boy boy. His birth weight is 2.94kg. lost about 10% in first 2 weeks when he had jaundice. At 1 month, he’s only 3.5kg  but he has been “trying” to gain weight. He drinks like 800-900ml a day. We totally give up trying to catch up his demand. Just top up with FM where necessary =P

Now pumping as I’m writing the post. First time use computer while pumping. It’s such a happy feeling =) I using the bed tray from IKEA and put the laptop on the tray while I lie on the bed and pump.

Hi grace, pls help to add me on MSN: [email protected] thanks!

Kepsis: there’s a handsfree kit from pumping pal. Can get it through mumsfairy http://www.mumsfairy.com/ . the pumping pal breast shield is also very good. I try to pump every 2 hourly except during the wee hours I pump at 12midnight, 3.30am, 7.30am then start 2 hourly again except when latching bb.

for the first time my pump yield is 75ml at 2 hr interval! usually is 40-50ml only. first time using computer and reading the SMH posts as I pump. Maybe reading the posts by mummies help to stimulate my maternal instinct and milk production haha.

Wah.. i just recieved my utilities bill for my confinement month... my bill come up to $300. Hubby nearly fainted but for me, quite expected. Normally my bill is less than $100.

Re: Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

Re: Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

8. Jessica - [email protected]

I gave up the air con cos my mum only allowed temp set at 28 degree n fan speed set to the lowest, n i have to wear a jacket on top of my t-shirt, in the end i feel even warmer then without aircon. HaHa...

Dreamfeed: How do u all determine what is dreamfeed? My bb always wakesup when i feed leh.

Irene: Thanks for the info, wah must really be v hard working.... its so hard to wake up in the middle of the night, so far only when my bb cry then i wake up feed, after that ill be so exhauseted and ill go back to sleep.

Re: Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

8. Jessica - [email protected]

9. tinkerbell_lim ([email protected])

Breastfeeding mummies,

I always feel very hungry after breastfeeding, my appetie increased alot after confidement..so scary!

Will Breastfeeding mummies put on weight? Any mummies?

Re: Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

8. Jessica - [email protected]

9. tinkerbell_lim ([email protected])

10. Ireme ([email protected])

sito: i usually feel thirsty n a little hungry but not very hungry. we use quite alot of calories when we breastfeed so i think it's normal to feel abit hungry. i dun see any of my frens who bf put on weight.

i think my bb is like a camel. we fed him at 5pm, he fell asleep at 7+ and just woke up at 12 midnite to eat! at 1 month old, he can easily finish >4oz.


yr comment abt your bb being a camel really cracked me up! i wish my baby was like yrs! she is still pretty much on her routine without dropping any feeds yet! this is despite her being abt 5kgs now .. lol

Re: Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

8. Jessica - [email protected]

9. tinkerbell_lim ([email protected])

10. Ireme ([email protected])

11. Piggy_77 ([email protected])

Re: July 2010 MTB - Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

8. Jessica - [email protected]

9. tinkerbell_lim ([email protected])

10. Ireme ([email protected])

11. Piggy_77 ([email protected])

12. fion_loh - [email protected]

Ya I also hope my 5 wk old boy can sleep longer than 3.5 hours at night!

Me going bk to lalaland after feeding.


Re: July 2010 MTB - Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

8. Jessica - [email protected]

9. tinkerbell_lim ([email protected])

10. Ireme ([email protected])

11. Piggy_77 ([email protected])

12. fion_loh - [email protected]

13. Sean tan([email protected])

Morning to all mommies,

so how all your bb been doing last nite? For mine, has been sleeping and feeding..playing with himself(surprise too) ..fall asleep at 9pm, woke up at 1am,3am and 7am..

Re: July 2010 MTB - Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

7. Serene ([email protected])

8. Jessica - [email protected]

9. tinkerbell_lim ([email protected])

10. Ireme ([email protected])

11. Piggy_77 ([email protected])

12. fion_loh - [email protected]

13. Sean tan([email protected])

14. Noknok ([email protected])

Jellypurin: can I ve the person in charge tel no for the Sean lau ps? I want to enquire some qns first b4 I confirm with u. Thanks!

Hi gd morning mommies!

Can i just ask - how long does lochia last? today is my 4th week of post natal... initially yesterday it was very small brownish spots. but this morning got red blood again =(

im sick of wearing pads! haha.



Last night I let my boy sleep earlier, at 7pm, after a bottle of EBM. Gave him a dreamfeed at 1030pm (usually 1130pm and he will get up ard 3am) to test if he could sleep longer and get up at 3am to feed.

Haiz, then hor, he got up at 2am. Exactly 3.5 hr again! Then 5.45am and finally 8.15am.

His naps are pretty terok. Wants to nap in bouncer and I refuse. So now? I'm letting him cry it out. Been wailing for 15mins le

