(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

i think there are other BPs that may have READY stock and price reasonable. you can perhaps try there (remember to double check that the model is compatible with freestyle)

the "hard" funnels definitely less wastage of milk when you remove after pumping. i alternate usage of both types of funnels.

Hi ladies, bb Chloe has a condition, it's called Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA).. arrgghh! Anybody heard of this b4? We hope she will be well.. sobsob..Her jaundice level is low.. and she can go home with us just need to follow up with the PDA thing. Now still only colostrum le.. today is day 2.

Actually can check out today le.. but i am so not ready, tmr then check out hehe..

Bb Chloe is sleeping soundly in daddy's arm so sweet..

Morning mommies~

Mrslong: Hey.. don worry about it. I think most mommies here supplemented with FM during the first few days of stay at the hospital. I know I did! Baby was given about 20ml of similac each time while I try to latch and latch. I still remember having the worse pain when he was latching cos nipples are "new" to this ma.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Claudia: Hi welcome to the forum.., my baby latches on about 10-15 mins per side depends on how hungry. Sometimes I don't unlatch him to latch the other breast and let him empty 1 breast. Cos when I unlatch him.. alot of times he refuse to take the other breast already so I just let him take as much as he can from the 1st breast. As long as he is gaining weight, looks healthy .. u are doing great [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene: Hai I feel the same way, but i have ppl 'fighting' for baby time with me in this house. So I am quite possessive over him now heh. Just this morning i was "ordered" to bring my son out after I finish feeding him so they can play with him. Makes me feel like i'm just a milk dispenser! Sighhh donno why I will feel this way? Not really in my character last time...

When come to at night.. I am the same as you. I hope and pray that he closes his eyes and sleeps while suckling so that I can put him straight to bed. But he always wakes when I burp him ~

Vomit: Ok today my son gave me a huge scare. I fed him already, then took him out for his bath..then right after bathing I was called by my MIL / Maid to feed him again cos he was crying. So I offered him the other boob.. he suck for about 10 mins. Then after that I sat him up to burp him.. when he burped, alot of milk came out too!!! Like.....ALOT! Gave me a fright!! I research on the net.. found out its normal and thats baby's stomach way of saying its full already and had too much.

But really feel so heart pain seeing him vomit all my milk out! Donno issit heart pain cos see him vomit.. or heart pain about the milk hehe. Cos he still seem like nothing happened and so contented.

Shann: Shann, jiayou! Don't worry too much!

What is the ductus arteriosus?

The ductus arteriosus is a wide muscular blood vessel joining the pulmonary artery (main artery to the lungs) to the aorta (main artery to the body). This connection allows blood to be diverted from the lungs into the aorta during fetal development since the baby does not breathe until after delivery. The ductus arteriosus normally closes after birth. If it fails to close, PDA (patent or open ductus arteriosus) occurs and blood continues to flow from the aorta to the pulmonary artery. The effects of this altered circulation are :

* increased work of breathing

* increased workload on the heart

* fluid in the lung

* right heart enlargement

* increased lung workload

How is a PDA (patent ductus arteriosus) treated?

In small or premature babies, medicine may be used first to try to close the ductus arteriosus. In some cases medicine does not work or cannot be used and the ductus arteriosus must be closed surgically. Surgical correction includes closure of the PDA through a left thoracotomy incision (left underarm). The ductus is closed with a clip or is tied shut. In older children, medical treatment does not work. The ductus can be closed surgically or, in some children, a device placed through the artery into the ductus can be used.

More info: http://www.pedisurg.com/PtEduc/PDA.htm

Thanks Jaclyn.. pray that it will close by itself..

I am very worried, didn't cry until just now.. tears just flowed down.. but hubby is supportive and keep comforting me.. okie shall stay positive, it will close by itself soon!


Don't despair ya? Remember, mummy must be strong, happy and positive so that BB chloe will be that as well! Also, she will be stronger after going through this PDA. Don't underestimate BB's fighing spirit ya. For all u know, BBs possess much stronger fighting spirits than adults. So have FAITH in Chloe! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope all mummies are well. I have popped on 15 jul via induce natural with epi and two push... Faster than expected. Bb boy name is Caleb Oke, wt 3.585g, delivered by dr sim. Now struggling w bf...

Shann: stay strong..i am sure that all will goes well...u must be positive ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am sure Chole can do it de...

Jaclyn -- celeste also like tat the other time. she keep on latching for comfort and drinking at the same time. end up she vomit twice.. i changed her twice. end up i carry her to a sitting position for 15 mins before putting her on the bed. i told her.. "mama wont repeat the same mistake again"

now, even if shes gonna wake up, i will make sure i burp her and let her rest sitting up for a while.. if im too lazy, then i will see milk residue on her face when shes sleeping.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but after that lesson, i learn to let her rest and keep her awake and latch her back.

FIL has been complaining that i dun carry bb out.. and MIL and FIL keep telling me neighbours are looking for bb.. -_-''' but i dun hear them at my house.. dun care la.. dun carry out la.. i also dun carry out... crazy.. my bb eat and sleep.. how can bring her out at either of the timing? when bb grow older, tons of bonding time for them lor.. now i jus wanna make sure my bb is healthy and having a routine also..

Give bb both sides, even thou shes sleepy

this is what i read recently.. normally i will just let bb sleep when she unlatches cause she looks so tired.. but i read.. offer her the other side even thou shes sleepy, if she latches on, then good. if not, at least we tried and let her sleep.

i use this method and least expected, she accepted the other breast even thou sleepy and continue to suckle for abt 10 - 15mins. i normally dun let her go to long on the other one.. i scared she too full.. but remember to let her empty the first breast before offering her the other..

totally agree with Mrs Long.. thanks for all the encouragement and support... confidence booster!

Eliss - I started giving him 1 bottle / night for the past 2 nights. So yes, maybe nipple confusion so I think I will stop with the bottle feed tonite. Anyways, after 3 times of 15mins feeds with 1+hourly interval this morning.. he finally managed to stay on my breast for 40mins (although suction not that fantastic)! Fingers crossed...

Serene - Thanks for the tip on the poo colour. Yes, noticed since weekend his poo colour turned slight greenish yellow. Will try to perserve to feed him more on one breast! But he was either crying even tho latched on or he will keep unlatching himself so I bu ren xing and decided to switch breast so that at least he will eat more...

Jaclyn... your milk flow must be pretty much for ur bb to be satisfied with juz 10-15mins! Last week... when bb unlatches automactically, most often still have let down.. but these few days no let down... maybe milk flow too little that's why bb cry & struggle on the breast even tho latched on?!

Pillow... I use freestle too! 200ml in less than 20mins? That's really great! Which speed do you use? I juz allow for 2mins stimulation and then L4 speed... used to be able to do 30ml in 6mins in the morning but this morning only managed that in 20mins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] with this pace i really wonder if bb is satisfied on my breast.. maybe that's why he is cranky. But good advise on the switching from expression and stimulation phase... will try that and hopefully it helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrates to all July mummies! Proud of ourselves!

Highly recommend to wear Lipo Undergarment after your pregnancy to flatten your Tummy, trim/tone hip and thigh. Find out more from their website: www.itsi.com.sg.


Hi all.... Hvn been in this thread for very long.... Can I still join u gals??

Mi juz popped this morning at MtA... My dear princess weighs 2885g

any1 still in MtA??

Pillow, what size funnels are you using? I'm not sure if I should buy S or M.

Keer13, I'm using medela pump in style advanced metrobag version. It's portable as it comes with plug and external battery. I usually take about 15 to 20 mins to pump, 3 hour interval and average amt of 150ml.

Eliss, I usually bend slightly forward when I remove the funnel so that the milk can drip down. But after hearing pillow's advice, will try out the hard funnel.

Hi mummies.. Anyone staying in the west using drypers diapers for their newborn? I've got a pack of 64 diapers (i've opened it to realise it's too small for my boy) to give away..

Too wasted to throw them away..

If you're keen, do drop me a PM..

*Btw, drypers S size is smaller than Pampers Newborn size..

Medela freestyle really that good? Hmmm, if so might want to invest in one. Currently using Medela Mini Electri Breastpump. Usually pump abt 10 to 20 minutes, yield abt 80 to 120ml.

Don't mind pumping fewer sessions with greater yield. If freestyle can achieve that, I would have more time to R&R

Hi Claudia, my baby (turning 4 weeks this week) only latches on one side of the breast for 10 - 15mins and he'll pull himself away from it, and is satisfied. So each time he feeds, it'll only be one side. So i'll alternate my breast for each feed. But at the end of the day, just make sure bb is growing healthily and poo shld be greenish in the beginning and shld start turning yellowish as u continue bfing.. Jia you!!

claudia, i start with the stimulation 2 mins (std) then the pump auto switch to expression till 9 mins . which then i will usually change to stimulation for say 45seconds before going back to expression mode again. can experiment depending on individual on letdown.

if i pump within 3 hr, it will take around 10 mins to clear. if pump like 5 hr apart, it will take be <20mins and done. i will pump till my breasts are soft. Strength, i am on L5 / L6 typically.

for me, whether i pump 3hr or 5-6hr, yield output will double accordingly so i pump 6 hrly, on top of latching bb. so its 1 feed EBM , 1 feed latch then pump excess out. at night, bb is on EBM coz fed by CL.

Hi, sori to pop by out of de blue..I suddenly dev soreness in breast n high fever of 38.9..been 2 a gp n was told infection n put on antibiotic n paracetamol..erm..altho felt no lumps n was told infection..I wondered y is this so...

She says to go back review if fever or pain no go away.. Scared she will ask me take pill to stop production eventually..

silly - i upgraded from single mini to freestyle de, mini electric suction is powerful compared to freestyle but I like freestyle "handsfree" but more parts to wash!

hi Star_xin, if you examine your breast closely, do you see a reddish patch ?

i had 2 rounds of mastitis with my #1. very high fever, and soreness of breasts. its a terrible experience , super painful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but with the antibiotics, it should go away in a few days. meantime, relieve by cabbage leaves. i continued to pump and latch to clear.

hope you recover soon!

Mrs Long,

No stress no stress..my 1st 2 days in hosp bb latches well but has pinkish urine n doc says my supply nt gd n I got v upset..so I gave in to supplement w fm..wat was worst was the pinkish urine continued n moi mil said ' who ask u no milk? ' I was so upset n cry n cry..n all is well nw except I kena soreness in breast n high fever nw..

pillow, thanks! my PISA came only with the soft funnels, think they call Soft Fit... hard funnels are Personal Fit? Just checked the BP which is selling at $20 for a pair... Anybody knows anywhere that is selling cheaper?

keer13, i just checked out mumsfairy website on the 2 items which you recommended. the super shields look good, but the thought of washing another set of funnels... lazy! is the handsfree kit easy to use?

Claudia -- at least its an indication on how much ur bb is having. so now, u try to prolong the feeding.. foremilk is more water so bb wont be getting enough nutrients and will not be full..

sometimes when celeste gets distracted, i will talk to her, encourage her. so i take the risk to unlatch her, burp her then latch back the same breast again. if shes sleepy at that feed, i will wipe her face, change her diapers, or even bathe her depending on how sleepy she is..

stAr_xIn -- dun worry.. u can always let ur doc know that u want to cont bfing and also check if the medication is safe for bfing. when i delivered celeste, i got infection too. was given antibiotics but was afraid to take but my leg was too swollen. i went online to check and indeed the medication is safe for bfing and i cont to bf bb. now im healed and so far ok..

i think its a breast infection that u are having? dun worry, it will heal. many mommies will experience that de.. u are not alone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

paracetamol is ok.. its to help with the fever. most medication that is safe for pregnancy is safe for bfing basically.. u can also google it, and check for the safety for bfing.

and hor.. pinkish in urine means supply no good? ur bb got jaundice ma?

my bb also like that for once after delivery.. then i cont bfing.. then nothing happen liao lei.. hmm.. dun worry about the comments.. i also got a fair share of such.. i wanted to flare up liao.. but if i, as a mother insist that my bb is having enough and i can bf, no one can stop me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia you

Shann n junie,


My birth story:

Started feeling mild contractions on 24th jul ard 8am. At tat tine, it was 8 mins apart. The pain was just like mid menses cramp. Got gynae visit on tat same morning too thus I wasn't too concern abt the cramps.

Did ctg at gynae's clinic n confirmed my contractions. Did VE check n was found to be 3-4cm dilated. Gynae asked me to go home to wait n if nothing happens by e next morning, then just checked into MAH to breakwater bag.

At night, I went for my last buffet dinner at Orchard hotel with family n relatives. Hee hee drank as much cold water as I can n even ate some raw salmon!! Contractions intensive getting higher n contractions was abt 5 mins apart at ard midnight. Waited for hubby to come back from work before checking into MAH ( thanks Grace for the advice!) . Reached MAH at 2am, did VE n was found to be 6 cm dilated. Too late for epi , thus was clinging to the laughing gas for my dear life! Pain became unbearable at 4am n requested for penciline( is tat how u spell it?), the pain killer tat was injected via thigh. Waterbag break by itself during one of the contractions. Started pushing ard 545am... Tried for abt an hr n in the end was too exhausted from the pain n pushing n gynae assisted by using vacuum. So bb Skyler was borned at 645am weighing 3.305kg.

Sorry for the long post!


The latchation consultants n nurse tried to help me n my boy but he just couldn't get it right. His tongue keeps gg towards the roof of his mouth n refuse to let the nipple in. Even when bottle feeding, sometimes also have problem to get him to suckle correctly. So wat I m doing now is to pump out my colostrum n feed him via bottle n then to top up the rest using formula. My colostrum only came in at day 3 thus my boy didn't have the incentive to suckle from my breast during the 1st few days. Also now when I pump I can only get abt 30ml if colostrum from both breastvin total. Thus will wait till breast milk supply more establish before trying to let him try latching again. So for now, I can only hoped tatty milk supply can come in fast n alot! Haaa..


where can I buy instant party banner and balloon? I need them for my BB gal's full month celebration!

hi sun tan....still remembers me? seems like mi so long no come in here all no rem mi at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Jiayou on bfeeding..

I am not doing any better either. last night only slept 1 hr undisrupted. bb was feeding almost every 1.5hrs. i handled him over to maid at 8am this morn so that i can catch up on sleep.

he has this sensitive nose problem as jiejie. All inherited from father loh. so have to keep spraying his nose. all choked up so cannot suck well especially at night. day time no problem..

but if give breast, he ok wor.. only bottle then got problem.

hopefully it will all go over soon...

grace my bb also senstive nose... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but PD never give anything.. but i can hear from her breathing.. and i had to clear her nose everyday.. also inherited from hubby.. lol.. hubby ask me to use the suck suck thing to clear her nose.. but i think shud be quite painful... so now i using baby cotton buds

Star and Mrs long,

My son also pinkish urine on 2nd day. So what I did was to ask for FM immediately since my milk had not kicked in yet. My priority then was BB first. TBF can start later... Even when he was hospitalised due to jaundice, I also asked for him to be supplemented on FM.

When he was discharged, I still supplemented him with 1 bottle (90ml) of fm as my concern then was his jaundice.

Now all is well and he is on TBF.

So... don't need to worry so much abt TBF in the beginning... can still be done de. Just remember when BB take FM, must pump to stimulate supply.


u go pharmacy, can buy this sea salt spray. safe for babies one. PD also give same thing.

its no medication, just soften the nose mucus and hopefully disolves it or help it flow out of the nose.

its abt $14+ depending which pharmacy.

one day use 3 times, 1 spray into each side of the nostril.


(The pharmacy sells the normal dark blue one, while PD gives the baby blue one. i have both, its the same except for the nozzle. i use the dark blue one for my boy)

we got use the pigeon suck suck thing but he didnt like it. did it on jiejie, she scream too.

that's why that day go PD, they use the machine suck jiejie's phelgm, i cried buckets while bfeeding the little boy. I can hear her scream cos the room is next to each other.

my poor boy has another nose drop, that is medicated. cos his sister was sick, so doctor gave. cos most prob caught from the sister.

Pillow... how old is ur bb? alternating btw EBM and latching... would ur bb not have nipple confusion? So you will express alternate breast every 6hrly?

hi claudia, my bb is 13 day old today. i interchange between latch and bottle EBM since discharged from hospital. no nipple confusion. same for my #1 too. as my bb has jaundice, i prefer to feed EBM by bottle interchangeably to ensure bb drinks adequate (in case during the latch, she doesn't drink that much as tend to be sleepy initially).

i would pump both breasts as baby does not always clear both breasts totally. i would use the pump to ensure drain. in addition, it also helps to give my nipples a break in between feeds and "season" them at the same time.

the "hard" funnels are called Personal Fit.

i agree with sillyhp. despite all that we have read abt TBF, i feel there is no harm supplementing with FM.

during my #1 time, i was so stressed abt TBF (and insistent abt it) that i will latch and pump every 3 hrly. i even set alarm clock to ensure that. i had hard time with milk supply. i was so damn tired. zombified.

for #2, i relaxed and instead opt for having adequate sleep straight for at least 5-6 hrs. adequate rest is key to getting milk to "come". and this time round, i have lots to store.

a relaxed mind, zzz, and drink lots of fluid = milk supply


i envy u. even w supplementing fm to my boy n dilligently expressing w/o latch, my bm yield is super low. my sore nipples are healing but my 8 day old has nipple confusion.

i think slp is v impt... just got my helper and i hope that i can get more rest... super tired these days.


It's ok with the colostrum. Mine only kicks in on day 3. Even Now Also very little only so I top up with FM. But must continue to latch or pump to stimulate the supply. When I was. In the hospital, nurse gave me pump to stimulate cos my boy refuse to latch. So first few time pump Also nothing comes out. Must jiayou.


Jiayou !

jellypurin, yours only just started. am sure you continue on, BM will come in greater volumes ! jia you.

you have CL helping or mum to do the cooking ?


We are so alike! For #1 also got so hyped up abt TBF and broke down coz gotta supplement #1 with FM due to jaundice. For #2, take it easy. I intend to BF for a year though. I like your fomula.

Anyway, my #2 also no confusion so far like his gor gor (fingers crossed). I've latched him on (as and when I could during day and night surely coz lazy to warm up EBM). For teats as first I used pigeon latex (coz couldn't find Nuk) and hosiptal disposable ones and only yesterday started on NUK.

Today my MIL gave him 1 feed using pigeon and the other NUK. So far alright. I think kids are smart? They pick up how to use the teats real fast coz it's survival bah... afterall, need to suck to get milk in.

I'm gonna miss my massage.. tomorrow is last day le... in all I had 13 sessions! haha, find it so relaxing to indulge.



Have u started ur massage? I ZZzz during the sessions to catch up on sleep. Anyway, must really rest lor. I'm getting the husband to help me feed the 10pm slot while I express. Give him a chance to bond with #2.


How abt papaya fish soup and fenugreek? U taken them?

