(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

silly hp, high 5*. it's so much better this time.

my fren asked me whether i followed any confinement rules coz i make it sound so easy. told her only the red date longan tea. haha

the journey can really be better if we allow ourselves to be LESS HARD on ourselves.....

babies are really SMART. for the past wk, my bb will open mouth big big at 9.30pm sharp. she just need that latch before she zzz need mummy no matter wat. am amazed.


but i am quite curious abt the flow. they say if take bottle, they will not want nipple coz the flow is faster. but i see the avent teat, its like 1 hole, the flow is slow. but if you squeeze your breast, you notice the milk spray out in few holes ! so should be on the breast faster mah ????

thanks pillow.. u make things sound so easy! Mine is 20 days old and his breastfeeding last week was going well... 2-3hrly on average. Just these 2 days he started fussing and refusing my breast after 10mins casuing my nipple to be close to bleeding that i decided to express for him to rest my breast. But since then, it's continously been 10mins and stop. Trying to perserve but losing hope... next step will prob try expressing to ensure he gets enuff to eat

Serene n Pillow,

I got noticed red patch on the sore areas..n de doc says medicine not good for baby so told me to discard..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

grace -- got it! thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stAr_xIn -- ok.. then discard and feed bb with FM lor. anyway its for a while only... treat ur body first then u can TBF bb again.. dun worry.. everything will be back to normal soon. meanwhile, dun forget to pump and dump ya.. u need to keep ur supply going.

back home from hospital tdy.

before i got discharged, the lactation consultant came to see me & she massaged my breasts for me, and out came some colostrum. That really boosted my confidence cuz finally I have colostrum.

And BB is sucking well, but since no milk in yet, my BB is on FM supplement too.

sun tan,

i was in this thread at the earlier stage....oh well it's ok

wonders u gals still welcomes mi into this thread?? mi oso July mummy....delivered earlier this morning

hello mummies,

anyone knw what cream i can use for baby, she's having redness at the skin folds and neck. my massage lady told me to use nappy rash on her neck.. isit useful or there is a specific cream for rashes on neck and hands?

suika: welcome welcome~

Aisha: Heard from some mommies they use desitin on face rash and it works. Perhaps you apply a thinner layer. Also dont wrap baby up too much it will cause heat rash... babies are sturdier than we think and won't feel cold so easily. Afterall when they were newborns.. they also stay in aircon room @ hospital and even bathe there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrslong: yay! slowly but surely your milk will kick in.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stuffy nose: Help! My son's nose also blocked! I feel so sorry for him cos he seems like he can't breathe properly like that! I went to buy a humidifier to put in my room liao so it can moisturize the air abit and not be too dry for him. Past 2 nights my hubby have been clearing his "pi sai" with a cotton bud but that seems so dangerous! Any other way ar?? All the older folks are quick to point out that he is having a cold when I dont think he is!

Aisha -- i think its heat rash too.. my bb got it.. i tried many things.. my PD say it will come and go and did not give me medication. then i went to another PD and requested for medication cause it was my bb's full mth and she looks bad.. and she fully recovered. u can try using cooled boiled water to clean bb face and body and wear loose clothes.. like PD say, it will come and go.. but seeing the rashes makes me feel so uncomfy...

Jaclyn -- u got bring bb to PD ma? if its cold, then prob can go PD there get cold remedy? i use cotton bud for babies.. everyday i will clean twice. dun dare to use the suck suck one.. grace was saying to buy the seasalt medication to clear the nose? maybe u can try?

mrslong -- good!! see... its not u that cannot produce.. its there but jus blocked. learn the massage and remember to massage before pumping or latching k? jia you!!

serene: ya mine also gt heat rash, i also apply a super thin layer of destin on his face..have to keep the sleeping pillow really clean n i also bathe him in the noon n sponge bathe in the evening to keep him cool...

haiz...the folks at home keep asking to "BAO" him up n he ended up feeling so warm n keep crying..

yesterday worst, he perspire until need to powder him in the nite for him to stop crying n go sleep..so poorthing..


Of cos welcome u.. Sorry for my bad memory... Pregnancy hormones..

Today my boy also refuse to sleep.. Now I cam still hear him crying away n CL trying to pacify him. But he is only 4 days old only... I tot should sleep alot?

not me.. hehe.. havn;t pop yet.. tomolo after midnight will go MAH to induce liao...though reluctant.. i really do hope he will come naturally before i admit tomorrow...

Today checkup doc say cervix still not soften, water level still good... baby heart beat good.. still growing weight...and only 1.5CM dilated... so his deadline for bb is 30th (basically will admit to MAH to induce after 29th past midnight)

At least got something to look forward to...thinking of going to 24 hours s-11 at AMK to have my last meal before i go MAH..cos doc say admit liao cannot eat.. i scared i hungry no energy to push.. :p :p.. kia see..heheh

really cannot eat anything after insert the tablet?.. i dun like the long wait lor.. cos doc say insert tablet after midnight then next morning 8am then put on drip...then i dun think i can rest or sleep in hospital .. basically a very light sleeper lor... haiz.. dunno lei.. one side of me is excited.. one side is worried that induce will fail...-_-lll

just now got a very sharp pain felt at the pelvic area.. not the usual cramps that i have these few days.. then come tightness on tummy now..hmm.. normal ma?.. i check no show or anything.. but keep feeling the downward force pushing...uncomfy but still bearable...


no lah juz kidding oni....mi in hospital now so tired but cant slp...haizzz duno y

ur boi not slping? fed liao? checked his diapers? if not mayb the room temp not rite can b 1 of the cause oso...if get worst, u can try the to run ur washing machine....bb feels comfy w that sound....u can try


bb will also need time to adjust tothe world outside the womb. Maybe ur boy needs more time? Or maybe he misses ur smell?


i'm at MAH now....if u delivered early i might b able to visit u....coz mi shd b discharging on 30th

who's ur gynea wor? mi oso induce but oni put on drip....no tablet thing

Haa.. Just found out why he won't sleep.. At first was cranky thus couldn't sleep.. Then I carried him till he fall asleep.. Half hr later woke up crying... This time round, poo so need to change. After changed keeps crying.. Carry, rock all no use.. Finally gave him some fm n now finally he is asleep... Phew...

Hungry bb makes an angry bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so u r getting to know ur son better


juz check on those few things most likely will b fine liao

u bf? my gal like too tired no wana latch...oni wan slp

just to check with u mummies, do ur baby keep wanna latch on to u? I realise my baby wan to be latch on till he fall aslp. He was crying fr 3+pm to 8+pm. No matter hw i coax him also no use. During this period, i give in to latching him n he will suck til he fall aslp. When i put him down, he cry again. I am so scared he get used to my nipple. I try giving pacifier but he dont want. How???? Haiz...


My boy refuses to latch.. So in the meanwhile, I express out n bottle feed him.

Jo lyn,

When ur bb latch, does he suckle? Maybe u ask another person to carry him? Cos I believe bb can smell the bm when we carry them.

erm... i measuring my interval since midnight.. the pelvic pain came and go.. at 3 mins interval..then follow by the tightness on my tummy.... should i go hospital?


think u better go if u have not done so... False alarm rather than deliver at home...

How r things?

Wah lau eh! No joke!

I have been latching Bb Chloe since 4am and nurse just brought her back at 545am.. she cried in between, changed diaper, burping, coaxing..

My colostrum flow came back, drank lots of water maybe? happier now hehe.. but later when i go home, i will try to express out and bottle feed her, wanna know exactly how much she is taking and at the same time protect my nipples, don't want to let them become sore.. so far ok nurses said she latches correctly. So will alternate btw bottle feed and latch on.. is ok right?

She can suckle and suckle and suckle for so long my GOD, sekali just comfort suck and not taking in anything! better be safe, use bottle, i can monitor.

Later gonna discharge le.. NO MORE NURSES!


good to see u so upbeat again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's ok to alternate between bottle and latch on. Just tt some kids may get teat confusion. Try to latch on as much as u can in the first few days so tt bb can get use to it. Don't introduce bottle too early as a preventive measure. Unless u wanna bottle feed solely. I always think tt bbs r smart creatures and will take todifferent ways of feeding but just to play safe, u latch her on for first few days first.

I have delivered!! BB Gloria arrived at midnite on 29 July 2010! Had a tablet inserted at 10.30am, then when I returned for the 2nd tablet at 4.30pm, I didn't need it. Cos I got the bloody show and then they burst my waterbag. 2cm dilated at 5.30pm and then around 8cm dilated at 10plus, finally couldn't take the pain and asked for laughing gas. Till then, it was deep breathing, holding onto hubby's hand and screaming that helped me relieve my pain. yeah...then at 11pm, the midwife says I can start pushing....till then, she said it's too premature to push. But I keep feeling the urge to push. Pushing the baby takes another 1 hour. yeahhh...now bb is sleeping peacefully, she got a bit of meconium in her lungs but that was suctioned out. 3.125kg, 48.5cm and I'm 1.48m tall, so the nurses say bb is quite big. she has only sucked a few times, but keeps falling asleep, i heard that's normal.

thanks everyone for all your posts. reading about your experience helps me so much...and finally, it's my turn to experience it all.

morning mummies here!! juz had a new room mater this morning....was woken up ard 6am....think she's going for GA c-sec


best to call ur doc n check if he requires u to admit....


try to latch him so he'll get used to u plus latching will help u to slim dwn faster esp to help ur womb contracts faster


i agrees with sillyhp....latch n bottlefeed if not soon ur bb gonna treat u s their walking pacifier....

wah finally my internert connection is up at my new place. for the past few days, i have been relying on my iphone to read n post. Now at least when i pump, i still can surf net (even though a bit funny, cos i used 1 hand to support 2 bottles n the other hand to type), thus not so boring as to stare at my pump for the whole half hr..

Also, my bm finally came in this morning, but only on 1 side. Is it ok to mix colostrum n bm n feed bb?

Morning All Mommies,

Julie:Congrats to you..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Last night was again a struggling nite with my bb. He seem agigtated the whole day, poo more than 12x, pee lots..and keep feeling hungry. Trying to alternate EBM and FM in between. Realised that he is taking more times but lesser quantity...just doesnt want to fall asleep..

We try so many methods of leaving him alone...it works for 30mins to 1 hr and he will start to cry again. During 1 of the feed, think he vomitted out at least good 20-30ml of the milk...1st time seeing this...scare the hell out of me..

Then my mum told us think that too much wind in his tummy...so rub on the ru yi oil...pat him for loud burp...finally...he manage to slp from 9:30pm-1am and 1am to 5am before feeling hungry...hopefully he is back to his old self...

phy n suika: thanks for the advice! yes i shall just let her latch on first.. bottle later! today i hv milk milk for bb~~ and she loves to suckle! could finally see her satisfied look. will persevere!

also i try not to think too much abt the PDA condition now.. everytime think my nose turns sour n cry.. will focus on giving her TBF now!

First time i managed to feed her until i can put her down (to rest) successfully! Usually she will still keep crying and crying cuz not enough T_T

Nurses just pushed her out hehe..

Shann:well done!!i think it happen to all newborn..esp some who are big eater also...but they will have just enough for the 1st few days..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Julie -- congrats!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u are a brave mommy!

cranky bb and sleepless nights

i realise that whenever hubby is in the room.. bb will wake up and make noise and when his not in the room, bb will sleep soundly. and i confirmed its his smell! see, hubby always like to play with bb, take toys and show her and pacify her.. as for mommy, im jus a cow and take care of her needs.. so whenever daddy is home, she will wan to wake up and play!!! hubby had to hide behind furnitures when she open her eyes slightly to "bio" if daddy is arnd..!! Baby are smart MONSTERS.. hahaha

this morning, celeste finish drinking, i put her down on the bed, she cannot sleep.. then i know she didnt have enough.. then i change sides and latch her again cause shes not keen on the left side this morning.. and she suckle and slept.

as for comfort sucking.. my girl is very used to comfort sucking on my left. i intro pacifier but she dun want. i try not to let her rely on it.. what i try to do is.. when she latch and 3/4 asleep, i put her back to the cot and pat her to sleep. sometimes her eyes will open until super big.. then i will cont to pat her.. unless really cannot, i let her latch back and repeat the whole thing again until she falls asleep by herself. now she gets my point and slowly sleeps on her own...

sean -- i think u shud start feedin him gripe water. when i brought celeste to PD.. he commented that my bb got wind. ask me to stop all dairy products and feed her with gripe water and give her some tummy time.. meaning, let her sleep on her tummy as it helps her to release air...

i nw stop all dairy products and feed her gripe water.. also apply ru yi oil.. and let her tummy time for 15 mins a day cause she dun like that position.. and her condition is much better liao

Serene- actually was so tempted to really try it last night...cos was just really worried that he was just 10 days old...but i do have the intention to try...

U mean to stop all FM?I am worry that BM may not be enough for him in this case...so how?

juz BF my girl....no suckle v long....she like no like to latch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PD checked on her n says she'll nid to b under light now....hopefully she'll b able to go back w mi tml

sean -- no la.. the bfing mommy stop eating dairy food like chocolate, milk etc.. cause it will affect the BM and when bb drink, bb will react to it and cause wind.. dun worry gua.. my PD adviced us to let her drink it when shes 3 weeks old

Serene-OIC...i thought it my boy cant eat..wahahaha...pai sey ...ok..point taken..will give it a try.

So the gripe water is up to us if we want to add water to it?

sean -- best to give.. cause a bit sweet and it helps to bring it down bb throat ma.. cause celeste not used to bottle feeding, so i will use a straw to let her drink the feed her some water and latch her..

what i did was to stop all dairy products and re intro one by one... but up till now, i still dun dare to eat cheese, milk, chocolate.. but i re intro-ed egg and bread liao. then ok, not much wind..

