(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

babycoco: my baby also has jaundice what is your level? I decided to rent the phototherapy machine but I was waiting since morning and til now they still have not arrived! So angry!


Srumpee -- THANKS!! i need that advice badly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] im so worried that i kept whispering in her ears to see her reaction.. haha.. u've made my day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann -- shes only alert when she wants to eat lor or her pampers is soiled... she gums my nipples or use her tongue to push out when she is done with her feed -__-'''

this girl super naughty.. haha.. she enjoys cleaning up and she wont drink if u dun clear her soiled pampers.. jus today.. she poo poo on her diapers.. then i changed.. she pooed again.. so i went ahead to bf while waiting for her to finish.. then she didnt want to latch.. so i left her on the bed... after a while, thinking that shes done.. i changed for her.. then she pooed AGAIN!! i "scold" her.. and she smile back at me.. -_- my heart melted.. hahahahahaha

oh ya, pump as much as u can cause u need to increase ur milk supply especially at the stage of growth spurt starting from week 3... u dun wanna be lagging at the back with insufficient milk for bb also.. so increase and pump more out so ur body can make more..

Kat -- hope u have a smooth delivery.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] medication can be painful but everything will be worth it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babycoco -- my bb had jaundice upon discharge.. try to feed ur bb more so that it will be expelled thru peeing. that is more effective too.. im trying to latch her on longer so she can pee and poo more and get rid of that irritating thing..

grace - *envy*

actually.. i cant wait for our first bb gathering lei.. with all of us pumping and latching without weird looks from others... and our bbs all arnd the same age.. wah... lets organise something.. in sept? when everyone's done with confinement?

yo ladies....

I pop lo on 30th June, 1418hrs. Baby weighs 2.605kg. PD said on a smaller side but still alright.

Birth Story

Nothing dramatic...

Thought having contractions on 29th June after work cuz can feel very uncomfortable in the tummy and pelvis area. Go on through the night and not able to sleep well. Went to office in the morning and handover some last min stuff before hubby and I went to TMC and see if I am dilated or not.

Told to visit Gynae instead so we went to Dr Tham's office. He did a VE for me and said not dilate and ordered a CTG which also shows no contractions but BB was very active.

Dr Tham asked if we want to proceed with C-sect on 5th as planned or we can have it that afternoon since my last meal was in the morningg

After some discussion with HB, we decided to proceed with the c-sect on 30th Jun.

So the nurses helped us to book the ward and OT and scheduled the anethestist at 2pm.

At 1.15pm, I took a shower and was brought down to the OT waiting area. Waited for the anethestist and gynae to come at 2pm.

Was wheeled in to OT and Anethestist started on me first with a local anethestic on my spine. You can literally feel the fluid flushed into the spine. Then she fixed the epidural tube on to my spine. Next moment you can feel the legs to have tingling sensation down to the feet. before you knew it, the legs are numbed. I felt nausea and told the anethestist about it. She pumped more fluid into my plug and I felt goggy, she asked me to rest a while and will wake me up before BB is out.

So I closed my eyes and can feel Gynae began on me. you will feel as if you are in doing teth polishing with all the equipment sound.

Hb was called in. Since I cant see anything as I was blocked. HB started to describe to me and was stopped by the Gynae :p. A few moments, some pushing from everybody except me, you hear the wailing... As Hb described, when BB is out, she was blue in color and she was brought promptly to a suction station where all extra fluid are vacuumed out from her.

Then they let me carry her for a while before HB and BB was sent to nursery ward for measurement while I had to remain to get stitched.

That's it!!!

Congrats to all mummies who have popped!!! And thanks for sharing all the beatiful/ challenging stories of delivery and after birth!!

Can I just check: for those mummies who delivered in kkh, do we need to bring our own pyjamas? Their hospital gown is it tie front type, then easy to bf?

Congrats to all mummies who have popped!!! And thanks for sharing all the beatiful/ challenging stories of delivery and after birth!!

Can I just check: for those mummies who delivered in kkh, do we need to bring our own pyjamas? Their hospital gown is it tie front type, then easy to bf?

now the hardest part is to get my BB to latch. She's so sleepy... I was so impatient. So just now I took the LC advise and took her swaddle cloth off so that she is not as sleepy and latch probably. Once latch, its so quite alright until the fight begins again, when you want to change to the other breast!



congrats and rest well and hv a great time w ur lit ger

been such a tiring day for me. my ger is down w cold and is v cranky. am dead tired fm sponging her last nite so no slp for me... bb now enaged and head is on my pelvis and back.

Sweetkiss, minibean & Ann,

I did my #1 full mth two yrs back at my mum place (cos we stay there) with ard 70pax from 12noon to 7pm, damm tired lor… Actually don’t intend to do full mth for this #2 one but hb’s relatives keep toking & looking forward to it so no choice.

I can’t do at my mum place again cos in-laws not comfortable the last time, somemore this time ard involved his relatives. There is no multi purpose hall near my area. Have checked out Yishun Safra for their function room + food is $22+ per head, abit too expensive le… OCC & grassroots YCK are even more expensive… am hoping to find something below $18 per head...

aiyo..the horror stories of CL are starting...makes me wonder if my replacement CL will be one of these "horror" CLs or not.


KKH provide dress, allow easy breast feeding as the cloth in front can be easily flipped up when you want to breast feed. However, it looks ugly. You are allowed to bring your own pyjamas.

so far my CL ok, just that i find she gets hungry more often than me.

was quite mad initially when she could not stand my baby crying under the UV machine for jaundice and took him off it as I have to pay rental for the equipment and worse, he wont get well!

does your CL do housework? She does the laundry by just throwing all into the washing machines TWICE a day (so waste water) and sweeping/mopping the floor, but she does not do anything about the toilets. Am I expecting too much?

congrats CT & eliss!

eliss: Ur girl has exactly the same birth weight as my boy, 2.605kg. Looks like we have the smaller babies in this group.

bliss tan: Mt A provided one disposable panty...the first one right after delivery...i wore my own after that...did not really like theirs too...

mine also 2.605kg!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eliss -- congrats! u are so brave to use epi.. im super scared of needles.. esp those long thick ones.... so i went for GA

Ok, my turn to share my birth story.. For those going for induction, please dun hu si luan xiang (anyhow think) after u read. if u will hu si luan xiang, please skip my post... most impt is u have a positive mind! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

25 June 2010

have mild cramps for the whole day.. no matter how i sit, stand, walk.. the cramps still there.. so i decided to go jurong point with my friend to get some last min stuff.. with the pain, i shopped for 3 hours and head home.. the pain still persist so i decided to call the clinic and nurses advice me to drop by their clinic

saw dr ang, all conditions are ok.. since theres cramps and the thought of induction has always been on my mind.. i asked him again and everything looks ok.. so we decided to go for it.. Schedule on 26 June 2010 to admit to TMC at 730am for induction

26 June 2010

took my friend's car and reached at 6.45pm.. initially, i wanted to register and admit then go for breakfast. but immediately i was asked to go to the 2nd floor delivery cum observation ward. i thought go there for what, so jus followed instructions.. who knows, i was asked to change into the gown and did enema...! then i asked my hubby to go and eat with my friend lor..

missy ask me to tahan the enema thing for 10 mins.. but within 5 mins.. i cheong to the toilet liao..lol..

then i saw dr ang.. he checked and insert the pill for me and put me on CTG. i was later put on drip to help further dilate.. then i wasnt allow to get down the bed...

16 hours pass... we were waiting and waiting and waiting.. dilation was super duper slow.. CTG shows bb heart beat is strong..

1030pm - dr ang ask missy to give me a VE and i was still 4-5cm dilated.. dr called me and gave me the option to csect. then dr ang came and told me that.. he feels if i wait longer, i will be able to dilate fully.. but in my mind, i dun dare to take the risk, given that the water bag was broken 16 hours ago and what will happen in the next 2 hours, nobody know....

so i decided to csect

11pm - was told to wait for an hour cause someone is using the OT..

12am - pushed in and within secs, i slept and bb was out within 10 mins.. and i left the OT at 1+am

1+am - opened my eyes and i was super drowsy.. i heard voices so i asked where i was.. i couldnt see anyone but i heard that im at the OT waiting for nurses to send me down to my ward.. i started asking for my bb and hubby.. haha...

then i was pushed into my ward, saw hubby and asked hows bb.. he said bb is good, healthy.. i asked him who bb looked like.. then i heard my SIL voice frm behind telling me that she looks like my hubby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

then i was drowsy but still able to talk..

bb was in the warmer for 4hours.. and after the warmer, they sent bb to me.. and suddenly, all the pain was gone... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all in all, u asked me why i dun wanna wait.. hmm.. i lost Julius last year for unknown reasons.. i was blessed with another chance to have Celeste, i gave up my job jus to be able to materialize this pregnancy. I walked so far till the day i was ready to see her.. and struggled thru so much...

Pain wasnt in my mind.. In my mind, it was all about Celeste in my arms.. i cannot afford to take any risks. To be honest, i dun even know if i could afford an emergency csect.. but Celeste and hubby were the only 2 that i see at the very end of the road. i dun want to make the wrong turn.. so i went with it...

now, everyday i see celeste in my arms... im thankful that i went ahead with it and the challenge now is how to be a "real" first time mommy and to be able to give bb whatever i can to see her be a better person. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Induction: Guess it works differently on different ppl. Mine worked super fast such that if I did not rush to hospital in time, I could have given birth in the car! I posted my birth story earlier - one page before on 29 June.

serene: Totally understand how you felt and why the eagerness for induction. I lost my girl last year too at 20-22 week. Did a "medical abortion", something like a stillbirth. Everyday I was praying hard that this pregnancy will be a successful one and kept hoping bb will come early after passing the 37 week mark. Then, on one of my gynae visit, he suggested induction and I was more than happy to go for it and make this pregnancy materialize. The thought of emerg c-sect came to my mind too should the induction fail. Somehow, the induction took effect so fast on me that I couldn't even get epidural in time. In the end, natural birth with no epi.

Congrats, serene and u did make a good and brave choice. At the end of the day, what's impt is that baby is safe in our arms and healthy.

Peace: thank u for answering my question. I haven't got any pajamas for myself!

serene.i was in tears when i read ur post.thks 4 sharing!as 4 me 2dae, spent 100 4 e Ctg tingy n cab n was so poor liao,bt at least everyting is fine.me no dilate etc,hav 2 wait.getting anxious nw too..

Minibean, my bb's jaundice level is 323. When discharged 2 days ago it was only 222. Where did you rent the phototherapy machine from? Ingot mine from baby specialist, got delivered in 3hrs.

Serene, I got my binder from gynae clinic. I think my gynae is the more careful side. She even made me wear compression socks to prevent deep vein thrombosis. Have to wear for 1 week.

By the way, those on confinement, really cannot shower, wash hair?


thanks for the info! So MAH only provides one disaposable panty ah...so stingy... :p KKH provides one packet wor. So I must go and buy one packet myself then, but dont know what size to buy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


thanks for the info! So MAH only provides one disaposable panty ah...so stingy... :p KKH provides one packet wor. So I must go and buy one packet myself then, but dont know what size to buy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

babycoco, mine also from baby specialist but got it 6 hours later! grrr anyway how long do you put baby under the machine? whole night? he was crying nonstop so i stopped after putting him in it for 6 hours, otherwise we wont be able to sleep tonite

Minibean, dr told us bb has to be under the light all the time except for feeding etc. So we intend to let her sleep under light whole night. Really hope the jaundice level drop when we test her again on saturday.


ah yo, first CL is the old auntie pattern, then she abit deaf too. cannot hear bb at night, i call her, she sometimes also cannot hear. then the first 3 nights bb back home, cos bb keep feeding almost every hr at night, she ask if i got feed properly or not and crap. i was half dead with flu to argue with her. anyway, only when bb was in hosp for night 4 & 5, she saw i pump the milk, she keep quiet.. haiz. anyway i sent her off the afternoon after i collect bb home. he was in hosp for jaundice..


dont envy, how many days more..its coming..hang in there. And yr Celeste is very pretty..cheers..


i bath everyday with the herbal bath thingy.

as for wash hair, i wash every 5 days.. i try to ren lah. the weather although is good, will still sweat alot one lei..

hi mommies

seemed like some of u had got encounters with CLs... all the best to all of u...

and congrats to the mommies who popped! i cant wait for mine to be delivered...

Grace, what was your bb's jaundice level? Hospitalized for 1 night? I also sweat a lot. Find it's very hot, even though it rained today. Do you also use the herbal thing to wash hair?

babycoco: what is your bb's jaundice level? dont worry usually the level will subside after a few weeks its common with newborn. and yeah the weather is so weird these days but i'm welcoming the rain man. at least its cooling otherwise i'll die of heat!

grace: how can she be a CL if she cant hear baby's cries? anyway how do you bring across the message to ask her to go? Did you pay her prorated and give her red packet as well?

My CL asked for a red packet within the first 3 days as a 'tradition' and I am suppose to give another one again before she leaves. is this usual practice?

Grace -- thanks for ur compliment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i wonder if mommies here are awake at this hour like me...? jus fed bb.. now surf a bit of net then try to go and sleep cause later got PD check up

i hope celeste's jaundice level will drop back to normal.. then i gg ica to get her birth cert done.. its gonna be my first time bringing bb out and nursing her outside.. i wonder how will it be and what hurdles i will meet.. lol...

since bb pop, i never had good sleep.. one day sleep for 3 hours intermittently.. but no choice, cause i have to latch her and let her drink so that jaundice will go down..


You can refer to the admission booklet, it does mentioned a list of things being provided for.


Your story is very touching.

Jaundice baby,

My bb has jaundice too. Need to ensure bb feed well, poo and pee enough, it should go away within days. Usually the jaundice level will peak at day 6. However, if unsure, better check with doctor.


My current confinement lady is quite good, better the 1st one I engage 2 years ago. If anybody needs CL, I will gladly recommend mine. However, this assignment she will finish only around 23rd Jul.

pris and cheese, jiayou!! Cant wait to hear both ur birth stories! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pillow: how much is the usual amt to give for the angpow?

Yesterday false alarm for me lorz... back to work le.. making my hubby so excited.. still ask if i can induce yesterday a not.. LOL.

Minibean, i intend to bao $50 for her

Can I ask those who delivered in MAH did you send in the admission form before going in?? I got the form from them but haven't send it back yet.

Congrats to all mums who delivered.. waiting for my turn... hopfully she'll stay inside a little longer.

Good morning ladies.

Just finish pumping my milk. So came in to kpo and chit chat abit. Haha!!

Grace: Is your CL a freelance one or u engage from agency? Cannot hear BB cry is a big problem lei.

babycoco: I bath everyday with herbal water. I even shampoo my hair and wash with herbal water too. Dunno why but I keep sweating in the daytime. Dun wanna wash hair also tough cos so itchy.

minibean: Yes, it is a practice to give CL an ang bao when they come to work and an ang bao when they leave. It's something like for good luck. I gave mine on the first day of work cos I scared I forget. I wrap $68 for her.

Cheese: Haha!! Your hubby must be real disappointed. BB will come soon.. just be patient and enjoy the little time left which you two have together. Very soon.. there will be an addition to the family. Hehe!!

yalo ann... hubby really sound so excited eh.. cos he sms mar, in midst of his meeting a lot of times etc... so bb haven wanna come out yet. but below veri pain.... endure 3 more weeks!

cheese: Haha!! Endure.. it's good for BB too.. let his lungs develop more.

Noknok: If you mean when I check in to give birth, I brought my gynae card, the receipts from gynae, my blood test result, marriage cert and I/Cs.

morning mummies

Going to see my gynae for my Wk 36 checkup. Hope all is good. Seeing so many of u hv pop already, I am really hoping my boy will come out in 2 weeks' time (Wk 38) then.

By the way, those who have ordered rice wine or dunno what wine used for confinement to cook "mee sua", etc, how much is a bottle roughly ah?

ann and cheese: the amt u quoted is for the first angpow or total 2 angpows? i dunno how much to give siah.

mummies, rem to bring along your bank statement (not internet banking printouts) too as you may need to submit the cash payout form from govt and CDA account opening for baby! YAY for CDA account! My #1 didnt even get it lor.

and also, maternity leave how? as in, do we need to get the maternity leave certificate from hospital or gynae? or just show BC to our employer will do?

minibean, how was your bb last night? i finally switched off the phototherapy machine at 4am cos my bb was fretting and crying. once off the machine, she slept till 6:30. her jaundice level was 323 yesterday. how about your bb?

ann, my mom quite strict, still don't allow me to shower, wash hair. will try to convince her to let me shower today. we already bought the herb, but she's still very reluctant to let me use.

this forum is finally up. congrats to all mommies who have popped!

i may have to go for c-section. so wanna ask mommies who went under the knive, what food to avoid during confinement? i know for 1st 10days cannot eat chicken, egg, ginger. anything else?


Ann , should pump till no more milk , breasts all soft. this will keep supply up as "telling" your body to produce more.

for gd supply, if hardworking, i guess should pump every 3hrs....

