(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi Mrs Long

No problem cos I only get better from my morning sickness last week... therefore i dont dare to commit to it..

I give myself 1 week to see if I getting better before i commit my friend on going out and exercising....

ecym: my husby SURE wun join. cuz he v shy one.... but hubbies r welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

atomickitten: i haven get babyplus.. but i heard fr my fren who's gonna lend it to me tat the babyplus makes 'TOKTOK' sounds..

hahah.. like v cute~

u coming for the gathering?

mrslong - one w button one w/o loh... button is hard mah... so my mum dun wan those..

Suntan - yeah yeah.. thanks thanks.. need to save in fav liao.

Think u gals need another table for the lessons that are going on so interested ppl can join.. not enough one also can tell.. hee..

think I should stop my mum from buying too.. got a few frens jus had gals too.. hee

DQ>> no prob. BTW, which blk are u staying at?

Yvonne>> Oh...hopefully your MS will go away soon so that you can enjoy the pregnancy during this trim. Jiayou!

mrslong: i stay near st anne's church. within walking dist to ur hse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvonne: my MS also like to knock on my door once in a while... @ least my MS is the mild one.. unlike my 1st trim. kekekek...


Its some beating rythmn. Its to copy our heartbeat sound. The set comes in 16 lessons whereby each lesson, it consist of a particular beating rythmn. Its suppose to train bb's brain to differentiate the beating vs our heartbeat, so tat bb's brain can develop better (while now its in the developing stage).

DQ / atomickitten - babyplus make tok tok sound, logic is that e sound is closer to mum's heartbeat that BB hear and so will stimulate BB. Got 16 lessons and interval of tok tok sound increases as the lesson advances.. my hubby n sis always say... 'you tok tok tok again ah'.. haha.

looks like we're organizing different stuff concurrently haha.

DQ - outing

me (mrslong) - pre-natal pilates for NE grp (closed)

suntan - pre-natal pilates/yoga for West grp (still open?)

Jasline - aquafitness @ Bartley

(still open)

Jasline: Sorry for the late reply. My auntie passed away so I am busy at the funeral. I PM u already. Sms me back k as i wont be reading the post here these few days.. THanks!!

hi ecym,

Can you update for me.

No. 9 Grace

I am having a boy


Ladies, would love to join for gathering but i cant. Am going for a trip before baby comes.

Going Kota Kinabalu =)

Babyplus sounds cute, hehee.

AtomicKitten>> yep tks! hehee.

DQ>> oh...ya, pretty near. I go to St. Anne's church for mass [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrslong - u're a catholic too??

Oh.. so sorry.. next time u update list help me update my EDD please.. it's on 27 July instead of 29th.. think we heard wrongly.. that's e date stated on detailed scan n confirm by gynae.

Jo_lyn: sorry to hear abt tat.. take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

grace: congrats on bb boy!

cool~ u also gg on trip? enjoy urself wor~

nvm.. join us during the next gathering!

ecym: wah.. goodgood~ u added the link to our MTB table.. sure haf more ppl join us on fb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

noknok & AtomicKit>> I see....think i need to secretly buy the strings one already then, else my HB will "scream", haaha.

Yvonne: hey gal.. you got ms?? hang on it there.. some pple will exp till 24 weeks.

Nok nok & sun_tan : tok-tok sound.. so cute one!

DQ: I want join the outing but i cant make it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] leh.. i prob taking a trip to dunno where yet..

Mrs Long and DQ

so far my 1st trim morning sickness last till 18wk +... tat y seldom log in during this period

now getting better thks... now 20 wk so far so gd... so will be more active

looking forward to excercise ...hahaha...

I will look out for aqua fitness fill me more infor....

suntan>> I thought location confirmed @ vivi's friend plc or something?

Why not u all check with inspiremummy if can do it @ the instructor's home...but ask where though, heeh.

noknok>> Yes, I am. U too? Your EDD same as mine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes yes, must go for the trip before baby comes and maid comes. So it will be a trip for me, hubb and my girl. are u going somewhere too?

This thread is going too fast for me..hahahah

grace: goodgood, lotsa mummies here also gg for a trip w their dearest b4 bb comes...

im not gg for a trip thou.. cuz i juz came back fr mine end of last yr juz b4 i found out im preggers.

suntan: u wan me to delete the event on fb?


Its ok, as long as i dun reply they cant see :p

Trying to arrange for a cruise trip before i am banned from the cruise :p hopefully can make it in time..

suntan: okok... then u dun reply on ur attendance.

cuz we kno u coming! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cruise will ban preggies one also ar...

i gg out to eat mcdonalds n meet my sis for taka fair soon.. anyone else gg tdy?

HI mummies to be. Just to share: Takashimaya having baby sale this month from 11 - 28 March. Go grab your baby needs. In addition, Big Belly Mama is having a free gift with every purchase of Belly Bands for pregnant moms. http://www.bigbellymama.com/bellyband.html but you need to quote Singapore Motherhood to get the free gift. And finally if you sign up for to be on the mailing list of Hann & Thann at www.harnnthann-sg.com you will receive 2 free bottles of Sea Foam Milk 30 mls.

mrslong: no lah... gg to rush during lunchtime to c c looklook lor...

vivi: do let us kno if u can make it ok?

i tentatively put ur name on TBC column.


Yup, once we are over 24 weeks, cannot board the ship le. As for the gathering, i still need to reconfirm nearer to the date.


Yup, got another forum member pm me that she is interested. But i checking with her if her place is available or not..so will wait for her reply first.


I dont think we can book the room for a straight 10 weeks? Cos if we cant have the location then the lesson will be forfeited le..

minmin (ah_min) ,

Dun mind PM me ur HP no, or email add so that I can update u easily..

Tentaively the person in charge give me is Thursday 7.15pm... I'm still looking at asking her is there any other date or time.. or even wkends...

Thanks.. =)


BTW, MTBs who are having boys...just wondering if anyone can advise on the circumcision procedures? Like do we need to get another doctor to perform the surgery once BB is born?

