(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Jo_lyn, ya i have biscuits with me.. now my biscuits very fast finish lor! *pengz* lunch time for me now.. i better race off and look for food..


Hi all,

Ameda Lactaline Personal Dual Breast Pump (Electric) for Sale

Adjustable vacuum and suction cycles ensure personal comfort. 3 month old and still under warranty till August 2010. Original price $388 Now selling $288

Self collect at Yew Tee MRT. Cash only.

Email: [email protected]


I had whole night of dreams yesterday, dramatic ones and some nightmare. I knew that i was dreaming so i opened my eyes but couldn't wake up fully so fell asleep again and dream continued *faint! Then i forced myself to change sleeping position, then could finally went into another dream, at least not the nightmare haha.

Yea same here, get hungry easily, if don't eat will feel like puking, but if i smell food when i am hungry, also pukey. Good thing is, i never really puke haha!

Ong, be positive! tell yourself that bb is growing well in your body, and at the same time encourage your bb, bb needs some positive energy too!

actually autumn (autumnmaple) is right, during the course of pregnancy there's no food that you should or shouldnt eat. just eat in moderation will do. my gynae did say to abstain from raw food and coffee during the first trimester. once our pregnancy stabilises it should be alright.

so pregnant woman do dream a lot?? i tot y i so wired everyday got so many dreams recently!! haha

btw, my spotting seems to have stop today..phew... but my tummy having cramps! haiz.

I m so looking forward to my next meet up with my little baby..hehe

re: gender

how many mummies here hoping for a gal or boy??

Yvonne - Yes i seen him regards to my spotting and cramps. He just ask me to rest more, monitor and increase my dose of Duphaston to 3x a day.

hi Megane, sorry for the wrong infor i given. My bb is 17.2mm not 7mm. So sorry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Astro Gal

thks. cos I have the same problem wif u but i haven talk to him abt it..

the another gyane who i 1st visited to confirm my pregnant know abt it. she gave me Duphaston also 3x a day.

but Dr adrain know abt it and ask me to continue and at the meanwhile i myself shd monitor

Yvonne - then i think u just continue with the duphaston and at the same time monitor. Hopefully the cramps and spotting with disappear soon!

jo lyn

i was just tinkin abt u & yr $150 plus visits to LC. why dun u take up the package then u dun hve to pay for the $150 plus ea time? after 1st visit then u can take up package alrdy if u r confirmed with him. then shld not have to fork out $150 plus each time seeing u see him so often. otherwise can really add up leh the cost ..

on e brighter side, yr baby seems to be growing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shann yeng

yah, i stopped crabs alrdy. hope no "harm" done with all that excessive chowing down on crabs before [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sigh


no hoping for boy or gal leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] healthy will do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

on a different topic

anyone thinking of banking cord blood? i have been considering it but dun know much abt what is in the market now and how much ..

Hi Hael, check with you, have you sign with LC Cheng already? What is his package like and start from when? Because currently I am still at TFC which is level 5. Will be only going WC Cheng Associates from week 10 onwards. When is ur next appt?

As for thise cord blood, i will be signing up for it. Hael, think u can sign up for this FBI at TMC first, got discount for this blood cord thingy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hael & Jo_lyn - i also thinking to sign up for the cord banking for this baby but haven start to research.

btw, how to sign up for the FBI? got to take application form from TMC?

Me too, gets hungry easily. Actually been eating quite a lot lately. Tummy alr showing, but i dun think is becos of bb..but is becos of all the food that i have eaten!

Hi ladies

am new here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my EDD is 7 July and I will be delivering at Mt E. This bb will be my No. 3[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully its a little princess or I will pengz cos i already have 2 rascals. Can add me to the list pls?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

forbidden foods

i think the only thing which is a real no no is the raw pineapple. i've eaten almost eveything on the lists posted and my bbs were fine, just that for no. 1 i was waaaaay overweight.:p

My Review on Natal Essentials

Hi gals - so glad to hear all the pregnancies are going smoothly! Jia yo! Jia yo! I'm doing well also, the M/C bleeding has totally stopped and I hope that my gynae will give me an all-clear at my scan next week.

Someone - I think it was Minibean? - wanted my views on Natal Essentials' confinement food home delivery service. Overall, I was very pleased with NE:

1. NE's customer service on the phone was excellent and efficient. I placed my order on the phone.

2. Fast response time - NE is able to start delivering food one business day after you place your telephone order. Great for M/Cs or for last-minute mummies! If you order earlier (see website for details) there are early-bird discounts.

3. The food was always delivered on time within the four hour window stipulated.

4. Portion size was huge - more than enough for two full meals (and I am quite a big eater!). So one idea might be to order lunches every day and this will give you confinement food for lunch and dinner each day.

5. Food was generally very tasty though some of the herbal soups had a slightly bitter after-taste which I suppose is to be expected. My grandmother commented that NE appeared to use a lot of "good ingredients" and that if we were to buy individual herbs and ingredients on their own, it would probably cost more!

morning MTB!!

just back from my scanning... thanks god!! i finally saw the bb.. and heard his/her heartbeat too!!!! i feel so relief right now!! but gynae said better keep a full bladder.. then can see clearer.. but the bb a bit small.. only 4.4mm.. so based on the size, she postpone my EDD to 28 Jul..

have u gals made the annoucement already? i only told my immediate family and PIL.. now am thinking of when should i break the news to my boss/colleagues and some of the frens...


i told my boss the moment i preggers, cos i got no choice... my work is v fast pace and i may need to look for replacement or part-timer soon enough to cover my work...

hmm, ur edd is quite close to mine... i think

Hello mommies,i just came back from my scan too. BB at 6 weeks 4 days, measuring 67mm. EDD is at 25th Jul. I didnt know that need to keep a full bladder and my dr asked me if i did empty my bladder already..haha lucky still able to see the bb during the scan and hear the heartbeat too. Next scan would be on the last week of dec.

Red BB, me thinking of announcing only after 12 weeks. Cos Dr say that the 1st trim is the most unstable period, so after 12 weeks, should be ok to announce. But also becos of "pantan-ness" hee... but everyday i see my colleagues and frens, really have the urge to just tell them =p

hi red bb

so happy to hear tat ;)

btw is been some time ago since i last visit Dr Wee, care to tell me her current cost nw?

suntan.. 7.5cm is the same as 75mm leh..

My MS jus started.. sigh.. feel like puking when I'm hungry.. but I have no appetite to eat at all.

Oh ya hor! lol...sorry, blur,..hmm then 7.5cm at week 7, me only 0.46cm at 6wks plus..measuring of diff part?

Nok nok, u at wat wk now? Whens EDD? Andy came here to spy on us..lol.

I'm at work.. Doc wanna give me two more days of MC I say no need.. so regretting it now.. puke n puke.. arghhh.. Dunno exact date of EDD.. when I count it's 24 July.

Hee.. Tue I go scan.. it's only 3mm.. it depends on the fetal development ba, the size of the embroy. When I scan I was only at 6wk1d

Andy is a kapo king lah.. haha

Can I ask all the mtb here if anyone knows if there's a limit to the number of eggs we should eat per day or per week?? I've been craving for eggs and seems to be eating egg everyday.


I'm like you! Been eating eggs coz that's one food that I can stomach now. Been eating 1 daily. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sun_tan... mine similar to urs le.. im now at 6wk+, bb only at 0.44cm.. i asked gynae would it be too small.. she said we cant control the size of the bb.. so tat's fine wor.. hope my bb can grow faster when i go back for my next scan 2 weeks later..

inuovi gal.. i think Dr Wee increase her consultation fees to $60 liao.. i remember last yr $50 le.. then scanning the same = $50.. when r u gg to see her? my next appt with her on 18 Dec..

re the annoucement.. one of my colleague who sit beside me sense it.. then i told her.. she is the only one know abt it in the office.. haha... i cant wait to share the news to my family.. so already told them once i tested positive even before i see my gynae.. haha.. maybe the rest i shall wait till end of 1st tri..

gals.. how often u visit ur gynae ar? for mine.. every 2 weeks... then my colleague asked me how come so frequent le.. for her only once a mth.. hmm....

Red BB,

I'm also seeing my gynae about 2 or 3 weeks intervals now. Think my gynae is the super cautious type so she just wants to ensure everything is fine. Furthermore, I think my age also lah.

Dont' you ladies feel sleepy? Gosh, I've been Zzzing alot recently. Once Z-bug strikes me, I gotta Zzz lest sure cannot last long.

Feel so recharged after an hour nap. Great weather to Zzz.

haha.. my mum was nagging me! ask me to take egg every morning.. because got protein. but i nv though, no time to prepare.

normal adult 1 egg daily is enough. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

red_bb, depends how careful your gynae is and also how smooth your pregnancy is. like me i had 3 blood tests taken almost every 2 days. 6th week & 8th week i have scans.. next scan is on 11th week.

Sorry, Red BB, my BB measurement is at 0.67cm, not 0.46cm. Today was my 1st visit. Next visit is 3 weeks later.

Just to check, can you offset the cost incurred for the earlier consultation (ie from now till u signed the package)with the package price? For my gynae cant leh.

Noknok, for a normal adult, its 2 eggs per day. For kids and old folks, its 1 egg per day.


Thanks all.. I thought it's like 2 eggs per week due to the cholestrol content.. hee.. I can continue eating eggs..

I'm also seeing my gynae every 2 weekly leh.. haven't ask abt the package yet..

As for announcement.. everybody asking me now how come I was on 3 days MC.. so those who ask I jus told them it's from gynae loh.. then they know liao.

Phy.. I'm also super sleepy.. esp after the protestrone tablets.. how to sleep at work??

