(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi Pillow.

Ya.. sounds funny to me too. But you know them la.. they think if you look at something too much, BB would look like them too. Haha!!

Hi Inuovi.

Thanks. I will try Popular then.

hael (hael): Not sure why but that time my doc made the appt for me and asked me to go down for blood test. I think I will call to ask again. Hopefully they don’t ask me to draw blood again! Actually I think blood test is not pain… Injection is more painful!

bbbliss: I have not told my boss about my preg also. But maybe he knows because I have submitted my MC and claims for him to sign which stated “Pregnancy test” in the receipt. And my HR also knows about it because she was asking if my medical claims are for pregnancy.

So far, I did not tell my in-laws too because my MIL is a big mouth and I am getting married soon. I don’t want her to blurt out to all the relatives on my wedding day. Actually I don’t intend to tell her but let her find out herself when my tummy gets bigger. Haha! But at times I feel like confessing to her because I am too tired to do housework regularly now. I don’t want her to think I am getting lazier.

Cin and Megane

Sorry to hear abt your m/c, don't give up. I have friends who got preg within 6 mths after their 1st m/c and their babies are fine and healthy.

Anyway, I haven't posted here for a long time. Went to c gynae over the weekend, can hear heartbeat at wk8 and have scheduled for oscar scan at week 12.

For stretch mark cream, can try Elancyl (not sure if I spelt it correctly but its in a green packaging). No stretch marks for me when i had no.1.

Morning sickness. Mine seems to have stopped, I don't feel so puky now adays. Good. And have a good appetite but I m trying to control my weight this time. I put on a whopping 19kg for no.1, left with 5-6kg after 7mths to shed and as I thought I am going to shed the remaining kg, I found myself preg with no.2..blah!! But hope to keep within 13kg this time.


I am new here and been following u guys since the day i found out i was preggy.

Done a scan last wed and the baby was 6 weeks 4 days. Following up in NUH under Prof Biswas. Edd on 25/7/2010

Hi Mitch,

We have the same EDD! But the weird thing is that i went last friday and i was at 6w 4d too, so was 2 days later than u but same EDD...haha

hi Sun tan

Cos is a rough guide on when our baby is coming out ... and also sometimes is the ultrasound machine calculation is different +- 1 2 days

Ann / Pillow, I also have 2 dogs at home and one of them bites (she's rescued from ex owner for abuse).. I worry that she might bite baby in the future.. how??

congrats Mitch

Hi Noknok.

It's best to rectify the problem now. Maybe when it try to bite, clam it's mouth shut tightly and sternly say NO. When it's good, then reward with treat.

Alternatively you can work with an animal trainer to stop it.

A dog will always be a dog. Make sure they know u are their owner and leader.

noknok, hmmm dogs are still dogs. we have to exercise caution...

although my dogs have been with the family for years, we are still cautious during their play. 100% supervised...... bo pian... my dogs actually roam freely in the house and still do. so far, they are alright.

Hi Julie

Sign of MC or aka threaten abortion, all forms of bleeding or staining and cramps It is not definite will lead to a MC but there are chances it will.. That's y rest and CRIB for preggy is impt if they experience such symptoms...and of cos hormones to support the pregnancy

Hi all,

I am joining this group.

EDD: 13th July 2010

Child: #2

Will be delivering at KKH

Gynae: Dr KT Tan

Would like to hear from mommies who are now having #2 or #3, who will look after your kids when you go back to work after maternity leaves?

julie/ong: I think I can help with your question about miscarriages. Most women experience some sort of warning sign - eg cramps or bleeding - before a MC, but this is not always the case. I had a blighted ovum, meaning that the ovum did not form properly after fertilisation/implantation and the fetus did not develop. I had no symptoms - had my normal preggy symptoms, zero spotting/bleeding and just light cramps which went away after a while.

Some ladies have missed miscarriages, meaning that all seems well, then one day they go for a scan and learn that their bb's heartbeat has stopped - again, no symptoms.

For women like us (the symptom-less!), some doctors will suggest a D+C procedure to remove the pregnancy-related contents of the uterus (called "products of conception" - eg: water sac, placenta, fetus, etc) or you can opt to wait to bleed naturally or have a medically-managed bleed (which means you take certain meds to kick-start the bleeding process).

Hope this info helps! Please don't stress. I am sure your babies are fine. Once you hear the heartbeat, the odds of MC are actually quite low. Most of us here had MCs at an earlier stage.

Thanks gals, will go look for some mustela. Tummy feels tighter by the day already.

Next scan will be on Christmas eve, pray that all will be well.

On the last scan, gynae jiggled my belly with the untrasound wand and my baby waved its hand for a split second..hehe..was so amazing.

hi, i am expecting my second child , edd 28 July 2010 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stretchmark creams: i personally like great mother's belly butter.

thanks for the info Picotin...

hi Pillow,

yor eldest child hw old liao?

then u start to see gynae aldy?

this fri i gg to see mine... reali hope everything is fine n can hear my bb's heartbeat..

hi, my elder one is 2yr 2 mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i have gone to see gynae already last wed. we cldn't wait. we were lucky, manage to see the flickering heart beat.

Morning mummies,

Went for my 2nd checkup yesterday, able to see baby's limbs, head and body. Dr says bb's growing well. Two weeks later will be going for Oscar and shld be able to see bb's gender by then. Excited thou it's already my no.2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sun_tan,

Please help to change my edd to 2nd July cos bb now in week 10 day 4. Thanks for updating.

Ann & Pillow.. thanks.. actually had tried to train her for a very long time.. at least she's not biting any of the family member and my guests now... she used to bite me.. but I'm still wary... maybe I should arrange for a professional trainer to do some further reinforcement.

To all, if you are thinking of getting mustela stretch mark cream, Kiddy palace is selling 2 for $98+, comes with free diaper rash cream I think.. Can go grab before offer is over.

btw, how much is clarins and where is it being sold?? I tried looking for it in watsons but dun have.

Thumbs up for the clarins one too. But I use that in the morning. For nite, I prefer a heavier ("power") one like Great Mother's belly .

i find the clarins one is not rich enough for later part of pregnancy

Hi Noknok.

I think it is still better to enforce the training with a trainer. Then maybe can check with the trainer on how you should introduce your baby to your dog so that it will know that the baby had a higher level than it is. Cause when dog felt it's position threaten permanently, they might attack.

For my girls, different.. totally bo chap.. just like to sleep and eat... but i will still proceed with care even with their gentleness.

Hey everyone.

I see that all of your are talking about stretchmak cream.

When should u apply it and how long can one tube last? Seem very expensive to me lei.

hello ladies.. those interested in clarins stretch mark oil, cheapest in the market is from Beauty Language. $60 per bottle.. even cheaper than DFS. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi sun_tan,

He said should be able to see if we're lucky.. cos my no. 1 was confirmed when I was week 15

morning mummies,

any one keen to take over my london hotel stay?

cant go as boy is down with chicken pox [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ann, thanks.. will engage a professional trainer once I am at 2nd trimester...

Rabbit, where's Beauty Language?

suntan, the one on offer in kiddy palace is mustela.

Hello mummies,

I thought stretch mark cream only use after 1st trimester?

Anyway there’s a cheaper place to buy the Clarins oil, which is Chinatown…

BTW I called the hospital to check and they told me that based on research, the blood test for down syndrome has more than 90% accuracy if done between 9-10 weeks. I am glad it wasn’t a mistake in the date and I don’t have to do another blood test!

Hi ladies,

Just wanna check if you gals can share how do you pick where you wanna deliver your baby?

has anyone compared between KKH and TMC? TMC should be more expensive definitely..but how much more expensive? is it worth it?

kindly share if you can..cos i am also in the midst of selecting my gynae..have been to a sub-clinic tied with Gleneagles..but find it quite costly cos a normal ultrasound scan + consulatation + medication will incur around $160 per visit..have been to KKH as well..the price is around half..

now still deciding on which hospital..appreciate if anyone of you here can give some advise!

many thanks

Hello all..

im a aug mummy. and i would like to sell my

baby craft playpen at S$100

*red and gray color*

*with bassinet*

*hanging toys*


*mattress cover*

*basket holder*

as baby is sleeping with us and would not like to sleep in there, hence the play pen only use for storing baby stuff. any interested mummys can PM me or email me at [email protected]

Helo Mummies,

I am from Dec 09 MTB thread, and I have a brand new box of ANMUM Choc Flavour Milk to let go at $15. RP is $18.20. Expire April 2010.

Gonna be due soon tat's y not drinking anymore, didnt open it.

Pls PM me or sms 92375402 as I dont follow this thread. =)

Hello, fellow mummies.

My wife is MTB first time, July 2010. She is very concerned about the tummy protuding out at this very beginning stage. She used to have very flat tummy and now because of this stage of life, she is experiencing something that she somehow cannot accept.

Can I know if the tummy grown as a part of the pregnancy at this beginning stage, 8 weeks, 3 days?

Is there anything that she should do? The stretch mark cream, when it should start applying? It seems that July MTB are starting to discuss about it already? I am asking how to check if she needs it?

Also what are the things that we should do, prevent, or prepare so that she can regain her figure back after the birth of the child?

Millions thanks to experts and experiences.


if ur wife is skinny to begin with, v likely she will be back to herself after delivery. honestly, i maybe a little blunt here, but pregnancy = weight gain...it is essential that you gain weight otherwise, how is ur bb gng to grow? also, stretch marks i heard, is all abt ur body's composition. the ladies recommends clarins and some of my friends use plain old olive oil... it really all depends on ur body... also, to help to slim down, breastfeed! find a good massage lady to bind ur tummy after ur delivery... honestly, at pregnancy, it is really not a time to be concerned about weight gain and a pertruding tummy... part and parcel of pregnancy leh...


Thanks for your advise, I agree with you about pregnancy=weight gain. But at times, Girls are so image conscious. Need some of your MIB advise to further support my point of view. hohoho...



i understand. also hor, the hollywood pregnancies can be such a market spoiler for MTBs bcos it is not v realistic to get bk to shape just within a month of not doing anything...so let ur wife know, no matter what, u love her even with a pertruding tummy, which can be o so beautiful!

hi jimbo, just ask your wife to visit this forum and she will gain lots of insights from others.


where is Swanston in chinatown? i have often heard mommies rave about how its toiletries are one of the cheapest in town but i have no idea where that is leh ..

Hi girls, how are all of you feeling? I am still having MS every evening. Cant stand it!! Been puking and puking!! Just come in to complain abit so can take it off my mind. Hahhaa.. My back is breaking too... Haiz...

Hope you gals are doing well!!


.. .. u referring to the Clarins oil or stretchmark cream btw? which is better for stretching skin during pregnancy?

