(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


Ya hard to Zzz at work. Probably gotta find a corner to stone a bit? Or toilet cubicle? Or just lay your head on your work desk for a while? Actually I can sleep with eyes open for a while [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But now I'm on leave so sleep most of the time at home while my mil looks after my #1.


Thanks for all the information, mummies!

I am eating a lot of fruits now and drinking fruit juice.

Anyway, I am around 9 weeks now but my next checkup is at the end of this month so won’t get to see bb yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My weight is still the same but nowadays everyone is telling me my tummy is popping out…

Anyone did blood test already? I had 4 tubes drawn yesterday (routine test + down syndrome test), hubby also had to draw 1 tube.

ong (cheese84), your EDD is same as my hubby’s birthday!

My hubby and I are born in July and so is our baby, can save $ buy 1 cake in future. Haha.

RedBB, I had my appointments booked till Feb.

My 1st visit was to confirm my pregnancy. I was about 6 weeks then.

Went at the 8th week to check for heartbeat.

Then 9th week to do blood tests (routine & Oscar).

Next appointment on my 12th week (for Oscar scan), followed by 13th week routine checkup and 20th week detailed scan.

I am still under KKH as subsidized patient. I think I will go to private gynae after that because I cannot stand the waiting time and no fixed gynae.

re: egg

i dont really have craving for eggs & i m a bit cholestrol paranoid so egg craving has not arisen as issue yet


i went for 1st appt and paid abt $150 plus (like you) then my husband paid for package which covers all appts up to birth/delivery. but i am only seeing LC once a month at e moment in terms of frequency of visits


week 10 can see foetus? wow! my 1st scan was like a black dot! but i could see the flickering heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i was considering NE & have heard portions r huge. now just pondering ..... $1600 thereabt for 1 month confinement food from them as opposed to $2k for confinement nanny plus consumables. its not really money issue but also wondering if i TBF & food is catered will a confinement nanny still be "helpful" .... just tinkin aloud [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wat r yr tots?

sun tan

for my gynae's charges, u cant offset the costs. i asked oredi but then sometimes maybe different gynae different payment styles?

re: cordblood

yah, TMC signup on the incentive schemes get some sort of discount but sometimes i read on papers they have promos too so we shld all keep a look out for each other [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


9 wks do OSCAR test? i tot it's meant to be later on? how come need to draw so much blood and fr yr hubby somemore? i really hate needles leh ..aiyah

hael: my personal opinion is that if you are set on TBF (and you should definitely try! TBF is best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) and willing to have the food catered, then you prob don't need a confinement lady. CLs do help by pacifying baby, bathing baby, etc, so that can help, but really, if you're a TBF mum, there isn't much else the CL can do. You'll still have to do the night feeds or at least wake up at night to pump (much easier just to latch baby on then pump, in my opinion!), so it's not like the CL can help much at night also.


yap i saw in web site the week by week fetus development... 10 week will change from embroy to fetus lor...

you can hear hearbeat somemore ... i cant even heard anything .. hope to heard in my next appt 2 weeks later

Hello Everyone,

I am new here. Am preggy and is 8 weeks 5 days today. EDD is 11 Jul. Pretty anxious waiting for my next visit next week.

I hv a question. Anyone told your boss yet about preggy? I have not done so. But my boss has a habit on tapping my shoulders. How do you prevent this? I can't wait for the 1st tri to come and I can proudly announce the news.

i yet 2 tel my boss too,only 2 1 of my snr colleague.my 1st test is on 6wk,1day.tis wk is 7, muz wait til wk 10 to c dr ang.

Me n my MC... submit MC for approval my boss naturally knows what's happening liao..

I also dun feel like having a CL.. I doubt I'll be able to stand all the nagging, restrictions imposed and stuff.. Also dun like having a stranger at my house.

I read from babycenter.com.sg that besides catering food, you can also buy herbal packet for baths from medical halls to prepare the water to bath for DIY confinement... Supposely come in individual packets and just have to soak in hot water.

Hey RedBB, don't worry about the baby's size ok?

for 6 week scan,

Sac size = 14 to 25mm

CRL (crown to rump length) = 4 to 7mm

when I did my last scan, it was 6 weeks 3 days, bb was measured at 4.6mm, although it's the figure is at one end, but i was thinking when i reach 6 weeks 6 days (which is the end of week 6), bb should grow to 7.6mm (bb grows 1mm per day) So it's normal. Your bb is doing just fine!

Ong, it's impossible that bb is 7.5cm when you are just in week 7. Bb's size is the CRL (crown to rump length) you should be able to find this CRL in your scanned picture. I don't think the 7.5cm refers to your bb's size la. hehe =)

By the way, i haven't even broke the news to my own parents and my in laws, planning to tell them during chinese new year, that will be 2 weeks after 1st trimester liao.

I don't like my parents in law, i also don't feel like telling them. but cannot lar hahaha!

hi mommies

just came back fm the gynae. good news is... i can c bb's heartbeat, bad news, i have internal bleeding... but it does not flow out so now, am on hormones to stabalise my pregnancy... so i am half happy and half worried


good for u that u got to hear and see bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do take care of yourself and dont exert. if necessary, take mc.

confinement nanny

I had a day nanny for #1 cos hubby did not want a stranger to stay in and it was pretty hard on us as I was TBF (total breastfeeding) and bb acted up on some nights. ended up my hubby having to carry him half the night sometimes and then my MIL even had to stay over a couple of nights, sleeping on the sofa just to give the 2 tired parents a break. So for #2, i die die must have a CL. and she was a great help although she ate my bird's nest and other expensive herbs and made my MIL flaming mad. I really enjoyed confienment for #2. So definitely will get a CL for #3 now as I think I really will need to rest for the month in order to deal with all 3 kids after confienment.

thanks ecym for adding me to the list. my doc is Dr Yeoh Swee Choo from Mt E

Hi ladies,

i ordered confinement food from melrose catering when i had my 1st baby and can say its very convenient lor... furthermore i tbf so tat period was quite easy without a cl...my hubby helped bathe the baby whilst i was in charge of feeding him...we did not have to trouble my mum and mil (sian to hear them nag....)and we had the privacy during tat period...my hubby even left for a working trip the last week of my confinement...But i only used the herbs to bathe once as its quite smelly and i didn't feel clean bathing in it... so just used hot water to bathe

This time i may try natal essentials for a change in taste.. hopefully we can pull off this confinement without any help like the last time... but it'll be siong lor as now we've to handle a 2 yr ol too...we'll just take things one step at a time lah

Hi Sugar,

You're really brave, w/o help from Mother or MIL or confinement lady.

If me I'll faint. Second one coming... Hai Hao my MIL still willing to help do confinement , despite 2 other kids to take care.

hi mummies,

sorry to intrude.. i am organising preorder for Kate Spade Classic Noel Collection..and some other models..pls pm me if u are interested.. thanks..

The thread is so quiet over the weekend. Haha..

Wonder do you mummies thinking of signing up the cord blood banking and also going for prenatal yoga??

i offically puke 2dae,e feeling is so disgusting!!gt no mood over many tings,juz want to sleep n eat..c if my1st tri over n c if i wil get better

Hi gals!

Juz wondering...is there a need to to get a cream especially for stretched marks or will any cream do? I just use QV but my aunty has been nagging at me to get shea butter.


Anyone of u have skin prob aft preg? My face started to worsen with many pimples. Very ugly leh. Any skin care products which pregnant lady able to use to recommend?

An update on my pregnancy. This is gg to be my no.2 kid. My gynae is Dr Adrian Woodworth.

Hi Pris, i used palmer's coco butter during my 1st pregnancy. But i read fr forum that some ppl are sensitive to it and got rashes after using.

Hi Sun tan,

Please take me out from the list.

Had a missed miscarriage =(

And to all the MTBs, take good care and enjoy yr pregnancy =)


*hugs* pls take care of yourself and "bu" your body back to health. I had an m/c too with my first pregnancy so i can imagine how u feel. be strong.


i used mustela for #1 and will NEVER use Palmers cocoa butter as after starting that for #2 i got PUPPP. i'm still worried that i'll get it again so will not use anything till i really feel my skin is too dry.

cord blood banking

think that the companies will have road shows usually in the march motherhood baby fair and the deals are pretty good. at the same time u should also ask your friends/relatives who have already signed up cos if you can cite someone who referred u i think u and they enjoy some discount.

It has been very interesting to read about all the updates from the mothers-to-be. At least, I get to know what other MIB think about. Of course, it is also quite worrying to hear of so many MIB having miscarriages, I think I'm getting paranoid too. As of my last scan at 6 weeks, 5 days, the CRL is 6.7mm and EDD is 24 July. NUH, Dr TM Chua.

I've been wanting to keep it from my boss till the first trimester is over. Unfortunately, the HR person has alerted my boss, since my maternity claims has to be approved by her.

When my pregnancy is stable, i.e. after the first trimester, I definitely want to do pre-natal yoga. Right now, I'm still sticking to my weekly runs, albeit at a much slower pace.

i used mustela for my 1st, and didnt have any stretchmarks. I will be using that again. I did not sign up for any cord blood banking.

cheerymum: i'm quite forunately in a sense my skin gets dry when i am pregnant, so i did not break out for my 1st one, and hopefully i wont for my 2nd one.

I've been feeling soooo tired. Its like i have to sleep 3 hours every 2 hours and my sleep is easily disrupted. So hard to sleep well everyday.

hi,. pls remove me from the listing. i am at no.11 on the list. (had m/c on 26 nov [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ) life goes on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Everyone.

Had been trying to follow up on all your postings.

First of all, thanks for all your concern. I am fine now. Had come to term with the passing of my dad.

Now I am only concentrating on having a healthy and cheerful baby which is also fulfilling what I had promise my dad when I asked him to go peacefully.

Have been having bad MS recently thus not able to eat much. Poor appetite.

Can't wait to see BB again on 10 Dec.

morn mommies

sorry to hear so many who had gone thru miscarriage.

am gng for scan in two weeks hope everything is going to be stabalised....

am gng to start my exercise regime after 16 weeks. will try attend yoga/pilates and do walks w my number 1... hopefully i dun put on so much weight!

Sorry to hear this.

Megane & Cin Cin, pls take care and be strong.

Thanks ecym for updating the chart. Am seeing Dr Kowa at MEH. This is my No 1.


ive change gyne to the women's specialist. Dr Chan.

EDD is 27 July.

anyway, just to update, bb is 7mm. can hear heartbeat already. loud and clear..

one funny thing is that the MS only comes after 6pm.. haha. maybe because my hubby is a night person so bb follows after him..

Megane & cin cin,

Please take care..

Hi mommies,

I'm going for my 2nd checkup later with Dr Ang, keep my fingers cross. Hope that everything is fine.. Had bad ms during weekends. :p

feeling kinda scared n paranoid le.. i dreamt tat i fainted while i was at work.. n nobody came to help me after a long while..wonder if tat is a bad sign..

n after tat i was tinking...wat if bb no heartbeat in de next visit in 3 weeks time? suddenli find de gap like 2 big..scary me..

not sure whether this helps soothe any first time mummies jitters.

but to think of it this way, if it's meant to be, the bb will be fine. Nature works its wonders to terminate something that's not growing right. so it might not be for the worse.

Hey everyone.

Do you all know where I can shop to get those cute nice baby posters? My mum and relatives are trying hard to find them cause they scared that if i looked at my dogs too much, my baby would be like them. Haha! But my dogs are really cute too.


haha this is damn funny. i have 4 dogs at home and definitely, my boy does not look like my dogs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

