(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Minmin- I think for PG, you have to ask..some qn

They are not like IFC, some do not change diaper etc there. But can pack the diaper in case if they poo.

Only intensive learning/playing only. So they expect their child to go there bathed, clean and eaten well before going to the PG or they might have some tea break in between etc. Did you find out from the centre?



Putting full day. Now i started him off with half day, then every day increase 1 hr until this fri he will be fully on his own from 8am til i go fetch him home.

coz my domestic helper will fly back on fri for 2 weeks.

eh..mine is quite user friendly and can adapt to other enviorment. I have ask, my MIL will deliver the homemake porriage daily at 10.30am to the infantcare centre then they will feed him at 11am together with the rest of the bbs, after tt he would follow the routine there.

mine also the same lah..mealtime is like war time..esp when he wants barney to be on or sing songs for him when he eats. the first bowl is always the most easiest coz he will just gobble dwn. after tt second bowl he will abit sick of it n start his nonsense liao.

well..i just stone my heart n put him there lah..he need to grow up also de..can't always cuddle n cuddle him until 21 years old..

the pre-school won't allow helper in to feed bb as they want to instill independant and self help to bb.

don't worri lah..first few mths will sure slim dwn 1 coz not use to it. after tt he ok liao will slowly fatten up de..

mummies coping with bb in IFC no need to worry much... do regular spot checks at the school at random hours, the teachers there will be very careful with ur bb becos u will turn up any time to pick up bb or visit bb.

Lasery: dont worry abt bb's meal, sch these days very careful with what they feeding bb.

my bb in IFC (PCF = PAP) i nvr prepare any porridge or meals into sch. The teachers will go over to toddler class to bring over a small pot for toddler to have it.

my bb's sch at the moment is teaching my gal to have her own meal on her own at the table. hahaha ! spotted my gal during lunch hour last week, she indeed able to feed herself pretty well on macaroni! but not so with small grains of meals like rice, etc. can see some mess she made on the table but not too bad to clean up after that.

would like letting her to try self feeding at home when my mum is not around! else else she gona nag at me for making a mess! (thou' that's how growing up for kids these days - lots of Independence)


eh. is not mi worried..is my MIL worried...then she say she cooking for him aready so might as well bring to school let him eat. the IFC only opp my hse..cross the road reach liao.

oh well...up to her loh...ya..they need to learn to be independant..at home i also train him to pick things up, throw awy things, keep things, take things for people at home. so he ended up becoming my little helper at times..but a troublemaker to my MIL n helper coz he will go n mess things up..they fold clothes he will go open up the clothes..

then since he like to play i teach him how to fold also loh..so now he fold his own handkies..

the helper will sort out all the handkie n bibs n he will sit there help fold..but sometimes he will also turn naughty de lah...


My boy start to throw temper recently, either do kicking or hitting to our hand if he not happy eg not let him play tv remote control which is his favor , but his emotion become more unstable now until slap my face on last weekend, I really feel shock to see my boy changes so rude, so upset now. Do my boy realy understand if I keep do nagging or scolding on him? I don't think so.....


mine also in favor to the tv remote control..

yes they do understand n will keep trying their limits. i also kana a few times with my son smack my face liao..his 'lao dou' also tio a few times..

if i m carrying him n he just smack my face coz throwing temper, i will instantly put him down and squat to his lvl while my hands are locking his n start to tell him it's not nice to beat people. then i will let go of his hands n if he try to do it again then i will lock his hands again and tell him, if u gonna do it 1 more time i am going to walk awy. then let go of his hands n see his reaction. if he try again then i will just push him to a seating position n walk off. (the tone i use to talk to him will turn from nice - strict - stern)

And the wailing start..i will normally leave him there until he ownself come n find me. then i will ask him if he wanna beat mummy again..then he will reply no..

after a few times he knoes he's not allow to beat mummy, but there's time when he does forget n reminder comes.

hahaha Lasery : u are so tradition ... my bb in sch the teachers put her on the notti chair. and it works ! but at home, I dont have notti chair. so i put her sit 1 corner cannot move away. if move away, i will carry her n put her back.

sometimes she cry like i just beat her but most times she just sobbing quiet till someone (usually my parents lar) talks to her (ai yo, very good let mummy punish) her sobbing would turn to water fountain with endless tears dropping.


coz hubby want him to grow up with the traditional way of teaching..which i agrees on half of it...hahaha...at home got no notti chair also..

for mi, i more agreeable to teaching him n educating him on the rights n wrong and also making him to acknowledge his wrong doings..nowadays the kids are getting too arrogant coz they duno how to apologies and admit it's their wrong. unless he really get on my nerves n limit i will smack him on his leg.

and his basic manners too..like going off must say bye bye, people give you things must say thank you. be4 bed he will say nite nite to every 1..

he got his baby ways to do. like bye bye is wave n kisses..when people give him things he will say Q..n nite nite is hugs..

Hi minmin... i also enrolled my girl in a neighbourhood playgrooup. Same like yours, 2 hr daily starting 2nd Jan. I received a parent handbook and it stated to bring water bottle, 1 diaper & some snacks. Since it is only 2 hour, I suppose we just need to ensure that they have their breakfast before going and it shouldn't be a problem. In case they poo, the teachers will help to change.

My girl is super sticky to me as well, i ever tried putting her in IFC 2 months ago for 2 weeks, she cried like mad everyday but i realized one thing. Just dont linger there if you are leaving cos they will cry for you. according to the teachers, she usually settles down shortly after i leave. the difficult part is having to leave feeling really lousy because you will feel that your child is crying so badly for u yet u have to walk away from her pleas.

Whatever it is, i still withdrew her from IFC and we decided Kay will only go CC after she turns 2. It makes me feel more prepared and even if she cries badly, it would only be for a period of 2 hours.

I was informed by the PG teachers that the PG is more to playing and interacting with other kids. Cos it is only 2 hour and they cant do anything much. But the handbook did state some activities like art, playing with textures, phonics and stuff like that. In any way, that 2 hours is better than staying at home and my mum can go to the market.. First 3 days we can go in with the kids, right? So don't worry about it!


hahaha...oh will..part n parcel of growing up...yesterday when i went home he ran to me n started crying so badly...then he keep pointing towards the window n start to babble...then point at his grandma n the maid n cry n babble...*making complaints to me*...

after calm him down he stick to me like super glue where eva i go..even to the toliet he also wanna follow..like so scared i will leave him alone like tt..but then after 30mins he's back to his old self starting to get the mischief up his sleeves.

next year i putting him in playgroup too..haven entroll yet..=X duno where to put..haiz..

lasery: same! whenever i picked my girl from IFC last time, she would cry really bitterly when she sees me, like trying to tell me how pitiful she is to be there alone. after that, she wants me to carry & would not let go.. i fetch her alone most of the time and had to carry her, push the stroller, and walk home in high heels!

if u are not particular abt gd PGs, just consider those within ur neighbourhood. the key is convenience for the caregiver. i do feel that maybe the playgroups may not be as extensive so at the same time i enrolled her for weekend enrichment classes, all starting in 2012.

Me too, I am going to enrol my kid to a neighbourhood PG next year. I was also looking at convenience for the caregiver, like SK. When we visited the place, we were pleasantly surprised by how well-behaved the kids are, and how neat the place is. It is a montessori setup, although small, all the resources are placed neatly. The teachers told us that the parent can only linger for 15mins on the first day, after that no more. Very hard-hearted, but the teachers assured that the more you linger, the more the kid will cry for you. Also need to bring a diaper, a water-bottle and snacks, cos no snacks provided by the centre.

But this place has no windows for us to peek in leh..can't see what's going on inside, unlike TARA at Jurong Pt, which has an open concept.

Lasery: wah! so good that L can help to fold hankies! Mine will just wave the hankie around. Maybe I should start training too. lol.


lolx. theses few days my helper still around so she will fetch him to n fro from the IFC.

for the first day he was left there by me and i went off without him knowing..after tt around 1.30pm we went to pick him up n the first thing he see me was pian the lips then wail until very loud n plunge himself towards me...he cling on like a kola bear n refuse to come down and walk even after he calm down...have to carry him home all the way...*HEAVY*


coz he always stand there being a attention seeker..so might as well teach him somethings n he can get entertain n help us in a way. but at times he also end up "yue bang yue mang". some of his hankie also fold until not in order de lah..hahaha

SK: Is called Summer Montessori, at JW st 65.

Lasery: Is already good on his part to help out and learn. lol. Mine is still in the process of messing the place up! hahha!!

i m thinking of putting mine at CS montessori at the serangoon NEX shopping centre (2hrs). if not he would be going to cherie hearts playgroup (half day) which is also the IFC he's in currently.

must check out the pricing for the CS montessori later.

talking abt disciplining our babies, yesterday my boy surprises me by imitating my action lor! Want to be angry with him also cannot, kept wanting to laugh cuz he was so cute.

He threw his drawing block from the table to the floor. Then I said to him "No, no" and shake/wave my index finger as a "no" sign.

And then he imitated me and said "no, no" and wave his index finger too! aiyo...


ya loh...qi dao wana vomit blood liao..

sometimes i angry at him then i will poke his forehead n say you naughty boy..he will imitate me n poke his forehead n look at mi then he reply NO..

tell mi he is not naughty boy...=.=!!

My girl's bad habits

1) put her leg on chair when eating

2) put her bowl (with food) on her head drink dinner

3) always say 'NO'

4) bite her elder brother during fights

Now she tomboy liao... 拿她没办法

2) put her bowl (with food) on her head drink dinner <--then she get food all over her? tt would be so so mess up..

my boy gt countless of bad habits until i also pai seh to list out xia...maybe i could go off with a few weird n farnie 1s.

1) he will take his head go bang wall or use his hand to smack his head when he's tired or sleepy.

2) during bathe or change diaper he love to pull his 'birdy'

3) hardcore barney fan during feeding porridge..his eyes need to fix on the tv screen to eat.

haha listing bad/farni habits... airing dirty laundry now

1. put leg on table/chair

2. will applaud for herself if she thinks she does correctly

3. will beat herself on her hand when we said 打打.

4. when we saw her gek poo, we will ask her got poo or not, then she will shake/nod her head. 50% accurate only

5. loves to throw things too but i made her put back to her playpen so can clear easier

6. loves to dance, she can really dance differently to different rhythm leh


That happened to my boy too.

Hitting head: he might be stressed over something cos kids can be stressed too

He also explore birdie during bath

Hi mummies, anyone still has Mdm Ida's no? A fren needs a masseue urgently. I lost all my contacts recently. That's how dependent I am on my phone! Would really appreciate anyone's help. Thank u

Lassery , xbean n all mummies

These few days I cracking my head try to figure out some ways to stop my boy throw bad temper , hope you all suggestions can help out! Seem how to educate a toddler more complicated then to take care during their infant time.

Fazzy: This is her number, 9436 1463.

Play Club: Mummies, the company, Singapore Toy Rental, which I often rented my toys from, opened a play club (http://happykidsclubsingapore.blogspot.com/)at Far East Shopping Centre in Orchard. Thinking of going there to check it out. Any mummies interested to go together? But I can only make it during weekend. They are only officially opened this Sunday. They have promo rate from 23rd to 30th Oct.

erm, i always goes from talking nicely to him first then if he still does not listern after 3times i repeat myself i will just leave him there n ignore him totally..n i always place my pointed my finger right infront of his face. i will tell him, u stop crying n i will carry u..n if he con't to wail, i will repeat again for 2 more times..after tt he will get i count to 3 n if u not going to stop i will leave u here n u cry all u want. n i will go 1, 2, 3...normally by number 2 he will auto shut up n look at me with his flatten lips with tears still flowing..

after tt i will carry him n he will start to complaint "blah blah blah"..."ji ji ji".."this this this'..then point point at duno what.

if he really refuse to follow what i tell him, he can seat there kick his legs, roll on the floor n start throwing his toys around n i will just ignore him...after he finally stop, i will ask him to pick up his toys 1 by 1 n keep..then i will tell him it's wrong to blah blah blah on whateva he do wrong..he will look at mi like as if he did nothing wrong. but i will still con't...

no wonder woman getting more longer breath is because of like that i think...

Hi lasery2k,

That's what I do too, and it works for me for now. My son will not wait till I count to 3, cos that would mean punishment. This works well when we go out cos u need them to stop what they are doing fast.

I really feel myself getting naggy cos we have to keep repeating.


there's a christmas pty organize liao..full hse n now mummies who wanna go are place on waiting list...

ya, it work quite well at home or outside..esp my hubby is the 1 disciplining him. 1 only he will stop liao. he will bully mummy.

mummies - anyone has good movers recommendation? Do you know if they will dissemble cupboards/bedframe etc?

erm..u can try the moovers. we engage them the previous time, so far the uncle n staff tt came to help us manage to squeeze my 3 rm flat items into 1 load of the moving truck so we donit to pay extra.

can argue the pricing with the boss then at the end we bao a small token for the movers tt help us.


Time: 11 am to 9pm (Fri & Sat), 11am to 8pm (Sun)

BABY EXPO provides you with amazing choices and unbeatable value on everything for your pregnancy, baby and toddler. Get set to make the most of our HOT DEALS & GREAT PROMOTIONS!

HUGGIES and Cold Storage is having a promo now.

From 21 Oct - 3 Nov.

Spend $60 of HUGGIES products & you can buy the Little Tikes 3-in-1 Trike @ $99 (limited to 1st 1,000 redemptions only).

So tempted but my HB said dun want cuz too many stuff @ home and IL's plc also hv a bicycle liao. DUH.

hi mummies, i have overpurchased Similac Gain Adv EyeQ Plus "3" as decide to switch to Pediasure instead.

For Children 1 year onwards

4 cans x 900g = $25 x 4 = $100

1 can x 1.8kg = $55

Total = $155 for 5 cans

Expiry date for all is March 2013.

For sale in single lot of 5 cans. savings of 25% off retail price.

please email me if interested : [email protected]

Hi there,

I have a preloved carseat maxi cosi priori XP, it is fr bb from 9 mths to 4 yrs old. bought it abt a yr ago this is a spare carseat in my fil's car but he seldom let me boy sit on it. Now it is placed in my spare room. I bought it from taka at $349, now selling at $200. Pls pm me if interested.

HI Mummies.

It is that phase where our little darlings are so interactive and also ready to go childcare.

My girl, gets angry and walk away shaking her head when Im talking to her. She will scream at the top of her voice when we take something away from her. And she also imitates me and my husband alot.

I have just recently gone back to work full time (after nearly 1.5 years of being SAHM). It was hard at first but I guess I will get used to it. Im now Child-care hunting so that I can enrol my girl January next year. The biggest problem is Im going to have to wean her off my breast!! It is super tough coz she cries - But I have to start somewhere.

Any recommendations/reviews about good Child Care Centres in Woodlands. So far, I have seen "Learning Vision", "Montessori", "Kinderland", "Cuddles". Still hunting. All house full and waitlisted.

How are you ladies faring with Child care hunting?

Dear mummies, pls help to like this page if you wish to sell/buy 2nd hand baby items here. We need more likers in order for this platform to work. I believe most of you sell used items in forum before. This is just an another platform to serve buyers and sellers for this purpose. Please LIKE the page and read more http://www.facebook.com/2ndhandmarketplace


u can try to call Babykidworld party Supply

Eastwood Place, 486626 Singapore, Singapore

p: 65-98430049 and see if they have helium filling

Morning mummies,

For those of you whose kids love Barney (I HATE barney, but my daughter is crazy abt him), There is a movie "BArnie: The New Adventure" opening on Nov 19. However, the tixs are on sale starting today and I guess, they'll be selling like hotcakes. Check out cineplexes.com.sg if you are interested.

Enjoy the long weekend!


Xbeanniex: That would be Jaclyn, Gareth mummy, if I am not wrong.

Fazzy: My boy also like Barney & Hi-5. Now I am limiting him the number of hours he get to watch them. Don't want him to get addicted to watching tv. Encourage my hubby to play more with him and bring him to basketball court to play ball. Think healthier for them too.

