(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Christmas Party - Potluck (menu to decide in early Dec)

Tentative Date - 17 Dec

Tentative venue - function room at chelz's condo

Time - 5pm

1. Eliss

2. vernie

3. babycoco

4. Ann

5. Chelz

6. Beannie

7. mrslong

8. ica

9. Pris

10. Geri

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn)

12. DQueen (Marie)

13. Daisy

14. Jaclyn

15. Grace

16. Jo_lyn

17. Irene (nfk22)



due to limited space in the function room, we can only accomodate up to 20 mummies. apologise for this...

yeah, good idea for gift exchange...

chelz: like that location not that much problem.... can go gai gai then walk over... lolx! as i staying at tampines till new flat comes ma... hahaha !

hristmas Party - Potluck (menu to decide in early Dec)

Tentative Date - 17 Dec

Tentative venue - function room at chelz's condo

Time - 5pm

1. Eliss

2. vernie

3. babycoco

4. Ann

5. Chelz

6. Beannie

7. mrslong

8. ica

9. Pris

10. Geri

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn)

12. DQueen (Marie)

13. Daisy

14. Jaclyn

15. Grace

16. Jo_lyn

17. Irene (nfk22)

18. nok ( bindi)

Chelsea: The function room small but the space outside the function room quite big lei. I thought would be nice to do it outside of the room. Haha!! Then more mummies can come.

Any mummies up? I'm desperate for advice! Is it safe to allow my girl to take the mmr jab if she's having slight flu? Or shall I just change to another appointment?


If is me, I would delay until he has recovered. As I heard that this jab is quite potent. Most Bb would feel uncomfortable or fever after the jab. Maybe you can check with your PD?

Hello everybody! Santa claus told me that there is a party at Chez's place this christmas. Count me in ladies! :D

Christmas Party - Potluck (menu to decide in early Dec)

Tentative Date - 17 Dec

Tentative venue - function room at chelz's condo

Time - 5pm

1. Eliss

2. vernie

3. babycoco

4. Ann

5. Chelz

6. Beannie

7. mrslong

8. ica

9. Pris

10. Geri

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn)

12. DQueen (Marie)

13. Daisy

14. Jaclyn

15. Grace

16. Jo_lyn

17. Irene (nfk22)

18. nok ( bindi)

19. Jasmine (Minmin)

Chelz, can you pm me your addy please?

Re: self feeding

My boy also only self feeds on finger food such as bread or snacks or even rice using his fingers, hehe but not those main meals using spoon yet.

When we are outside, we usually bring out an extra spoon for him to play with when we are eating, so sometimes he will play on his own in the highchair, putting the spoon in his mouth.....so in a way training him, just w/o food in the spoon only, Hehe.

Christmas Party - Potluck (menu to decide in early Dec)

Tentative Date - 17 Dec

Tentative venue - function room at chelz's condo

Time - 5pm

1. Eliss

2. vernie

3. babycoco

4. Ann

5. Chelz

6. Beannie

7. mrslong

8. ica

9. Pris

10. Geri

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn)

12. DQueen (Marie)

13. Daisy

14. Jaclyn

15. Grace

16. Jo_lyn

17. Irene (nfk22)

18. nok ( bindi)

19. Jasmine (Minmin)

20. baby_yen (Fanny)

Can bring mine hubby and elder son along?

Thank you, suntan and mrs long. I have decided to change the appointment to another date.

Better be safe. Furthermore, I have not decided to give her the mmrv or just mmr. Cos there's really varying info on the chickenpox vaccine. Some people really are procrastinating these jabs for their kids as long as they could. I need to read more in depth. Sigh

Thank you and have a great day!

Christmas Party - CAPACITY HIT!!!

Potluck menu (to decide in early Dec)

Tentative Date - 17 Dec, Saturday

Tentative venue - function room at chelz's condo

Time - 5pm for dinner


1. Eliss

2. vernie

3. babycoco

4. Ann

5. Chelz

6. Beannie

7. mrslong

8. ica

9. Pris

10. Geri

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn)

12. DQueen (Marie)

13. Daisy

14. Jaclyn

15. Grace

16. Jo_lyn

17. Irene (nfk22)

18. nok ( bindi)

19. Jasmine (Minmin)

20. baby_yen (Fanny)



Christmas Party - CAPACITY HIT!!!

Potluck menu (to decide in early Dec)

Tentative Date - 17 Dec, Saturday

Tentative venue - function room at one of the condo at Cairnhill Circle behind Paragon (will pm condo name to confirmed attendees 1 week before playdate)

Time - 5pm for dinner

=>hubbies & older kids are welcome!


1. Eliss

2. vernie

3. babycoco

4. Ann

5. Chelz

6. Beannie

7. mrslong

8. ica

9. Pris

10. Geri

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn)

12. DQueen (Marie)

13. Daisy

14. Jaclyn

15. Grace

16. Jo_lyn

17. Irene (nfk22)

18. nok ( bindi)

19. Jasmine (Minmin)

20. baby_yen (Fanny)



Xmas party would be very fun, but aiyah... hv to be on waitlist already! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Christmas Party - CAPACITY HIT!!!

Potluck menu (to decide in early Dec)

Tentative Date - 17 Dec, Saturday

Tentative venue - function room at one of the condo at Cairnhill Circle behind Paragon (will pm condo name to confirmed attendees 1 week before playdate)

Time - 5pm for dinner

=>hubbies & older kids are welcome!


1. Eliss

2. vernie

3. babycoco

4. Ann

5. Chelz

6. Beannie

7. mrslong

8. ica

9. Pris

10. Geri

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn)

12. DQueen (Marie)

13. Daisy

14. Jaclyn

15. Grace

16. Jo_lyn

17. Irene (nfk22)

18. nok ( bindi)

19. Jasmine (Minmin)

20. baby_yen (Fanny)


21. Bdmummy

My girl supposed to have MMR jab nxt week. But she's teething and very cranky!!! kept digging the gums at the back and wakes up screaming and crying for an hour at 5am.. totally tired out by her. dunno if i should delay the jab till her molars are out~

Sweetkiss: If I were in your shoes I will definitely allow bb to take any vaccines, esp MMR jab, only if completely well and healthy. As it is they will already be injected with mild dose of the virus.

I always hate to bring Kayden for vaccine cause after that sure fever one.. then all cranky.. but hate also no choice.. got to bring him.

Will be bringing him in for jab on next Monday. Sian...

Any mummies have signed up for the 1st Nestle Cerelac Toddlers' Party on 8 Oct @ Polliwogs?

I've received their confirmation on the invite. Am just wondering if any of you have responded and gotten a confirmed invite too.

Lasery: oh good! But hor we may not be going cuz my boy has class at 1.30pm & I want him to take his morning nap....so hv to see on Sat itself what time he wakes up before we confirm going or not le.

Christmas Party - CAPACITY HIT!!!

Potluck menu (to decide in early Dec)

Tentative Date - 17 Dec, Saturday

Tentative venue - function room at one of the condo at Cairnhill Circle behind Paragon (will pm condo name to confirmed attendees 1 week before playdate)

Time - 5pm for dinner

=>hubbies & older kids are welcome!


1. Eliss

2. vernie

3. babycoco

4. Ann

5. Chelz

6. Beannie

7. mrslong

8. ica

9. Pris

10. Geri

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn)

12. DQueen (Marie)

13. Daisy

14. Jaclyn

15. Grace

16. Jo_lyn

17. Irene (nfk22)

18. nok ( bindi)

19. Jasmine (Minmin)

20. baby_yen (Fanny)


21. Bdmummy

22. suika

23. lasery2k



Christmas Party - CAPACITY HIT!!!

Potluck menu (to decide in early Dec)

Tentative Date - 17 Dec, Saturday

Tentative venue - function room at one of the condo at Cairnhill Circle behind Paragon (will pm condo name to confirmed attendees 1 week before playdate)

Time - 5pm for dinner

=>hubbies & older kids are welcome!


1. Eliss

2. vernie

3. babycoco

4. Ann

5. Chelz

6. Beannie

7. mrslong

8. ica

9. Pris

10. Geri

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn)

12. DQueen (Marie)

13. Daisy

14. Jaclyn

15. Grace

16. Jo_lyn

17. Irene (nfk22)

18. nok ( bindi)

19. Jasmine (Minmin)

20. baby_yen (Fanny)


21. Bdmummy

22. suika

23. lasery2k

24. Happimay


BTW, there will be a Parenthood Fair coming up in Nov 11-13. There's a booth selling See Kai Run shoes at more than 40% disc.

Any mummies keen can check it out.

I bought 3 pairs at the June Motherhood fair the other time. Very good buys!!

Mummies, do anyone of you have any ways of reducing phelgm? Kayden keep choking on his phelgm when he sleeps and vomit. He couldn't sleep well at all.

Organizer for Xmas Party :-

I would like to give up my slot to gib another mommy as I have something on that day... not likely able to attend the party... @-@lll


Luke also coughing n flu..haven been sleeping well too. eh what i do is make him vomit it out loh..sometimes he cough cough cough until the phelgm at the mouth liao n he swollow bk...i will always wait until i hear a clear cough n he start to blow up his cheeks then i will put my finger into his mouth n try to dig out. if not i will then wait for him to cough until vomit.

at night i use the mentholum cherry for infants n kids rub at his chest n back to help relieve the congestion for him to sleep. then in the day i will use the nose drops for his nose congestion.

Pretty nth much we can do to help rid the phelgm unless he knows how to spit it out.

lasery: I lately also being force to dig it out for my gal... ai yo i felt so bad mummy having to dig her phlegm out from her mouth... then she feels nausea all over again then cough more phlegm out...

i use essential oil drops on her pillow n bed. 1 drop at where she slps.


bo pian...tt's the only way to help them rid the phelgm. Mine best loh..vomit on my bed. 1 mth i change like 2 sets of bedsheets.

i notice when mine eat cold stuffs he will start to cough le. esp jelly, pudding, ice-creams n cold fruits from the fridge.

now need to wait until the food are non cold liao then feed him.

My tam jiak went to steal our potato chips n eat when he's still sick..=.=!!

duno izzit another grow spurt of his. recently he had been eating alot alot even he's sick...keep walking around the house looking for food.

Christmas Party - CAPACITY HIT!!!

Potluck menu (to decide in early Dec)

Tentative Date - 17 Dec, Saturday

Tentative venue - function room at one of the condo at Cairnhill Circle behind Paragon (will pm condo name to confirmed attendees 1 week before playdate)

Time - 5pm for dinner

=>hubbies & older kids are welcome!


1. Eliss

2. vernie

3. babycoco

4. Ann

5. Chelz

6. Bdmummy replace Beannie

7. mrslong

8. ica

9. Pris

10. Geri

11. sun_tan (Jacelyn)

12. DQueen (Marie)

13. Daisy

14. Jaclyn

15. Grace

16. Jo_lyn

17. Irene (nfk22)

18. nok ( bindi)

19. Jasmine (Minmin)

20. baby_yen (Fanny)


21. suika

22. lasery2k

23. Happimay




Tried to give diluted milk as fm causes phlegm. Also avoid food like chicken/banana. You can also try using nasal spray so that the mucus flow out and instead of backflow down the throat and become phlegm.

Hello Everyone! My bb also born July 2010 but I seldom log on to motherhood, except to do BP. I was reading through and would like to join the party if u guys don't mind.

On the reducing phlegm, buy 喉枣散and feed 3 times daily and also pat the back from side to centre. My daughter Zann got bronchitis and phlegm got stuck so I used this method.

Eliss, thanks for helping to update the namelist for the xmas party [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann, as Christina shared above, keep patting Kayden's back as it will help dislodge the phlegm. Also, you may wish to raise 1 side of the bed at an angle (placing something below the mattress) so he sleeps slightly more upright - that should make him more comfortable.

Hi mummies,

Thanks for your suggestions. Kayden is much better now. At least he can sleep through the night with lesser coughing now. But still got phlegm.

Christina: I did buy Hou Zao San for him to take but my MIL quite skeptical about giving him chinese medication and western medication together. So she did not give Hou Zao San to him. By the way, is it ok to give both western medication and chinese medication together?

Ann it's not ok to mix western & Chinese medicine! H's PD prescribed mucoflux for phlegm. You can check with K's PD whether there's anything for phlegm? For not so serious phlegm problem, I give H eat Chinese pears. But don't expect overnight cure ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann, according to both my PD and sinseh, 2 hours apart is ok but not together. And no fruits. So it really depends on doctors.

My schedule was western and then 2 hours later Chinese med for almost 2-3 weeks. As for the phlegm no choice, got to eat hou zao san for my case. If got runny nose, try to suck out the mucus else will go to the throat and get stuck there.


ica: How do you give Hannah pears? Puree or just cut and give like that?

Christina: I am sucking his mucus out for him. Works well for him. Thanks for sharing. Maybe I should do that for him too. 2hrs apart and then feed hou zao san.

Oatmeal with yogurt: Can I mix Yogurt and oatmeal together for Kayden to eat?? Never tried this combination before.

