(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Ann: chinese pears, used to scrape them and feed H. now that she has more teeth and can chew & bite better, we give her tiny pieces instead

oatmeal + yogurt: yes can! that's what H had for breakfast everyday for the past few weeks. we also add cut fresh fruits into the combo. she got sick and tired of it, so now she likes puffed rice cereal


Where to get or what brand puffed rice cereal?

Sometimes I headache dunno what breakfast to serve my boy, except for bread & nestle mixed fruit cereals.

Tdy I prepared for the 1st time silken tofu with mango puree for my boy's dinner. He didn't like it & only ate a few mouthfuls. So demoralizing lor. Sometimes put in efforts to think of what to cook different for his meals but then nbr eat or finish, sianz.

haha same same i also run out of ideas what to feed Keila. Usually the brekkie is always yogurt with fruit puree the 2xporridge at the caregiver's place. Over the weekend, i will try to mix yogurt with cereal with fruit puree, yesterday I cook soba with beef and vege puree for her, she likes them.

My girlfriend reccomends me to buy those dried kway teow for the baby but I cant find them yesterday at the NTUC.

the thing is if it's food like meat/fish mixed with veggie/potatoes (steam and blended) together to eat with "zhao mi", porridge stuff, my boy will eat.

But then when I want to experiment with food from recipe books, my boy usually don't quite like or use to it.

At coming to 15mths, my boy only has 2 sets of teeth (2 at top, 2 at bottom), so in terms of food choices still limited cuz cannot chew much still. Very slow in terms of tooth development le.

ica: Thanks for the reply. I gave Kayden one slice of chinese pear and he bite and chew on his own. LOL!! Kayden now has 12 teeth (4 front top, 4 front bottom, 4 molar teeth which is 1 on each side). I guess now they have more teeth, they can chew on their own. Last time he always get choked.

I didn't give him yogurt with oatmeal in the end. I just cook with his formula milk. He finish them. Hehe!!

When baby is sick, very hard to cook for them to eat. Run out of idea. Sian!! Plus they are very picky on food when sick.

Junie: You very innovative lei. Toufu with mango puree. Normally I just cook toufu with porridge. Very plain cooking.

Eliss: Got dried kway teow for baby to eat? I have never seen them before. What is the packaging like??

ann - i come across before, clear in colour but i forgot the brand... Yesterday when i went to NTUC, its housebrand is white colour, ingredient is flour leh, so i did not buy. I

keila dun have molar yet so food choices very limited, even slightly coarser like bread/rice/minced meat, she will gag...

Tofu with mango - hmmm maybe can try for brekkie next time for keila. usually i try not to fuss over brekkie, no time to prepare, so yogurt is best! kekeke i ever bought the pancake mix also no time to prepare for keila... lazy me...

the dried kway teow looks like this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/6167104.jpg]

The tofu with mango puree is from a receipe book. Cuz I know nuts abt cooking one, so that one is easiest to cook & instructions easiest to understand, haha!

Buy silken tofu, steam, set aside.

Then blend the mango into puree and some mangoes cut into small pieces

Drizzle the mango puree onto the tofu and add in the cut mango pieces, tada! haha.

For yoghurt with oatmeal. The yoghurt can use those Yoplait yoghurt? Then for oatmeal, which brand or where can I get them?

Eliss>> But for brekkie, yoghurt with fruit puree, you also need to blend the fruit mah. So also takes a little time, hehee. I saw in receipe book on pancakes, so temppted to try. But then my boy doesn't hv much teeth and not even molars yet, will hold that till later. Want to let him eat McDonald's hotcake I also dun dare.

My boy also gags on some food and pieces that are not small enough, so lagi limited choices. Sometimes he's also lazy to chew so he will pretend to gag, I think, haha.

Hi mommies, perhaps you all would like to try mee sua? or angel hair pasta also can? Just make sure use a scissors to snip them so that its not too long and hard for them to swallow.

i cook angel hair pasta with stock , crack an egg and beat it and add in, minced pork, vege and grated pumpkin. G likes very much, can try!

For breakfast most of the time for G its oatmeal with fruits or bread. Some of us mommies we bought the earth's best instant yummy tummy oatmeal. Its easy to prepare and the kids tend to like cos its sweet.

I can understand everyone running out of ideas cos me oso hahaa!


(Angel Hair Pasta)

mrslong, then i recommend you still continue to blend and puree for baby. you can soak some bread/pancakes with his milk also if you like.

Jac: You're very good leh, always hv new recipes for your boy to try.

I'm also thinking of cooking mee sua but then dunno how to prepare stock. haha. Cuz all along it's my MIL who prepares porridge for my boy as she's the main caregiver during weekdays.

Where to get the Earth's Best oatmeal?

mrslong, stock is really very easy de. Just buy 2 chicken breasts (with bone in) and boil. Add in whatever vege u want. Every sunday is my stock day haha so G has the same stock for a whole week and then something different for the next etc.

some varieties of stock ingredients that i've tried (can mix and match):

- watercress

- old cucumber

- winter melon

- black beans

- wolfberries

- lotus root

- huai shan

- potatoes

- onions

- any type of vege actually

- pears

- apples

- chicken breasts or pork bones or beef cubes (always remove as much fat as possible)

- radish

- tomatoes

- celery

- chicken feet

etc! As you can see, anything mostly can =D

For me i have no qualms about freezing stock but its really up to you de. i portion out the stock into those avent VIA cups then everytime i need i just take out and thaw to use. Can cook porridge, cook mee sua, cook kway teow, cook anything with stock! Makes life easier heehee

ya like Jac, i also puree my vege/fruit in advance and store it in freezer... Keila taking them well... sometimes i have the stock to cook my own maggie mee...slurp...

thanks for the suggestion.

Me really know nuts abt cooking one lor.

so for those stock, do we eat the chicken, etc or simply just use the ingredient for boiling to make the stock?

how do u know the stock is cooked? If have taste, can liao issit? haha.

Me really suaku lor but yet for my boy, me willing to learn & try cooking, hehee.

for my stock - i will use the vege that i will blend for keila to eat. the meat will be finished off by myself or hubby. I use lean meat... for better taste use meat with bones... when you boil/simmer for 2 hrs everything will be cook...u will taste the sweetest from the vege/meat...

mrslong don worry, at least u're willing to learn! You're a weida mommy liao!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually its really very easy.. i myself don like to cook anything too complicated and strive to make things as easy as possible. Once you get the stock, you can use it to cook practically anything and it won't taste plain. Btw, for stock.. i just leave it boiling for 2 hours. basically you will be able to see the colour of the soup change colour as well as everything inside is nua nua already. All the goodness is in the soup [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I don't re-use the veges.. sometimes I shred the chicken breast meat to make salad the next day, but all in all I won't recommend to keep the stock ingredients inside the fridge for long. Maximum one day ba.


For me, I will put in the stock ingredients into my slow cooker, on it before i go to sleep and by next morning, tada, its done! And i dun even needa watch over the fire. Its for a lazy me :p Like Jac, i also cooked a week's worth of stock. I do it on fri night so that I can cook porridge for Skyler on weekends and i will bring over the rest to my mom's place on monday when i drop Skyler over.

Ok shall try it out one of these days.

Some mths bk I also tried to make cheese toast for my boy's brekkie but I think he prefers plain white bread.

Jaclyn: do share more of ur cooking ideas here! I like them but have not gotten to try them yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any tots still like to throw things? Mine still likes to do it, n he will throw the things quite hard. When will they grow out of it?Is not v cute leh.

charliebrown: Kayden also like to throw things last time. But I always issue a strict No and look at him fiercely. Then he will look scared and look around for help. But whenever I looked at him fiercely, no one dare to help him. So now he know it is wrong. At times, he will forget and do it again. Like throwing his book down on the floor instead of putting it nicely on the stake. I will say NO strictly again and pick up the book and make him hold the book and place it gently and nicely on the stake. If he let go of the book before it reached the stake, I will pick it up again and make him do it till he get it right. I think at this age, they are testing their limit on what they can do and cannot do. So if they do the same thing again and again, we must give them the same signal again and again too.

Like now when I know Kayden is crying because of throwing tantrum. I will ask him to hush and put my finger to my lip to show him the "Sssh" signal and say if he dun stop, i will not pick him up. Now he will listen and keep quiet.

I think most imptly is make sure no one turn against your teaching. Like grandparents sometime will interfere and say they are small, why so harsh on them, etc. Luckily my in-law don't dare to do so.

hi mummies,

long time never log in.... today got alot of recipes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

going to europe with my little darling next tuesday .... hopefully he will "quay quay" on the plane like previous trips

Hi Mummies,

I'm planning to sign my 2 girls up for Julia Gabriel holiday programmes.

There is a 20% group discount if 4 or more children register at the same time. It can be a different programme and venue.

If anyone is interested too, please PM me so that we can all enjoy the group discount.

Information for the holiday programmes. http://www.juliagabriel.com/pdfviewermm1ab.html

Ann: agree, they will keep repeating to test their limit. And maybe to test mine too! I think my patience is running out, seeing how K likes to throw things, and despite me repeating no so many times. Im the main caregiver, and u are right again, my PILs like to give my son their hdph to play and throw n they will laugh. And even said that throwing the ph on the playmat is ok cos the ph will not be spoilt. Yea right, but my son will be "spoilt".

charliebrown: Sometime it is also because they want attention from us and that's why keep repeating the thing. So maybe if repeating no many time to your son also no effect, you can try the ignore method. Maybe when your son sees no reaction from you anymore, he will stop doing such thing.

Now Kayden will start to beat pple's hands too. If he doesn't like what that person did, he will slap their hands repeatedly. I will hit his hand and let him know it is not funny hitting pple and it is painful.

I think our first reaction to what they do is very impt. If we laugh when they do things which is not good, they will do it the 2nd time.

You might have to educate your PILs about such things. Sometime it is hard but still have to talk to them about it.

Ann: its actually gd that yr ILs dun interfere in yr disciplinary ways. I bet my ILs won't listen one lor. That's why my boy is getting naughtier.

Charliebrown: same like ur ILs, they will find it funny instead if disciplining my boy. Haiz.

Sooooo long never login!!

Chelz: U damn shiok! Holiday again.. Enjoy!!

Junie: Dun worry abt the cant cook part. I am idiot in cooking too. After trying and trying, i myself think i improve already. Lolx. just kip trying.. I always standby instant food in case i fail in cooking or in case Enzo dun wanna eat. Den faster make instant food for him.. Just start off with storing stock cos it gives taste to whatever u cook! Whenever i have no idea of what to cook, i jus throw everything i can find in my fridge n boil. Then cook with mee sua or macaroni etc.

By the way, any gift exchange for the Xmas gathering??

Charliebrown: My girl too, worse is she finds it funny whenever she throws and I pick them up. She likes to stand in her cot and throw all the pillows & blankets to the floor. Scolded her, slap her hand, and she thinks it's funny and laugh out loud.

So I thought of a way which is to tackle her prized possession - her bolster (the only thing she won't throw)! If she starts throwing everything, I will pretend to throw her bolster into the dustbin. She will start to cry and look for it, and learn her lesson. But this cycle repeats every night!

Btw, if we cook porridge in a slow cooker, do we put the same amount of water like when we cook in a pot under a stove?

I don't know what to do as my girl is still not a great eater, her milk intake has increased and she drinks lots of water too, close to 300ml per day. I ever tried dropping her milk feeds and giving her solids but she would not eat much. Its hard to even pop a fruit into her mouth, have been trying ever since she was 6 months. She is not getting the required intake of fruits and veggies! I can also forget about jarred food because she hates them. The only instant food she accepts is baby cereal, bread & biscuits.

And worse is she hates food with flavour! She loves plain porridge and rice, that I don't even need to do any stock, just cook plain porridge and add the veg/meat/fish in separately. But then the max she would eat is only 1 chinese bowl a day. Has any mummy tried Pediasure formula milk? I am thinking of switching coz it seems like a better formula for picky kids like her. So far I let my girl try all the milk samples of different brands, she is ok. She is just a big drinker only!

mine bad temper boy still throwing things also..n he love to climb...=.=!!

wheneva we r not noticing he will climb on the coffeetable..now need to fix our eyes on him wheneva he's near tt coffeetable. once he start 1 leg up, i will give a stern NO to him n ask him to put the leg down...

at times he will get blur n look at me, then i will repeat the NO again n keep staring at him then he will put down.

very spoilt by IL n maid. coz they are his main care giving at home. but now i put him in infant care for a month hoping he will behave himself abit coz no 1 will be there to help him liao.

now when eva he throw tantrums or cry to get his way, i will just walk awy n don't look at him...he will know he's not going to get it he will auto stop n go take other things n play. if not he will stop crying n see if i m still angry then come n hug hug me. sometimes will let him "qi dao" blood vessel burst.

ai yo ... july babies seems very active,smart,hot tempered!

mine enjoyed doing these throwing stunts from her bed too!

repeated NO to her is also inviting more fun and giggle and laughter from her!! and my dad can carry on play with her this way while his mouth complaining to me at the same time! -.-lll

just like SK, C loves her mickey n minnie alot! so i will pretend to throw away and she will sometime show me her "donald duck" mouth with big drops of tears (no crying hor).

Lasery: same same ... C throw tantrums, i will ignore her totally and will tell everyone to ignore her too... then she will "recover" and take something else to get attention. if no one responds to her, she will pretend to take the toy to me and then put her butt nice nice sitting on my lap and pretend to tell me she was sorry for her behavior. but if i tell her off in angry manner she will let of her cries like telling everyone, its me that scold her thats y she crying, not she made me angry. hahaha! so usually i will let her calm down first then replay what she did earlier was wrong. then she will repeat after my actions and i will correct her that she cant do it that way. when it happen the next time i will stop her immediately and correct her till she rmber and so smart she is, she will smile while doing the wrong actions purposely but only actions, not pain or really doing it. she only pretend to do her notti tricks to get attention.

smart chick indeed! everyone at home most times got to amuse to her learning power!

SK - mine is opp, prefer porridge then milk. Her milk now is only 70-120ml for 3x times a day. much lesser than the recommended intake. Porridge 2x a day each time also 1 chinese bowl. We add a 50ml tub of greek yogurt every day morning too...

slow cooker - if you intend to cook porridge with slow cooker, you have to try and error a few times. Cuz different cooker different power, also have to consider what type of rice you use. Try not to cook too long for white porridge as it will become really gluey...

TIP if you want to hasten the cooking time, soak your uncook rice with water for a few hours/overnight... Usually keila grainy white porridge (soaked short grain white rain) will be cooked in 2hrs with vege puree/meat. Recently i change to brown rice/wild rice mix, the cooking time is at least 2 hours...

I also thinking letting Keila drinks Pediasure, is it really good? I know its super ex tho. Currently I mix Nan Pro 3 with Mamil.

Discipline - aiyo mine also thick skin one leh. Beat her hand when she threw things. She will imitate you and (beat herself) and that it! No crying one...

Oh... so many mummies are looking at pediasure ! actually me too... but my hubby says pediasure is alot sweeter then NAN FM. So i stick on to NAN for time being... and my notti gal refuse NAN HA 3... still wants HA 2. -.-lll my HA 3 still sitting around for 2 mths. mix into her HA 2, she test test she will take her bottle out to kitchen and asked to change. and she will stand there and watch !even when we swooped HA 3 into HA 2 tin and scoop from HA 2 tin, she still will want the HA 2 (somehow she knows is wrong milk!) why so smart?~!

SK: Mine has no attachment to bolster or any soft toy leh..he will throw his bolster onto the floor to, from the cot. He has no pillow, he sleeps on his tummy most of the time and changes position all the time.

discipline: I'm actually against beating my kid, but twice I hit his hand cos really buay tahan the way he threw things. He also laughed after I hit his hand. To me I think it was quite painful leh, cos my hand also felt abit painful. Toddler stage really is so difficult to take care.

Charlie: i oso feel pain to beat beat bb but thinking that "notti chair" and isolating room doesn't work and buau tahan their notti-ness -.-lll really sweat lei ... when coming to teach them...

Eliss: thanks for sharing, yeah Pediasure is like $70+ for the big tin and is for kids 1-10yrs! initially was kinda hopeful coz the milk for 3 and above is getting cheaper. haha.

i bought the ready to drink ones before (in bottle form) from NTUC. Got the vanilla flavoured one. I warmed it up and put in her milk bottle but one look at it and she knows its not her usual milk so she rejected, as the milk is slightly brown even though it is vanilla. i tasted the milk, it's really very sweet. my hubby says he has nv had such yummy milk and he finished everything. hahaha.

My girl's PD has some samples i think, let me see if i can get them this weekend as i'll be bringing her there.

Charliebrown: how about pacifier? any other thing he is very attached to?

pediasure is very sweet...

and I tot JL will like it cos he is not a milk junkie.. but he can eat a lot.

I tried the bottle one and let him drink cold and he can drink very fast! normal intake is 150ml but he can finish the 237ml...

and i bot quite a number..but now like "Pong chek" liao... at times left 30ml.. cannot finish... then i try the canned one.. he also cannot finish... lol.

at most is about 200ml.

anyone have any idea how to coax them when they are crying in the middle of the night with eyes close?? I suspect is teething.. I gave him pacifier and its already in his mouth but still crying away...

yup pediasure is alot sweeter than normal FM. That is why its used to fatten babies up especially for those underweight ones. If your baby is not underweight and is still in the normal percentile, i dont think necessary to switch to pediasure wor? But check with your PD k gals!

G been drinking similac ever since off breastmilk but he only drinks milk at night. So it is hard for me to wean him off his night feed and so till today he still wakes up about 1-2 times a night for milk. =\


the taste is different lah...from 2 to 3 the taste changes...NAN pro also the same..heng my boy is a glutton...he eat n drink almost anything.

ya lah,,everything i put him inside his cot, whateva inside will end up on my bed or on the floor. his bolsters, caterpillar, pillows n toys all dump out n he will happily jump around in joy.

mine aready kana beaten by us many many times liao...he still haven get the rottan taste only..soon to come..last weekend his cousins gotten hit by the parent n he kpo stand there see. after the rottan wack dwn on his cousin he also run to me...so use this time to educate him loh..." if u naughty, u will also get cane like tt". then he use the hand n beat beat on his leg then say NO..


eh what i do i carry him n tell him shhhh shhh shhh..it's ok while the hand is patting him. most of the time is nightmare for my case. he will scream at the top of his lungs with the tears big big drop but eyes still close.

lasery2k - i did that liaoz.. haiz..

But still cry and cry.. then i apply teething gel and its ok .Then he start again..

haiz... hope this phrase will pass soon.

Just notice he got 4 tooth growing on upper jaw including his first molars. might be very painful.

cheese: i think is the molar ... my notti gal had all 4 molars out ready... during that period, i had rough nights with her and yah... fever! -.-ll

mine haven see the molars yet leh...but can see his gums red red n he will using his fingers poke inside n start chewing on his fingers...

mine gt a weird habit when he wants to sleep or tired..he will rub his eyes or take his head n go bang wall, bang ppl or even use his hand to slap his head...=.=!!

Hi mummies

Hope that everyone is coping well with our active toddlers! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Most of our children will be turning 18mths soon. After much consideration, I have signed up with a neighboring playgroup for my boy and he will start his 2 hour playgroup from 2nd January next year. I am having mixed feeling these days coz my boy is kinda sticky most of the time and I am worried that he might not cope during his class. Any mummies care to share with us your experience? What do I need to prepare?


erm, i put mine into infant care for a month just starting yesterady coz my domestic helper is going bk for 2 weeks.

they normally will ask to prepare some personal items like

5 diapers for changing incase bb soil,

towel for bathing,

spare cothes n shorts for changing after bathe,

milk powder,

i add in bolster + pacifier coz mine really attached to those.

prepare for bb hugging at yr leg / stretching his/ her little hand to you n crying like it's the end of the world...

normally childcare centre give a allowance of 1 week for parents to be around. After tt bb will need to go on his/her own liao.

eh...for me, i will bring bb into the infantcare then after tt let him play n sneak off asap once he's distracted. i told my MIL n helper today to do it for him..but he still end up wailing..but after awhile he settle down so during 10.30 when my helper go delivers his lunch he was ok (sneaky without him seeing her).

i gave a routine of his normal days to the infantcare centre so they will play with the timing to feed him. try to adjust him to suit into their feeding schedule.

minmin, are you a SAHM?

My mil is helping me to take care of my boy and I've decided to let him go for PG

for 2 hours too.

But I've yet to register cos my side only open to child 2years old.. will register in March..

I think the key word is to let go... you need your child to socialize with others right?

And they will learn more and faster IMO when they are in the group.

My boy previously is in IFC, and you need some time for them to adapt

to the environment.. eventually they will like the class and I feed that 2 intensive learning

is sufficient since their concentration time is quite short at this age



u put yr bb full day or 1/2 day?

can ask helper to deliver porridge for baby ? How about during lunch or milk time, helper go there & feed the baby? Have you ever ask this question?

My bb refuse to drink from milk bottle after he turn 1 year old. We got to spoon feed milk for him. I dont think the teacher at preschool will do the same...

also, "meal time" is like "war time"... no matter what we cook, he will only eat few spoon, then rest will be like war zone...

I told my hb to check with the preschool whether the school allow my helper to go there 5x/ day (2 meals & 3 milk)...but hb said he will get peer pressure & eventually he will eat/ drink like his class mate.... but i worry he will only left with bone... headache..

has yr bb stop wailing when u drop him to school? very stress when i think Feb'12 is coming soon & bb need to go preschool!

