(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hershey, what are the ages you're packing the goodie bags for? I like your idea of pencil case sets. Might get those also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


around 6yrs old de.. :)

usually those goodie bags are sweets,chocolates,biscuits... so i think maybe get pencil case sets is a nice idea... :)

they can use, and nice design mahz... :)

MVH: Not sure how to answer your question. The NUH doctor at A&E says I can give Ibuprofen if the fever persists beyond 38.5 deg C, even though the paracetamol is given 2-3 hours earlier. As for my paracetamol, it is Dhamol suspension 120 mg. And the dosage is 5ml. I guess you have to trust your PD's instructions. If things don't improve, then maybe check with him again?

valerie, want to share with u what my mum did for toys. We have lots of toys for my boy too but he already bored with them. I don wan to spend money to buy more toys and in the end take up space to store them.

So my mum give my boy different kind of boxes (we buy things and removed the box) to play with, a cleaned ice-cream box as drum, yesterday he even played with his socks, cleaned medicine bottle with a stone in it as shaker, small plates etc.... I will still wan to buy new toys for him but now he have more varieties and keep him entertain for longer time.


Do you have any theme for your little one's birthday?? if you like pencil case sets, i'm not sure if you are interested to get from me...i kind of overstocked liao! i have 5 sets of the following...

- Thomas the Train

- Dora the Explorer

- Doraemon

- Hello Kitty

- Mickey Mouse

- Spongebob Squarepants

- Spiderman

each pencil case set consists of 2 pencils, 1 eraser, 1 sharpener, 1 notepad, 1 sticker book and 1 ruler. everything contain in a pencil case for $1.50 only.

Let me know if you're keen ok?


mine is jungle theme...hahaha...but we gt him a big helium mickey mouse which will be outside the chalet.

i went to the party wholesale shop to get his items. Each child will get 1 helium balloon, a party pack consist of light stick braclet, party blower, party mask, party hat and sweets.

then i also get gifts for the games we plan out loh...

supergal, you have 5 sets of each character? the theme for my baby's bday is hello kitty. so the hello kitty sets will be perfect. and i do have 5 little girls coming. i'll also take the spiderman. how do i collect from you?

hi, talk abt toys, any mommies redeem huggies scooter?

actually my bb is using mommy poko, so i not sure is it worth if i buy the stamps from mommies then redeem for the scooter..

i tried 1 packet of Huggies L size new packaging, the quality really very bad, not as good as previous packing..

erm...wheneva we hold him to walk, he will wanna walk to the kitchen n bam bam on the washing machine. if nt he will pull the stools n start pushing it around.

carol, i called them be4, they say no stocks. ask them when come. they say they also duno...cham leh...the bbq pit also duno when come sia... they company always no stocks of the toys de loh..duno y also. n they r suppose to be the distributors.

toys: what we do is we "ration" the toys for our girl. keep half stored away and let her play with the rest. when she gets bored, we rotate some. as bbs grow older, they will play with toys differently. so the old toys which she hasnt seen in a while suddenly become new toys again. same when we buy new toys,we will keep some old ones. she has an activity table that she used when she was 2mths,she could only lie down, with the buttons to press above her. we kept the toy when she started crawling. now that she's cruising we took it out again and it's like a brand new toy coz she can stand up and press the buttons again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and oh ya, empty boxes make good drums! and chairs/stools make good walkers :p

Toys: my gal has plenty of toys too but she simply loves to play with other stuff that does not belong to that category. For the “drum” u can also use empty milk tins. The sound is just nice. Hahaha.

Goodie bag: I dunno what to put inside coz not many kids attending, so the content must be suitable for adults too.. I will just put the usual candies, biscuits, etc and maybe a small toy.

hello Kemeast, i also stay in the east... playdate is ok for me next week on weekdays... let me know...

Girls, now still school holiday, anywhere I can bring my ger out next week cuz all the indoor playground will surely be packed!?

SK - adults also party bags yar? so good!? I wanna go to K's party...hehehe juz kidding... I nvr prepare to adults wor, i only give party bags to from infant to pri school going children... My party bags may not be suitable for infants though...

BB Toys - I also rationed the toys that I give to baby K cuz I lazy to wipe all at one go! So every week I changed her set of toys lor!

lasery2k, i called them last week they said the bbq grill set ll be in stock in end of July, probably u can call them n ask for ur ref number..

for the scooter, they ady oos?

for the drum, i get a leapfrog one to my gal..at 1st she doesn't appreciate, but now as she grows older, she starts to appreciate it n love it, my hubby even asked her to use it as stool n sit on it..

oh ya, my gal able to walk w/o support last weekend, my hubby taught her to sit on the drum 1st, then only stand up n walk..haha, i think i need to claim money from him if it spoil one day

lasery: the BD theme for my boy is also jungle animals theme! hehee.

I ordered party packs from partycity.com based on the theme....not cheap le.

Then I also bought sweets to include in the pack cuz the pack items may not be applicable to all ages, gender! hehee

Eliss, yup less than 10 kids below 12 attending. I only invite close friends and family members. So just give goodie bags to all, easier…

Aprisin Singapore Pte Ltd

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Operating Hours: 10:00am to 6:00pm (Mon-Sat)


we brought M to Peekaboo last saturday ard 10.30am... very empty... only got 3 babies & 1 toddler...

crowds start to come in at 11.30am..

Peekaboo open at 10.30am.

Huggies Pull up pants: Mummies, anyone interested to buy Huggies Pull up pants from me. Kayden is not suitable for that pull up pants. I have 2 unopened packs of Huggies Pull up L size and 3 unopened packs of Huggies Pull up XL size. Selling at $10 per pack. Pinks stamps and proof of purchase stamps are still intact on the wrappers.

Eliss, Kemeast: count me in for eastie playdates too! next week isnt good but we should be ok for future playdates on thursdays/fridays [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Forum active again these 2 days. So nice to read about the cute things that your bb does and b’day preparation. =)

Carol: I redeemed the scooter already. My boy is more interested in touching the wheels than riding on it. The scooter is actually meant for 1.5 yrs – 4 yrs old. When he sits on it, his feet can touch the ground, but he still doesn’t know how to push himself forward yet. Redemption of scooter is via Le Train, different from the BBQ grill which is via Aprisin, yah?

Le Train contact for scooter redemption here: http://www.huggies.com.sg/media/466036/hug%20town.pdf

i jsut called le train, 2molo going dwn to collect my scooter...yeh yeh...

now i m wondering where did my hubby call...haiz..GUYS!!!! totally cannot make it.

i think particularly cough medicine, not suitable for children under 2 years old. so need to check the medicine box for instructions.

i think same for Prospan

Carol: I like it, most imptly my bb likes it, I was looking at a Sat class at 12pm which Karen has slot but cant form a class coz my 2 friends cant take up.

Any mummies keen on weekend classes?

Sweetkiss, Carol: i'm interested but will only do it after her 1st bday, say in August? can keep me in the loop if you're signing up with her? i like her flexibility. i want to give myself a break. hehehe. coz for the past 10 weeks, we've been to the little gym every Sat. but if you've found enuf babies to start a class, please go ahead. no worry

sweetkiss, actually i ady asked Karen to reserve a place for me last month.. she also said not enough babies to form the class.need minimum 4 babies..

ica, i don't mind to start lesson in Aug since June & July i ll travel a lot too..

hmm, but wish she can change the slot to 2pm, cos 12pm is my bb napping time..

ya, compare with music class which i attended last sat, Karen one is more interesting..

ica: im ok to do it in aug too. coz now also kinda busy with her bday & already spending a lot on everything. maybe aug will be gd after everything settles down. shall we jot down our names? once we have 3 babies and above, i can contact Karen to check for her availability in Aug. wad's the max no. of babies for a class?

Musikgarten August weekend class (Start date & time TBA after we have 3 babies & above)

1) SK

2) ica

carol: nope, the trial i went was with my other 2 friends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh so is 4 babies huh? Cos she told me 3...

Musikgarten: FYI, Karen will be away for next week and back on 20th Jun. Just to share in case you all look for her next week and cannot find her. I will see her again on 27 Jun. If by then still only got 3 of you (ica, carol, sweetkiss), I will try to speak to Karen whether she can open a class with 3 students. So far Nathan has attended 5 official lesson and both of us enjoys the class very much. Every week Karen will try to bring in or think of something new for the babies to play with and she is always on the lookout for instruments and teaching aids that are more suitable for our babies. Some of the instruments that she bought are of very high quality and expensive but she is willing to invest in such items so long as they are beneficial to the students. All in all, I must say that she is an educator with heart and really want the best for her students.

lasery2k, it is at Pioneer.


i think she count me in, so she can take additional 3 babies..

that time i called her still no one register, she said there was another group coming for trial class, abt 9 mths too, i guess is ur group [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

