(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

haiz, baby L just recovered nt long now sick with flu n cough n fever....poorthing..

hao bu rong yi fatten him up abit now all gone again.

wanna check any mummies here start giving their bb scotts?



not advisable to give cod liver oil now... u might wanna wait few more weeks when he turns one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chelz, my bb same as urs, only eat half a pigeon bowl of porridge a day for lunch, sometimes less than that.

She still has milk feed every 3-4hrs. on good days, if I feed her cereal in the evening, she can finish like 2 tablespoons too. (2 tablespoons cereal mix with water is actually not a lot…) otherwise she wont eat at all.

She also started to look leaner and I have no choice but to add 1 scoop of cereal to each of her milk feed. So far it works and she already finished almost 2 tins of cereal within 2 weeks. Also, she has constipation prob and bleeds whenever she poos but I am quite surprised that since she started cereal in bottle, she poos daily now!

I nv buy high chair, just let her sit on the floor or sofa and I feed. She will sit still and eat but once she is full, she will start to crawl or move away or wave her hands to say no. haha.

Ur boy so gd, let u brush teeth 3x a day. Mine will cry and cry if I even try to touch her teeth…

Sweetkiss yr gal so good gal! No need high chair n juz sit still! My gal is never still! I ve 3 feeding chairs at home leh. One in kitchen so that she can be with me while I cook her porridge or make milk. Another in dining table and the other in living room. No choice. Coz when she throws up n I am alone. I no hands to clean up so need to feed at the next chair. If not it is she naughty n wanna climb out of chair n refused eat so I must change chair n use other stuff like tv to distract etc... Typical day we are like playing musical chair la! Difficult gal leh. Boo . Oh and I also bought two other feeding chairs to be placed at my mum's place!

omg! SK ... then am i over feeding my BB C ?

She is taking those milk scoop (6 scoops cereal + 5 scoops milk) 3 times a day... too much ?

Her milk intake in the day is lesser... 2-3 oz only (2 times in IFC) usually before she slps (teacher DF her) at night before she slps will have another 6oz milk (6 scoops milk powder + 3 scoops rice)

erm....beannie then i think i m seriously over feeding L like tt leh...

he take like 5 bottles of milk ( range from 150 - 240 ml)per day then he will eat 1 n a half bowl of porridge or 6-8 scoops of rice cereal twice daily.

but give him anything lesser he will be fussing for food in 2 hrs time...

his scary part is he can finish 1 and a half bowl of porridge at 7.30 or 8pm. Then by 9.30pm he will want his sleepy milk to go sleep which is 240ml. he will finish every single drop then Zzzzz

Lasery ! AAaaaaahhhhHHHhhhhh ! really alot !!

how he do it ah ?!

I am thinking ... my gal is drinks alot of water water water - from straw bottle (her daddy brush her straw bottle daily till have to change the straw brush twice a month) lolx!

but comes to eating my gal is small meals many times a day... so practically whole day other then slping my gal is eating... biscuits/pancakes u eat what she wants to taste it ... even bak kut teh soup! -.-lll


i also duno hw he does it...at 9.30 or 10pm he die die want tt bottle of milk...don't give him he will cry n cry with mum mum, mum mum...like we starve him for ages like tt.

in the middle of the nite also he will wake up at 2am (150ml) n mum mum, mum mum..then another feed at 6am (210ml)...he will cry n cry n cry until the whole face full of tears while i make the milk for him.

My MIL just called me & informed me my boy is having fever le.

38.4 degree...is it high?

I think cuz he's teething le. Anything I shld note?

AK: wow u really have a lot of high chairs! I didn’t buy because my house is super small. Those dining + living combined kind. If I wanna make do something in the kitchen, I will put her on the floor with toys. But I must be very fast coz she will start crawling all over once she gets bored and open the drawers, touch dustbin, etc. so dirty! U r indeed a supermum!

Beannie: hmm, I think roughly about the same? BB C only drinks 450ml of milk a day? but she eats more solids right? My 1 scoop powder makes 2 oz milk. I use the same scoop for cereal. I didn’t put too much cereal coz I scared too thick for her then she will realize it is not milk! she drinks 8oz each feed so roughly 1-1.2lit of milk per day. But the solid intake really very little so I will also give her pieces of bread, pau or baby biscuits in between.


fever due to teething won't be that high, normally it won't exceed 38 degree.

pls bring bb to doc. it consider high already.

sponge him to bring down the fever.

Beannie: wow that sounds alot to me but coz my gal small drinker [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she also usually 3-5oz. Never anything more than that. Everyday only abt 4 feeds. Btw I thought if u r making say 5oz milk it is like 4 scoops milk + 1 scoop rice cereal. If 6 oz then it is total 6 scoops altogether ( whatever proportion u prefer) ?

mrslong, should be fever virus...

last few days galen got fever.. high like 39 degree.. and this will last for around 5 days... Give fever medicine every 4hours.. and paste the kool on forehead...

galen milk intake is 6 scoop milk 2-3 scoop cereal.. 2 -3 times feeding per day... :)

2 times feeding on 1 bowl porridge... :) Sometimes in between will give snack...

This should be avg ba... am not over feed galen horz... hahahah~~

Junie: 37.5'C and above is fever and to give meds. If teething it should be low grade fever only. Continue to monitor. If u feel uneasy just go see doc

Sorry this is off topic. But I feel like eating char kway teow. Someone packed McD and this is not helping. So hungry! hehe


yr girl very cute! hahaha...can wave her hand to say she is full...

mine never wave his hand, but he will shake his head even have not full [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

u r very lucky can feed yr girl without high chair. mine even on highchair also wont sit still.

I dont know why my boy like to brush teeth & always giggling when we brush his teeth. MIL said maybe he feel ticklish & shiok when we brush his itchy gum...:p dont know true or not


yr girl sound like my boy, wont sit still if no high chair. he also got 3 feeding chairs (2 high chairs & 1 FP chair (used to be rocker when he was younger) but no matter how many high chair he has, he wont sit still. Occasionally will vomit while eating


Thanks for coordinating the music class. Yes, will be there on saturday


hope yr boy is ok now

Sk: I m juz a SUPER tired MUM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chez : my gal lives on air she can ve porridge at 7pm refused last feed at 1030pm and next morning at 8am still refused water/milk/puree/bread .... Everything also dun want leh! Then after shower still refuses milk then dun want nap! If I home alone n dunno what to do hor.. I juz carry bb n bring her for a ride. Driving aimlessly n let her sleep for one hour! My mum keep scolding me say I "spoil" her! But sometimes I really Duno Duno what to do with her ma! Not like I want hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My baby had fever 39.6 deg celsius a few days ago. I learnt 2 things from this episode.

1. I gave Dhamol (paracetamol) in too small dosage - 2ml, hence not effective. The fever persisted for one day. Should have given 5ml for her, as she weighs 9.3kg now.

2. The doctor prescribed another medicine Ibuprofen which is given if fever persists despite paracetamol given 1-2 hours earlier and temperature greater than 38.5 deg.

Anyway, for her, once she was given the right dosage of paracetamol, her fever subsided after one dosage. The doctor also asked whether there is any vomitting, loose bowels. And a blood test was done to see if it was viral or bacterial infection, to see if there is a need for antibiotics.

Yippe! bb is sleeping. Nowadays he sleeps earlier like 8pm, but wake up earlier too, around 7am.

These few nights, he will suddenly wake up and sit up to cry in the dark. Scare me a few times leh..why ah? Is he scared and crying for us?

SK: Your gal is well-behaved! Can sit still and let you feed without high chair. mine ah..cannot. Even when eating outside, the most he can sit on the high chair is 45mins which we have timed him. Within these 45mins, I have taken out all kinds of barangs to entertain him, snacks, phone, watch. Then he will scream and other customers will turn and stare at him. haiz.

AK: You are super duper mum! During the Maldives trip, let your hubby be as hands on as possible with bb and YOU relax!!!! :p

Lasery: my bb also loves his milk alot, more than porridge. Have you tried training ur bb to sleep thru the 2am milk feed? Maybe it is just his habit to wake up for milk.

My boy fever has subsided to 37 degree but to be safe I will continue to monitor.

We also gave my boy 2ml of paracetamol leh! Cuz the medicine was given during one of his injection b4 6mths old. Now I also dunno what is the right dosage. He is only abt 9kg @ 10mths +.

charlie, tried liao....he will cry n cry n kick n turn n do wat eva ways to wake the whole block up just to get tt milk...hahaha..we chuck the pacifer into his mouth also no use...

mrslong...2ml too little le lah...they have to upgrade to 4mls liao...every 6 hrs..then if inbetween the fever still persist at 38.5 and above can give the brufen, nurofen...wat eva fen the doc prescribe . must be a gap of 2 hrs from the paracetamol.

n if u give the fen fen medicine cannot use the butt bullet coz the medicine is the same..will over dose.

spend 1.4k to learn all those...he was hospitalise for 4 days due to straight 3days of very high fever...it went all the way up to 40deg..

tue nite also went up to 40...i use the butt bullet on him to bring the temp dwn after tt 6hrs ltr give the nurofen medication. then every 4 hrs give paracetamol. n keep sponge him ....

today fever gone liao...slight cough n no more running nose .^^.

mrslong : according to my latest prescribe by KKH doc... should be giving 4ml of paracetamol every 4 to 6 hours... my boy weight 9.22kg... :) But then i give every 4 hours.. as his fever degree quite high... DOCtor say okay to give 4hourly... :)

When my boy is 5mth old, he keep having fever. But he is too young for burfen, so only can give paracetamol every 4hr. Also keep sponging him. Burfen is used when fever is over 38.5 but doc don really recommend for that.

So now if my son start having fever (touch wood), I will give paracetamol, so after 4hr fever did not subside n it range at 38 degrees then I have to bring him to kkh for urine n blood test cos he had urine tract infection for 3x within 2 mth when he was abt 6mth old.. So now he is on long term antibiotic. 

Hi mommies! For those of you whos babies always fall sick, do make sure you visit a good doctor. It really makes a diff. When G had stomach flu recently, i brought him to my normal PD who gave him medicine that didnt work.. 2-3 days later still having diarrhea and slight fever. Then when I went overseas , my parents brought him to a specialist and just one dosage nia he recovered and no diarrhea already.. so i think right prescription and right medication very impT!

fever meds

hi mummies,please note cannot directly compare ml & weight like this as it all depends on the MG (ie., strength per ML) of the paracetemol. Diff doc carry different MG /per ml types of paracetomal.

so say for panadol drops( the pink box), it's actually concentrate, just need to give little in terms of ml to the baby, around around 2+ml for 9kg versus a lower concetration of fever med typically at 4-5ml for 9kg. there are many types of paracetemol(concentration) for babies, so do read the instruction on how much ml to give. i can't imagine the consequence of doubling dosages every 4hrly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

types of paracetamol: Panadol drops (60MG/0.6ml), Calpol, Dhamol(250mg/5ml), Progesic,etc.

i had the same incident with my girl. coz PD prescribe the Panadol drops , which i later called the clinic asking why the ml is so little.

that was how i discovered different paracetamol, different dosage (depends on MG / per ML) and of course, thereafter compute by body weight.

Julie, your gal is 9.3kg and you gave her 5ml of paracetamol...was that the dosage given from your doc??

My boy is 10mth plus now and weighing close to 12kg...I still don't dare to give anything more than 3ml now even though sometimes the GP will write there 5ml...I kind of decrease the dose on my own but of course, when my boy has fever, I will monitor closely...

Just abit worried that the medicine will be too strong..

supergal, it really all depends on the type of paracetamol you get from the doc. on the flip side if suppose to give 5ml, you give 3ml, imgaine? then you call the doc and ask why fever still will not subside :p

underdosing is unnecessary. coz you may end up say if need 5ml, you give 3ml. fever shoot up to 38-39 degrees 2 hours later. you are stuck whether to give balance of 2ml (since 2 hrs have passed) or risk double dose of giving 5ml again.

we pay to see doctor so as not to play doctor. listen to doc will save 1 less wrinkle, 1 less white hair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh I think I will call the PD to chk on dosage cuz as what u mummies said, got different kind of paracetamol. Tks for the advice.

Hi mummies,

So happy that today is Friday.. looking forward to the weekend. Decided to get rid of my huge L shaped sofa and just replace with 2 Ikea chair. Like that will create more space for Kayden to play. Thinking of removing my coffee table too but coffee table so nice and in good condition so can't bear to throw.


I let Kayden watch Barney when I feed him lunch. It is the only way to get him to sit still or else he would be climbing up and down. Know it is not a good habit but I am just taking the easy way out. Hehe!!

Supergal, the dosage of my paracetamol is 120mg/5ml. Yes, the doctor says to give 5ml for her weight. Anyway, once the fever subsided, I didn't give anymore medicine. Just one correct dosage of the medicine brought the fever down!!

Anyway, my girl was coughing at night and unable to sleep properly, so I just brought her to the doctor again. And the doctor says when it's raining etc, they get more mucus. She gave a stronger cough medicine, multi-vitamin drops and another lung "tonic" (prophylactic medication).

I also put a tub of warm water (with few drops of eucalyptus oil) in the room (air-con), so hopefully, she can breathe better.

AK: I actually do it the way u do it for my BB C ... but she is too smart... over the days, she doesnt want it unless we put another scoop of FM... got once my HB put extra 1 scoop, BB C also doesnt want to have it... end up have to re prepare...

Ann: my BB C at times watched "Mickey Clubhouse" then willing to have her meals too... i also taking the easy way out, otherwise I would run out of ideas to coax her eat.

Julie: I have this warm water with oil in my room too! my poor HB can't slp well but me n BB slp very well ! (HB got sensitive nose when comes to these oil - he gets nose blocked)

Julie, good to know that just one dosage has brought the fever down...

yes, just stop the paracetamol medication once the fever has subsided

hope your little one will fully recover soon!

Any mommies order from iherbs before ?

I thinking to order in myself. Any mommies wants to join in?

i try try ordering (not yet finalised lar)

per tin of cereals for HB is about $6 ($5.93)inclusive of shipping(DHL)

I using exchange rate of 1.3

yawnz, so sleepy now...forum suddenly so quiet leh....

how i wish now is 5pm then can go hm liao..hee hee hee...

can't wait for sat afternoon to come. so there's no 1 at home and i can clean up the house totally. haiz...don't like the curently maid...she do things nt clean de..tt day she wash L milk bottles and forgot to rinse 1 of it n put bk into the sterlizer with soap n steam leh...i nearly wanna faint when i took it out in the middle of the nite trying to feed L..i was like WTH y so much soap...

Thanks Supergal. I think the cough just has to run its course. She has been refusing porridge but will eat yoghurt and bread! I wonder anyone face problems of baby having poor appetite when they are ill and do you have any tips for that?

Kydzedu - This is a shop selling edu toys at Bukit Merah


Has anyone been there before? Anything worthwhile to buy there?

Any mummies who hv been to Taipei have good hotels to recommend?

My HB & I are going TW in Aug (without bb). He said next rd when bb is bigger then bring overseas for holiday....

Julie: Glad to know that Gloria is better now. I should be checking out Kydzedu one of these day. Will let you know after that.

Junie: I stayed at caesar park taipei. it's location is very very good, right at the taipei main station. link to the metro, railway, bus station. it used to be hilton. the hotel is quite old on the outside but inside is quite ok. Ask for rooms on the higher floor if you do stay there. We got upgraded when we requested for higher floor and the bathroom is super big. The bath tub so big that it can fit a few ppl inside.

thanks Irene.

Have you heard any review of this hotel called Hotel HD Palace? The reviews seems not bad but I don't know if the location is as good as Caesar Park.

Oh another hotel review from tripadvisor that was not bad is Roumei Boutique Hotel, situated at the Zhongshan district.

Taipei seems like quite a confusing place. Not sure where the main district is (i.e. our Orchard Road), so I'm also not sure which district is better to stay in.

Junie: I trust the reviews on tripadvisor. But u must also read the not-so-good reviews and judge for yourself. Happy hotel hunting!

Junie: Taipei is quite a big place so it can be more confusing that Singapore. Will you be only touring around Taipei or you'll be going to other parts of Taiwan? For my case, I went to Hualian so we prefer to stay near the train station. Some of my friends who only stayed in Taipei and main focus is shopping choose to stay at Xi Men Ding. Will you mainly be travelling by metro or other form of transport? If by metro then you would want to stay near a metro station. So it depends on what is your focus and requirements. I think one of my friend stayed at Roumei. Let me check and get back to you. Usually I also do my research using tripadvisor.


I think glutinuous rice is quite risky!! It is so sticky and difficult to digest. Risky for elderly and I presume it goes the same for babies too! I wouldn't feed my little one glutinuous rice. Other no-nos for me include honey, strawberry, egg white, nuts.

