(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Ann: dun worry, ur boy should be ok, just monitor carefully.

Academic classes for bbs:

Any good academic classes that are recommended for our bbs? Any baby signed up already?


I also think it is v interesting after reading irene's review. But si ah lao keeps saying bb is too young for such.


Thanks, girls. Kayden is fine. My MIL don't dare to tell me about Kayden's fall cause she told my hubby that she scared I over react. Haha!

charliebrown: Haha, ur very funny. Actually I think 18mths wld be a good time to expose the bbs to classes.

I intend to enrol my boy in JG Sat class in another 6mths time. Heard there is a waiting list, so I may sign him up soon b4 that.

Any mummies also intending to enrol bbs in weekend JG class?

Mommies with bb who wakes up at nite for milk,

Actually most of the time if bb is already drinking alot during the day but still wakes up at night crying, it's most probable due to habit n not because they r hungry. You would needa sleep train your baby. My boy has been sleeping thru since he was abt 3 mths old (other than the fact tat he will cry for his pacifier if he cant find it), after I trained him to stop cryIng for milk in the middle of the nite as I would be returning back to soon at that time.

Mrslong: are there any trial classes for JG? Seems like popular centres for bbs always have waiting list, haha.

Agree with sun_tan abt nite feeding. Have to be hard hearted when training n must try for sometime. But i have also heard of bbs who wean off nite feeds at a late age, and xin ku ones are slways the parents! I think It may be harder to train now cos bbs have a mind of their own n they will surely protest if dun get what they want.


I haven't been weighing my boy for almost a month liao...but the last that I requested his IFC to do the weighing, he is about 11.5kg @ 10 months...so I presume now should be close to 12kg now...

I think cos he's not very picky with food...that's why he will usually eat whatever I gave him. Just need to pick a right time to do the feeding. I can only remember that the only thing that he rejected so far was Kiwi puree. He gave me that "induced vomiting" look...I think maybe cos the Kiwi was too sour...haha!


WOW!! Your boy can take 1.5 bowl of porridge and yet still down so much milk!! He's definitely a bigger eater than my boy for sure. I'm hesitating to increase my boy's milk intake at the moment for fear that he may be overweight! Well, yeah sometimes my hubby will also be abit fed up with the constant waking up at nite to make the milk...I'm quite alrite though cos my boy will take about 5 min to drink the milk and then go back to sleep again. But maybe we look on the good side ba. Afterall, milk is good for our little ones...

Yeah, Charliebrown...I have friends who has kids who only drop their night feeds at around 4 years old. But I guess the parents are quite used to the kind of lifestyle liao...so perhaps they don't complain too much. Also have friends who have babies as young as 2 months old already slept through on their own (lucky parents!)...so I think it really depends on kids.

I have a friend who asked me to introduce pacifier to my boy cos she said sometimes, babies just want to suck onto something till they fall asleep. I'm reluctant to do that cos I think it's going to be another challenge to wean off the pacifier! I've seen kids as big as 3 years old but yet still sucking onto the pacifier!! Not too good in my opinion. So, if I were to choose, I will still rather feed by boy with milk than to intro pacifier ba...


My boy is considered on the bigger side at birth...3.4kg. So probably, he is used to "eating" alot even in my tummy! So when he is out, he just continued......hehe!

erm..he is like his dad...rice worm lai de...eat n eat but no fats 1...

11mths at 9.5kg after eating so much.

3mths mine aready drop nite feed liao...thanks to hubby who kpo go mess up the timing. now have to xing ku again. but since start of this mth he seems to be waking up only once at 5am or 5.30am for his feed. so far still nt as bad..act as my super early alarm clock loh.

Actually other than giving pacifier, I have heard tat some mommies use the reducing method (ie giving lesser n lesser quantity for the nite feed every nite) or the water method (ie give water instead of milk), so tat when bb realise it's not milk, they won't wake up n cry for it after awhile. Lol I m a lazy mom so I train my boy from young. Now I still df him but thinkg next time after I stop bfing, I might wanna drop the df as well. But have to see if he drInks enough milk for a day or not. Currently he is on 200-250ml x4 plus 1 feed of cereal n 1 feed of full pigeon green bowl porridge. So far at 10.5 mths he weighs 9kg, 50 percentile so I guess his intake are adequate .

Totally agree with sun_tan about night feeding. Guess I am one of the luckier mummy – my boy somehow knew I was going back to work, so at 3 mths plus, he self-drop his night feeds. If he cries in the middle of night, it is either nightmare or he can’t find his pacifier. I am ok with giving pacifier and I limit pacifier usage to sleep & nap time only. When I ask for his pacifier after he wakes up, he happily passed it to me – sometimes take out from his mouth and then give it to me, sometimes he will just spit the pacifier onto my hand – after that he will stretched out his arm for bao-bao. I find it so cute when he does that. =)

Wow! Supergal, your boy 12kg already. Mine have not even reach 9kg at 11 mths and next Sat he will turn one already. His eating is not too bad I think - 3 x milk of 210 to 240ml, 2 x porridge (one bowl each time), 1 x baby yoghurt for morning snack and little puffs/biscuits/fruits for evening snack. Sometimes he takes one porridge feed, the other porridge feed will be replaced with cereal. Where did all the food go??

Actually my BB i actually drag her slping time to 930pm and then feed her last milk at 9pm...

after milk = off lights = slp

think after 2-3 weeks (less then a mth) my BB understands...

her last nap is till 6pm-7pm

Eg. she slpy at 630pm, i let her slp for 15min then wake her up...

Vernie: yeah ! cute indeed ! I am teaching my gal this too... whenever she wakes up she got to give me her pacifier to keep away.

but still at times she got so angry for nothing.

And she will start looking around, flipping her toys, pillows, stuff toys... (looking for her pacifier) sometimes i give in to her sometimes i give her biscuits or water to distract her away from searching...

Pacifier i also limit the usage in giving him. like vernie, only when he nap, sleep or crys alot.

Other then tt i keep it inside the pacifier box. But he will sneak up to the box n open then take n put it inside his mouth. After tt he will crawl to me n smile cheeky with the pacifier in his mouth. Sometimes duno to angry or not.

Pillow: mine loves to do the bon bon dance in sch when her teachers sings songs, and mickey mouse clubhouse songs & handy manny songs only...

supergal: Yeah, same thought as you regarding the pacifier. I had stand by 2 pacifiers for my boy when he was younger, in case I could not tolerate his cries and wanna use the paci. But I lun all the way and ended up did not intro any paci to him at all. My hubby kept asking me then to give him paci but I stood my ground, cos I could forsee that I would be the one (always me) who had to wean him off paci next time which to me would be a challenge.

But who knows, maybe my #2 next time will need? Diff baby diff requirements, hahah!!

My boy weighs 10.3kg at 11months today.

sun_tan: you still bfing!! Salute!!

Kayden's birthday banner is done. One thing down. Yeah!!


Supergal: your boy is big! and he has such healthy and good appetite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my girl was 3.7kg at birth but now her weight is in the 50th percentile, i think. we're quite happy with that coz we were afraid that she'll be big - after all, she's a girl mah. The last we weighed her was last month and she was about 9.4kg

Pillow: my girl's "dance style" is just flapping her forearms up and down. hahaha. now we know when she does that, she wants to listen to music. or at the word "dance", she'll start to move her forearms up and down

my girl is very "chor lor" (rough). she behaves more like a boy than how a girl should be - all ribbons and bows mah..but she's not. hahaha

pacifier: she needs one only when she about to fall asleep. if in she's in cot but not sleepy yet, even if i give her the pacifier, she'll pushed it away. there are times that she fell asleep without the help of a pacifier, so i reckon that having a pacifier is ok but must limit its usage. i've seen small kids in malls walking around with pacifiers in their mouth. this is a big no-no for me

Ann: V NICE!! K is cheeky! I intend to do one like yours, but is Sesame street. I still have not gotten a good photo from the camera, cos most of the nicer photos are from my handph which ah lao said, will not be clear if enlarge on the banner if taken from phone.

ica: I remember my niece used to be very "chor lor" when she was very young, very tomboyish and rough. Only wanted to wear shorts and pants. But as she grew up, she must have pinks and must wear dresses!

pacifers: any mummies notices the difference between silicone and the plastic pacifier.

nt sure izzit bb L. if he uses the plastic kind it will trap milk n he will have milk rash on his face. if he uses the silicone kind nth happen leh.

charliebrown: Yup, those we took with our hp are not clear if blown big on banners. The photo taken was from my hubby's SLR camera. Although I don't like to carry it around cause bulk but I must agree that the photo taken with it is real nice.

hihi morning mummies,

was reading the post and realise that you gals are organising a Musikgarten class for ur bb?

I am interested and think my boy is ready. Am i too late?

Can i have more details?

Like any website? What is the cost etc? more details pls.


Yup still bfing but only partial cos ss not enough so still need to supplement with fm. lucky for me cos my Sis n a few mommies here which I know n r closer with r still bfing too. So we encouraged each other to carry on. But intending to stop after S reached 1. In another 1+ mth to go! Seems so fast right.. They r stepping into toddlerhood le. I m ssooo gg to miss the infant stage! Sob sob..


very nice! where did u print this?


yr bb very cute when she said "HI"! I like to see her response when someone said HI to her :D :D :D

My girl doesn’t take pacifier.. tried offering her many times when she was smaller cos she keeps wanting my breast for comfort. She needs her bolster only and will cry if it rolls away at night. Haha. im also one of the lucky moms as she stopped nite feeds on her own at 3 mths.

She doesn’t like me to put clips or ribbons on her hair, will pull out once I put it on.. yet when I put in on for her in front of the mirror and I said “wow, so pretty, look like princess..!” she will smile at the mirror as if she is very satisfied, then wont try to touch the hair band anymore. She is going to be a vainpot like me…!

oh my , sweetkiss, your girl is sooo clever! mine refuse anything on her head. she yanks them out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sk, girl girl so cute...i also want....*SCREAM at hubby tt i want a girl*

mine is vain like the dad....after he wear his nice nice gai gai clothes. we will hold him on the ground n walk. he will always walk to the full length mirror in my MIL room n smile at himself. OMG loh...

mummies, as they are approaching 1 year +, can start to introduce books, those with pull out / colorful flaps that attract their attention and interest.

these are usually quite expensive at Borders/Kinokuniya. i have been buying my children's books from

http://www.bookdepository.co.uk (now having 10% summer sale off as well).

with the low USD/SGD, its more worth ordering online instead. generally 20-30% cheaper!

any mummies went to library to borrow baby books. my sis just borrowed like 12 books for her 3 mths old n read to him when she is free.

woa u all buy the books...*pocket broke*

ann: my hubby gt more boys genes then girl...*sobs too*

just can hope next 1 is a girl loh.


Wah ur hubby so sure? Lol


But would the shipping be ex?


I also wan girl!!! Can dress them up n buy pretty clothes. When we go shopping, hubby always remind me tat ours is boy :p but I just can't resist lookg at girl stuffs!

Pillow, haha.. u try doing it in front of the mirror? Then must praise and praise her… whenever 1 comb, tie or put hairband on my hair in front of her, she will watch me very attentively when I do it! So now when she sees rubber band, she will put on her head.. if she sees comb, she will take and comb her own hair. Very funny one!

Lasery: ya having a girl really got variety of clothes and stuffs to buy. when I look at her it’s just like looking at a mini version of me!!! go for it, who knows the next one will be a girl!

Books: I intro books to bb since he was 7/8 mths plus. He loves them – can sit down for quite a while and flip the pages. He especially love those books with flaps and different textures to touch (touch & feel books). I also buy from the bookdepository website. Free shipping to Singapore and much cheaper than buying from bookstores here. Their delivery is very funny also – I buy 5 books, they will deliver 5 different packages! Anyway, so long all 5 books arrived, I have no issue with this funny delivery. =)

sun_tan: That is because I have ever dreamt that I have 2 boys with him. My dream of my kids are always 2 boys. I have never dreamt of a gal. So my hubby quite sure especially after Kayden is born.

vernie: Kayden also like me to read books. Whenever he is in his playyard, he will take a book and ask me to read. He loves book with dogs in it. When I turn to the page with dog, he will look at me and smile. He also like touch and feel books. Sometime he insist i read the same book again and again. I have to stop him by telling "mummy just read it for you".. sometime he allows, sometimes he will insist. Haha!!

sweetkiss, i go try this wkend ! i badly want to put hairband since her hair not much ;p looks prettier with some accessories.

forgot to mention, the book depository UK is FREE INT'L shipping world wide! which is worth since books can be bulky

vernie, yup, i have been buying from them for years now. no matter how you order , the books come individually packed and different timing even if it's one order.

but during recent months, there has indeed been a slow down in postal service though.... but its due to SINGPOST (singpost has also actually explained that they will try to speed up on their end)! everytime there is a delay, i will complain via the singpost website, and strangely it appears the next day. aarrrghh


I also wannnnnn gal!!! :X

SK: your gal is always v sweet n dainty! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sun_tan: yes I miss the period when bb was just a tiny one, but I don't know how I will feel having to "start" all over again, wahahahaha!


I enjoy reading to bb too, n he has his fav books to touch n feel. Is really impt to read to our bbs often so that they will love reading n enjoy language use when they grow older.

charliebrown: totally agree!!!....coz my sis jsut gave birth not long n nw the bb is like coming 4mths only.

if i pop 1 more out next yr my hands on a infant still not as rust..but the tot of having no sleep for 3 mths is ARGH!!!! n the hell confinement food..OMG loh.

SK: totally agree...girl girl gt so many sweet sweet clothes to wear...

when baby L is inside i keep looking at girls stuffs instead of boys stuff...but see liao girls stuff then i look at my tummy i will haiz.. then put back n walk to the boys section. Hubby also have to keep telling mi the boys sect is over at the other side..hahahaha

Hahaa.. well initially I was soooo stressed cos everyone in my hus’ family has boys. And he is the eldest. For a moment when we found out my bb’s gender, I can sense that hus was a little disappointed leh.. for me, I did wish to have a boy 1st so ppl will shut up. but this is fate and i love my bb more than anyone else! last nite i was telling hubby im not sure if i can divide my love if i have #2...

But I dun think I am ready to do it again yet………… haha.

SK: mi totally opp with u loh. coz his 2 elder sis gt a total of 3 boys n 1 girl.

Then my hubby is the only son. when i know the gender is boy i m the 1 tt is disappointed. i was depress for 1 whole week leh. Everyday gong gong look at my tummy n keep asking y r u a boy...But now..i m happy coz he is so unresistable n cheeky..hahaha

for #1, my hb and i started every night reading with them at around 15mths old. it is a routine at 9pm and we have stucked with it since (rain or shine). so it becomes v natural for the child to sit down every night for stories.

it helps in a way i feel. the feedback from teachers in school is my #1 has extremely good attention span. when lesson time, he will immediately switch out of his play mode (you know boys :p) and be attentive.

so for #2 my gal, i will also do the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, hv been rather quiet these few weeks coz super busy at work. Thanks for the recommending book depository - just ordered a book that I wanted to get for some time!

My boy luvs books too, can just sit and flip thru them for half an hour... haha, he luvs words with 3 or more syllabus e.g. umbrella, refrigerator. He will flipt o his fav pages then turn and look at u to say the words to him! They are just so very very adorable, active and sometimes notti!

Chelz: you're very funny! haha. H says "aah!" to everything! ask her to call "mama", she goes "aah!". same for papa, por-por, telling us someone's at the door, telling us her toys hv fallen to the floor and wants us to pick them up. depending on her mood, it can either be a sharp and loud "aah!" or a long and loud one, or maybe a soft one. H also sings with this "aaah aaahh"

our babies at this age are just so adorable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pillow: i agree. to instill a good reading habit in a child, we must start from young. I've been reading to my baby since she was 4/5 months old. Now when she's playing in her cot and I start telling her fave story, she'll stop whatever she's doing and pays attention. with actions thrown in, the story can last 3-4 mins

Justina: my baby's fave story is "Silly Sally". i can even memorise the whole story ler. hehe

books: i also ordered from bookdepository. simply love it. and just like vernie, diff book arrived in diff packaging haha. but since we don't need to pay for the shipment it doesn't really matter. Nathan also love books. Just now when I went to see him during lunch time, he was napping at first but woke up shortly after I sat near him. Then when he saw he, he immediately grab 2 books and then look at me so I started reading with him. However, he is also a book destroyer!!! He has already torn a few boardbooks and softbooks...haiz...

Kydz: went over yesterday and bought some simple muscial instruments. the shop owner was very nice. her son (pri sch boy) was helping out in the shop to earn some extra pocket money and was a very nice and helpful boy. i would say that the shop mainly sell teaching aids. would be interesting for SAHM who intend to teach her child herself. Julie, they have the bouncing ball with handle thing that Karen showed us during the class. and also the xylophone that's in step (like a flight of stairs). and also some simple music instruments like the triangle, jingle bell stick, tambourine, castanet etc. Price is quite ok, not cheap but not too ex. triangle is $8, maracas is $11. there's some nice looking rocking horses and a very big abacus. the shop owner recommend me to come again after our baby 1st birthday as we'll probably receive alot of gifts so that there will not be duplicates. all in all, it's very different from those usual toys/books/baby stuff shop. most of the things that they are selling can be found on their website: http://www.kydzedu.com/


mine love remote controls more then anything else. yesterday the 1st thing he came home is look for remote control on my bed. mama don't even wanna hug leh...so upset..

he take the remote control n bang bang together with his both hands. coordination finally he learn. when he play finish liao, he pull my samsung tab from my hand n throw to the other side then he hug mi...haiz...SONS!!

after hug hug mi liao he grab my tab n start using his fingers to poke poke at the screen. i was quite amaze how come he know how to poke poke the screen. his dad taught him how to play touch screen games when they were in genting...*faint*.

