(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

AK: you're not shortchanging your baby! dun ever feel or think that way. you carried her for 9 months in your tummy, went thru morning sickness - you gave her life

how bout getting a part-time helper?

tek_koh: haha. i din compare. no time. but one thing about photobook.com to take note - delivery is within that country site that you bought the vouchers from. say you buy pre-paid vouchers from the Msia site, they are applicable for delivery within Msia only. and read the T&C before you buy coz the expiry of the vouchers can range from 1-5 years

Junie: your hubby wants couple time with you. coz with bb along, it will be centred around bb, not you and him. every time we bring up the subject of going holidays with bb, MIL will say to leave bb with her coz she says bb won't know a thing (true) and will usually fall sick after the trip. i think depends on bb. but my mom will encourage us to take bb along. so diff thinking

if you think you can, you can. mind over matter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good morning all...

all talks on travelling. Me going korea with my kids this end june before i deliver in oct.

Ak and those travelling soon- enjoy ur trip!

my hubby too, he is not comfortable with me bringing bb to overseas trip with us.

he says we wont be able to enjoy ourselves coz we need to take care of the bb 24/7, and gotta bring her stroller & barang... if she is cranky and wants to be carried, we cant shop in peace. then he will say she is too young to remember anything, might as well wait till she is older, able to walk by herself then bring her. actually i'm more worried abt plane rides than anything else. if bb cant sit still, how?


I have been to Club Med Phuket just recently in early May with Alwyn and Ashlyn. I put them at the baby club and petite club respectively and they loved it there. The Baby club in Phuket is very nice and new. They have a little pool, the little ones go for a swim every afternoon. 2 playrooms and a naproom ( naproom has lots of babycot). The GOs there are mostly Nurse trained so they will be ok. There is also a little nurse room, where they look at patients and disperse medicine. Nurse not doctor.. but works fine.

Food wise, they have porridge at almost all meals and lots of baby jar food.

Hope that helps

talking about overseas trip. just had a quarrel with HB about this issue too... he doesnt agree bb travelling now too... so pissed !

I can handle BB C + i have my aunties and cousins helping out on the trip he also dont allow giving me lamed excuses... saying I dont like my bb to drink water from that country(taiwan) not even mineral water!

I was like @!@%^$& !

i think my hubby is very garang. he keeps talking about bringing bb overseas. this year, next year... go msia, australia etc etc. i'm the one hesistating! i'm so scared bb will cry in the car/plane and refuse to sleep in a strange bed. she can't even sleep at my parents'/ILs place. I told him we need to train her to sleep in a travel cot from NOW if we wanna travel to msia during CNY next year haha

grace: i just went to see club med phuket's baby club at their webbie. it looks so tempting!! did you leave bb to sleep at the baby club? my bb sleeps by 630pm so i dunno if we travel with her how we gonna have dinner man. hahaha


Yes I did, I put baby in at 9am and have the collect by 5pm. Do note that Thailand time is an hour later.. so technically is in at 10am and out at 6pm. Dinner only starts at 7pm which is 8pm SGp time..

if you are going on a holiday you have to be prepared that u have to bend the rules abit...

they will adjust back once in SGP...=p

grace: thanks for the info. I shall show it to my HB & hopefully he can change his mind.

So the pkg is all inclusive, means the food, my BB can eat all he wants? hehee.

Will definitely buy mineral water for drinking. Everytime I go Thailand sure buy loads of mineral water one.

junie, yes you/baby can eat all you want. you can bring as many bottles back to the room. They give mineral water in the room. So we just use that. No need to buy also..

grce : it seem like club med is a good place... :)

Seem like some handful of our hubby the same thinking horz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sad....

plus now, galen is on fever virus... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] fever is up & down... gosh.. i am so tired these few days... he cry non-stop... keep on clinging onto me.. last time see daddy will rush over.. now, see daddy.. rush also don wan to rush over le.. still cling onto me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now i am totally cannot rest... vacuum the floor also a difficulty task now.. not to say mop the floor.. and whip a proper dinner for my family le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i alway have to stay near his sight or i have to piggy-back him, or kangaroo pouch him.... fainted... backache, should aching...

photobook : any idea whether we need to complete the photobook and upload then we can purchase at 50%? can i pay now and upload later?


grace, just wondering, now the kids start recognising parents. did you have a problem leaving them at phuket club med bb club ?

hi pillow,

no, i didnt have a problem leaving them. They were so used to infant care/nursery in SGP so it didnt make much difference.

But really, i feel u must also let go. Just drop and go when the child is distracted or playing with toys. The GOs will call you if they are not able to handle yr child or emergency...

justina: no, buy the vouchers first. then take your time to do up your photobooks. when your book is ready, upload and at checkout, you key in the voucher no. the expiry dates range from 1 to 5 years, depending on the promo but do read the t&c

hi grace, ok thanks...

coz my bb is not in infant care and not very used to strangers. my toddler boy (4yr old) also took quite sometime to be "dropped off" at sunday school so i was wondering, how to drop the kids at club med [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am planning Bali in August and Disney HK in November[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

justina: you have to register with them 1st, then they'll send you emails on promos - that's how I buy the vouchers - the links are in the emails. not sure whether it's on their website though. can always go on FB and post on the wall. response is pretty fast

justina: just checked. 50% promo for june can be found on their webby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway, just register lor. you get to know about promos faster

but wait! this promo is slightly different. the ones i bought the vouchers for, the codes come via emails (each order has a special alpha numeric code). and when i check on fb, someone posted that they don't wanna miss this promo but don't have time to do the book, so the customer service said can order first (i.e. pay), then upload the book for production within 1 month. so you must really consider whether you want to go ahead or not. can always ask them on FB , how this promo actually works


I dont think i would enjoy my trip if we travel without bb...

btw, hb almost cancel trip on 2nd day...

The previous trips were easy, bb was handled by maid & we only need to close our ear when maid start complaining abt bb :D :D :D. at that time bb still between 4-8 months & much more easier to handle...

last trip was the 1st time we hands on & travel without maid. quite tough for the 1st 2 days..

1st day: spent more than 1 hr preparing food for bb but he refused to eat. hb take turn to feed bb & i became monkey "sing song, dance, become little tea pot, etc etc" distract bb so that bb will finish the porridge. bb vomited on hb shirt & cried very loud after vomit...hb complain nonstop & said we should not travel to winter place, next time just travel within asia countries & bring along maid... bla bla bla

when hb told me that he decided to cancel trip & fly back home, i kept convincing hb, we can make it if we think we can....then try to justify why bb cranky & did not hv enough sleep...who to blame, hb open the window, cover it with curtain & forgot to close the window at nite...

we would enjoy our trip start from the 1st day if hb did not kaypoh open window, cover with curtain, forget to shut window, bb would have enough sleep & would not get cranky :p

we only start enjoying our trip on 3rd day onwards...

btw, I am planning to bring bb to US oct this year... hb told me to book different flight bcs he does not think he can make it...:D :D :D...

i am having hard time convincing hb now...

he said we only can book same flight if we fly to europe which is only additional 3 hours flight of our last trip...

if US, he wants to book on different flight...so bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...

Chez: yr hubby so funny! Hope he isn't serious abt booking different flight! And I was laughing at your playing monkey n teapot! Haha tell me abt it! Everyday when I feed I must also be monkey, clown, airplane, pigs n teapot!! Tough tough la... How to multi task when I ve a bowl n spoon on hands! I alwaz standby a bag of toys n give baby one by one.. By now she is sick of them so she will throw one by one. And the more she throw the angrier she gets! Naughty hor!

My hubby n I also tot by year end .. Bb abt 18mths n we like to bring her go Disneyland in states. As for Europe... We feel nothing much for baby leh. All the cathedrals and shoppings may not interest baby n worst thing is I dun get to shop! Hee hee

You mean yr first four trips u brought ur maid ah!!! Wow wow wow so lucky! If only I can bring an extra pair of hands then I will ve more confident! I scare I collapse during my holiday! Haha


i think my bb is quite hard to handle compare to other bb...

but if u think u can make it, then u should be able to overcome & enjoy yr trip...

seems to me that bb can adjust to new environment easier than adult & they will adjust back to their normal life style once they are back home (i dont like the last part)


my bb will not drink milk if he is awake (all r dreamfeed)...this happen since he was 5 months old until now... initially we added friso cream to his milk, he would drink abit.....but he wont drink at all now even we add friso cream. change milk powder 2 times & did not help.


he wont finish more than 1/2 bowl since 8 month old til now. seldom see him finish his porridge without any "complain".


he only can sleep in a very dark room. we got 2 layers black out curtains in his room.

at times i need to pacify my gal to eat too... but usually I strictly insists her to sit properly to finish her food then she can have her time to watch "mickey mouse clubhouse" or crawl around the living room etc.

In sch(IFC) the teachers feed her by putting her in the high chair and feed her ... usually my gal will give teachers signs that she is full n contented by moving her legs, clapping her hands... so at home or outside feeding i try to do what the IFC sch is doing ... only few times really have to clean up abit of mess caused by her (spoon drop on the floor)

chelz: oh .. kinda sounds like my gal when comes to slping time...

my gal nows wants to slp when all lights off, tv off, com off, if no sound better... else she will get so cranky(if she is tired) otherwise play with me or daddy till she is tired enough to slp herself.

chelz>> haha, your HB funny lor...book different flights.

I told my HB yest...other pple can bring BBs to Phuket, NZ, HK or even cruise, why we cannot...haiz.

I know it may be tough if bring BB along but since it's "FOC" so what if they don't remember a thing. It's experience mah.

My BB also cannot sleep well if in strange land/beds...need to carry/rock him to sleep.

When comes to food, also must watch TV commercials then eat, else must play peek-a-boo games, etc. Alot of patterns one lah, sometimes I dread feeding him cuz dunno what pattern he will "chut", haha.


yeah, my prev maid followed in all of our trips.. kind of like common in hb family/ relative to bring maid travelling la... his aunt even suggested we bring maid on our last trip...their family always bring maid overseas even bring maid to oz & UK..very good life huh, sounds nice actually not la hahahaha...

my previous maid commented more tiring if she follow us to travel bcs got to carry bb walking around the plane when he get bored & make noise whereby me & hb just zzzz.... then the most complain we got frm her was the HK trip. she kept complaining this is not children friendly country... difficult to find lift & escalator in MTR.... she got to carry down stair case the heavy Q Buzz stroller & my shopping items...complain nonstop abt back ache & ask whether i can pay for her massage bla bla bla... but i just act blur...

last time we got no choice to let maid tag in our trips bcs cannot leave my maid alone at home & MIL did not like the prev maid... put in the maid agency scared she learn bad things...

now i got lobang where to put my maid without worrying my maid will be influence by other maid:D :D :D...

Chez: bring maid go UK !! If dun bring can buy a few more branded bags leh! Haha hey my gal also must dreamfeed one! Same same! Even dreamfeed she can choke n vomit or juz stop sucking after drinking one to two oz! Really difficult la! I ve been wanting to ask but dunno who to ask.. Now I can ask u Le! See our babies must be dreamfed n by this end of month I need to change milk to next stage which is definitely sweeter... My gal 9th and 10th teeth emerging Liao leh! By dreamfeeding we are encouraging tooth decay know!! How how? But if dun dreamfeed then my gal doesn't drink then how to put on weight? I believe she should be lessthan 15th percentile now Le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my pd said can stop milk totally by one year old but warn me babies without milk all skinny skinny ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] how ah?


this is also my concern now... my bb porridge intake is so little compare to other bb... definitely still got to dreamfeed him la.

my bb brush teeth 3x/day now. bcs all dreamfeed, no choice got to brush his teeth more often...

my boy only got 8 teeth now... yr girl very fast huh, 9th & 10th already coming out...

my friend stop giving milk to her girl when she was 18mth old... very skinny & underweight now... only 8.5kg at 23mths

I think I will continue dreamfeed... my bb lost weight very fast but put on weight very slow ;(

Hi carol, vernie:

I just go for the CC , seeling at fajar shopping centre on yesterday to do some enquiry but the office is closed on late evening. Anyway, still have some kids n one teacher around, not much informations can get. While we leaving , one of the parents who pick up his kids told us , the CC going to change

management on 1st jul, therefore, whoever mummies looking for this CC should commit the course after the CC is settle

down. Guess must do proper research first to choose the CC for our baby.

hi ladies, re: dreamfeeding. i did that for my elder boy. no signs of toothdecay. i was also told abt the sugar in milk that will cause tooth decay if we dreamfeed.

how it goes was my boy NEEDED the milk otherwise i can't imagine seeing him so skinny !!! tooth decay VS skin & bone ? i dreamfeed him (all feeds!) till he "outgrew" his dislike for milk at about 2+ yr old. thereafter till now, he would GLADLY drink his milk then we brush his teeth. for children who don't feed v well, i really don't feel comfortable dropping milk feed.

we basically just waited for him to OUTGREW his dislike for milk. but of course, changing to Pediasure CHOCOLATE FLAVOR helped heaps.

both my kids are reflux babies.....

AK, when our babies are moving to 1 year old +, can consider switching to Pediasure or other brands of high calorie milk. ask PD for advice..... the FM is 30% higher calorie than the usual FM. so i guess its good for bb for take little QTY of milk, at least the calories is much higher, ie., drink less yet gives the same . HAHA

Wow - so much on travelling with BB... make me so "gian" to go travelling again... i have an impending trip to lombok or penang... still comtemplating if wanna bring BB along for this short trip?!

Dreamfeeding: Kayden also still dream feeding at times cause in-law side always feed him dinner at about 7pm. So hard for me to feed him milk before he sleeps. They are still following the 3hrs milk or meal rule. Haha!

Musikgarten: I just remember this weekend is the free trial right? No changes right?

Traveling: Manage to convince hubby to bring Kayden for a cruise to Phuket and langkawi at end of July. Now waiting for him to see if his application is successful. My in-law side also going so additional pairs of hands to take care of Kayden. Hehe!!

Nan pro 3: Kayden seems to have problem with Nan Pro 3. Poop very little. Going to give it a try for another week and if still not ok, will revert him back to step 2.

chez: you very funny la! Got lobang to dump your maid when you go overseas, reminds me of my sis who likes to dump her maid at my house when she goes overseas with her family. But the maid is handy cos she helps me with sian housework which I hate to do like wiping the windows. lol. But I don't like her to touch my bb or his stuff.

Ann: I am still feeding bb with NAN HA 2, not changing to step 3.

Going overseas with bb:

No chance to do that with bb yet, cos hubby also said wait till bb is older and can understand more things. So wait awhile loh..

Feeding bb:

Strictly no watching of tv while he is eating, hubby will also auto switch off the tv when bb is eating. He has to be on his high chair too. I need to use things like spoons, plates, bowls to distract him while eating. He has to hold and drop something then he will be happy. Also got to sing or act like a clown to make him eat his food.

Yeah…so much talks about holidays with bb. Make me wanna go on holiday too!! I’ve not gone for any holidays since I was preggy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] If only hubby’s work is not so demanding… I will be more than happy if he is around in Singapore to spend time with us. Ever since the beginning of this year, he is away on biz trip at least 2 weeks each month. I feel like a single mom sometimes…

Diaper Bag: Any good one to recommend? Something that can fit all bb’s barang & mummy’s barang and easy for mummy to carry when going out alone with bb...Now bb taking solid, seems to have more things to bring out (porridge, snacks, spoon, etc in addition to the usual milk bottle, diapers, etc). Kate Spade one good mah?...Errm…the brand a bit controversial lately but that’s besides the point! Currently I have a Allerhand messenger diaper bag – bought it thinking it is unisex and hubby can carry. But the bag cannot really fit all bb’s barang and it is difficult for me to carry when bb is strapped to me in ergo carrier.

Diaper bag:

I am just using one big nike bag as a diaper bag, it is waterproof so okay la. I always like the idea of using a Gucci Tote bag as a diaper bag, but my frd said SIAO and unless I strike it rich, I can use Gucci as a diaper bag! wahahha.


i using the ju ju be back pack. so far ok...coz it's thermo n waterproof material hence abit heavy when i chuck eveything inside..+X

good thing is my hot water can last long inside n even i make his milk or cereal n he don't wanna eat i can keep inside for 1-2 hrs it's still warm.

Re: Diaper bags

I got a new one from Skiphop - Bento range. Big & roomy.

I also bring alot of BB stuff on a day out. My HB said can don't bring so much or not, bery heavy..I told him, it's all essential. How to cut down?

it has been hectic this morning and the day before yesterday. anyway, completed liao, so now can come in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vernie, annie, chelz: Musikgarten trial class this Sat, 11 June @ 12.30pm confirmed. see ya there!

musikgarten trial: yeah, i also need to adjust ian's schedule a little...he also can nap till 12 plus after his bath at 10 plus...

ica: sorry to disturb u again. i can't seems to make up my mind. which wld you recommend for the photobook. landscape or square.


hi carol :

So admire you can find "montessori" kind of CC nearby your place, the neareast CC at my boy nanny house really not show good environment to me! sigh... sound like depend our luck!

Hi all mummies,

Any recommend website to create e-invatation card? l like to send cute cute invitation card via email for my boy birthday party. Finally, the birthday venue is confirmed. So happy!


ann, vernie: yeah, me too. have to adjust H's nap time so that she'll be alert and not cranky during the class. hehehe

justina: i've done both square and landscape. i prefer square actually. but if most of your pics are rectangle-shaped, then landscape will be better i think

