(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi mummies, I am considering putting my boy in childcare too, prob around Mar 2012? I have visited a few and I do think they can learn more there versus at home (unless caregiver is disciplined to constantly teach and simulate them). Since half day and full day childcare may not differ much in pricing (some only by < $50) after govt subsi for working mums, 1 option is to opt for full day which gives the flexibility to us/our parents/PIL to bring them home warlier whenever it suits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Vernie: hmmm... yup my main purpose is for my child to socialize and learn more things, even if it is a playgroup for 2 hrs daily I think is good exposure. I wont have to trouble my parents, they fetch bb to and fro my place everyday, morn time my dad still drives me to work after leaving bb w my mom. My cousin who attended IFC since young is able to write his own name, do maths, read and speak well at 4.. but my 6-yr old BIL who only started nursery at 4 till now cant read or speak a proper sentence.. can see a difference but perhaps the parents also gotta do a part..

babycoco: haha, no worries...thought u went on holiday or something [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

practically, our baby interact with us(adult) is very different from our baby interact with other babies... and is very fasincating to see what our baby have "learn" something new from other babies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Further more, baby with baby they learn real talking faster than we teaches them... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that's the reason why i wanna to place my boy to CC at 18months... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes.. that is why i insist to put JL in IFC now..

They teach them basic like bye bye, clap hands, answering the phone, and recently then I noe he love this song (I still dont get the tone right.. :x) " All the fishes swimming swimming! ", what splash??

Then he will do the sign like how fishes swim.. so adorable! each time teacher sing, he will do that follow with many claps!!!


So cute to see them see n dance with action.

maybe u can ask the teacher what did they learn.

I went to my kids' cc open house, so i tell the teacher that my ger sing a song, but i could catch what she singing, so she actually tpye out the lyric and give to the parents. then i know what is she singing.but this only apply to chinese song, when singing eng, she got no problem. maybe at hm, we on the eng song dvd for her. but for sure, if she never attend the cc, even we teach them sing, all we do is singing w/o action.

hi hi phy n geri,

so long we didn't chat here liao...maybe it's just mi..

jas, so cute loh...they can sing n move to the rhydem...my 1 i on dvd n sing to him he gong gong sit there listern. but when play certain songs or certain tv conmercial he will put everything dwn n listern or look at the tv.

hi cheese,

not sure if this is the right song and lyrics..

"All the fishes swimming in the water, swimming in the water, swimming in the water.

All the fishes swimming in the water, bubbles bubbles splash"

Thks sunflower! yap yap! haha, wonder how to sing as in tone? youtube have? i cant access here.. go home find out more. he is so excited when teacher sing this!

hi hi,

ya i finally posted out to HQ and now is office hrs n weekend off. nowadays then can met up more offen during thr week end liao.

i think i can organize 1 at my place. only can max 6 bbs i think. will try to arrange 1 after july coz july we r all bzi prepareing for our little 1 big day.

bb L now is 10+kg n height is 75+cm..heavy weight still..for mi lah. carry until arm big big now..so sianz loh.

hi mrslong,

re: Anyone heard of Growing Up Gifted? Am thinking of checking it out. Another one is Julia Gabriel which my friend reviewed that its not bad.

My elder boy attended both JG and GUG when he was young. He likes JG and didn't like GUG :p so I wasted quite a few lessons.

Personally I also like JG more than GUG. JG environment more fun and "loving" if I may say so. I find GUG more academic. But then could be a bit difficult to compare as he went to GUG when slightly older thus the lesson is more geared to letter/phonic recognition. I've heard good review on GUG phonics system.

JG for their age – free play, welcome, music time, story, craft, snack time, outdoor play, goodbye.

GUG >18mth - slightly similar but don't remember have story and outdoor play but alternate lesson got music/movement in the music room.

Think you can go for trial classes at both places. There are other similiar concept playgroups around that you can explore.

ladies, those who is going to the fair, can update what are the good buys 2molo? Very gian to go.. LOL but really cant fork up time to go...


my son too. he will sit there look at the TV for the commerical, for DVD, he also sit still n watch the dvd, sometime see his jiejie jumping around, he also will get active.

recently, the teacher sing a song:

'row row row the boat,gently down the stream, when u see a crocodile, rememeber to scream', then he will start scream too. ~lol~


same loh...coz his cousin attend the N class mah then weekend they come over will sing nursery songs too.

their version is

'row row row the boat,gently down the stream, when u see a crocodile, don't forget to scream'.

we will scream then he will follow also...kinda fun to play with him lah..we also play fly fly aeroplane.. will lift him up with our legs then fly loh.

sunflower: thanks for the info.

I wld prefer a playgroup that has balance i.e. play & learn...so maybe will check out JG then.

Hi mummies,

Yesterday I brought Kayden to go collect the carrier from Irene at raffles city then I went back to my in-law place. I press the door bell, no one answer the door. My in-law went for body checkup but the maid should be at home mah. I called my MIL to see if they brought the maid along. She say no and ask me to wait awhile longer. Maybe the maid is bathing. So I waited for 10mins and press the bell again. No one answered. I went downstairs and I saw her at the other block talking to another maid. When she saw me, she very surprised.

She quickly ran over and told me she talking to her friend. She went out on her own without permission from my MIL. Then she told me she wan day off. One month once. I told her it is not up to me to decide, have to speak to my MIL.

When my MIL return, my MIL told her since this is the first time she get caught, she will let it go. The maid rebuke that if my MIL would give her day off then she would not have go out sneakily. What kind of answer is this? My MIL told her she did wrong and yet still dare to ask for day off.

See how argumentative my maid is? Refuse to admit her mistake. Luckily I insist on taking off to take care of Kayden yesterday. Cannot imagine her bringing my son out with her on her own. Sian!

Hi babycoco, for the skip hop, is the prices as per the website you posted? For example the price of the bib is $13.90 or is there further discount on this price?

yeah, quiet...all gone to the motherhood fair at expo? Those who went, please update us with the good deals yah?

Motherhood fair starting today...yeah, i also just stock up huggies to get that BBQ toy...lol!...so most likely not going...unless got other good deals...


my storerm nw filled with diapers n all his stuffs loh. the cereal, diaper, milk powder..all just order only.. then additional diaper somemore..hahaha..

my MIL was like huh..singapore going war ar...buy so many diapers..but then come to think of it. war also buy food wat..buy diapers..lolx

Bought 2 pairs of See Kai Run shoes at the bb fair. A pair at $32.90. Usual price $60+! Heinz also hv good buys. Me just reached 10mins only buy & buy liao. Hehe.

Mrslong: you are giving us live updates from the fair? Hee!! Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha. Yup. Got skiphop & benbat stuff too, 25%. Diapers as usual. Baby carriers, those into the MAM brand, also has a booth, 20%.

Eh its just like pedipeds. Good sole support I guess. I bought 3 pairs in the end. 1 was a pair of sandals by Smaller, See Kai Run@ $24.90. usual price $49.90.

Hi Mummies,

Hope all are doing fine.

I am also trying to find play group for my bb to enrol in. at least 2hrs a day. Anyone has any for recommendation?

Btw, my boy love to "shout" nowsday...dunno y also..sigh...


u just miss my spree...i just order pediped from US side i think mrslong also make a order..they r on the way back to singapore liao..

shld i open another spree just for pediped, but the previous response nt very gd leh..only mrslong got bk to mi n my collegues.

Photographer: Hi mommies, just to share that one of my friend is a freelance photographer. I like his works and I should be engaging him for my baby's birthday bash. As he's a freelancer, he is very flexible and don’t limit the type of photography services (i.e. he can do indoor, outdoor, private event, birthday, wedding basically anything). I understand that some of you are still looking for photographer for your baby birthday bash or photographer that can do outdoor photoshoot etc so just to share some of the details with you all. If you all are keen, please feel free to contact him and let him know you are referred by Irene Ng =)

-per hour charge is $90 bucks (unlimited shots)

-The price includes only photography service and softcopy returns of the pictures (all with basic enhancements) in a DVD form.

-Email: [email protected]

-Official website: http://www.fotokraft.sg

-other website of his works:

* http://cymonspace.livejournal.com

* http://www.flickr.com/photos/cymonspace

* http://cymonspace.wordpress.com

the pediped shoes I ordered from US, through lasery, was from Piperlime....sister company of GAP/ON.

For certain models, when they hv discounts, it's cheaper than Pediped website itself.

hi mummies. if anyone happen to want 2nd hand

Limited Edition Manduca Baby Carrier -Skyline Blue, PM me ya.

Price nego, bot at SGD289

Hi mummies,

Anyone stay at bukit panjang looking for CC either in full day or play group? I need some informations before start to look around , eg which CC more better or else!

So excited to see my boys to play & learn in a same time with a group of his friends together!

Morning! Wet and windy Sunday morning!

Long time didnt chat here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope everyone is doing fine n babies healthy n happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Luke is really of good mass! Haha our boys born on same day leh.. My r is 9kg at 10 mths.. Long long de.. Would prefer him to be a bit chubby but no matter how I feed, he won't gain much.

