(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Jasline, mine is small one.. small one I already tink is big... cos if cook 2 meals also have a lot of room to fill up the jar with lots of lots of porridge.. unless adult wanna eat.. if not I tink its ok..

I bot at isten sales too. its like 30+ if i nv rem wrongly.. very worth it some more with the bag and spoon inside! keke

U can take out and cook porridge liao


Hi Cheese,

Tks for sharing, I shall go Isetan to check it out.

So lazy to cook porridge, as it seems to take forever to make it smooth like cereal type ;op

Claudia: I tried giving papaya b4 but she dun like. Somemore the papaya was super sweet, I thought she would like it.

She's currently on happy bellies oatmeal and healthy times brown rice. I realized that her appetite for milk will be very bad when she is constipated. After she manage to squeeze all the hard poo out, had a gd nap, her milk intake went back to normal..

My girl is in 4-5 milk feeds and 1-2 solids a day. I think it is normal right? Cos I saw my milk tin, it mentioned recommended intake for 6-12 mths is 180ml 4 times a day..

Sweetkiss. Javion only drink 4-5times per milk feed also, 2solids a day.

But these few days he been rejecting his milk!

Before sleep also dun wanna drink... wanna sleep only.. that makes him wake up at 2.30am for his milk.

This morning more power. I gotta feed him b4 going IFC, he dun wan at all!(at 6.30am) but he drink plain water! -_-""

In the end, I got no time, scoop 2tbsp rice cereal with 50ml milk and he finishes it..

Hai... rejecting milk now! maybe he wan solids...

am asking teacher if he doesnt want milk.. make cereal for him le..


U wan to stop brown rice for the moment??

cos during the 1st intro on brown rice to my bb he started to consipated...

wat i did was feed him payapa puree ... apple and cranberry juice , pear juice.. i think its help too.. let bb drink more water... then i will put ru yi oil on his tummy.

ya i think its normal feed. but i feed my bb 140ml instead he reject to drink after he finish... for the next 3 hrs he doesnt ask for milk also...

Cheese: i think maybe he teething like wad u said.. Hw long has he been rejecting? Kayleigh too but usually her milk strikes lasts abt a week but happens quite frequently..

Yvonne: I only gave her cereal over the weekends. Cos usually we go out & I have no time to cook porridge. But at my mum's, she will nit have constipation prob cos my mum cooks porridge. That's why I'm thinking of giving porridge and no cereal anymore. She drinks plenty of water though, about 200ml a day.

Jaclyn: You going for trial gym class at the Forum this Saturday ah? I am going there to sign up Kayden for the new term. Maybe I can meet you there and no need to send by post. What time will you be at the trial class?

Excess breatmilk: Hey.. I found something out today. If you have excess breastmilk that you cannot give finish to baby, you can use it to make yogurt and add fruit to it and make fruit breatmilk yogurt to give bb eat lei. I saw one mummy doing it in the forum. Like that you won't waste your breastmilk. Hehe!!


I see.. either u try other brand of cereal to see if consipation occur and monitor or u wan to totally change to give porridge...

Sweetkiss. Since Sunday a bit milk strike.. and till date worse..

taking milk for him is always a battle.. but only a few times he got growth spurt I did feed him 170ml-200ml

and he can finish...

Teacher mention whenever he see other toodler's bowl, he will be very excited

and thought that was his.

Wow, 200ml is a lot! that's good! Teachers mention he dun like to drink water.

But for my case, he drink a lot of water leh.. he rather want water but not milk...

Why not u buy the thermal jar? need a bit of time only.

Then as for the dishes, like carrot puree or others, I will freeze it.

So if I give porridge, I will warm the puree and mix it together and feed him.

but after work i will only feed cereal cos got milk... haha

Yvonne: ya.. Maybe I'll try to give other brand see how.

Cheese: think javion wants solids.. Haha.. The thermal jar is the one u mentioned can cook porridge? U mean cook on the go? Normally I put cereal in avent via cup.. Go out if wanna feed pour water in. Spoon I keep in ziplock. I later go check out the jar u bot.

I put water in the 125ml bottle and feed her every hr. By end of the day the bottle will be refilled twice so aga aga she takes 200ml. She sometimes drinks so long I was afraid she mistook it for milk! And her diaper always heavy.. I like! Fully utilize ma. Haha!

Ann Yep We will be there at 1:30 ! You confirm with me ok then I will bring yours along [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies!!! Need ur help. Only take a few seconds. I'm doing a assignment and need to do a survey. Haha.. And it got to do wit us.. Lol..

Would you queue for long hours in order to ensure that your child has a place in a preschool?


Thanks Alot mummies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Munchkin Mozart Cube: Any mummies interested in buying so that can share shipping cost with me? I had checked with other oversea spree organizer. They say shipping cost will be about S$16. So if I buy it alone, the item will cost me about S$42 in total. Looking for pple to share shipping cost.

In Singapore, it is being retailed at $67 to $90. So think still more worth to order from overseas. If buying 2nd hand, pple are also selling at $40 like that.


Is feeding so much water good?? I always still think that milk > water so i dont dare to feed son too much water in case he donwan milk after that.

The only time baby G gets water is after his 2 solid feeds a day. Then i will spoon/cup feed him about 30ml of water total.

My MIL is a fan of water. Everything also water water water. After his milk, wanna give water. I remember clearly during his newborn days, the PD Dr Ong told us that nowadays formula is not like last time. No need to give water at all. Tried to tell her like umpteen times she still wanna do it her way. Sigh sian!

Baby G is 8.4kg at 7mths and 10days old

Jaclyn: I see you at the gym place at 1.30pm then. I am going around that time too. Then going CK Tang to look at the yogurt maker. Thanks.

Michelle: I don't think I will queue. Hubby is also too lazy to queue.

Jaclyn - BB G and J about the same Weight! so i assume is a healthy and acceptable weight?

Im so worry abt him... cos milk strike for almost a week liaoz...

Then if i feed too much cereal with milk, will he still want BOTTLE...


I give a little water, because he likes it. its ok to give a bit to train them, if not

next time they wont accept plain water..


will collect e pendant from u next wed at funan. how much in total i need to pay u ah? $25?


i will not queue for pre-school


i have this food jar! LOL, nv use cos too big!

hi michelle,

I wont q either unless its the one near ( walking distance) my place..haha for convenience mah.

Ann: have u read the review about the cube ? apparently its not as good as before.. I wanted to buy it when I first saw it at taka.. its about 80to 90..quite exp . I will like to read up more first.. when u ordering?


actually my philosophy for food for baby is, if he wants, just give. milk intake is still #1 but if he like cereal, let him.

i read recently on dumex's newsletter that our babies at this age still need about 600ml of milk. but again, every bb is diff...

Hi justina,

Thk u for the link! hee.. here's my boy wear size 80!


Jellypurin - yalorz. I know i have to change my mindset saying that they will know when they are hungry! now I ask IFC teacher to give him cereal if he dun wan milk..

as long as he is playing well, and healthy, im happy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

From Cheese:-

geri, shouldnt be a problem.. im more willing to give if he want more milk! haha, when they crawl or attempt to do "stunt" they will slim down...

ya they use up a lot of energy performing stunts..haha

i m just thinking if their small kidneys can process so much milk

see you and J this sunday!!

cheese: Handsome boy u have there!! =)

michelle: No, I won’t queue for pre-school unless it is the one near my house. But the one near my house don’t think need to queue lar, coz not those “branded” ones. Hee!

bb weight / milk strike: Ooopps, my boy only 7.7kg at 7.5 mths. He was on milk strike for about 2 weeks – due to his ear infection, cough & runny nose. He used to take 180ml to 200ml of milk 3 to 4 times a day. Then during milk strike, takes only about 120ml to 150ml. His appetite is back now, so it is time to fatten him up! This week he started to take between 220 to 240ml milk 3 times a day plus 2 solids (porridge/cereal + puree).

hello mummies who are going for the trial gym class tmrw, most likely I won't be able to join u guys tmrw already, cuz my boy hasn't recovered fully from his flu & cough.

dun wanna exert him, else sure kenna scolding from HB & ILs.

so u all go ahead & enjoy!

ann: I am not sure thats y i like to find out more first..I will go taka again this weekend then I let you know k.. when and who you ordering with?

JP: thanks and when u ordering the toilet seats from amazon?

michelle: i also won't queue for pre-school

xbeanniex: this Happy Baby food spree organiser is very good. I ordered from her before. Very nice person and her price is one of the best around.


For e motzart cube, think Ann is org. But if it's just Ann n urself then I can still order for u all. Best to order e cubes in 1 shipment of 4 or 6. Shipping will b cheaper

Jaclyn: I was totally against giving bb water when she was on TBM. But after she started FM, I dun mind. Cos she will reject if she doesn't wan and she only takes a few spoonfuls a day.

Now she's on solids, she suddenly loves water so much. I normally spoonfeed her water after cereal but she gets so thirsty for it that she cries if I'm not fast enough. So I started giving water in bottle & she can drink up to 40ml at a shot. But so far it didn't affect her milk intake.

Sometimes when bb cries after her nap, I realise her mouth stinks. Lol... So now I developed the habit of giving her water every hr or after nap.

Xbeanniex if u want the happy bellies cereal, I can sell u mine. I have 3 tins all brand new. 2x brown rice & 1x multigrain. Cos my girl constipate and I wanna change brand. U let me know ok?

Bb E slept @ 9pm last nite, woke up at 1am,4am,5.30am for milk. After milk , she doesnt want to sleep, make alot of noise, play play until 10am den knocked off.

Dont know why bb E dont want to sleep, kept en en en,made me & hb cant sleep too, soo tired today *-*

Any bb also wake up in the middle of the night dont want to sleep?

Hi mommies,

I have a BNIB Playskool walker for sale. RP at $49.90. Going to sell it for $40. Pick up at Bukit Batok. Please PM me if interested.



Geri: I am thinking of asking Jellypurin to order for me since no one seems to have confirm ordering so far or just join the Amazon spree in the overseas.

Junie: For the Bugs class, it will start on 26 March for the Forum Shopping Mall one.

plain water: When bb was 3 mths old, PD said ok to give about 30ml to 40ml of water daily. Think now bb older and started solids already, should be ok to take more water bah...Good to train them now also.


Plain Water: Normally when Kayden wakes up from sleep or nap, I will let him drink a little bit of warm water. Mum say it is good for clearing their system just like adults. After food, I dun give immediately. Only give half an hour later.

