(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

hi carol, I totally agree with what Ann said.

Annie: thumbs up:>

To me, no matter how tough it gets I will want bb to be close to me.. of course u know babies are in good hands when your family take care of her but she is far from you. My hubby and I worked long hours too and my bb gal sleep very late.. We are usually very tired after she sleep but seeing her smiles every night is our booster and stress reliever. At times, we laugh together with her and we feel a lot happier


I already hit my 49 USD target lo with the help of Lennie!

Hershey - i only order simple latex balloon meant to blow ourselves and lay them on floors... I also ordered a sash, a hat for the birthday girl and a couple of banners and candle!

" Sometime nanny listen to you more than our own parents cause we are their pay master ma. For our parents.. they are doing us a favor even if we give them allowance. So if they do anything we don't like, we still have to swallow everything into our stomach at times"

this is so true annie.. I feel it too


Hee, my pleasure. <3 <3 online shopping lah. morever, so ex to buy party stuff in sg actually. now i hope partycity pack smart lor... dun pack in big box if not int'l ship will kill us both!

Ya can tumbang,

hubby said to cap at USD 250 to playsafe to prevent GST but can send me your order by 8pm. I'm going to order tonight.

Jelly - from your experience, do you think we should 1 batch order with party city or a few orders (each at USD 49) with partycity (over 1-2 days)to save shipping?


bottomline, it all depends on the person packing. the shipping coy v gd at making $ cos all will calculate base on volumetric weight. your full order may not weigh much but your box is big, expensive. your order weighs alot, box small, also expensive. see how they make money? i think you might want to think about what goes into the order, i.e. if the order contains alot of party ware like cups and plates cos those need bubble packing to avoid it being flatten. but things like napkins, ballons, will not be damaged so easily. but hvg said that, if u meet a goondu packer at the warehouse, u will end up paying alot for shipping. happen to my gap orders recently.


moral of the story, really does not matter whether to split or not. once u hit us$200, u can wrap up your spree. the rest u just hv 2 hope and pray the warehouse packer does not pack without thinking...

Haha - okay Lennie... see what Hershey is ordering.. so far our orders should be flat and compact... I hope!

Ann - initially wanted to do customised banner but i saw the weight of the banner at 9lbs. so i think not worth while liao....

hi xbeanniex, Ann, Geri, thanks for the opinion given..

i think i got the answer ady..i ll bring her over in order to build up her personality by myself no matter how tiring it is..

i rather she cries few days in nanny's house now than i cry for not being able to discipline her properly in future..

btw, xbeanniex, ur bb is a fast learner oh!!know how to call "papa" ady..my gal still "e e a a" as her baby's talk..

carol: I also agreed with what Ann said. Ann, well said! Gain some, lose some…

Don’t worry about the food part, u can always make your own puree, prepare meat stock, buy good fish for the nanny to cook for your bb, etc. Moreover u mention before that u plan to bring your gal over when she is 18 mths and put her in CC. When that happens, u gotta rush after work to pick her up too. Since both u and hubby is missing your gal so much, why not bring her back to SG now and start to get used to the routine of rushing home, etc. In terms of OT, maybe u discuss with ur boss and let him/her know that u gotta leave on time but will continue to work OT at home when necessary. This is what me and hubby doing now – leave office on time, have dinner, play with bb till last feed at 9plus. He will zzzz by 10 plus and that’s when we have our personal time for leisure or work OT. Tiring but worth it!

carol: Oh, one more thing…Just to share, my friend left her kids in her MIL care in Msia while she works in SG. I think she goes back only once a month or once every 2 weeks to see her kids (north Msia – so cannot afford to travel every weekend). Her older kid who is 5 now has joined her in SG but she told me her kid is a little slow at learning, etc. She thinks that this is due to her & hubby not spending enough time with him when he was younger to teach him, etc. Eventhough your parents will teach/nurture your gal, I think it is still best done by ourselves. Grandparents tend to spoil their grandkids!

hi vernie, totally agree with u, sooner or later i need to adapt it..i think even pitiful if she stays in CC for whole day nxt time..

btw, may i know how much is your nanny's fees? mine is $650 after bb starts to eat solid..not sure should i give her $600 or $650 since she nvr mention wor..

urs is oso 12 hours starting from the time u send bb over rite?

Hi Eliss,

Can i join in too to order coz my boy also turning 1 yr old in July and my gal having her bday next mth? Which is the website for me to order? When are you ordering?

ya, i agree..i borrow books to my gal every month n ask my parents to read to her everyday..but i think they just think we are just too kiasu n no use to read for her now loh..so when she is here, i think i can read to her everyday then!! =)

Carol: Last time she mentioned 650 when start solid. When I asked her again last week, she said 660 starting next month. Actually BB started porridge last week but she said just pay 600 this mth. Yeah, mine is 12 hrs, 8 to 8.

oic..i think $650-$660 is w/i the market rate ba..

i got 1 nanny charge $770 after bb starts to take solid..she worked in infant care before, elder daughter just graduated from U, #2 one waiting A level ..

hehe, i think quite a good environment for my bb n she should be very experience after phone interview with her but too bad a bit far from my place n i not yet meet the nanny ..

piggy - dun think in time for next month. You can order for your boy though. I'm ordering from partycity.com but i'm closing order tonight.

I may collect partial payment from you for the order first. (to lennie too)

Pm me your order by tonight. I saw other spreeist said it take 3-4 weeks to arrive. I also first time order from them.

Also pm me your contact number.

Shipping cost will be spilt among items ordered + cost of items will be based on my credit card charges. Prefer self collection in suntec area or from my home in simei/in laws place.

Order cap at 200usd

Claudia >> haha I oso have been giving puree from the jar...me lazy. Anyhow, I decided to make him fresh carrot puree today but he eat until fell asleep. Dunno whether too tired or dun like my carrot puree. Then the moment you take him out of the high chair..wah suddenly wake up redy and want to play..so funny leh..lol

ViVi >> You blend the white rice into powder? then how do you prepare it? Just add liquid or must put on the stove to boil?

pris - i read that powdered rice (uncook) need to cook with boiling water. Cant just add liquid else BB will have indigestion.

headache!! Can mummies share your bb's feeding schedule?

My gal loves eating cereal/ puree/ porridge which results in less milk intake cuz she is too full to drink. And i understand that milk is still bb's main source of nutrients, i don't wish to skip any milk feeds, but then must give her solid too.. how how?

Started her on solids for almost 1 month.

Now i decided to give her milk first then solids, so that she won't skip her milk feeds.

Here's her schedule after adjustment:

7am - Wake up and Milk

830am - Breakfast (Cereal + Fruit puree)

930am - Nap

1130am - Milk

1pm - Porridge with vege/fish

130pm - Nap

4pm - Milk

Power Nap if necessary

6pm - Fruit Puree

(Used to feed porridge here too but end up she will skip her 8pm milk feed, how? T_T )

8pm - Milk and Sleep

12pm - Dreamfeed

This is the schedule which only happen when he is home with me the whole day.

6am to 7am - Wake up and 210ml of Milk

930am - Nap

1130am - Wake up, drink abit of plain water and bathe

12noon - Porridge with vege/fish

130pm - Nap

4pm - Fruit Puree

5pm - Wipe down

5.30pm - 210ml of milk

6.30pm to 7pm - Porridge with vege/Fish

8.30pm to 9.30pm - Sleep (sometime might want milk before sleeping.)

10.30pm - Dreamfeed (If drink milk at 9.30pm then DF is at 11.30pm to 12midnight.)

Hi Eliss,

So paiseh think I won't join in the order liao cos the collection venue not v convenient for me. Thank you v much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babybee: I am going to the little gym on 5 March at Forum, hubby going too. You going on that date too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shann: I am also feeding my bb milk first than the solids. He is still taking alot of milk. He just hit 7 mths old yesterday. But going to start him on porridge soon..

Pris: Haha! So cute your bb! If got video it would be so funny!

claudia - Sun little gym at Marina, what time must reach there? Should I be expecting a call from them?


My bb feeding schedule below.. (all abt 3 - 4 hrs interval)

1-2 snack feed small portion of (puree) in the early/late afternoon.

milk intake 100-140ml

1) 7-8am - milk feed

2) 10-11am - cereal or porridge

3) 1-2pm - milk feed

4) 4-5pm - cereal or porridge

5) 7-8pm - milk feed

6) 10pm-12am milk feed... depend normally dream feed abt 11pm-12am

Morning mummies , any mummies observe a difference in Bb ' s poo poo after Bb ate banana ? Bb R had banana yesterday n her poo poo today is pale yellow with some dark brown curly streaks in it . Have never see this before . I feed her those small bananas


Girls, i still have stock for Boots Milkbag, if any of you want, I can sell you at SGD 9 per box excluding postage. Self collect prefered in suntec/simei area.


Update on potluck

Date - 27 Feb, Sunday

Time - 1400hrs to 1700hrs

Venue - Pris' place at Sentosa


Names / Food List

1) Pris (host) - pizza & mat

2) Eliss & HB - fruits

3) suntan

4) suika

5) Jaclyn + Raq + baby G

6) Jasline + Hubby + Baby J

7) bbbliss + HB + baby

8) geri and hb and bb => potato salad

9) vivi, hb, bb and #1

10)phy, hb, #1 and baby

11)babycoco, hb, bb

12)Chelz, hb, bb, maid => Soft Drink + disposable cups

13) Junie, HB & bb Isaias => McDonald's McNuggets.

14) DQ => 933 golden pillow

15) Lynn, Hb & Enzo => Shepherd's pie

16) Nicole

17) Hershey, hb, #1 & bb galen => playmat

18) Michelle , my parents & bb.

19) ICA, hubby/my mom + baby - Marcaroons

20) Janice >> fishballs


piggy - u mean partycity.com...yes i placed my order already. u got lots? I have few mummies may want to tumbang so i will help you all to order lo

Ann/ Yvonne: How much cereal/porridge are you feeding your bb now?


Is it okay to intro Spinach to bb now at 7mths? Cos some website say to intro at 10mths.

Good morning ladies.

So tired.. last night make the puree until very late. But if I don't do it last night, when Kayden's back home tonight, I cannot make liao.

I realise Nectarines do turn a little brown despite boiling it. Peaches won't lei. But as usual.. it turn into shake form more than puree form. Haha!!

Jonas: I make quite abit of nectarine puree.. you wan to give Javion try? I can bring over on Saturday. Or you wanna come over with Javion also can but my dogs are running ard.

charliebrown: Cereal, I will give Kayden 4tbsp of cereal powder and add milk in. It will make a small bowl ba. For porridge, Kayden can eat up to 1 and half small bowl or 2 small bowls.

I don't dare to give spinach cause website say only give at 10mths.. so I decided to wait. The only greens Kayden is having now is green peas.

Little Gym Class: I am going to make payment for the new term this weekend to grasp the discount. Any one signing up? I will sign for Sat class at the Forum Shopping Mall.

Little Gym Class

Ladies, have made bookings for u all as below. Gym personnel will call u all the day b4 as a reminder. Arrive 10mins before. Have fun!

20th Feb Sun 4.35pm @ Marina Sq

Eliss, Geri and Claudia

5th Mar Sat 3.20pm @ Forum

Jann and Constance

p/s: Thanks eliss for the formatting tips! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ann: For peach puree, do u use the white flesh or orange flesh ones? Planning to try this weekend and saw only white flesh ones at cold storage. Does peach puree store well?

