(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

jo lyn

i was tinking abt facial but then the facial salon said if preggers facial cant utilise machine (maybe due to vibration or frequency waves or watever) so i may go for those without machines type facials .. .. i tink Clarins hve tat but still shopping ard for where else got stg similar but not too $ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] .. .. .. i am also scouting for prenatal massages alrdy! tee hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Hael,

Thats fast!! Ur #1 too? Heehee. I still ve facial package so i guess gotta wait till 3mths later then go.

Right now I have not do any shopping or research. Is only resting & resting at home. Haiz.. Hope faster 3 mths!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jo - i also have facial package but nowadays nv go just resting at home.

Hael - u r real fast, now i am just taking one step at a time, same as Jo.

Hi C (etoupe), me too... Haiz.. damn poor thing..

So what food u taking? Do you specially eat any food or just eat whatever you crave for?

Hi all mtb!

I am just tested positive too! Will have my appt with gynea 2 weeks later... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all,

third time testing kekeke this round requested by HB to go GP and confirm.

Got two lines! Doctor say should be around 5.5 weeks lo


burping non stop

dry lips

bloated tummy

felt dizzy when suddenly stand up

at times easily hungry at times no appetite

drinking a lot of water

pee a number of times

got pimple breakout :S

Astro Gal: Ya I am current with Dr LC Cheng. I haven scan yet cos when I discover was only 4weeks. Doc say shldnt be able to see anything. Will be going this Fri. By then 5weeks+ so hopefully able to see.


My symtoms:

bloated tummy

easily hungry

pee non stop

pimple breakouts

Other than that notthing much, but I can feel my appetite going off liao. Haiz.. No craving for anything but keep hungry..

The doctor said the age of the fetus starts from the first day of your last menses... cant find logic to it... anyway that's what he said...

will be going for a follow up check up for my fibroids next Tue, so hopefully can see something thru the pelvic u/s .

Congrats Ecym!! i have frequent toilet runs too..

Jo lyn - u must be looking forward to fri liao..should be able to see something by then le

Ecym: Yaya i also dont understand y is calculated this way. So who is ur gynae?

Astro gal: yaya super look forward. Hope everything is fun! Who is ur gynae too?

hi Jo,

haven choose gynae yet, but i went to the KKH wellness program in Jun so would probably stay with private suite.

anyone got recommendation in terms of gyane from KKH?

ecym: i not very sure abt KKH. maybe can read up fr forum to check out more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how many of you are first time mum cuz I am, so would need a lot advices from the second time mummy...

Jo - basically i eat anything except raw food, runny egg yolk and no 'cooling' food. But today I have a terrible craving for bittergourd (yes, i know it is a weird craving) and just ate it and now i felt extremely guilty coz bittergourd is very 'liang'.

oops, I just had bittergourd yesterday too...

i know sashimi cant eat... what else? pineapple and green beans?

ecym: I also 1st time mummy. Hee... If u are those very liang person in the first place den try to avoid. If not i guess little amt of everything shld be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

C (etoupe): doc also dun allow me eat raw food n chinese herbs for now.. I think when u crave for something sinful, jus eat abit.. hahaha....

ecym , from what pple tell me these are things i avoid just to be safe:

bittegourd, kang kong, vinegar, green bean, pineapple, watermelon, limit deep sea fish with high mecury content (e.g. sardine, salmon), rawstuff, shellfish and clams (including oyster), runny eggyolk or any other food items that are not 100% cooked.

the rest i just eat.

Jo lyn, My gynea is Dr Adrain from CCK TMC.

ecym - avoid pineapples and raw food..oh not to forget not too much of caffine (coffee, tea) intake..

Hi girls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 2nd time mommy here. Abt 5 wks pregnant! Seeing Dr. Lawrence Ang for TMC.

C (etoupe): Hahaha.. Naughty naughty ah.. Think u better consult ur gynae bah..

Fau: COngrats to u!! Seems like alot at TMC..

Wow! so many jul mtbs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me also 2nd time mommy. my eldest daughter is born in feb 08.

so far, i don't have those usual symptoms.. but i have a weird symptom: Diarrhea.. happened to me during my first pregnancy too.. but it goes away after a few days.

ann, think our due date may be quite close since my last menses start date is 8 oct. haven't seen a gynae yet, likely seeing Dr Yang next Fri. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ecym.

Congrates. You also have fibriods too? Me too. hopefully it won't affect the growth of my baby. But my colleague say dun worry so much.. think positive then everything would come out fine.

Hi Pat.

Woah.. so close. You have diarrhea? Me too. I was wondering why i have tummy upset or soft watery stool. Shouldn't pregnant lady have constipation instead? Hehe!!

Seems like quite a number of us are 1st time mummies. So far, no elderly had asked me not to eat anything. Actually I also not sure what to do next except wait till 21st Nov for my gynae appt. Today is a not so good day.. keep being nauseous.

A personal question here.. do you all keep having a wet feeling down there. I seem to have slightly more clear liquid discharge than normal and had to wear a panty liner to avoid staining my panty. Is it normal?

Ann, so probably diarrhea is not an uncommon symptom afterall, just that nobody says? hee.. :p

no leh, no wet feeling. no nauseous feeling too. hopefully it'll be this way. my first one also no morning sickness, no cravings etc.. just diarrhea for a few days.. :p

Pat & Ann - my last mensus is abt the same as both of u too...keke

Ann - its normal to have more discharge during pregnancy

haha.. so should be mid july? according to online calculator, mine is 15 jul. haven't seen a gynae yet to confirm. (too early, save some $$$) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Ann,

yeah I got huge fibriods last year and got them remove thru myomectomy. Then when i went for a health check up in Jun, they scanned a 0.3mm fibriods started to grow in the uterus, so sad... so next week hopefully with the pregnancy, it will shrink back...

By the way, i come across this website got promotion, dun noe if its too early to even consider :p for your info okie...


Oh.. so my EDD also around that date lo. I only know about mid july but not sure when exactly. Haha!!

Astro_Gal: Oh..ok. but feel abit uncomfortable cause wet wet feeling. Hehe!!

I had not been exercising for a long time.. so thinking of going for a swim regularly. And maybe take some prenatal yoga when I am more into the pregnancy. Anyone going to start exercising? Hehe!!

Wah u ppl start to plan so much!! hahaa... I hope to go for yoga also but they say gotta wait till later part right? Now is too early...

Hi Ann, I guess is normal to be wet down there lah.. If it still worry you den check wif ur gynae the next trip.

Pat: same as me, first one no MS at all. slight giddyness, but i dont remember vomitting. i actually enjoyed the whole pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup! Me too! Enjoyed the whole pregnancy thoroughly! Especially, as we wanted so much to hv a child then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] such a blessing & joy.

Ann, Ecym - i too have fibroid, it is a recurring thing but ever since i found tt im preg i could not find it anymore but found a UFO inside..my gynae is not sure if it is a fibroid..we think not..it looks like some kind of fluid.

wah u all so hardworking! me too lazy to exercise. Now I am actually enjoying making everyone 'work' for me..my mum to cook for me and my hubby to do laundry and clean the house.

Wow C,

So fast you become the Queen of the house liaoz...

Have you all told your parents about your pregnancy? HB and I have not, cuz have two impending overseas trips, scare got grounded :p

Jo - eh coz i was having spotting 2 weeks ago so i tell my hb he has to help.

ecym - i only told my parents coz i need proper dinner and was too tired (or lazy) to DIY now. havent told my ILs until i can survive the first trimester.

u r going to travel during your first tri?? i was planning to cancel my wkend getaway and forfeit my hotel reservation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ecym: u still going overseas ah.. Take great care ah!!! Ya me n HB already told our parents liao.. Heheee...

yep will take it easy... i think should be quite fine cuz i was away in mid oct 09 as well. the next one is in end Nov, if the symptons are not getting worse than now, I think I still can tahan. anyways Hb will be with me.

The other one is in Jan, the fetus will be almost going on to 2nd trimester.

By the way, I do exercises quite frequently. Just 3 days ago, I was still doing kick-boxing :p I believe in knowing your own body?! kekeke


no difference i notice but then i can be blur as sotong so dont quote me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i m tinking Mary Rauff or LC Cheng but then the latter duno if package is expensive or not


how do u find Doc Cheng? did u signup package oredi or just individual visits first?


actually i hve been quite active normally so i may just tone down a bit but still keep up exercise. fr my readings .. no sprinting or strenuous exercise i tink shld be ok ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah - i tink we know our bodies best lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

on telling parents or announcing

pantang a bit - may only annouce after see gynae or after 1st trimester, whichever earlier .. just in case [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We hv also booked air tix, hotel etc for Hong kong for end of this month and going Taiwan end Jan... Haha.. All these before my daughter turns 2 (pay 10% only).. Should be ok..

ecym - wow kickboxing! u gungho. yes i think the Jan trip is not a problem. as long as u feel up to it I think air travel is fine. Just take good care of yourself.

Hael - Mary Rauf is very experienced. many of my frens are seeing her. I am sure you are in great hands.

Pat - u are also goin on 2 trips? must be real fun!

Hi all ladies! I'm also new here. 1st time preggy here and like all 1st-time mummies, I'm very nervous and not really know what to expect. Hope we can all give each other emotional and moral support!

Some info to share with all MTBs:

My mum had told me not to eat specifically, cuttlefish, grass jelly and those long green bananas. She said if you eat these, next time baby might have epilepsy or "jing feng". So it's not so much about the mother, but the baby. So take care mothers!


Hi gals!

1st time mummy here. Into my 5th week now. Just went to the gynae yesterday and we could hear the baby's heartbeat..it was awesome!!!

