(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Jo_Lyn -- are u the one who admitted arnd midnight?

how come i e csect--- bb is dilating slowly.. 16 hours bed ridden, no food and drinks, no epi.. we kept on trying.. but didnt wanna stress baby.. so after 16 hours, we decided on csect GA.. hm.. both of us wanted to wait cause we know that bb will come out naturally.. but also cannot be selfish.. we just wan to materialize this and have a healthy bb lor.. so i went for it... thou wound is super pain.. but when i see baby... all pain gone liao.. lol

heres another pic of celeste..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4163406.jpg]


What a sweetie pie she is! You made the right decision, nothing beats a healthy baby born safely [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My Edd 13 July... but since this is second one, should be earlier ... Gynae said anytime already... so just.... WAIT lor.. haha

wow, seems like a v busy weekend for everyone! Congrats all mummies who have popped so far!!! Rest well and enjoy ur baby!

the rest of us....lets press on and jia you together...our turn is coming soon!

Hi Mummy & MTB,

i am organising a Bulk Purchase for the Medela Swing @SGD210.

Who interested pls PM me by today .

Stock will arrive 2 weeks time.



Hello Mummies!

Wow so many mummies hv their baby in their arms already.. so sweet... for d rest of us still a waiting game...

anyways those of u who's experiencing sore nipple, i suggest u ask ur hubby to buy the Nipple Protector from Avent for BF. Because my sil says its good n will ease the soreness abit.

aisha: i have very sore nipples now. ouch!!

I am wondering when i will be able to produce milk. Baby did suck but only seem to have white thick stuff coming out. Now he being put under the photolight for jaundice cos he has little bit of it. So my PD put him in just in case.

But dunno why BB keep crying and the nurse keep bringing him to me for feeding. Nipple so sore already. Had to ask them to give water sometime. Trying not to be upset by my milk production. Hai. Hubby say BB dun like the light and not becos hungry. Actually i think so too.


if u r reading this. ur firstmilk is called colostrum. it is what they call liquid gold. impt bb suckle some of ur colostrum. also, ur milk shd kick in betwen 3-7days and this is also a time when ur bb has enough reserve in the tummy so bb is not super hungry actually.

many of u r getting sore nipples bcos ur latch is not correct. quickly get the lactation consultatnt to watch u latch bb cos when u get home u r on ur own and latching problem will occur again.

get ur hubby to buy nipple cream for u. i recommend this hydrogel pad, which i had used before. but most impt, get latch right and if u see any milk leaking apply to ur nipples and air dry ur breast.

dun give up! it's just been days but dun be too upset. try giving partial bm and fm to bb. start pumping if u need to.

hang in there!


u can ask your hubby to run to any departmental store and buy the nipple protector, put over your nipple and breastfeed as normal.. dnt knw how effective it is lah.. hehe but the protector have two sizes, so make sure your hubby knows which one to buy for u.. hehe

Over just 1 weekend, i saw so many mummies popping! Congrats and happy bonding with your bb! So excited..

My Edd is so near but yet so far, went for my gynae appt on sat (week 38,1 day) and my cervix is still closed though soft.. Cant wait.. am getting anxious!


Ya man. Me just reached 36th week today. Another 4 more weeks. If cant wait, walk more and do more squats. Heard that it helps in the dilation.

Sun tan: Been squating alot coz my current home is the old kinda toilet, squatting type.. Haahha.. I guess I just have to wait.

Starting my ML tomorrow! Yeah!

congrats to all mummies who popped over the weekend, rest well!!

to all mummies who brought the medela freestyle: how are we suppose to sterilse the parts? boil the pump kit in boiling water for 10 mins? do we need to sterilse after every pump? also do we need to sterilse the tubing? from what I understand, the tubing does not come into contact with BM. when water is not available, we can use the quick clean wipes to wipe the pump kit right?

sorry for all the qns, just hope to clarify my doubts TIAs

Geri: i am planning to boil the parts to sterlise according to the bk. the tubing as per bk just run through water will do & yes use the quick clean wipes to clean the parts if u dun wan to boil.

i am kkh labour ward for ctg monintoring. regular contraction. civic not dilate yet. bb only week 36, so gynae gave me 10am & 6pm injection for bb lung expend..

4am admit till now still monintoring ... sian..

is anyone buying rocking chair for baby? which brand is good? say if i want to bring baby to the living room, just put bb on mattress? or put on chair better?

Hi Serene your baby is so sweet!

I also went for C-sect GA. Juz had my catheter removed today. Took my first walk to the toilet and had my first pee. Surprising.. it wasnt pain at all! Removal of catheter wasnt pain and my first pee was as per normal, contrary to what I heard from others. Wound should be recovering alright coz I was already walking around today. Has been latching baby every 3 hours or so.. she is like perpetually hungry and I wondered if I have any colostrum! coz when the nurse squeeze my nipples..nothing come out! I feel so heartache ans scared she will be dehydrated or hungry leh.. think i'll prob supplement with some formula if she's still crying tomo.

Congrats to all those mtb who has popped and advance congrats to those who are popping soon!

babycoco : how re you?

AK -- ya, catheter and peeing not pain.. i started walking ytd liao.. all the nurses tell me to sit.. but i say i kena confine on the bed for 16 hours before delivery.. i need to walk...!! haha.. am now on pain killer pills whenever i am in pain lor.. ytd when i finish my csect, dr ang came to find me and tell me that first day of csect is the most torturing one cause of the pain... its quite true actually.. right now, i feel much much better than ytd and i can clean myself up and wear my long pants without being in slow motion.. hahaha

my baby is feeding on demand (nurses say so) in the night because nurses say want patients to rest.. then morning - afternoon, latch 3 hourly. but hor... i will ask for bb every hour or 2 like tat.. she suckles a lot and can hear the loud swallowing.. now that she gets the hang of latching properly, she became a lot more secure and confident while i feel a lot easier feeding her...

oh ya, ytd nurse tell me that if my bb dun pee hor, they have to feed her water.. i think my bb heard it.. and she started a good and strong latch since then.. and when i checked with nurses today, she pee and poo!! haha.. no need water...

she latches 15 mins on left and right (so i can stimulate both side for milk to kick in).. then i will jus latch her again on any of the sides for as long as she can..

r u using football method? it helps a lot with the wound lei...

u dun kan cheong, if not u will tense up.. u try use a hot towel to massage ur breast before feeding? for me, i will be worried if my milk is emptied or not.. so i will press on my nipples to check and also use a bit of self compression to keep her awake..

Shann -- rocker chair with those netted hole is ok..

CT -- jia you ok... dun panic if its not today.. just relax, it will help u to dilate.. this stage is very tiring one.. cause its all about waiting and waiting... make urself comfy.. and relax..

morn mommies


happy birthday and yes, i still owe u moola!


ur bb has enough reserve for 3-5 days so dun worry. mother nature has it's way of compensating and preparing our bubs as infants so keep latching and trying.

also, can i ask dun give bb too much water bcos there is such a thing as too much water for bb causing water intoxication... if ur bb is on full bm/fm, no need to give too much water. bb will not b de-hydrtaed...


rocking chair all depends on what u want. ur bb may not need it at all. keep it as a shopping list after ur first month. i bought a bb swing and now is white elephant at home. i realised i can sooth a crying infant more by holding her in my arms... tired but it's cheap n effective!

jelly>> thx!!!!

tdy's my bday as well as my WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!!


hope bb wun appear tdy... dun come n kajiao my celebration w my husby~


aiya.. no worries abt the moola~

im sure we'll meet up soon!

to the mummies who've popped>>>

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! take care!!!!


happy birthday and enjoy!


wow! your BM has kicked in oredi? Celeste looks so sweet. the 1st pic she was scrunching her eyes - becoz it was too bright? the 2nd pic, she looked so peaceful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


relax and just rest for the time being. just keep calm. am sure it will be ok

wow so excited...so mani mummies popping..for me anytime soon..am getting excited too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


well still waiting for signs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hb very kan jiong, always ask me if im going to deliver anot. then cannot even sleep well. for me, i sleep like a pig

i think bb will come out either this week or next week .

hw abt u?


hahaha! you're so relaxed. yah, better that way, then your childbirth will be peaceful and calm

me will be 37wks this Wed, so i told baby that she can come out any time after Wed. over the weekend, felt her head moving even lower, really felt the drop


hahaha! at one stage i was scared too - not on the contractions but more on the episiotomy. but now i'm quite open to anything. i've been reading Supernatural Childbirth, so am believing for a painless delivery and to approach childbirth without fear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

episiotomy- i checked with Dr Chia last week on whether she did for me for my prev preg.

she said most of the time she do cut. but anyway, i dun feel anything when cutting. only feel a bit when stitching up.

for this preg , she said most likely no need to do it as now flexible liao.

Still not out yet bb. only 3cm dilate.

Now bb 36week+1day, gynae is pro natural.

No induced done. Just waiting for normal contraction. Will use epidural once 5cm.

Check in Sunday 3am, contraction was 15 minutes apart dilate 1cm only. Till now only dilate 3cm.The real game should be 5mins regular interval thats wat the mid wife says, so mummies take not ok.

Gnayne did a scan sayss bb is 2.7kg, than i showed her my jb scan 35week+1day bb is 3kg.

Than gynae says maybe will be above 2.7kg so ok to deliver. If waited till 40 weeks, bb will be too big to be deliver.

Morn ica, vivi and all mummies..

had a scare on tue n wed..tot i was going to deliver in 36wks..got check into the delivery suite at Mt A and warded for 2 nites..contractions was normal but coming in at abt 3mins once..doc check n found 1cm dilated but having brown stains with mucus plug still intect..

next day doc check again, still having contractions but getting mild n nt as close..doc ask if i wanna break the waterbag n give birth..i replied a big NO and he discharged mi home..phew..finally can go back n rest..didn't even slep properly in the hospital as they keep puting the CTG machine on bb to monitor him. Making him so fed-up tt he kick until the machine until system error for a few times..(=.=!!)

today finally start my VL then follows by my ML aready. Dr. Ho says shall wait for natural waterbag burst..but i feel like leting him out this weekend or next week..he keep pushing his head dwnwards by kicking on my ribs n lungs..


last wk when Dr Chia told me what to expect for labour, after birth, she oredi told me that whether she'll do an episiotomy is up to her to decide. okie lor

frens have been telling me that after all the pushing, we'll be "numb" from the pain, so when gynae cut and stitch, won't feel much. with epi, lagi won't feel the pain

hiya, lasery.

that was a close call. just rest and relax, and let nature takes it course. baby will come out when ready [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

these days i feel more hiccups - like my baby is getting ready by pratising on her breathing

i also kinda worried on the cuting mi up part..will inform gyane to numb me first if he really wanna cut mi..tt time had a bike accident and the nurse put local GA on my knee cap skin for stitches but ended up i still can feel the needle poking thru in n out with super pain..


oic.. she didnt tell me what to expect for labour keke maybe she think i got experience. but in fact i dun have.

when i was preg with #1 she did tell me that between 34-36 weeks, cannot deliver and said if got symptoms, she has to supress it. now with #2 she didnt mentioned anything .

i didnt use epi for #1 so i can feel the stitching only.

ica: hahaha..mine too, can feel him popping popping n popping upside dwn during hiccups..kinda cute sometimes..

DH yesterday frown n ask..wat is he doing inside..is he ok? ...then i replied n say hiccups loh..

recently my boy had been kicking so hard tt i can really heard the liquid "zhi zhi" sound from outside..DH don't believe it until yesterday he heard it himself...his eyes open so big n start to poke bb with his fingers..


vivi, i was dischared on thur mon..went in at about 1am on tue morn while i was still at home watching "Gong Xing ji" half way..

started off with a few BH at about 10pm plus like tt..tot it was normal then con't to watch my show..after 30mins of the show..found something nt very right as can feel the BH getting kinda uncomfortable as the interval was close..but still hack care coz i wanna finish the show, i started to time the interval of each BH n was like Ooo almost 7-8mins once leh..

still hack care n finish another eps of the show online then finally told DH abt the contractions..DH ask if wanna go hospital n check it out..but i still like hack care n told DH, let's time for another 30mins to confirm ok..ended up i finished 2 and a half eps of show before i finally got up n go Mt A to check it out...hahaha

