(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi all,

Congrats to all who popped already.. Enjoy the moments of joy for which we are waiting for the past 9 months..

Do anyone have exp with Parkway east hospital? What all will they give and what all we should take?




steady la.

my friend lun n lun in the end, she used 32 mins to deliver her bb. if she lun further more think she gonna give birth in the car liao.

i intend to watch gong xin ji during the confinement period [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vivi: i was so engross in the show until i totally 4got to tell DH loh..until bb give a super hard kick then i realise tum tum still in the mist of contraction n feeling tight..

actually didn't lun also...just didn't pain at all..only feel the breathing quicken n blood pump faster when it contracts in. maybe too much BH until numb liao..hahaha

i watching the cantonese version online at china website..now they showing at TVB i think..chinese version..nt very nice leh..think bb learn how to speak cantonese inside liao after so many eps of gong xin ji..lolz


wah! no epi. i also want that. hehehe. ya lah, she most prob thinks that since it's your #2, you're an experienced mommy oredi


can hear the amniotic fluid? so cute! mine i can only imagine they're "hic hic" and they can last a long time

come to think of it, i also had very uncomfortable BH last Fri nite, lasted i think 3 hours, on off but i never monitor. no discharge, bloody show, nothing, so i just let them be since gynae says the more practice contractions the better


Haa, your boy so cute. Kick until system error..lol

Ya man, so many mommies popped le. Almost a quarter of our total list?

ica: the senior nurses told mi if the BH kicks in at about 1-2mins interval need to admit liao.. another case is waterbag burst..if nt can stay home n pratice breathing excerise.

ya...really can hear him kick until the amniotic fluid can be heard from outside..always calling him the naughty boy nowadays..even DH sometimes also nag at him kick until the whole kneecap came popping out infront n can feel the round round shape of the bone..

his hicups lasted only like 1min or so only..then will auto stop le..

my weight had been dropping like nobody business even though i eat n eat n eat n snack n snack n snack..admission to MT. A was 59.7..then last fri went to gyane there weight become 58.0..

DH n the clinic nurses was like..huh weight drop again...u gt eat or not..


i read that when weight starts dropping, it's a sign that labour will be soon coz the amniotic fluid will be decreasing, and dunno what else lah. so you monitor lor. so yours were real contractions with cervix dilated? coz my cervix has softened but not dilated yet - that was last week

when to check into hospital - this was what my gynae told me, either one to happen:-

1) bloody show + contractions 5 mins apart

2) contractions 5 mins apart

3) water bag burst

if just bloody show (mucus that is blood tinged, not bright red) still ok provided no contractions at 5mins apart.

that day at gynae's clinic i had BH, so she told me those were practice contractions. real ones are more intense and painful, so i have an idea what real contractions will be like, i think. hahaha!

Hello Mummies,

My baby Ravienna (pronounced as Raveena) has arrived on 23rd June, weighing 2.735kgs and length 45cm. Hi Eliss, please update for me. Thanks dear.

Congratulations to all the mummies who popped.

Serene, baby Celeste looks soooo cuddly.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4166078.jpg]

sun_tan: not once but a few times..he give a hard kick then shift awy from the CTG thingy..then the system start to have the alarm unable to detect the heart beat..

the nurses came in the first time n say it's alrite, sometimes bb will shift awy coz uncomfortable..

then finish the first test liao another CTG came 4 hrs ltr..every 4 hrs gotta monitor him..then he kick again n the nurses say he cheeky..then 3rd time..ended up with a naughty boy...hahaha

told the nurses aready, he is hard to deal with..

ica: ya..sort of..coz now can feel the whole tummy like fill with bb instead of amniotic fluid le...hopfully he gt enough to eat inside but don't eat too much lah..ltr come out fat fat..instead of NB need to wear 3-6mths clothes..

but also gd tt he is consuming some of my fats..selfish mama wanna slim bk fast fast..=P


ya, i also hope my baby won't be some super sponge again. same here - skali wear NB clothes only for a very short while, then have to wear bigger sizes oredi. hahaha


congrats! your baby is pointing her finger oredi! and she's so alert, so much hair!

Finally we hear from you Jayamum!

Ravienna looks so cute with very sharp features and lotsa hair! Happy bonding with your new arrival! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Looking at the list, seems like first batch of mummies already popped!! Now second batch's turn!! Haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, please update for me something, decided to change my boy's name to Rayden instead of Ryder. After my brother's passing, decided to change his name..

Thanks ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me keep getting crammy feeling...BH quite painful.. really hope to give birth this week. I choose 3rd July.. hee, hope the boy complies and quai quai come out this week.

Regarding episiotomy, my gynae doesn't cut, if tear she says just let it tear naturally (shudders) and will it will heal faster. I got ready the rubber ring liao just in case downunder super painful after that.

Phy - your Gynae said if tear naturally will heal faster?? Tat's the first time i heard leh.... :S

Ya lor that's what happened to me and what she told me during first pregnancy. Think tear quite badly coz #1's head is rather big and I'm not big build. Anyway, I trust her professional judgement lah. Haha, must trust right? Totally helpless during delivery!

Ya lor that's what happened to me and what she told me during first pregnancy. Think tear quite badly coz #1's head is rather big and I'm not big build. Anyway, I trust her professional judgement lah. Haha, must trust right? Totally helpless during delivery!

Hi mummies,

Im selling customised and personalised handmade products like beansprout pillow, taggies blanket,customised stuff toy and more other items suited from newborn even till pre-schoolers

we are also having a free giveaway handmade hairbow, so you can visit our site for more information :)


Hi mummies, just wanna let all of you know Amelie was born on 26th June, 3.29kgs 50cm. I'm still not producing colostrum so it's very heartbreaking when she cries cos very hungry. Lactation nurse said not advisable to give fm so I'm in a dilemma. Don't even know if I can breastfeed. Poor Amelie.

hi mummies

wow so many popped over the weekend!! hee good luck to the '2nd batch' of mummies. Jiayou!! baby coming out v soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just got home, very tired. breasts swollen and milk is kicking in, though not really enough to feed baby still. So rem to ask for some FM to supplement baby when you are discharged just in case coz it can take 3-5 days for milk to kick in.

All the best. going to express now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats again to all mummies who just popped!

Jayamum, ur baby is so gorgeous! And looking at camera, some more!

Wa, we're already hearing stories of how tough bf is. But jia you, mummies!!

More pics of babies coming up, I suppose!


Its ok, did the nurse feed her glucose water? Previously my sis also opt for glucose water intstead of FM when she was in the hospital.

Jayamum -- thanks! ur girl looks very alert.. celeste only will open eyes when we off the lights or when shes hungry.. keke...

my 2nd exp -- staying in TMC, i never use any pump cause missy will keep asking us to latch bb to allow milk flow. they will be here to teach us but u have to let them know its ur first time. and.. please do not listen to only 1 nurse hor.. i met one who jus let me try once n jus say "bb not interested" then take bb away.. another one whom asked me why i latch bb for so long when shes jus getting colostrum (which is rubbish)... then when i speak to other nurses, all say bb and me doing a good job to latch bb more often.. and now bb and i have a bond and we trust each other some how.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bring more clothes jus in case... my hubby went back home to get more clothes... bring own toothbrush cause the toothbrush here is super soft.. haha

Congrats again to those who popped.

I thought only if water bag burst then go see doc? I dunno how to identify contraction... nowadays my bb movement getting lesser.. weird..

I finish watching 'gong xin ji' very nice show. Gonna catch eclipse soon! heh!

Congrats to all moms that popped within this 2 days! Just visit my gynae... Will be induce this sat if there isn't any happening within these few days... Keeping fingers cross that everything goes smooth...

contractions -- when i was in the delivery ward having contractions, dr ang tell me that.. thats the contraction we are taking abt when u are gg to deliver..

ok.. heres the pain.. very regular.. meaning.. pain for maybe 30sec then nothing for 15 mins.. then pain again. and when u are in pain, it means in that 30secs.. all u can do it jus to focus on the pain and nothing else can distract u.. once its gone, u can cont to do ur things. but when it comes back... u will naturally pause EVERYTHING..

i hope that helps...

oh ya! remember to bring nipple cream to stand by ok..

keropi, u dilated already? i am also waiting and already at 39 weeks!

If induced there is a risk for emergency c-sect is it? I am thinking if gynae ask me to induce, shld i just opt for c-sect instead.

Hi All mummies,

care to add me to the list? I'm also July mummy. Been reading this forum. But din join in the chat *shy*

Mummy Name: Rachel Zhang

Gynae: Dr Douglas Ong

Hospital: MAH

EDD: 24th July

Bb name: Skyler

bb gender: Boy

1st child.


Congrats to those mummies who popped. *envy*

hi mummies,

my baby girl Aleia has arrived via c-sect on 26th Jul [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my birth story to share:

wed went to gynae cos bb movement decreased. gynae found me 2cm dilated and having mild contractions but my naughty girl turned head up (she was head down at 34 weeks).

gynae prescribed medication to stop contractions, and gave me one more week to see if bb will turn don again. fri night felt very bad backache and tummy felt very tight, did not feel any clear contractions cos backache simply too bad and tummy just felt super tight and uncomfortable. decided to wait till sat morning then go see gynae cos go parent-teacher meeting for my #1 childcare..

sat morning went to parent-teacher meeting and then gynae. gynae checked, i'm further dilated, still contracting and bb still head up. was told had to do c-sect in the afternoon. hurried back home for shower, fed my girl, and checked into tmc. by the time i checked into tmc, contractions was 3mins apart. i kept hoping waterbag won't break before the surgery. and then delivered via c-sect at 330pm. scary experience and disappointed cos i wanted a natural delivery like my #1. hopefully i can be discharged tomorrow, my #1 is so insecure cos she 'left' me in the hospital..

now engorgement super painful.. plus sore nipples, wonder if i should try expressing to relieve my sore nipples..

Mummies i had not delivered my son yet . Cervic still at 3cm. Request gynae that i want to go home. No fun in delivery ward for almost 2 days. Hearing next door mummies in labour and hearing their bb crying just make me feel soooooo sad.

Tomorrow i will be seeing my gynae since BB will be only at 36Weeks + 2 days only and Gynae does not want to induced me yet. She is sooooo pro natural and she says i must learnt motherhood pain of contraction or BH than i wll love my 3rd child more than ever ... (like i never give birth before)

I hope i can keep my bb till next week as he will be week 37 by than, and who knows my cervic will dilate more next week.

Now enjoy the BB party in the tummy ..

Hi mommies, congrats to those that have popped!

Went to see my gynae today, did ctg and baby heartbeat was fine. Even though already 2-3cm dilated, gynae says shes in no hurry since all the health tests i passed. She gave me a choice if i want to induce or not, cos since im already dilated it wont be so long and tiring. However, after discussion with my hubby, still feel its better to let baby come out when he wants to.

Gynae says once hit EDD if havent come out, she will still ask us to induce. So I think during my nx check up (39 weeks), she will do another ctg and VE. If by then baby haven come out and im still dilated, i will get her to induce. Which means if baby doesn't come out on his own, then i will induce him out on the 6th of July :]

HI mommies!!!!

congrats on the newborn prince n princess...i'm a first time mummy...kinda scare and nervous.currently at 37 weeks.bb gal head is engaged..this fri will be gng for checkup...every night i cant slp as i get very nervous..any kicks or movement my gal makes i wake up..been reading all those posts i realise every1 is very strong...think im too tense up already....cant wait for my gal to arrive...

My edd: 18-july

Dr S M Chua

HOspital: TMC

Wish every mommies speeddy recovery!!!! cheers..

oh ya silly me.. popped on 26 June [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

serene, yups me in tmc now, ward 627A. you also at tmc now? awoken by painful engorgement, now applying cold cabbage leaves. wonder why baby didn't come for her feed, it's 4 hours plus already since her last latch-on.

didn't know abt so many of the 'services' the nurses can provide, the last time i stayed in tmc for my #1 me and my hubby were pretty much left alone, the nurses didn't tell us we could get help from parentcraft nurses, they can help sterilise our stuff, that there were cold cabbage leaves available etc. i stayed in a single bedder last time, end up me and hubby think this time stay in 2-bedder (free upgrade) we actually got better service [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to all mummies who've popped! Enjoy your dear ones...

birth story:

woke up on wednesday morning with bad cramps, but thought it was just a tummy ache as I'd never experienced cramps before. went to work as usual, but the cramps were coming every 8min. started timing them and called the gynae at 12noon when the cramps started coming every 6min. Nurse told me to come in as i may be in labour (cramps + tightening of tummy).

cleared some last minute work, said a teary goodbye to colleagues and reached TMC at 1245pm. was strapped to ctg for one hour. the nurse/midwife was rather annoying. she said i didnt have contractions, she did VE (omg so painful!) and said i was 1.5cm dilated. my gynae came in at about 220pm, did VE and said I was 4cm dilated and baby's head was very low. she broke my waterbag and said i would deliver that day, hopefully before dinner!

was given the enema and hubby came soon after. went to the delivery ward at about 3pm. the contractions were bearable but the nurses strongly encouraged me to take the epi. I decided better not be a hero and took the epi at 345pm. wow it's really a happydural man. could barely feel the contractions after that, just minor discomfort. but i was shivering quite badly. otherwise, i just lay there waiting to push.

was 10cm dilated at 6pm, so nurses called gynae to come. gynae arrived at maybe 620? can't remember. after 2 pushes, our little princess was out at 6.31pm.

right now am fighting engorgement. my CL is great, she's helping me to massage to reduce engorgement, but i'm hoping that continuous latching will help!

I must say the TMC nurses at the delivery ward and the ward I stayed were really FANTASTIC. very encouraging, helpful and sweet. all TMC mummies are definitely in good hands!


wow!i opt 4 tmc,hope im in gd hands too!doc ang strongly dun encourage epidural n i wonder if i can do it a nt..everyday wait n wait 4 my bb..hehe.bt tink he beter stay inside,hoping 2 gain more wt.

