(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Serene - me too... This morning wake up can sense something not right liaoz... the cramp is on-off kind...but quite regular.. Nvr had this before leh...

chiam liaoz.... next week is my busiest week. If i pop earlier than 5th Jul, my colleagues will be very jia lat... but i also cant help it hor... anyway i tried to settle most of my work as if I am going on leave today...

Must go home and clear off my nail polishes tonight :p


congrats to all mummies that have popped..

i trying to struggle to handle my gal.. 1st day i return home was terrible. i have no milk, then keep latching her, latching until nipples are injuired. whole night she didnt sleep, i also didnt sleep. then we didnt standby fm. next morning then no choice rush to buy a tin of fm back.

still trying to establish more milk flow. keep pumping last couple of days with the help of massage lady clearing my engorgement. my gal really drinking alot. still on semi FM now. hopefully can slowly turn TBF soon.


good to hear from you. i suggest if you think you have latching problem, pls chk w someone from parent craft and get the latching right... otherwise u will suffer from sore nipples

good luck and all the best!

dunno lei.. i alr very relax liao.. i still went jurong point shopping for 3 hours... haha.. i tot it could be a false alarm.. so i jus bo chap... but... it doesnt feel like BH lei.. BH got so long one meh? and the cramp is different wor..

maybe i shud jus ignore.. haha.. my hubby tell me to call him if its more painful.. then he think think.. he say.. my threshold for pain is very high.. so many i not pain but its actually contractions... then ask me if wanna have poo poo feeling or not.. i say got, but come and go lor.. then he say.. maybe it is.. then i try to calm him down cause he is more kan cheong than me... i jus bluff him say im ok, i think its jus BH.. i scared he cannot focus at work..

Jellypurin, ya you are right.. today then i realised i got latching problem. my ML corrected to me. my ML really very good, help me to bring in milk supply, teach me how to latch properly.

thanks to mdn ida and her team. i am using mdm suria.

Hi, Mummies,

checking out on behalf my friend.

She will be placing her BB at IFC, problem is, sometime she need to work late, both her mother n MIL had passed away, her dad is working, although her FIL lived near them, but he working night shift. and her HB worked in shift too.

mY question is if paying $150 for someone just to pick up her BB frm IFC, sometime babysit maybe an hr or so, is it ok?

Jellypurin, which hospital will u be, maybe will see u. I will be at mount A.

Sweetkiss, my #1 is c-section at week 40. For #2 still keeping the option of normal delivery if possible. Last week visit to gynae when am in week 37, bb already 3kg. So if bb still not engaged and bb size is good, can request a date for c-section. 7/7 is just 3 day to my edd...


then in that case, better for ur fren to find a nanny. no pt, unless ifc got extended hours, otherwise, pay $150 for bbsitting, tough on her finances


me at Raffles hospital. ur bb is at a gd weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby_yen too! Congrats!

Serene, me thinks your turn is gonna be reeeeally soon. Your habby and baby gal very cute. Next time gathering must meet them = )

I had to do a glucose test today at 39 weeks. My amniotic fluid has increased instead of decrease so gynae wants to rule out diabetes. Might have to be induced at 40 weeks if it is.

hey ladies...

im scheduled for induction tomorrow morning at TMC. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shann -- oh.. i had cramps today.. then it lasted the whole day and it doesnt feel like BH.. so.. i called the clinic and was asked to go clinic immed lor.. at the clinic, dr ang say im dilated and everything is ok...

then i happened to ask dr ang if its safer to induce since i have still birth before and its very worrying... then dr ang say.. "we play it as safe as possible" he say that its ok to induce now and im dilated liao. so without hesitation, he asked me to admit in tomorrow. so we are playing safe to induce than to jus wait lor.

AK -- where r u delivering??

serene : I'm admitting tonight at Gleneagles.I still cant decide if i should choose epi or GA. I ve asked my hubby a hundred times today liao i think...

ak -- hmm... ok... dun think of negative things first... empty ur mind and ask urself GA or epi and follow ur instincts. i remember my friend gynae tell her that delivery is not an heroic act... do what u feel most comfy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I juz asked my hubby again..he said he's getting the butterfly feeling in his stomach le... and its only 9pm++.. I think I will choose GA n juz sleep over everything.. i feel i'm so coward.. scaredy cat..

dun worry... this is what i told my hubby.. if i were to choose, i will choose GA too... althou they say got cons.. but hor.. i rather wake up n bb is next to me liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you together ok?


wah! so sudden but happy for u! can carry Celeste in your arms tmrw le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so many mommies popping this weekend

haha... ya lor.. suddenly feel pain... suddenly asked to go clinic.. suddenly know give birth tomorrow... i got mixed emo now.. haha...

Serene :mine is at 730am coz gynae need to start her clinic at 9am..

I so scared n confused that i forgot if i ve asked you which hosp you are going :p and btw..tot your doc only back on monday? omg.. i'm like getting delirious..

atomic kitten, serene, our bbs can celebrate b'day together. i'm so stressed out. even tought of telling gynae i want to push back c-sect to next sat.

babycoco!! So i'm not alone! I really very scared that I also feel like chickening out! my heart beat very fast now leh. How come the rest of the mummies like all not scared one but i'm so so scared..sniff sniff

atomic kitten, ya, ya. i also thought i must be the only one so scared, haha. are you in the hospital already? did you bring breast pump?

babycoco : I'm still at home..going to take a good long shower and get ready to head for the hospital le! How how? Yes, i'm bringing my pump.So silly..sterilzed the bottles and parts juz now.. and now its wet..dunno what to do with the bottles and parts now. Think i'm no longer thinking straight le... I asked my hubby if he could juz knock me out now and carry me to hosp and by next morning.. bb be out and beside me.. but i think of the pain.. my hair juz stand.. boooo


after u sterilise ur parts, can u put them in zip lock bags or a clean lock and lock box? before u use, make sure u go over the parts w hot water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiayou Ak, serene and babycoco!!! Child birth is anothermiracle in itself! Fret not coz you will be alrightand soon, very soon, your little pinky bundle will be in your arms!

Painless, smooth, short and safe labour await you!!!

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks.. i hope to materialise this pregnancy and i cant wait to take care of my bb...

going to have a good scrub tomorrow morning before i admit myself tomorrow... now i suddenly lost.. dunno what else to pack.. haha

Atomic kitten, good idea to get knocked out and just wake up with our bbs next to us. Wonder if I should just bring sterilizer and breast pump to hospital. Sterilize there if need to use breast pump.

Thanks everyone for all your well wishes.

hi all.. thanx for all the encouragements! I'm setting off for the hosp le. Will update when I regain some strength tomo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babycoco: think i'm going for GA.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] all the best to you as well.. we'll jia you together ok! Hope my bb has grown ... cant wait to find out tomo!

Congrats to all mommies in advance! Have a good and safe delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just a qn for experienced moms, if nurses were to pass bb to you for immediate latch, how do you ensure your nipple is clean?? If you sweat etc while in labour then surely nipple not clean leh

AK/Babycoco/Serene - Hang in there ! it's natural to be nervous [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia You !

I delivered on Jun 15, my boy weight 2.645kg , length 49cm, normal delivery with epi.

I remember last Monday night (Jun 14) was the same for me .. I was scheduled to induce the following morning 7am at TMC, both me and hubby so nervous we decided to have a nice french dinner at St Julien, got home around 11pm and I started to repack some last minute stuff, while hubby prepared his cam and video cam, charge batteries, etc

We couldn't stop packing until about 130am, then decided have to force ourselves to sleep a bit.

Me being a first time mum, I really didn't know what to expect .. it's like after the long 9 mth wait, it's finally happening .. really like surreal .. cannot imagine that tomorrow this time I will finally get to see how BB looks like, hold him in my arms, a human being of our creation.

In fact, think my hubby even more anxious than me, I managed to sleep ard 2am, he didn't sleep till mebbe 430 or 5 !

Anyhow, at 7am the next morn I was brought to the delivery ward, given an enema & put on the induction drip. Then gynea wanted to do VE & break my waterbag but I couldn't stand the discomfort when she inserted her finger, so had to call the anaesthetist for epi. haha.

Finally at 10am got epi done, waterbag broken, was only 0.5cm dilated.

Doc told me to sleep or watch tv, since have to wait at least 8 hrs before fully dilated. By this time the epi was working well, my legs nicely tingling and slowly getting numb. Before I was always afraid of getting an epi, heard abt the big long needle that they poke into your spine made me so scared. But the anaesthetist was pretty good, he keep quizzing me on lots of questions & we were discussing the World Cup while he did a local anaesthetic, and then a second later he told me the epi is up and running, but he made it only medium strong so I still have sensation in the abdomen.

At 2pm I was still only 2cm dilated .. getting frustrated watching CNN, switched channel to HBO. Epi is a real life saver, cos u dont feel any pain or discomfort, can watch tv & read books, nap, etc . I was also relieved I didnt have any side effects from the epi, was still playing games with hubby to pass the time.

Suddenly at 430pm, I felt this strange urge like needing to poo, but through the vagina instead! LOL .. so i texted all my frens to ask what this should mean, and called the nurse. Turned out I was already 10cm dilated & ready to push.

So they called the doctor. But my epi was not weak enough for me to feel the contractions, they had to turn it down, so I had to wait another 1.5hr before starting to push again.

At 630pm we started again. The nurse was helpful in telling me when to push, my hubby helped to count 1-10, but I really didn't know where to push cos of the epi .. it's like your whole face becomes red, and ur thinking the pushing is going nowhere, quite frustrating.

Finally I found the trick is to focus on your diaphragm (just below your ribs) and look there, crunch your head & push there.

Baby came out after 15 min, all white and the nurse just puts it on your lap. It's like a dream .. haha! But very happy! By this time my hubby was crying already, tears of joy and emotion ..

In all it was a smooth delivery, 30 min after birth I was calling my family and texting frens, I felt so alive and energetic, haah!

They did an episiotomy on me so when the epi wore off (around the next morning) I was feeling quite sore & pained. Further I developed piles, so it was worse. For those of u who suffer from piles post-delivery, can use Desitin (nappy rash cream) to apply there, cos it helps heal very much faster. The vagina stitches are painful and take abt 7 days to heal, meantime u nd to wash the wound everyday n try to keep it dry.

Lochia was mostly water mixed with some blood for the 1st week, very heavy flow so I used abt 6-8 Kotex maternity pads per day, 2 each time placing 1 on top of the other so it's longer.

Now am well settled at home, still struggling with BF pumping as my boy eats very often, I m supplementing with half FM.

The confinement lady is a great help, if u can shd get one, cos she takes care of everything with bb, i just need to pass her my milk.

I get to sleep through 9 hours at night as I pump b4 sleeping enough for 3 feeds in the night. During the day she'll cook for me & do the marketing, on top of caring for bb.

I ll be hiring her for 2 mths so I get to rest more! keke

I also have Filipino maid to take care of the cleaning, washing, cooking for my hubby, etc so can't complain.

Just bfeeding alone takes up 80% of my day!

Oh, it is also a good idea to have the massage lady come massage u n do the binding everyday.

It's relaxing after the great job we've done, and the binding really helped to shrink tummy. Cos i was on induction drip, they finished 3 packs of drip on me, hence my tummy was bloated like 7 mths preggies even after birth! It's now 1.5 wks after birth n my tummy is almost flat, just some pockets of flab which need to be burned off by exercise after confinement! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha .. seems like I have written a long novel, sorry .. got carried away.

Mummies who are giving birth this weekend and next, jia you !!!! The labour is really not that bad !

Wow grats vernie!! Natural without epi... My ouxiang! Do share birthstory when you are feeling better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

