(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Atomic -- same same.. baby shower is ang mor lingo.. full month = man yue.. also the same.. lol..

i was telling my mom about the movements, she say my bb very clever.. -.- i tell her.. "ma, its not about clever or not.. im a walking zombie now.." and she jus continue to laugh to herself (abt her grandchild being clever) -.-'''

ecym -- i will be getting vouchers to my "closer" relatives like grandma, aunties and uncles.. no cakes.. cakes are bought for prayers only.. cause nowadays seldom got pple wanna eat full mth cake..


serene : planning for first month reminds me of planning for wedding banquet leh. I can actually do it at my mum's place but my hubby feels that to ask his family and relatives to my mum's place like not very appropriate. So he wants to split paternal, maternal and frens and do all separately! faint la... not only must spend $$$ but also headache to plan 3X at three different locations leh!

Atomic -- hmm.. jus not book a function room and ask everyone to come? its not so tiring for u and baby also.. esp when u jus recovered from delivery..

Atomic -- actually another way i did was to use my fingers to "walk" arnd my tummy.. like a walking stick man.. lol.. and she will respond to it too.. its like.. "poking" her u know.. lol..


Wah if do chalet, alot of things to prepare and bring also. Its like lugging the whole bb thingy to the chalet?


Haa i have the exact same tots! Must think if invitation list, think of how to do up the invites, order cater, deco (if still have the strength).

AS for full month cakes, i wanna get those nice ones, more modern, like cupcakes. But hubby more favourable on those traditional, red eggs, ang ku qua style.


Haa then serene has to lift up and down her shirt for an hr (in comparable with bbplus)! Lol..

so fast talk abt BB's full month liao. And I thought I was early...cuz I had tentatively planned my "guestlist" already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cut down the list but still have close to 70 pax. My HB said to do it in 2 days @ our hse -

1 day for family, 1 day for friends.

Actually chalet is a good idea, think for end July-mid Aug maybe still not so peak, cuz not school hols [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suntan -- for full mth cakes, try this.. very good feedbacks too http://www.sweetestmoments.com.sg/

for the chalet.. jus order buffet lor.. lol.. then bring bb there, a sling, and bathing and changing essentials.. ok de la.. lol.. so many hands to help me.. keke.. except bf-ing cannot help only.. lol..

AtomicKitten>> Baby shower usually is done by the "ang mohs"...it's mainly for the mom + BB before the BB's born.

Full mth is our Chinese "man yue", "chee-na" style, heehe.

Oh ya.. when is the hungry ghost festival ah? I scared later the old folks say again cannot move house, cannot house warming, cannot do baby shower.. So troublesome.

for me, as my EDD is end Jul, if do full mth, sure kenna "hungry ghost festival"...but luckily, we are not really bothered by it.

mrslong -- my edd on 17th... if earlier by 2 weeks, it shud be end june or early july... hope can rush before 7th mth.. anyway, its not good to bring bb out during that mth...

Wah, then with my edd, sure kenna the lunar 7th mth...


This sweetest moment has a booth at expo fair the other time right? They did give me some promotion vouchers.

oic.. now i know the diff between baby shower and full month le!

Actually i think the easiest would be to cater buffet at own place then gather everyone! But my hubby said very hard to entertain both families plus frens.. scare end up like our wedding banquet like that.. where families are left to entertain themselves while we happily hang around with our frens! keke


Yup, we are going to do it at our own place since it would be a house warming party for us too. What we intend to do is to give the guest a range of time, let says starts from 11am to 4pm, then the buffet will comes in 2 rounds too. Maybe 2nd round top up will be ard 2pm. So ppl can come in stagged timing,so wont be that crowded..

Serene>> Oh, if hvg the full mth celeb, will be @ my hse most likely so still ok cuz BB won't be going out and since I'm a Catholic so dun "pantang" this thing, heehe.

sun_tan: ya sweetest moment has a booth at expo.. and the cakes look so pretty hor. I wanna try baking something as pretty... but dun think can do it for baby first month la..maybe bb's birthday in future..keke

mrslong -- ooo.. but better be safe.. if u gg to bring bb out, go home before sun set ok? jus for that mth nia.. try ur best lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Atomic -- im only worried i will be on the mahjong table, bf-ing my bb... WAHAHAHA...


i think i will have buffet & then give each fren/relative/colleage etc etc a cake & some red eggs with angkukuah to go. prob have a small choco cake for my little one too (its really for me to eat[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) take some pics & that's it. but see lah. see if got logistics problem or not come e time then scale up or down accordingly lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i dont have A5 scan scheduled. maybe LC just wants to acertain yr baby's growth progress? in my last visit only did urine test & no blood prick test also. i thought blood prick test was for every visit ..

for Full Month, I intend to get a small gift (thank you token) for my "younger (aka modern)" family & friends.

Thinking of getting this (provided there's stock by then, heehe).


then the old generation can hv the traditional cakes, etc.

yah serene choz is gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i went for a manyue a while back & i must say they were gd

e cakes i m tinkin of stacking up at buffet table then after buffet each family can take 1 to go so no need distribute then yah, voucher may be easier to give out in office also to colleages ..

true true .. e old pple happy can liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my philosophy too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

those mommies on FBI, maybe got discounts with sweetest moments? i rem seeing they have a booth at TMC near the lift there when i went in last time ..

BTW, those pple we didn't invite (i.e. colleagues), we also need to get them cake vouchers?

then for pple who attend the full mth celebration, cakes or cake voucher need to be given to them upon invitation or when they turn up?

paisay ah, me very "suaku", heehe.

I was thinking to do the man yue on 2 days...

cos my hubby's relatives alot of ppl... if my side relatives and friends also go to the same place .. very crowded and they might not have the chance to see and play wif my bb...

dont know if this is allow anot....

mrslong -- i never give all lei.. i only gift vouchers to relatives and a few closer friends.. the rest i jus ask them to come for the bb shower nia... as for colleagues, some jus buy a box of cake and put inside pantry.. lol.. save $$ for baby ba.. lol

Yvonne -- why not allow? lol.. its whether it will be tiring for u and bb or not.. as for me, jus chop chop finish.. everyone will self entertain themselves. for me, i prefer not to let bb be carried too much and im worried that bb will have a shock seeing so many pple.. so i keep it to one day and jus relatives and close friends.

But for office right, we still on maternity leave, then need to go back office to distribute the cakes/vouchers? Think i will invite close colleagues to the full mth, those not close one then will forget about it le.

suntan -- lol.. good idea.. cause hor.. no pt spending $$ and buying cakes.. then no body appreciate like tat... jus invite close friends/colleagues can le..

As for lunar 7th mth, my mom says that if wanna bring bb out, need to put an ang pao with bb to prevent the "dirtiness".

I used choz for my wedding cakes.. the one where we went to distribute to relatives. quite happy with their cakes/service [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sweetkiss- my height is 165cm, but i am on e skinny side..bt when i heard that most mommies bb weight ard 700+ when around 26wks i was like erm...mine oni 600 at 24wks...hoping next visit will be up more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Full month - Why the question? Because my cousin was posing this question to me yesterday, she's a July MTB too! So I wanna see other MTB's view. Besides at least now got time/energy to go source out for information. I scare by 3rd trimester and during confinement, don't have time for these...

I oso headache, the number of relatives from both my HB and my side are huge... My mother actually tell me juz give voucher can liaoz... haven sound out from my PIL side...i think they are keen to hold baby shower...

Wah.. been so busy the whole morning. Now lunch time.. got time to come in look see look see.

So many postings.

Yesterday Incident: Yup, I am fine now. Actually before i go home, i wanted to walk over to see if he is being covered up. In the end, i never walk over. But hubby told me that a white cloth had been use to cover him up. Then at least good lo. Not that cold anymore. And pple can't stare at his face.

Baby Full Month: Wah.. so early discuss abt it liao ah. I think I will just use the multi purpose hall next to my block to host the full month. I dunno hubby's relatives from KL will come or not. But if they do, they will come in one full bus load again. I will expect alot of guests that day. So holding at multi purpose hall downstair is the best option for me. No need to clean up much after that. Haha!!

I think I will buy cake vouchers for relatives and close friends. But for colleagues in office, maybe buy 1 or 2 boxes of cakes to put there for them to eat. Not sure if will invite colleagues or not to the full month. Have to check with hubby again. Hehe!!

Baby Movement: Sometime I dunno if my baby is facing downwards towards my virginal area lei.. cos sometime when he kicks or punch, i can feel the trobbing at the virginal one. Very funny right? Haha!!

At night, BB hardly move much. So sleeping had never been a problem to me so far. But at times, i do wake up in the middle of the night to wait to see if BB move. So scared that he will just stop moving.

LT: Huh.. average weight is 700g for BB at 26 weeks? Oh no.. mine is 717g at 24 weeks lei. Is my BB a little too big?

ann -- as long as gynae never say anything.. its ok... my gynae say.. as long as bb is growing, its alright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

FULL MTH VOUCHERS -- what do u have in mind? i can go call up and get some info.. cause i super free.. haha

1. Bread Talk

2. Prima Deli



I think when I get vouchers for my wedding fr Bengawan Solo, they offered me some discount... so you may want to ask the discount condition as well. After that we can put the info in facebook for record purpose cuz the thread here run too fast

