(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

SGSC, Celyn: We bought my gf's daughter a package from Studio Loft (with Maryann) for the 1st year birthday pressie. The photos turned out very well but they didn't enjoy the shoot at all 'cos they felt that the photog wasn't as accomodating as they hoped she would be. But technique-wise they are pretty good.



i know nuts about these photography thing. to me, its almost the same for all so photographer is very important to me. must be able to relax and enjoy the shoot loh. if not, photos won't really turn out as nice cos mood is not right. that's how i feel.

Ha Ming. Nw tat u reconfirmed it, wld give studio loft a miss. We r paying customers shldnt they make us feel like bosses? Heard quite many -ve feedback abt their Svc. Like Celynlee says- if I feel uncomfy hw to get gd shots... Unless do Photoshop editing... Heeeeee

Mummies morning!!! Long time no talk!!! Now waiting for gal to wake up before gng to nanny hse. V busy for the past few weekends cos gal burgess party n she was also sick for the past few weekends. Duno last weekend is it growing corner teeth, she gt fever from sat to mon then we had to gv her to baby panadol medication. She kept drooling n want to bite things. Gal still Duno hw to walk. Also Duno hw to stand unsupported but we take things one at a step.. These daes she know she she wants, will keep nodding head if we point to the thing she wants. V cute!!

Congrats to all who r or might be preggie again!!! V happy for u n envious as well...

Maid issues... I wun hv cos I no maid but granny mynamar maid chu pattern. Come 1 week say no feeling well wan go bk. Winner.

Morning mummies.

Siew ping

So cute your baby will nod & indicate her wants. I wish mine can but she does the opposite & shake her head when she dun want something. Not funny when she does that when being fed...not cooperative in eating

Morn mommies!!

SP- haha .. Ya let them grow at own pace. Wen time is right they'll show us automatically one. I stil dun San Mimi to learn to walk so soon... So biantai hor tis mother. I scared to chase aft her! Mimi wil Eh Eh Eh v excitedly wen she WANs something. Stil dunno nod or shake head. :p

SGSC: Going to interview a transfer maid this evening. Wish me luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SG84: Are you just tired or really want to change jobs? When I contemplated moving in 2008/2009, I made a list of points about the pros and cons of the old job vs the new job before deciding whether to move. I did move in the end. Good luck!

morning mummies...

sp, ur gal so cute. Mine will only nod when we tell him to, when I tell him, "hao chi", then he'll nod his head. When I say "yao tou", he'll shake his head. Think my boy's a cheena baby.

bbdust, my boy has switched to gain IQ. He rejected Mamil 3 now, just when I bought a full big tin. Now, I can only try to put into his cereal, in order on to waste it.

Ming, wish you lotsa lotsa luck in finding a good helper~! Jiayou!!

Maddie, your place there, got a condo kena enbloc.. not your place right?

Pumping in office.. so gt internet!

Baby shaking head - aiyoh, so cute too! my gal dun want things will look away or push away.. heehee.

FM - think must start FM liao. my SS nosedived. Now wach 6 hrly pump only 2 - 3 oz. damn demoralised. so should i go step 2 or jump to step 3 har?

Celyn - i have booked my slot! almost forgot abt it. think have to go on weekdae liao..

SG_SC - i noe.. my relatives tell my when my gal starts to run, wo jiu jialat le. must run after her. she super itchy hands, everything wan to touch..

am finally done with all the work phew.


good luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope u get a good trsf maid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


go straight to step 3 FM cause already 1 year old le.

i think i'm tired of going through the emotional rollercoaster of being fed-up with my boss and one particular colleague.

Maybe it is a happy or not happy issue. sighz..

SP:mine too, now my average pump between 60-90ml no matter how long in between. i still got sample for step 2 lei, haven't tried yet. kan cheong, ask for sample early. haha.

Ming- good luck! My mum had to go for a trf maid in the end aft waiting one mth for the new maid to arrive who last min backed out!!! Wat luck man so mum bth went down agency n saw tis young indo maid who got trfed out n started toking to her. Next thing she signed her on.

Agency told us to wait another mth to select another new maid to come, mum nearly fainted.

Wendees- Lolx on the "cheena" bb! So funny

SP - same lor. Sometimes I feel she like animal, drink milk ful oredi will jus use one hand to flick teat away frm mouth. Best is wen they turn away wen full n refuse to look up again... But we'll trick her then she Noe kena tricked faster turn away again, same time peeping frm corner of eyes... Heeee bbs tis age so cute! So grownup like tat. Hen hao wan.

Bbdust - but I reluctant change to step 3 coz step 2 more nutrients [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm i dont know abt the other milk brands but I did a one to one comparison of the ingredients in similac stage 2 and gain iq stage 3... they are actually the same except that the grammage in each ingredient has been adjusted and maybe one ingrdient more in stage 3, one ingredient less in stage 2 etc. So if u ask me i will take step 3 cause not much significance difference and cheaper LOL.


what brand of sample have u got? if its similac, stage 2 and stage 3 taste exactly the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so no worries abt the transition from 2-3 if u start bbm with 2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i can give u mamil if u want stage 2 de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its a free sample too


mine is scheduled for 15 mths

Hi all,

Finally got the time to come here. my girl was sick recently.. finally recovered from fever and I saw a few rashes on her body, think most likely is the fake measles. Haiz..

My girl now rejecting food n milk.. the most eat abt 2 spoons then don't want liao.. milk also, the most drink only abt 80ml or less then don't want liao.. I've been wasting a lot of milk recently.. so pek chey.. anyone has this problem too? Headache ah..

Dazz: I just saw the baby bites at sheng siong.. a lot leh..


this jab i scared leh cause its even more shiong than pneumococcol.. in some cases might even hve measles but i already forsee fever le.. alamak. stress

Oh, need to ask is fresh milk too "liang" for our bb? My MIL don't allow me to feed my girl with fresh milk.. I'm thinking if too "liang", then her usual formula milk also cannot take lau.. recently she told me a lot of things cannot this cannot that till I very pek chey..


another case of roseola... seems like its pretty common to catch it. no worries once the rashes are out, she is on her way to recovery.

eh passing phase bah i suppose? my boy also siam the milk like crazy (not as if he is drinking well LOL). every nite hor i got to buy fresh milk to con him cause its a novelty then he take bigger sips of it. this is to make up for the remaining FM he don't want. aiyoh headache leh.


err fresh milk liang? is it cause its put inside fridge that is why she finds it liang? i thought only chinese herbs can cause liang and heaty never heard milk is liang

Bbdust: no leh.. I took in out from the fridge and left it in room temperature for quite a while.. I don't know where she gets the info from.. now my girl don't want her milk n I can't give her fresh milk.. so dunno how ah..

Now I still have her 120ml of milk sitting here as she refuse to drink just now, going to pour it away again.. haiz..

Also my girl now weighs only 8.8kg leh, like very light leh.. I didn't ask doc abt her weight as i'm too anxious abt her fever that day.. only till I reached home then keep thinking abt her weight..

Juye: my girl had roseola, and during and one week after the rashes her appetite wasn't so good. now recovered already. just be patient.

bbdust, celyn: thanks. will wait until nearer the day i want to try FM. guess will try similac first since i have it. but still have some stores FBM so still got time. =)

Juye, ya lo.. milk is liang meh? I only thought milk is heaty.. and that's referring to FM la.. not sure about fresh milk though. Both my boys never drink fresh milk leh... only TodZ now drinking the UHT milk, small packet de. He brings one pkt to school everyday and drinks it during tea break.

regarding baby bites, er... i seldom shop at Sheng Siong de. dunno why, but.. dun like to shop there. hee.

bbdust, hhmmm.. i also cannot remember what happened to TodZ when he took MMR but to have fever, i thought quite normal leh.. i abit numb about it liaoz. opssie. hee.

Maddie: my girl's poor appetite even started before she's sick.. she just want to play and don't want to eat.. she's getting too hyperactive now..

Dazz: the sheng siong at my place here quite good leh.. clean too.. u come back here n shop lor.. hahaha..

mummies, are u thinking abt where to bring ur tods? i have sniffed out places to bring our kids again yeah ~ its museum time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This is esp for mummies/daddies who want to find back the nostalgia with toys [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


what abt the museum for children?


Our very own national museum has activities lined up for the June holidays [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have fun in the playdome free admission for our kiddos too muahah love it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


have fun mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] woo i am excited to bring bbl

Juye, i was ever told before, it's not good to leave fresh milk in room temperature till it's not cold then drink. Corz while the temperature drop, bacteria or whatever will also grow/become active. Dunno how true la.. but it's a nurse tell me de.

Corz 1st preg i never drink those FM for preggies, i also drink fresh milk but thawed then the nurse told me dun do that, not good.. so 2nd preg i drank those FM and never drink fresh milk lo. hee


so long as bba is active i think hmm shld not worry too much abt weight loh since they are already 1 year old le. they will be super active and they burn energy faster than before so weight is not a good guage.

I guess she is also sick that is why she is having poor appetite, hope she will eat well again when she is well.

hmm for milk, yoghurt, yakult etc its best not to let it become room temperature just put it outside for a while then shld consume it le cause the warmer they get, the more room for bacteria to grow and might cause the kids to be sick. so do take note yah.


to have fever is okay leh, but he will whine de loh wah that is the scary part LOL

Bbdust: oh, I also want to bring my girl to museum.. I love to go museum but my hubby don't like.. so now I can go with my girl.. hahaha..

Dazz: is it? Sometimes I even heat up the milk for myself lar.. but I don't want to give too cold drinks to my girl leh.. milk cannot leave outside one right?



go go go, i love museums too hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i have not bring him to jacob ballas too cause raining.. jacob ballas plus the 3 museums can occupy all my weekends le hee then i shall hunt for more good places to bring our kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

