(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

orangey, aiyoh... must let him drink lotsa water ya.. trust me.. when i say i know how he feels... =S *sayang BbO* hugs...


mummies, any recommendations for cakes? need to order for my niece.. the one i ordered frm for my son's bday is gd but no delivery, must self-collect..

mummies, have you started making your porridge more "coarse"..? BbZ ah.. duno is it too used to eating smooth smooth porridge or he's not ready... will gag when he eats now... haiyoh.. and his eating speed has drastically reduced.. feeding him takes much longer time now.


when i changed role within my current company, i was pregnant w C1 the 1st time around, and just discovered my pregnancy with C2 (last Sep) the 2nd time around. to me, tis abt honesty. bcz i m already pregnant and i know abt it, i told my prospective bosses even before the interview phase started, just so that they can take my pregnancy into consideration. i got the job both times.

now. if tis a new employer, i wouldnt mention abt the MIL condition. newborn bo pian, pple sure look at the application form and query one. just say there are arrangements in place to look after the newborn, and leave it at that. as an interviewer, i also want to know how the prospective staff would cope, also for my own planning purposes. if she doesnt bring it up, i would bring it up at the end of the interview. better that the interviewee volunteer info abt childcare arrangements herself.

however, if the application form doesnt require you to state age of family members, then tis really NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS until the staff is hired. then i would keep quiet until hired.

anyway, that is my take la.

bbdust, dazz,

heheh. you 2 ah... keep the chatter going lor. bbdust surely missed dazz!!!

mrsm, woofy,

*passes virtual BIG cup of coffee/tea/milo/choose your own caffeniated beverage* wake up darlings! another hour or 2 to knock off and go home liao!


yes, you are doing the right thing. maid, once she decides she isnt going to work anymore, better go back to the agency.

celyn, just got a feeling my lazy boy dun want to chew, then when he try to swallow the porridge, he gag. lolz. Nevermind, i will continue to try till he accepts it. lolz.

btw, mummies, when you go supermarket, can help me look out if they got the "baby bites" biscuits? comes in chicken, veg and carrot flavor. I went to Giant and 2 NTUCs.. all dun have. Not sure if it's oos or kena recalled back (again!!). =S

Ming, my fren is checking with her sister on the maid's availability (it's her sister's maid). She'll let me know once her sister replied her. i will then PM you ya.

Hi mommies,

I am back from my bali trip in 1 piece. Will update u all once I am free. My gal just woke up from her nap. hee....

dazz..hehe ...WAKE UP EVERYONE!!!! ...i started giving my boi white rice fm the dinner table..he sorta found it suspicious n started playing with it in his mouth at first ..nw quite okie....i feed with soup lor..at least not so dry .

ruru...welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee back!

aiyah!! JP have~!?? i was there just now but forgot to go look see.. alamak. nevermind, see when got go again, i will see. thanks!

Dazz: I stopped cooking porridge for my girl some time back cos she fussy. Only want white rice. Now I steam one bowl softer rice on top of our rice with her usual porridge 'liao'. But she sometimes lazy chew without swallowing. One day I saw a whole bunch of sweet corn in her poo, whole n undigested!

Maddie... eeeeewwwwww... lolz.

bbdust, aiyoh... bbZ hor... he chew apple but he dun want to chew his porridge. duno what's wrong with him oso lo. =X

maddie....yellow corn poo!!!! ..hehe .ok im v disgusting here...i do check my boi's poo...at times only..cos i see carrot,pumpkin undigested :p

dazz..appple shiok cos crunchy & sweet? :p


Yes me i give fresh milk marigold full cream de give at room temp cos its packet drink mah. If its the cold one i also give but not chilled just a bit cold to the touch

Hi mommies,

Ok, the bali trip is pretty uneventful except for the night flight back due to the disruption of my gal's sleeping time. Bali is actually a small town as most roads are 1-lane street, thus very prone to traffic jam, thus travelling from town to town is a hassle especially w a 1-year old toddler in tow when stuck in a traffic jam.

The villa that Ming recommended is beautiful and my gal loves splashing in the jacuzzi pool (which is heated). Not all restaurants have baby seats, so must ask before u sit down and order. Hee....

I stayed in Seminyak area which is more quiet as compared to Kuta, thus shopping-wise not so much things to see.

The villa is near the famous bali restaurant Ku De Ta, which is a stylish and modern restaurant and serves v good cuisine at 30% off Singapore's fine dining price! Must remember to make ur reservation in Singapore! The restaurant welcomes children, not to worry.

The day trip to Ubud is very interesting and fun. Strongly recommend the Dirty Duck restaurant at Ubud for its crispy fried duck, yummy!!!!

Last thing - the WEATHER is HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!! I will say it is even hotter than Singapore due to the lack of foliage. Bring lots of clothes to change. Hee.....

Oh, still got 1 last last thing. Remember to keep aside $150,000 RP per adult for the airport tax when coming back to Singapore. That is around

$23 sin$.

Baby bites

Taste good till I even snack on it at one period. From then, I concluded that it is too salty for baby since I found it tasty :p

Compare the sodium content of the chicken flavor with other brands of baby biscuits (like pigeon) & you'll see that it can be 4x higher.

I wonder if easy to bake it ourselves? I want to try leh but only see recipes for those hard teething biscuits.

Anyone know of recipes for rice biscuits?

BBdust .. U mean not those fresh milk from the supermarket fridge but those small packets??

Xlh .. I can't find the chart already .. Google tooth eruption sequence? I personally didn't like musikgarten cos it's out of way for me and too cramp and it's similar to kindermusik which I was not too impressed too


I have 2 boxes of bb bites! One green one orange given by a friend.. My girl tried one at another friend's place n dun like so I nvr open the two boxes. U want? I pAss to u foc coz given to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Celynlee .. Tks will try pura fresh milk on him soon .. Think UHT milk is not so good ..

Bbdust .. Yes I like gymboree class.. Prefer tanglin mall to harbor front cos hbf has kiddy rides outside and it distracts bbS and he keeps wanting to go out .. Haha!

Celynlee - lolz on ur little "adventure" wif ur kids in "ban jia jia"...hahha i can so imagine wif ur description lor. but ur house big, mine small if i open nw, means i need to be jumping to get across diffnt spots of room liaoz ;p

Ming8110 - i noe hw u feel..it's so sianz rite..have to retrain her all over again n learn to "befriend" them again...n its true if they wanna go home, no point letting them stay on. My ex-maid became ruder somehow n can see like no heart to work oredi, always aftn naps, say body ache n v v dirty n lazy too wwhilst waiting for our new maid to arrive for tat one mth. Realli BTH but close many many eyes coz nothing we can do to her also...jus lun lor...hope we be lucky enuf to get a good one soon!

Orangey - Poor bbO. Can let him take the porridge water or did pd give probiotics drops. i noe hw u feel coz mimi also jus kena recently...got blood streaks too but prob is due to one tiny blood vessel burst accidentally....dun worry too much, May bbO be well n happy again soon!!

Maddie - cant help laughing wen i read abt yellow corn poo...makes mi wonder if the 'well fertiilised' seeds would grow corn tree bo...hehehhe

Orangey - re the anpanman bib, haven trf yet. paiseh...can COD during self collection at TP MRT during weekday lunch? Will get HB meet u ;p

alamak, sala sala...sorry orangey forgot u change job liaoz n most likely u weren't frm TP too...dunno wat was i tinking. heeeeeeeeeeee

Ok, nvm, in tat case pls ignore the above n i'll FT to u (mode via mail delivery k!) Tks!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Celyn & Bbdust [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vic Ma

If we get $ each time they bite we will be $$$$$$$$$$!


Is it better now? Mine's still painful but less so. Think it will take a long time.


Sorry to hear about your maid. Hope you get good help soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Read about your trip makes me want to go to!


Wish BbO speedy recovery!


Just tell them that everything is well and stable at the moment and leave it at that.

Re: Corn poo

I thought even for adults corn passes through and emerge the other end still yellow? That's why it is a good way to see how long it takes for your food to be processed by your body?

morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

orangey, i've passed $8.50 to your sis. hope bbO gets well soon, must give lots of fluids.

morning mummies~!

Ming, the maid has been taken up oredi. =(

Sonshine, wow.. you dun want? But how to pass to me? Where you work/stay?


syz: yup, all better now. =) you?


does your maid use your toiletries? i suspect my maid has been using cos one particular bottle (baby oil) the levels drop even when no one else uses it. since it's capped, i don't think it spills lor. asked her at supermarket last weekend if she needed to buy anything and she said no. that was when i already suspected and took note of the level, and made it a point not to use. just wondering how to tell her that's all. yesterday already told her off for cooking too early. we usually have dinner at 7pm. past few weeks, on and off she will cook early and i will ask her if she's hungry thats why she cook early. she will laugh and say no. on monday, she cooked everything and even laid out rice and all by 610pm. so my hb told her after that that we have dinner at 7. yesterday she started cooking at 6 again. it was a simple dinner, fry veg and sardines, so can be ready by 620pm? so i told her to stop cooking halfway thru and to cook later, else food get cold. so she only put food on table at 645pm. whole day yesterday black face. today dunno how to tell her abt the toiletries. at times like this i feel quite sian with a maid lor. plus my maid is a good maid.

