Good morning peeps!
I hope you guys are relishing every minute of the long weekend
I am feeling very confused!
Ok here goes...
My menses cycle is kind 37 to 40 days..
My last menstrual period was on 27th June.
My menses supposed to come around 4th Aug I think,
But there is nothing, and I think on the 5th, I had very lil brown discharge when I wiped myself.
I have cramping, extra sore breast, backache, moodswinga, and a lil nausea these few days,
I tested myself yesterday afternoon using the clearblue compact test kit and it was neg :-(
I think my hubby and I BDed on 19th Jul.
Do you think there is a teeny weeny chance of me being preg or is it just wishful thinking on my part?
Appreciate your comments...Thanks