(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

I also thinking of bringing my girl to Jacob ballas last Monday but she sick so didn't go.. will bring her there one day.. should start planning for her trip to the museums!!



your girl not light lah. my girl only 70cm tall and 8.3kg last measure at 1 year + 2 weeks old loh.

never heard about milk being liang.


yah every week got one activity to do loh hee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also plan to bring him to bkt timah hill too hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if not u can go southern ridges loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] went there last year nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


she takes after kor kor hor.

pros and cons la... my 1yo is just 4kg away from my 4yo lo... so is didi too fat or korkor too skinny? like bbdust say, active, happy, can liaoz lo. =)

woohoo...gaigai options!!!

Jacob ballas...sounds like so much fun!

bbdust.....u gd leh..every wkend got prog one ..yr dh is ok to go out with u n bbL mah every wkend?? u drive or take public tpt?

Juye...rashes will all come out fast n furious n then subside ..no nid med one as along as fever has gone...my boi was super cranky when he had rosella but bo bian ...like to sai nai ..hehe


yes i every weekend got program de, always go out early early reach home late late haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m not a shopping person so i always find interesting places to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my DH ah he okie leh to go out if he dont go, i will still go out.. i dont like staying at home or maybe cause its not my home LOL. we no car so sometimes borrow my bro's car if not take cab or public transport depends on destination [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: weight

bbG is less than 9kg though he is a big drinker.

I should feel happy that finally I found a job that is near to my hse, but I feel so lost now after signing the letter of offer.


NoOOOoOoOooo u are leaving me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sob sob sob. hee bone density and genes also play a part in weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Mummies,

Been BZ BZ BZ BZ till now.


Thanks for all the info on the interestting places ya! ;)

I was cracking my head where to bring YH to too!


May ur darling recover soon ya.


Did PD weigh wrongly? bbG looks tall and of good built in terms of size wor. YH weighed at 9.34kg 1 month ago but i think she looks smaller. Hope she wun be plump plump like her daddy and mummy.

Btw, congratz on ur new found job. Dun worry, things will just work out fine for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no worries hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will sniff out new places soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee i dont really like and go indoor playground cause its too crowded on weekends. i prefer outdoor activites [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

must ask the rest of the mummies liao paiseh this one cannot help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee shld bring them lah... let them explore and have fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] remember i use to go picnic and fly kite last time and also go beach.. now a bit sian liao so change destinations le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust, sob sob... you went Hortpark?

piglet, bbG quite skinny, but he drink and eat well, think he take after his daddy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for sharing. i also try to plan activities every weekends. last week, we went bollywoods and hay dairies. this week, we are going to watch thomas.

my thomas loots are back. my colleague was telling me that my stuff weigh 12kg in total. heavier then yu ze loh. so paiseh. her luggage is overweight but her mum manage to get all these through without paying extra. trying to get hubby to pick up from her this week before he goes for his 4 day 3 night 'holiday' in bintan/batam next week.


yesh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahha almost all the parks we been le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


YIppeeee for thomas loots [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wah heng no need to pay extra cause in UK very shiong to pay the extra loh. kena before end up i got to ship everything back to my school [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i never been to bollywood before but hay dairies is fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

go qian hu lah see fish also quite fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if not go to d kranji

Re: Roseola

PD says its very common for babies who are 1yo or turining 1 to catch it cause its the transition period for their immunity to build up. If you ask ard, lots of mummies will tell you that their babies had Fever rashes ard the same period but in fact those are not fever rashes but Roseola. Think generally PD is more clever to diganose Roseola than GP. One very obvious symptoms is swollen lymph nodes behind their head just above the neck. and those little rashes and the on and off fever.


Dont be sad lah! New job new future! bbG doesnt look like he is less than 9kg leh!


Dont worry lah your's girl weight is not light [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow.. you all very "good luck" hor.. go here go there.. i always think think nia.. when the day comes, really feels like it then go. If not, end up nua at home again. Poor boys. lolz.

Celyn, i dunno about you and hubby but me and ah lao nearly fell asleep during the movie. =X lolz.


After the recent visit to beach and bbO's LS I am keeping on hold going to beach now cause PD told me beach is actually very dirty lol.. He says East Coast park still not too bad but Pasir Ris beach is really very dirty. Guess the outdoor activites that I'll plan for bbO will probably be the swimming pool, botanic gardens and probably the Zoo. Papa Orangey dont really like outdoor leh cause he's those kind if hot and sweaty will throw temper lol and bbO super like his dad.. scared of hot one.. My 2 aircon babies :p

hi all

ni men dou hai hao ma.

almost a wk of work at new place.

Kind of tense whenever at work.. maybe im too old for changes ( environment / colleagues )

My boy nowadays slp on me, last time only hold my arm as bolster, now whole body slp on me. I cant go away, faintz..

I added 2 friso scoop full of cereal n 4 scoops of fm in his last feed but midnite he stil ask for milk.


bollywoods is at a ulu place, i also don't know how to tell you. hahahah.....


huh. ok ok. i let you know if we fall asleep after i finish the show.


yah. heng loh. i think qian hu is very dirty. go kids kampong. its very nice. that's where yu ze did his long kang fishing and end up i have a fish tank at home now. hahahha....

Yet another day is over... tomoro friday liaoz.. so fast! haha.. My best bud at work is going to tender tomoro. Super sianz. But i'm excited to know my boss's reaction. lolz.

Bbdust, you power leh. Share share, where you have been? I usually go out in the morning after breakfast and be home by 1 to nap and dinner at home.


eh me ah the last time we went zoo loh, then marina barrage, ECP, west coast park, hort park, southern ridges, sentosa, woodlands waterfront, hay diary farm, qian hu, botanic garden, d kranji, tree top walk, mount faber, science centre, Chinese and Japanese garden, changi airport eh that is about all i can recall LOL. still got many haha

hi mummies, i took childcare leave today.. my boy dwn with high fever.. he fell flat on his face on tues aftnoon so when he developed a fever early this morn, hubz and i got very worried.. brought him to polyclinic, all looks ok.. just hav to monitor him.. he's still quite active so i hope he'll get well soon.. =(

wow BBdust thanks for the recommendations. I have exams coming so i think can only postpone or the fun trips to June.

After asking about the MMR, i went to call clinic to see if i can arrange for pnuenomocal and mmr jabs together. Apparantly, i can't.

it seems that there are alot of jabs to take:-

13 mths pnuenomocal, 15 mths MMR, 18 mths booster jab.

Any more jabs? Any of you mummies bring your child for chicken pox or hep A jab?

mrsm hope he gets well soon, maybe fall and fever not related.

Wow BBdust you are superb so many places! but our child not too young to go to such places??

I only bring my son go walk walk in shopping centres, airport, church, chalets. The most recent is peek-a-boo.

I think i have to plan more outdoor activities, but he like orangey bb, aircon bb too. haha and i'm the aircon mummy.

bbdust, bbL went so many places! bbG only know shopping centres! haha

Want to bring jiejie and him go mount faber and take the cable car to sentosa, until now still haven't go! I am the lazy mummy

Outings for kiddos in Singapore: We have brought her to the pool, aquarium, zoo, marina barrage (which she loved 'cos it was very windy, Polliwogs, and errr.... many shopping malls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Lol i dont really bother abt age i bring him along n have fun be it he understand or not. Hee but u be surprised, bbl likes it esp kite flying n picnics


Lol i really dont like shopping bore me to death. So yes bbl get to visit these interesting places [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i was surfing the web.. so am wondering?

do you still rock you bb to sleep, cause i still do and i think he is getting too old to be rock to sleep, but the problem is he likes to play so much that he refuse to sleep.

Oh should they be sleeping through the night by now, cause mine don't... still wake up for feeding.

Thanks all for assuring me that my girl is ok and of the ok weight..

Bbdust: ur boy really went to a lot of places leh.. If alone, I only mainly bring my girl to shopping malls.. only got car then.I will bring my girl outdoor.

Orangey: initially I wanted to bring my girl to beach too but I ny MIL told me not too as it's very dirty.. after seeing ur case, then I better hold tat for now.


you really go a lot of places. dare not try tree top walk at the moment cos cannot imagine having to carry 2 of them through the walk.

we always goes to the zoo cos i got company pass. haven't bring yu xi to beach cos she used to like to put everything in her mouth so don't want her to be end up eating sand.

time to re-visits all the parks with yu xi. we used to go parks too with yu ze after he knows how to walk. then he can start exploring and kpo around himself instead of being tie up in the stroller.

we hardly go shopping too cos its difficult to shop with kids. so i end up taking leave and go shopping when i need shopping badly. hahahah....

super pissed off with my hubby.. seriously i don't know whether he has really learnt to be a father..

my girl slept earlier today at abt 8.15pm.. then she suddenly woke up crying at around 9.30pm then another time at around 9.45pm.. so i thought she hungry as she didn't have her dinner and milk (she rejected all that).. i told my hubby to go make milk for her since she woke up.. then my hubby told me to go make myself while he take care of my girl.. so i quickly left the room to go make the milk.. while making the milk, i heard my girl crying very very loudly.. so i quickly make the milk and rush back to the room.. i saw my girl sitting at one corner of the bed and crying very badly.. and i saw my hubby very fiercely looking at her and scolding her.. after that, i need another 1 hr to make her go back to sleep.. think she really kena frightened by my hubby for being so fierce to her.. that's why kept crying n crying..

sometimes i wonder is there anything wrong with my hubby recently?? everytime asked him things, he doesn't seems want to tell me.. just now i asked him whether want to go out tmr after my girl sleeps.. he just brushed me off by saying no lar.. am i being too paranoid or thinking too much?? i just feel we are really drifting apart since my girl is here.. and i did told him that.. but he didn't say anything much..

BBdust - issit? alamak, jus got 3 more tins of stage 2 milk for mimi...hehhee....that reminds mi...

BBs who r still drinking ENFAPRO (Stage 2), now NTUC got sale!! $38.80 for 900gm tin. U.P $42

Kat - nope neva mixed BM wif FM coz both have different "storage time", so if bb neva finish milk, gotta throw away, cannot keep in fridge for later use like BM. Normally i will feed BM, then if not enuf will top up wif FM (tat was b4 la, i stopped bf le)

Juye - Poor bbA. Hope she gets well soon!

Dazz - those small pkts of milk we used to drink in sch..nostalgic sia...still remember got milk milk time then we all q outside classroom, drink the triangular pkt of choc milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Celynlee - my mimi lighter than ur gal. She was 76cm long but only weigh 8.3kg!!! sigh...heartpain again...lol

Mrsm - Poor boi,Active is a gd sign... Dun worry too much!

Juye - a couple tend to get too occupied wif the additional family member n forget abt each other's presence n i am guilty of tat myself. Somemore we r all working parents n we get tired aft work so if there's no understanding n support frm one spouse or another, i feel tat it's easy to fall out wif each other over very trivial matters. Try spending couple time alone wif ur HB, go out pak tor or lim teh, go for short stroll....tok abt everything under the moon(away frm the bb).i tink it greatly helps us reconnect as a couple n not jus mechanical robots doing the same routine stuff day in n out. Try it out, good to have couple time 3 or 4 times a week...half an hr also good...


hi Juye,

My HB is like a block of wood and I am the one who demand our er ren shi jie or else he will just come home from work, play w our gal until her sleeping time, eat dinner then do his office work then sleep. Sometimes it seem a bit unfair why we women have to take the initiative but no choice. U don't sound paranoid, I think ur HB just sianz sometimes to take care of gal, that is all.

