(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Morn mommies!

Ya kids these days really bawang!! Toys takes up a whole room in the house. Sleeping on our bed takes up half of our space n wen they cry, they win liaoz... Sigh but we still adore them..~~~ ^_^


dazz: yup, that's what i thought too. just don't want to upset her further cos i can get quite confrontational. sigh. the pains of having a maid.

mrsm, looks like she's gonna win some votes from the SAHMs.. lolz. Then again, i hope others wont view her proposal as a "license" to have kids even out of marriage. =X

maddie, totally understand your pain. haiz. if the baby oil not so important, you wanna choose to "close one eye"?


Still pain when latched but better than before.

Maybe she used the baby oil not on herself but to clean stuff? Just ask her. If she sees that no one notices or say anything about it she may then think it is ok to use other things as well. Or just hide away and see if she asks for it.

Hi Maddie,

About the toiletries usage, u all use the same bathroom? Or u are saying ur darling's stuff? My maid uses the guestroom toilet and my hb, baby and me uses the master bedroom toilet so no chance for her to touch my toiletries.

Hmm.... actually I think her mentality is since u never said anything before, she just continue to use??? That is why when u go supermkt and asked her need to buy anything, she said no??

Regarding the dinner cooking part, my maid has to hear my command from me then she can start cooking one. Not sure why ur maid don't understand that she can only start cooking at 6.30pm??? Hmmm..... sometimes have maid is like that, I just tell myself that if she is really so aware and clever, then she don't have to be maid liao. Haiz.....

Maddie: since u mention she is a gd maid, maybe close 1 eye lor... coz later she tot u are pin point everything abt her, then later her attitude towards her work will change to lousy... like this not gd for u too...

since u already "scold" her yesterday abt other things, then maybe a few days later, juz ask "hey, i notice that the baby oil lesser and lesser, did u use?? do u need? i can buy for u if u need, just let me know" or something, in a chatting way rather than a "scolding" way...

thanks for yr feedback... closed one eye for my previous bottle of baby oil. this is a new one. i only use it on bbM hair before swim so to protect from the chlorine. maid also uses it for her hair. when she stayed with my MIL, she asked for it and my MIL bought for her. now her bottle finishing liao. i will bring it up with her cos it is a matter of principle. if i let her use this or that without asking, then there is no end to it lor. ruru, she uses her own toilet. but she cleans our toilet and she is alone in the day lor.

ruru: i guess she has est time wrongly before and we wait for dinner until 740. so i tell her what to cook before i leave for work. will tell her today that some dishes can cook earlier and keep. some (like steam fish) she cannot cook at 6pm and leave on dining table. maybe in future i will only tell her what to cook when i get home. then sure not early one.


No problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The bb bites are available to anyone who's keen hehe


yesterday I was having an argument whth hub and I pointed a finger at my hub. Immediately my boy pointed to my hub and stared at him. And my boy did it twice. I told my hub, next time, if want to argue, cannot do it in front of my boy. Really some things are caught, not taught.



glad to hear you are better.


are those heinz bb bites?


get well soon to bbO!


these are the things that irritate. my ex maid used to imm black face me if i tell her off abt eating C1's biscuits, using C1's CB calendula cream, and cooking too early (esp steamed fish). i changed maid... well not just bcz of this.. but overall attitude needs to be checked. think tis personality and luck of the draw. i used to think my ex maid quite good already, after all, she takes care of C1 well and doesnt steal money. you know the basic stuff. but after i changed.... wah... i can really feel the difference in the attitude towards me. the ex maid was insubordinate and thinks her way is better than mine, refuses to do what i say, and black face me; my curr maid's attitude is much much better. she has NEVER black faced me for the past 8 months. different character.

you just watch some more and see if she continues w the bb oil use. use dawn's way of chatting.

i know there was once i went to top up my maid's ez link card (that is for her to fetch C1 back from school to aunt's place) and i realised that there was a transaction on Sunday, one of her off days. told her before that card only meant to bring C1 back fm school (subtext: not for her personal use). i merely chatted with her to say 'eh that is really strange, i wonder if ez link made a mistake, there is a transaction on Sun xx Feb' she din say anything. the next off day in mar, i asked her to give me her ez link card for me to top up. she did. the next off day in apr, she voluntarily gave me her ez link card b4 she went out for the day. so i know - msg received liao. no need to scold one.

but my ex maid would have given me attitude.


that's why i need separate time away from the 2Cs to war w Mr C. i think part of the problem is cannot imm war in front of kids and maid, so i get even more frustrated and the volcanic lava just spills onto Mr C's head when we eventually have alone time.

C1 can now ask Mr C 'why papa scold mama?' if Mr C even raises his voice at me. HAHA. i never raise my voice at Mr C in the kids' presence, so C1 doesnt have the chance to ask me the reverse.

Hi Maddie,

Yah yah, sometimes it is like that, I also waited quite long for dinner as cannot really gauge cooking time until so zun.

I totally agree with you about making a stand on certain issues so that the employer-employee relationship is clear. Like i told my maid, i can close 1 eye for housework but NOT for anything related to my gal's care.


yah, I agree. Seriously, in front of my boy, give the dirty jobs to the men.

Nway, I'm always happy that my boy prefers me than my hub. Whines when I go to the toilet, cry when I have to go to the toilet. When I tell him, papa will carry u, my boy will shake his head and push his papa's hand away. I just wanna enjoy in this everyday attention, while it last.


how do you feed plain water to your babies? Why is it that my boy coughs (like choke on plain water)? He's fine with milk. Is it bcos plain water is very thin?

Wendees: i feed plain water to my boy, when he dun wan drink, he fake coughing.... else sometimes he drinks alot nv cough at all...

let him get used to drinking plain water ba...

my boy will drink plain water and choke once in a while. When I use the magmag cup, he'll suck up a big gulp, but cannot swallow, then spit out. I've been trying different ways, use spoon, use syringe, use magmag cup, use bottle.

wendees, my little "ah pek" also will cough when he drinks water.. not always, but quite frequently. lolz... think it's normal ba.. probably not used to it. hahahaha... everytime when he chokes and cough, we'll just laugh and say him "ah pek". hee

dazz, so cute! sometimes I also think my boy's like a little old man. he'll niam to himself, or complain in his own language, but duno what he's talking abt.

we love our little ah peks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] , we can celebrate our mother's day with them this weekend!

i overheard my ah lao's conversation with TodZ this morning when he's getting him ready for school.

"TodZ, you're now a big boy... you need to learn how to sleep without diaper oredi.. you know.. before you go to bed, you go shhshh... then you'll not shhshh till you wake up the next morning... you understand?"

My little darling simply answered his dad... "huh?"


1st time i heard the old man trying to talk "sense" to his son. whahahaha... duno why, tickles me. hahahhahah

dazz: haha ur old man so funny....

wendees: my boy also always niam niam to himself, sometimes suddenly very loud, like scolding ppl... then we all laugh at him, coz see his face.. and yet we dun understand what he trying say...

Hello Mummies!

My boy so kelian cause his pigu is all red with nappy rashes caused by the LS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Red and painful! So heartpain to see him screaming and yelling when I clean his pigu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Tears drop but bo pian. Haiz...


heh. every day is mother's day when you become a mum. i m not celebrating this weekend. too crowded, slow service, overpriced menus. i would rather celebrate another day.... my mum and MIL understand. bcz hey, that was the way they brought me and Mr C up.


HAHAHAHAH! so funny!

Mr C niam at C1 and now C2 sometimes. he is more naggy than i m with them.

orangey, how you clean? use water wash or use wet wipes? If still using wipes, think you use water ba... then slap on Desitin to ease the rashes. Use the thick one. That one is quite good, IMO

Orangey: use cotton wools or water to clean... wipes not gd for rashes... i agree with dazz, desitin works very gd.... put thick thick layer..

so so so bz today... no time to come in and chat. have fun chatting mummies see if i got time to pop by later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dazz, Dawn,

I use water to wash cause i know wet wipes abit rough and painful but everytime we open up his nappy, he will cry cause he knows pigu pain pain le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anpanman Waterproof Bib


Payment received from Baymic, Juski!

Thank you!

Mummies who have not replied me about mode of collection, pleast let me know asao alright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i agree with dawn and dazz, use water to clean poo. Everytime my boy poos, I'll bring him to wash his backside with water and soap. Only when we're out, then I'll use wet wipes. Duno why, either bb's poo's toxic or bb's skin very delicate, poo will make my boy's skin red as well. Even adults think that toilet paper can be quite rough on our backside.

cellow, so true, everyday's mother's day. I look forward to going home everyday to my boy!

Hi All.

Ruru: Glad you enjoyed the villa and I am happy to hear they have kept their standards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Update on maid situation: Brought her back to the agency last evening and she was crying all the way there. Made me feel like we were somehow wronging her. Got to the agency and the tears dried up. The agent asked her why she wants to leave and she said she "misses her mother". No more mention about the mother being ill. So then the agent questioned how she is going to repay her outstanding loan since her family has said they cannot afford to settle the loan. At this stage, she started crying. The agent then said she will need to work for another employer until she settles her loan. A few minutes later she said she wanted to return to our house!!! My hubby and I had talked about it earlier and we knew this was likely to happen. So we told her no she can't return to us. The agent then started trying to persuade us etc. I asked to see the CVs of the other maids the agency has and said that it is difficult for us because who knows if she will again pull a similar stunt ina few months time when she has cleared her loan. Worst still (and I didn't voice this out), what if the maid somehow thought that we were obstructing her return home and then tries to retaliate. We agreed to consider overnight. I must say I feel quite sorry for the maid 'cos she now has to work for an additional 2 months (on top of her outstanding 3 months loan) as a penalty.

What would you do in my situation? She is a good worker and has excellent English for a Myanmmese. She will have no trouble finding another employer and we did tell the agent we are happy to provide a testimonial if the new employer requires one.

thanks cellow... haiz.

wendees: yup, my gal prefers me to hb too. but need to get hb and gal to bond too. else he no mood to take care of her. over last week and long weekend, i left them tog 1-2 hours each day, alone so now she is a bit more ok with him. in fact now he has an easier time putting her to sleep than me. i went out one night for dinner n he had to do her night routine with her n put her to sleep. we thought jialat already cos she NEEDS me to be there with her, i leave the room only she scream loud loud. but surprisingly, she behaved very well, and ownself lie down to sleep. so after that his confidence boosted and he more willing to jaga her alone. =)

ming: i would not take her back either. i tell my maid once u say u want to go back, you will go back. no changing yr mind liao. means you have no heart to work for me. even those who desperate to work for you (like mine) also so difficult to manage already. plus u never know what kind of stunts they will pull. my mom had a friend's maid who knew she was going back home after contract end. said she want to bake a cake for her family. so they let her bake the cake. forgot to bring to airport and maid was so desperate to go back n take the cake. of course they didnt and went home to eat the cake found a whole bunch of their jewellery etc inside. =O

Maddie - horror of horrors! bake jewellery...so smart! coz real gold n diamonds wun melt rite...wahz...

Ming - sounds sad coz she's a good maid n prob she's stil young n immature. From the sounds of it, she's asking to stay on so she can pay off her loan...n she's afraid n regretting now...but my take is once r/s like tis has been soured, v hard for things to be back on track like b4...u'll also keep wondering wen she would ask to return home...

Orangey - tink aft cleaning must air bbO's butt abit more...poor boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i will trf the payment to u 2 9...opting for mailing...tks!

Ming .. I won't take the helper back too .. I'm also facing helper woes .. Btw who's ur agent? Myanmar maid good? Thinking of hiring one the next time when this one goes back .. Still dunno when she wanna go back ..

hey mummies.

Ming...i wun even reconsider my decison made to send the maid home...if the heart is not there, i shudder to think how things will turn out if we do keep the maid....sounds so wrong like sending the maid home but look at it in ther long run.

orangey..use warm water n wash bbO's pigu when he poos..then dab dry in btw the folds of skin ..u may wnaa temporarily switch to nappy with nappy liner so that can air the skin a bit but the washing is tedious leh.

Drinking juices/water/milk

mmMmm...my bbE drinks water as if its his ming gen zi ..he will hold his bottle super tight when we wana wrestle it from him ...same for juice but sad to say, this does not apply to milk ..duh

Dazz..LOL to yr ah lao talking to todZ..=)

Dawn- my mum feeds Mimi water using spoon. I give her sippy cup at home n she tends to choke n cough. But she will suck v v happily.. Suck one time smile n giggle one time. But nw she likes to blow out whilst drinking n water gets into her nose then she coughs again..

