(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

BB Dust, Syz: Jacob Ballas children's garden is lovely. I took my maternity photos there. Do go early 'cos it gets really crowded sometimes

Happy long weekend!

Anyone heard of the micralite stroller? Am seriously thinking of getting one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh i see a congrats to Dawn...so striked oredi ah?? haha.. Congrats Dawn!!

Syz - oh my, glad that u n family r well..hope bbSyz no shock n nitemare 2 9!

Cellow - *clap hands* for C2 on drinking FM ..but u mean C2 taking C1's FM at C1's stage which is a 3 or 4 i guess?!! or C1 stil on Stage 1 which is actually still ok by PD's standards, coz stage 1 got more nutrients than stage 2 etc...

Toking abt accidents, that time my sis also had car accident for 1st time n i tink her face turned pale, then the driver (victim) also came down n instead of being angry, immed asked her f she was alright...kind pple...

FM vs BM - but i dun find FM sweeter lei...there's always a thick n musty smell wehreas BM jus taste v light n tinge of sweetness...but luckily mimi takes both. From now, it's jus FM though..hahah...i officially hang my pumps liao!!

Orangey - can i stil order one red one pls? If close order liao, nvm, i jus got some waterproof bibs for her too but water still seeps in lei...maybe i kena cheated but ok la, design cute.

Mimi is jus drinking 120ml FM nw n then, n best part is she likes to leave abit like 10-20ml for her "fren"...always neva finish up one..n i jus realised i might be underfeeding her...only 1x porridge n 1x cereal...for whole day. In betwn some biscuits n bread nia...supposedly shld be 3 full meals bah...sigh my poor mimi...no wonder so petite. Btw, she going for her vacc jab 2ml, Dunno for which one...prob pneumococal which was planned for 9 mo one, but delay till now. Hope she ok n we can go out play over long weekend.


No problem! Still in time to order [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Red one for mimi ;)

mrsm, u're clearly counting down to long weekend.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] same here, i cant wait to leave but many early birds still ard, haven leave yet so i stil must show face..

Hello SGSC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Glad u had an enjoyable BD for mimi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My gal had hers too last weekend and we were all so tired after the 3 separate parties :p

my drama queen is crying liao. her new pattern, crawl a few step, lie down and put head on the floor to cry. then crawl another few steps and repeat.


the gap of my 2 is same as cellow, 20 months apart. thats's why i was in a hurry to send yu ze to cc when he turns 18 months. he doesn't really know the concept of baby at all. he is like the 'shi dong fei dong' kind. but i do bring him for all my gynae visit to show him baby, get him to kiss and sayang baby via my tummy. when mei mei is born, the confinement period hubby is not allow to carry or touch baby. hubby is solely his and nobody else. slowly, he starts to know that this 'baby' is going to be permanently at home with him. in the beginning as long as yu xi touch him, he will complain pain pain. yu xi cannot touch him but he can touch her. hahaha.... then he also become her announcer, yu xi cry, he will come to us and say mei mei cry and want us to go see or carry her.

of course bow that yu xi is older, both of them will fight loh. fight for toys, fight for hugs, fight for attention. but i think yu ze is more good temper then yu xi. so far, he won't beat her. he only cry and complain about her if he lost out.


wow you girl really loves milk leh. yu ze drinks 3 times a day now. 180ml X 2 and 240ml. he drinks like that already very siong leh.


Jacob ballas is at the other side of botanic garden [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 5 bucks to go in n our tods free [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


didn't know i have to pay for jacob ballas? i thought free leh cos i never pay and just go in like that. a few time liao leh. ops.

Pnut - wow! 3 parties???!! u must have spent a bomb then n i can imagine the fatigue i had x3!!! But yeah tat all turned out well!

Celynlee - haha yu xi so cute..chu new pattern. can jus pic her doing tat lei...yu ze is the perfect gentleman lor - jun zi dong kou bu dong shou!

BBdust - tks for the info..u r realli very well-read lei..ok, i admit i only peep out from my shell on good days nia...hehehhe

chips: source should be ok lah if u buy from a recongized online supplier... like luvbabies etc... if those normal blog shop, i dun think advisable lah.. coz if anything happen can't find them also..


Lol my mistake cos i click on admissions n just read assuming that its the correct webby but went to botanic garden instead haaaa


Yupz i think so too i love nature the next trip i m gg to bring my boy to bkt timah hill hee

Hi sonshine,

The pampers promo is for how many pcs per pack? I recvd a flyer in my letterbox today fr CK dept store... They are selling pampers active L(44pc) 2 packs for $26.90.

Re pampers.

There is a slight difference between the box pack (M : 2 x 44) and the normal (M : 68) pack. I've been using both for my baby and the normal pack diapers do leak. Specially overnight. Box Pack is ok.

Both are made in japan and similar manufacturing dates.


Went to Jacob Ballas this morning. Lovely place and bb syz enjoyed the water play. Ate brunch at the "Kidz Cafe". Fed her banana apple oatmeal from there. Happy to find something suitable for her on the menu. We'll go there again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Did your 2 men like the place?


Our plan to take the train to M'sia fell through cos no tickets for the timing we wanted. Probably find another weekend to go. When are you going?

Wow everyone going Jacob ballas sounds like a good place to go. Think will aim to go there for brunch tomorrow. Hope the weather is good. Rainy two days.

Hi Mummies,

Anpanman Bibs order has been made.

Please kindly transfer payment to my POSB Savings 002-35677-5.

Kindly top up $1 for normal postage otherwise self-collection from my block at Sengkang Anchorvale.

Wendees - $8.50 ( Can pass to my sister and pass to you)

Baymic - $8.50 (Please state mode of collection)

Bbdust - $8.50 (Please state mode of collection)

Sgsc - $8.50 (Please state mode of collection)

Maddie - $8.50 (Please state mode of collection)

Juski - $8.50 (Please state mode of collection)

Kindly send me an email at [email protected] after you have made the payment. Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Slept and woke up cause hungry lol.. My friends came over for a moscato party so end up drinking more than eating lol

Orangey - ok tks! will trf soon n let u noe asap...

yday i also slept very "early" at 6am...prob coz end of holiday liao, abit sad...

Evening mummies, just brought bb to peek-a-boo. I guess he has fun as he is now sleeping. Bring him along to crawl n come down the slide, although he can't walk but he has fun crawling along. But there are alot of people today. I wonder if he is old enough to go zoo??


Okie will trsf tmrow in orpit


Whats the dha thingy ah? Read that its gd for immune system


Can bring to the zoo. Most of us here have already bought our tods to the zoo


Great to hear that u enjoy urself, in the end we didnt go cos raining, nxt time i find interesting places to go shall let u know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SG 84

I reckon they are ready for zoo. They can start cruising against the polar bear glass screens, hear the diff sounds that animals make (the monkeys are quite noisy), experience the smell (animals' poo poo) and some parts we will have to carry them lar to see the animals. Got water play too. And if yours can sit still, can go for those scheduled performances so that they experience big crowds clapping, laughing together (concept of community & behavior).

The mummies here advised me to go for individual memberships (if you have 1 child only) instead of family membership coz 3 years & below is free & the total of 2 individual memberships is cheaper.

Anyway how is the crawling space in pee-a-boo? Coz I dun like to bring her to indoor playgrounds that are too crowded or have many older toddlers that can step on her :p

I went Royce today and loved it. So many diff kind of play & toys. Mine likes the kitchen set area. But hubby finds it overpriced @ $35 for 1 hour.


i find royce too ex too. yu ze only stay at the thomas area when i already got lots of thomas at home. to pay 35 to play there, i can buy more thomas at home loh. hahaha..... we go once and will never return again.

Bb dust

It's for brain development. Now fish contamination is questionable. I giving in moderation. Thinking if a purer brand fish oil for time being.


Bfing lor I got bitten silly today. If pain to the nips causes stupidity I think I m v stupid Liao.

hi any mummy TBF baby til now? shld we start giving FM or fresh milk to our tods now? i really wonder if my BM is sufficient in quantity and in nutrition for my girl now. i big headache my girl rejects bottle.

Morning mummies,

Aiyo long weekend over liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cant wake up early so sleepy yawnx


Eh i started with fm but sometimes when i m outside i give my boy fresh milk, nite latch

morning mummies

morning bbdust & elmoo

vic ma,

are you buying anything from the bestbuy is it? i want to buy the sk2 facial foam and moisturer.

Good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi^ jas03

I tbf [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 2 daya back I intro some fresh milk in my girl's oatmeAl more for taste than anything else



Jas03: am still tbf latch on weekends. Weekdays she takes bottle ebm at IFC. Shd be ok. If they hungry will eat more solids lo.

