(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


bo lah hah we go mcdonald [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] today got eat fruits boh and how's ur flu and sore throat?

Thank u bbdust! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha I read about this fruit reminder


Did u eat ur apple yesterday? Hope u feeling better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morn mummies!!

sonshine...welcome welcome *smiles*

SG_SC..good to know mimi is doing ok =)

celyn..u got someone at home that can accompany you to the doc??? ..do be careful...sounds like a bout of stomach flu..despite all. pls UPZ your fluids okie ....Regarding the photoshoot, pls count me in for the package.

Bbdust, today's fruit is guava!! with tons of plum powder. lolz. nose no longer block, no more mucus, no more phelgm, just occasional coughs because of itchy throat. Much beta oredi~!! thank you!!

sonshine, haha... thanks.

Woofy, hahha.. ya lo. I "Gum Jek". lolz. Wanted to buy the $1/pkt kind but aunty out of stock, in the end, she ask me to buy a bigger packet that cost $4/pkt~!! hahaha.. i also buy lo. keep inside air tight container slowly eat. hahahahhaa


woo guava with sng buay yumsss ~~~ nom nom nom

yah continue with manuka honey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u also heart manukua honey ah haha

yoohoo sonshine,

you finally got access to a computer then. yay!

LOL on dazz's $4 guava! good good take more vit C.


oh dear, quickly go to the doctor! anyone at home to accompany you? if got yakult/vitagen at home, take out to cool first and drink one bottle.

update on maid's claim from ex employer

still no chq in the mail. sent another chaser sms. said if i dun receive chq to (my address) by 5 Mar, i will take the matter to MOM. let her answer to MOM. take up her time. HAHA!

i have plenty of leave to take this up on my maid's behalf. good employees shd be rewarded; bad employees shown the door... which is wat i did with my 1st maid.

sonshine: Welcome! Your daughter, my daughter and I all share the same birthday! Such a wonderful coincidence [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Birthday bash: Organising comm mummies, any plans for what time to have the group photo? Sorry but I have my Wilton class at 4.30 p.m. (final class where I have to present my graduation project) which I can't miss so I will have to run off at 3.30 or so. Really hoping we can have a group shot before we run off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cellow, xlh, sonshine, bbdust,

i survived the trip to the doc and back myself. got more medicine but i hate medicines. now resting in bed liao.


i like guava with lot of sng buay too.


Haha what a coincidence and a memorable bdae it must have been for u last year! Double celebration for ur family every year now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Manuka honey is my cure all haha indigestion, flu, sore throat all manuka honey.


No stillnot using my laptop coz my octopus aka my daughter will want to slap the keyboard so now taking more effort to type on my iPhone haha


Do rest! Is it cfm stomach flu? Drink some h2o to replenish fluids and eat light meals like biscuits. Hope u get better soon


poor thing, sayang sayang, later make some porridge or what to eat but in the meantime hor, go and zz okie dont login liao


hah asame same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] esp sore throat and cough

Celyn: hi 5.. i also on mC today so can come in chat. seen dr now in bed before i zzz out. but mine sound like dazz bug. sniff.. must be got from my gal last week she got fever.

sonshine: welcome!

cellow: good to be firm with maid bully. lets see what happens next.

Celyn, could it be......... hee!

Maddie, opps! take care and rest well!

Cellow, that woman still havent pay up? Haiz...


hahaha..... no no. i know what you are thinking. that's the first thing my doc ask me when i told him i feel nausea.


you take care too.


no leh. doc didn't say its stomach flu.


will try to zzz


if you want to photoshoot package, please transfer $150 (deposit) to my account, posb savings 054-30682-2. then pm me with a email add and your contact so that they can send the receipt to you.


Thank care. Best if someone accompanies you to the doctor.

Welcome S0nshine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Glad to hear mimi is fine.

Feeling very tired. Wish i could just close my eyes and rest.

Yesterday evening my boss asked me to stay on for another few months after my last day in mid April on a part time basis to handover my work to my replacement. The candidate they are considering needs to give 2 months notice and she will prob only be able to join in the 1st or 2nd week of May [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Celyn and Maddie

Take care!


now i feel like having guava with sng buay too.

S0nshine and BBdust

I heart manuka honey too! If only it could cure tiredness... or rather lack of sleep!

celyn..i trf tonite...go rest aft med.

Maddie...take care too!!

Dazz ...nw i crave for sny buay hun :p ..keke ...drink plenty of water to get well fast yeah!!!

wow.. opppsss! i made so many crave for sng buay hun.. lolz... later lunch time go buy guava with sng buay hun k~!! hahahahhaha...

good morning all!!

it's a good day today cos i've finally made the biggest decision ever.. i've tendered my resignation.. not going on their part time scheme anymore.. hubby felt no point going on part time if i still got to take leave to take care of my girl on and off.. and i really super sian with my work and boss.. might as well don't work anymore.. but for the time being only lar.. my hubby said give me 3 mths to look for new job, preferably nearer to home..

yesterday went to see doctor regarding my giddiness.. i do feel nausea too.. i also told my doctor i can't be preggie right?? cos i'm having my menses now.. somemore heavy menses.. she just laugh it off.. hahaha.. anyway yesterday had a very good talk with my doctor and makes me really think abt what i want.. and that ponder me to resign after so long.. if i don't resign, i can forsee myself still stuck at this job and position for another 2 yrs or so.. no career advancement, no progession at all.. not mentioning any targets that i need to hit.. totally boring job...

so in order for me to keep going in my life, i really need to go.. people may ask why i don't want to find a new job 1st.. cos i know i will keep pushing the idea of finding a new job if i'm still working here.. so better now, i know i'm going to be jobless soon, then i will wake up and start looking for a new job... anyway i've 3 mths to look for new job..

really hope i can find something suitable soon.. not the boring old job again..

celyn: u take care leh.. alot of people got stomach flu recently..

maddie: u rest well..

dazz: u tempted me with the guava.. later i go buy too and same as u with lots of sny buay too.. hahaha..

juye & cellow,



glad that you have decided. jia you.


i'm already in sleeping position. hahaha..... hope i will get knock out soon.

Maddie & Celyn,

Rest well and recover soon.

SYz & Juye,

How I wish i can just resign like that but I need to find new one before quitting. Sigh...

Dunno what job to find. Hope for a total change.


dont look back already since u have mustered so much courage to quit. just look forward to finding a new job and looking after ur gal in the meantime. Good luck in job hunting okie. jia you ~~


haha same lah must find new one before quitting but current job though no achivement and stuff, but at least i can go home on the dot so its a trade off bah.

piglet: replied!!

it's really not easy to make the decision.. 1st thing i thought of is my lovely colleagues.. i once told them we fight as a team.. but now i left them to fight alone.. feel pretty bad.. but just now they all showed their support for me to resign.. so glad i had them too..

i'm thinking of doing some retail sales in the morning.. then afternoon, i can go back take care of my girl.. but must be near my place.. hmm.. maybe i go see the mall near my place got any job vanacies.. maybe i can try the new supermarket.. hahaha.. just want to pass some time in the morning where my girl is mostly sleeping.. hahhaaha..

Juye: Glad you have made up your mind. I am sure you will find something better. Good luck! Meanwhile, concentrate on getting better.

Am panicking slightly, we are already in March and I have not completely firmed up arrangements for our birthday party (am having a joint birthday bash this year since daughter is turning 1 and I am turning 30). This morning my hubby just nagged me about the birthday outfits and that I should start hunting out tailors if I want to get matching outfits etc. Stressed! Kinda makes me feel like I am planning my wedding all over again.

Am also heading to Japan in 2 weeks and I have no itinerary planned except to eat 5 meals a day. Any mummies who are frequent visitors to Tokyo and would like to share their itinerary with me, pls pm me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Juye, wow... you've made the decision! hahaha.. guess at a certain point of time, we'll make some big decision... =) jiayou jiayou o~! Try to look for something that you like ba. Meanwhile, enjoy your time with BbA~!

ok, I'm EVIL

This mrg I read my fren's fb status saying her heart feels sad each morning when her baby looks at her hoping for her to stay home to carry him..

I'm like HUH!!!!!????


I didn't clarify myself.. baby = guinea pig

It's a struggle to leave for work every morning with yr hopeful eyes telling me to stay and carry u..

I was like huh.... faint

Hello Mummies!!


Rest well!

I super hungry now :S

Hungry until feel like beating pple up :x Hungry Orangey = Angry Orangey. You won't like me when I'm hungry :p

Aiyoh, i took half day AM cos me n hubby oversleep... nw eating bfast as i scan thru the SMH posts.. happy!! still reading friday's posts...

Piglet - hope little YH is well! happy to see FB posts she has been feeding well.. must b your porridge nice nice too. but m disappointed cant see u at first year bash. its okay, maybe we can all plan another outing after the bash! n please dun feel guilty le, we are first time mums, its nt that we are wrong but we dun hv experiences to fall bk on when things happen.. that's alright, we learn n YH is better le.. jia you!

SG_SC - i give little bit vitagen liao. haha. aiyoh, is mimi okay le mah? can understand how you feel.. maybe you must think of a way to prevent the falling from happening le.. maybe constantly put her on a mat or a low mattress on the floor or something? no more sofa..

Chippy - my nanny put water in the tam pui. If poo poo, just pour into toilet bowl..

Re: sick babies - hope they all recover soon! they are slowly building up the resistances to bad bad viruses so mummies, jia you...! must tahan thru yah.. hug hug..

Re: standing up - my gal cant stand much yet. think i need to buy a playpen for her to train? she either crawling on the floor or on the walker or on the bed or being carried. duno how to train her. nanny says gal is lazy. jialat.

Re: Giant ang ku kueh - where to find these? at GIANT?

hooray!! my boss approved my leave then the others all cashed out to my salary.. hahaha.. oh, now need to check my flexi benefits money.. don't waste that too..

orangey: go find food lor..

siew ping: my MIL did the same as ur nanny.. put water inside the potty then cleaning will be easier..

what's about the giant ang ku kueh??

ming: u bringing bbE to japan too?? i just went there last Dec.. celyn too.. what u need to know ah?? where to go?? depends on what u want to see lor.. i see from celyn's photos.. she went to quite alot of places.. u can check with her.. i only stayed within tokyo, so nothing much..


I can sooooooooo understand how you feel! Let's JIA YOU together!


Have you already any tailors in mind? Is it going to be a dress up birthday bash or a casual one? If casual you may want to consider www.tango.com.sg. Some of the kids designs could be made to adult sizing or you could do a pinny for your girl and a skirt for yourself in matching fabric. I did mommy and daughter outfits for CNY with matching fabrics with them. But bb syz looks better in hers than i do in mine ;p Will most likely be wearing for the birthday bash this Sat. Oh but if you have time and know someone who could sew for you, you could buy the pattern.


Siew PIng: yup, my maid also put water inside potty before shit. guess is easier to pour out after that. no need to 'dig' it out if stuck.

GIANT ang ku kueh? haha!

Juye: think the decision is the hardest to make. u must be feeling really relieved now. anyway u the one want to stay home with yr gal one right?

