(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


I bought singer brand de. My mum says singer brand is the best brand in terms of sewing machine so I got it cause Courts has it on 50%? The original price was $509 and I bought it at $219.



My mom uses a singer too. Same reasoning as your mom. But I am a newbie to sewing machines and it looks so complex. Was considering brother cos somehow looks easier to operate ;p Do share your feedback on the machine you bought when you've tried ok?

syzygy6 (syzygy6)

the bb toilet seat have also and with handle for bb to hold. ( my sis gave to me ) she nv use again buy liao keep .. I got a lot of things all given by her.

My parents dun allow scare he naughty n fall down or watever kind of accident even if maid holding to him.

cham rite.. if i at home I sure start training liao. my maid cant go against my mum so hor she cant act on my instructions.


like that bo pian have to wash the potty or line with plastic bag lor... or else buy what gbh has... very cute! but my mom and hb both said no so...

mummies... may i know what kind of girdle is good in keeping tummy in? Any particular brand or material to look out for?

Yay!!!! Going bali in June [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally an official holiday for Papa, Mama and Baby Orangey!!!

Hi Dazz,

I have replied your PM.

Hi mommies,

My 3rd tummy flattening skirt BP is up! Can a kind mommy here kindly cut and paste the url link here? THANKS A MILLION in advance!

Hi Dazz,

The impt thing abt a girdle is to buy the right size as only then can you shape the body in the right way. When trying the girdle, do remember to move and twist your body to see if the girdle roll down!!!

I personally tried wearing a girdle for a wedding before and OMG!!!! Whole night cannot eat much and keep going to toilet to pee!!! Hee.... You can guess the fate of that girdle right?

ruru, oh.. i din want the girdle to shape my body. i just hope it can hold my tummy in for one night. lolz.. need to wear a dress then with a tummy, ugly la!!! =X


relax when u at the table, the table cloth wil cover for u

when stand up or while walking to the ladies. breathe in ...

u stil can enjoy ur dinner at the table.

by the way for girdle, u got to b real comfortable else whole nite face green green and cant smile properly.


we are mere mortal mummies, not superheros with many eyes at the back of our heads and super long arms to catch them when they fall.

sayang you! and sayang mimi too....


must it be at vivocity?

persistent ear infections need a stronger antibiotic. 1st round of antibiotics for bb is usu augmentin, comes in powder form to reconstitute. 2nd round of antibiotics is stronger... but for the life of me, i cannot rem the name now. C1 took 2nd round only once.


you can just step into any dept store and ask the underwear promoters ya....? the sensible thing would be to do as rurucat suggested. twist here and there to see if it rolls down.

I had a mental meltdown just now in the morning.. told my hubby since I started working, I'm very very tired... got to bear with my nasty boss in the day, then come back got to see the nasty face of my hubby then at night can't sleep well becos of my girl.. I just felt so sad...

Plus i'm still having my giddy spells n bad bad headache, makes me feel more jialat... finally cannot take it liao, broke down infront of my hubby..

Hello mommies,


dun blame yourself for causing mimi to fall down...most impt is mimi is fine.


Hope u feel better now after telling your hubby how u feel.

Re lining potty with plastic bags

Tried once but dunno isit too warm and uncomfortable...my gal did not output anything and her buttock became sweaty fr sitting on the potty :p Stop potty training since then... think need to start again...

Re Fish for porridge

I dun steam the fish...just dump it into the porridge to boil before the porridge is ready...no ginger added...like that will have wind?

Re holiday

Any mommies have packing list of what to bring for our little ones? Can PM me for reference? I am going Perth next wk. TIA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Mummies~

My baby turning 1 this April 9, we don't know may kids or babies so we won't probably have a children's party and have adults guests instead. But I still want this to be special and want my baby to be happy, afterall, this is my baby's bday! So would like to ask if anybody can recommend a nice venue for her party to be held.

Pls. Help and advice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


juye....keke ...=) ....hope u r feeling better aft a talk with yr dh n voicing hw u feel out loud...sometimes one feels better aft ranting it out to a listening ear.

Thank u mommies. Sorry to keep posting same "accident story" abt mimi once every few mths. I wanted so much to cry but no tears come out...Dunno y. Mum no call till now so I guess mimi shld be alrite. She jus looked dazed n listless tis morn, but we tot prob coz we had to leave the house earlier today, tats y she not enuf sleep, sianz. But luckily she finished her milk. Yes, each time something happens I will swear to myself neva ever to leave her alone, but few moments later, my laziness got the hold of mi n I tot awhile only, wun matter one. I realli gotta learn it the hard way, but at the expense of poor mimi.

Gbh - u r right. It's always becoz of mi tat she's always falling. Super negligent mum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I realli gotta wake up my idea.

Orangey - haha..tats wat I try to psycho myself, but nw im afraid tat after the repeated falls, she'll turn stupid becoz of mi!

Syz - floor dirty coz got dog hair n I tend to have phobia tat she'll suddenly unbalance n jerk her head backwards n hit her head against floor, seeing hw she likes to do tat wen on the bed.

juye...at times i simply closed both eyes ...dun wana force too much on myself n make myself upset ...+ve thinking is v impt in helping us stay sane as we cope with our jobs, babies & the poWderful ILs *wink* ...i used to have this tinking..."everything must be up to my expectations..on par or higher" ...there are times when i get v upset simply because at work i gotta deal with 'cocOnuts', at home a wailing baby & one block head ...Over time, i tell myself" ..its not going to be ez at the rate im going even if i dun eat n zz just to cater to all the daily challenges" ...gotta close one eye ( both at times n tape my ears too !) n give myself pats now n then that Im doing a OK N lower expectations...of cos being sick does not help things lah but do hang in there cos life is never easy to start with ..jiayou *0*

tis morning got a male colleague told me he read forum haha its tis forum .. he say got a lot of tips n ba gua.

i dare not let him knw i also frequent here


Wont lah.. dont think too much okay! I know how you feel! How's mimi now? BB Orangey still got LS leh.. though it comes in v little amount but still worried. My mum attribute to teething cause BB Orangey doesnt seems affected by his LS.. still wriggling like a worm, crawling like a leopard, shouting like Tarzan and jumping and hopping like kangaroo!!! Mum is complaining she no energy liao cause my active boy uses up her whole day of energy :x


yeah lor.. i've never been to bali so very excited!


I also cook fish just buy dumping into the slwo cooker together with rice and loin bones and water. Like that will cause wind meh? My mum taught me this way leh.

Wah, u mommies realli DIY experts. hw I wish I have such talent too…sometimes I try to do a simple stitch up but stil alamak, ugly like dunno wat.

Orangey - so nice, can go holiday again..yi jia san kou. ;p I realli need a break frm work..im drowning n come next mth, colleague going europe holidays for a mth, guess wat that means…Im gonna have double the workload! Help! I NEED A BREAK too!!!

Potty training - so fast ah? By one or wen they learn hw to walk then they shld learn hw to pee/poo on own issit?

Pnut - I also dump fish into porridge n cook straightaway…also neva put ginger slice. I tot ginger was to get rid of the fishy smell, din noe used to reduce "cool"

SG_SC..hugz hugz ...whats happened is now a thing of the past...our hearts ache when we see the baluku marks / bump( myself included ) ...gotta remind ourselves that our lil ones are simply amzing beings who can have lotsa tricks up their sleeves / in their diapers when we are not looking =) ...continue to monitor mimi okie ....i recall the last one my boi fell off the bed with a loud thump ( i heard the thump 2 rooms away ), was stunned ..no tears but sim tia n gulity .

Juye - *patz patz* I tink I somehow can feel hw u feel nw…the overwhelmed feeling, so sianz yet gotta face the "music" coz tats like our life liaoz…wanna escape but also dunno hw to. But I tell myself each day as it comes…hang on, coz it wun be for long tat im in tis shit. Things will change somehow w/o our deliberate intervention one, it'll jus work things out on their own. We must Persevere k!!

Orangey - mum neva call so im hoping tat mimi is ok oredi...haha..good tat bb Orangey stil so active, at least we can rest our minds over other factors. yes lei, wen they teething, loose bowels can be a direct effect from it...so long as he eat, drink, play, active i not so concerned, unless for >1 week, then i will bring go PD check it out.

XLH - Lets hug together n cry...my goodness, 2 rooms away??!! poor boi. Hear oredi my heart also v pain for him. Yday my helper in kitchen washing things said she heard the bump so loud too tats y she rushed out. sigh...

Orangey & SGSC,

Cos I read other mommies comment that they cook fish by steaming and with ginger to get rid of wind so wondering is my boiling mtd will have wind :p

SG_SC ..on a lighter note..everytime my boi crawls to the corner of the bed n dangles half his body over, i always say " u forget u kok kok yr head ? " ..this mischevious fella will simply smile but he will move his body closer back to the ctr of the bed ...*chuckles*..duno if he really rems cos when he fell the last time, he was asleep n rolled down ..but i believe babies do know a bump or two when they encounter one ...only lil problem is when my boi plays & got so engrossed n excited that he forgets about the kok kok thingy :p


potty training. can start now. dun wait until they are 1yo or can verbalise or watnot. read christine gross-loh's "the diaper free baby".... that really opened my eyes. before hand i used to think oh they will toilet train themselves, but noooooooo..... that din happen.

C1, turning 3 in Jul this year, is still nowhere toilet trained. occasionally gets diaper rash. big sigh.


welcome back! where have you been?

welcome to mommyyan too!

for C2's 1st bday, i m not inviting babies. he wont know how to play w them anyway. to me tis a continuation of 'announcing' to my family that he is growing up and has turned (or rather, is turning) one.


The SK BTO is at fernvale.. me not interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks all.. so glad I have all of u here to listen to me n advise me, else everything keep to myself, I will go insane..

My hubby sms me to tell me to take it easy, he will help me out whenever I want him too.. hopefully he means that leh..

It's really not easy juggling between work, baby, hubby n ILs.. luckily my ILs didn't give me much problems.. I thought I can handle one, but I thought too highly of myself.. think I really have to take things slowly n easily.. I'm just stressing myself out and thought everything if in my control will be good, but I'm wrong now.. take it easy bah


dun get brother. i got a Brother and i find that not really so easy to sew leh... as in it the fabric will "run" as u sew??? my mum who used to be a seamtress hates using my machine when she was so used to those heavy duty industrial models...

My girl too, even bump a lot of times already, she still not scared.. my hubby said just leave her lor, she has to learn from bumping here n there.. just now saw a blue black at her forehead, don't even know where she got it one.. hahaha...


yes put 3 upright around e queen mattree. 2 to cover the floor area from queean mattress to another wall. i use a cabinet and her bb cot to hold the upright mattress.

her room is kind of pack now. i also use lots of pillows and 2 bolster.

she is kind weird one. ever once she bump her against her bb cot sound "bong" and she kncok again 2 times till i stop her.


u need to relax n tell urself tt some things not done is not impt... not end of the world... i also kan kai long ago... if i still perservere to be the perfectionist, i probably died either of stress or suicide long ago liao!


I think there is tis bp selling those cushion pads on wall.. tat wil look good can serve as deco.

wow tat mattress is heavy if fall down how.. u got to secure it well.


yup we make sure the mattres wont fall. also scare suffocate. now she prefer to play in her bedroom than her play area (playmat&yard)coz bigger area.

is the cushion pad very big like mattres size? i got check BP but never come accross this.

