(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


i didnt knw til there was once I took bus and got a indian young gal oh her 'smell' was strong and my head spin, no seat in bus and very crowded. I use vicks for the whole journey.

* no offence for indian . I also duno why she got a very strong smell.

When I alight, I stil feel the smell is with me happen to mention to my ex colleague and she told me to dig out pi sai. true enough the smell gone..

I think its true, on island due to the polluted air, pi sai is greyish else usually its translucent.

So for the color of pi sai we wil know if the air is clean.. is it like tat ?

hi all,

have been having giddy spells for days.. finally went to see doctor yesterday.. guess what the doctor said, he said: "oh, u breastfeeding, then can't take any medicine for giddiness, just got to rest lor".. huh?? of course i know got to rest lar, but really cannot take medicine mah.. so i just rest lor.. but now still having the giddy spells leh.... and very bad headache.. argh.. stupid..

but still managed to bring my girl for her birthday photoshoot today.. not too bad thou my girl didn't really co-operate well.. hahaha.. good becos i not need to buy so much photos.. hahaha.. it's really tough to take photos for kids mah.. can't stop moving one leh..

dazz: alamak, why ur MIL like that one?? i sure give black face to them one lor.. quickly give a big cleanup of ur house..

oh,u still want contact for makeup artist?? i sms u later..

lynn: no gift exchange.. err.. we will be having some contest, pretty babe n hunk..hehehe.. so come prepared with babyD with pretty pretty clothes..hehehe..

1sttimepapa: my girl had that recently..at 1st thought it's diaper rash, but turned out to be fungus infection.. u try putting the destin diaper rash cream, if it doesn't help then go see doctor better.. don't worry, should be fine one..

oh ya, saw u all talking abt cannot cut cake 2 times.. but i've already made arrangement for 2 cake cutting for my girl leh.. one on her party time, the other on her actual day.. really cannot cut cake 2 times ah?? why??

Any mummies need a part time helper to help with washing toilets and ironing?

I have a part time helper to let go from May 2011. She has worked with us for more than 3 years. Hardworking, honest and easy going. She stays in AMK and doesn't mind travelling anywhere. We have no choice but to let her go as we hired an indonesian maid.

Do PM me if you are interested. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanxs all for your comment. Yesterday son backside was better. I aPply medicated power when no poo n put on mustela cream after washing poo. What I dun understand is at least 1 day of every last week, his backside will be red with 3d surface, maid will tell me his stomach not gd. When I asked poo how many times, she will say 2 times.


How is her rates? I dont mind engaging someone to help me clean my hse every week. I really have no time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

1st time papa,

Well.. 2x poo shouldnt be diarrhea but then you really have to study the stool and the rashes. The other time when BB Orangey had HFMD, it started with diarrhea but we didnt know it was diarrhea cause his poo frequencies were normal but the nappy rash was quite bad so we went to my GP cause Sun PD closed and GP said its diarrhea if not the rashes wouldnt be so bad. When bb LS, they excrete lactose which will cause rashes.

celyn, quick one to reassure you.... to counteract the liang of steamed fish, as long as you steam w ginger (which most of us do anyway to counter the fishiness), tis ok....


i hv been using CB calendula cream as diaper cream so far so good. no diaper rash.

like maddie says, after eating solids, the poo is more hiong, so likely to get rashes.

but.... do monitor if you suspect maid is being lazy. no need to scold too much. smtimes dunno if bb suddenly change pattern or maid is lazy.

update on my maid's claim on ex employer

no chq, nothing came in the mail. next step is to sms her tmr and tell her if chq doesnt come within the next week, i m going to MOM. make some trouble for her.

price check on Mamy Poko

jumbo size is going for RM43 at Jusco!!! only if got the J Card and limited to 2 packs per person. i went last fri. auntie me went around asking pple for J card and also asked if they mind buying diapers for me. haha! the things i do to save a buck.

1st time papa,

Nt ls for sure, today my boy ps 3 times. Morning, afternoon n jus ps again.....

*ps - pang sai

Eat more Shit more cannot b stomach no good. If no good u will knw bb will b uncomfortable 1 lor...

Chk - the ' red tam pui ' is it meant for urine or ps? If ps how to wash huh isn't it so disgusting empty the sai to toilet bowl? Hw u all do tat?


You so funny.. now bb poo poo u also clean ma, so bb poo poo in the potty just splash into toilet bowl and flush off. I think as long as its our own bb's poo we wont feel so disgusted :p


Last time I dun feel disgusting n cn even accidentally gor at my face.

Now even fart also so smelly, I wonder if jus rinse with water or need to put any liquid to siao(1) du(2).

I still haven try using tam pui, goin to start next wk.

Anybody hav fencing to sell/recycle.

Morning mummies,

Long time no see. Today surprisingly I woke up before 6am n still feel pretty awake. Din plan to wake up so early one but my 不争气 stomach acting up again. Feels all the tumbling. Tt woke me up!


I intend to put a plastic bag over my potty like how u line ur dustbin so tt after poo, I just throw whole bag away with the diapers. No need to wash! Hahaha! I'm lazy n I can't imagine how much more time n energy I need to spend if after each poo/pee I gotta wash n sanitize.

morning celynlee & gbh,

got to go work liao, didn't hav much slp. My boy keep crying, cn hear his deep breathing n a while cry. Knw he is tired but duno y can't slp well maybe nose block. I saw a big pc blocking his air way, every nite he slp, I waited n try to take out but alwys fail.

I teach him to sneeze yesterday morning sneeze out a small pc of ps.

How u all clear ur child nose? Now their head knw how to shake, use hand to push away. Totally can't get near to his nose.

Tam pui

Lying a plastic bag good idea hav to try n see my boy comfortable or nt hhaa u knw la ps also need to b comfortable at backside..


Wah I saw ur post I also angry for u. Y u din stop them from smoking on the spot? Smoking is a def NO NO for me in my household! Ur ILs also so da dan? Y all of sudden bring a bunch of pple go ur hse n do this kinda thing? They think u believe in this stuff?


I super ks last time. Bought a musical potty before I was preggie (3 yrs ago) bcoz wanna tag along fren discount at her boy one yr old offer! The potty looks like adult toilet with seat cover one. So if I put plastic bag to line the container below, bb won't sit on the bag but on the potty seat. Maybe u can try this n see if works better. But then u have a maid so washing Shld not be a prob right? Just get ur maid to wash lor while ur family ja gar ur boy. For me, I'm one man show so no time n energy to do tt n also can't leave poo there to rot till night time right? So bobian lor

Morn mommies...

very very very sad n heartpain n guilty again. Yday at mom's house, left jus awoken mimi on sofa n i went to on fan. walked off abt 5 steps away then suddenly mother instinct told mi i better turn back to watch my baby, but too late. immed next thing i heard was "bump". Mimi hit her forehead against floor n she fell face down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] poor thing, cried so hard for half an hr. Nw her forehead bruised n purple, got one bump. dunno her skull crack anot. i so scared got blood wen i picked her up n i dun dare see. luckily dun have. Compared to mimi's caregiver, im really so so so lousy. Pale in comparison. Mimi's falls always attributed to my carelessness. Last nite she woke up many times to cry too.


Mimi shld b alrite, jus cal back to chk when u at work.

Me too as compare to my maid, she more steady n I careless but den small knocks can't avoid, I dun believe totally no knocks when I nt home.

Tat day my boy hit his side of the eye against my wooden drawer edge, I quickly bring him to doc, Doc told me knocks we see we get worry how abt knocks we nv notice. unless heavy knocks den they cry badly else small knocks little while they ok liao. We won't knw. So I trying to b more alert n trying to improve each day...


I nv buy potty cos my sister got 2 sizes of tam pui new my nephew backside too big can't fit so hav been in storeroom for 4 yrs n now she is passing to my boy to use it.. urs is modern 1 got cover shld b comfortable for ur gal.

Although got maid but she no time to wash bah cos sometimes she is alone at home, there goes the same the sai can't b staying in the tam pui til nite.


hugs. sayang mimi. i guess she should be ok bah. i have been trying to teach my girl how to come down from sofa with legs down first but always fail. she is more timid in a sense but likes to sit on sofa and roll around and play. so i never leave her on sofa if i'm not sitting there.


i received the deposit for the photoshoot liao. thanks.


is it you who transfer the deposit to me too? i receive the deposit with no name.


Sayang Mimi! Shld be ok, just watch out for vomitting. Since u know alrdy then next time no matter what dun leave Mimi on higher surfaces lor. I think I heard u mention a few times of Mimi falling off bed/sofa before? I know sometimes we like to take shortcut tot just few steps away bcoz I'm also like tt. Sometimes wanna take chances n leave gal on bed for few secs while I do something else but unfortunately tts how accidents happen lor: we tot ok but actually it's not safe at all.


sayang sayang... dont think too much ya? My mum always says "Fall more, learn more, grow more" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No mums is perfect neither our mums are perfect. I believe we may have fallen even more than our babies except our mums didnt tell us and we're really too young to know :p


You're still sick ah? Must take care okie. I wanted to msg u about the fabric. Maybe you just send me what you like then I let you know how they sell and the measurements? I got my sewing machine le but havent opening ceremony yet. DH more excited than me, kept asking me "when you wanna hold an opening ceremony for your sewing machine ah?" :p


LOL.. sai wait till night time think everybody including your boy KO liao ba? Also think not very hygiene also. If not ask your mum potty train on toilet bowl? I know bbdust's maid will bring bb bbdust to toilet bowl then make the "uhmm uhmm.." sound for him to poo poo..

morning mummies~! ^_^v

report to bbdust: I got eat fruits over the weekend and i've prepared an apple from home today... going to eat it soon! haha...


Ok. Later I go see the site again. So much variety tt I'm overwhelmed. Btw I try to see if can pass u the 2 bags of beads coming sat? Bcoz gotta see if can squeeze inside my car bor. Car boot gotta fit lotsa stuff tt day. Bicycle, stroller n the logistics for tt day. But I think Shld be able to fit all in.


Okie dokie. The beads not heavy lah hor? :p Cause I'm travelling my taxi, no car lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yeah buy the Zaka fabrics~!~

Hi Mummies,

I urgently need a recommendation for a PD in the Vivocity area for a colleague. She is new to Singapore and her boys are down with a ear infection which doesn't want to clear up. Please let me know if you can recommend someone. Thanks!


Just monitor Mimi. Already happened so don't think about it anymore. Next time just put her on the floor or carry her. Couple of months back I had a scare too when i left bb syz sleeping on my bed with pillows all around (useless cos they are strong enough to climb or roll over them) and i had to run round the house to shut the windows as it started to rain. Suay suay she chose to woke up at that moment, didn't cry for me but must have rolled here and there and ended up falling onto the floor. To this day I don't know where exactly did she hurt herself. My lesson learnt was if i need to leave the room just carry her up... wake up nevermind. Rather than her falling and knocking her head.



Why don't you buy those baby toilet seat to place on top of our adult toilet seat? Poo and pee direct into our toilet bowl and flush. No cleaning needed. My mom bought from neighbourhood shop just a piece of plastic not expensive. For more comfort you can look for those with padded seat. Have seen at toysrus and mothercare or those dept store's kiddy section.

