(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Thanks Syz! Tango looks interesting. Will check out your matching outfits this Saturday before deciding. I was initially going to get Baby E something from Gingersnaps or Chateau Les Enfants and then co-ordinate the look from there.

Juye: No, only hubby and I are going to Japan. Hubby thinks we need some alone time and I agreed. But now we both think we are going to miss baby E loads...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Orangey, jiak ba buay? hee

Zz, HUH !!!! dahz... -_-||| you not evil la... it's..... weird... lolz. then again, some pple really treat their pets like human. Eg: some treat their pet dogs like son/daughter... so, can understand ba.

Ming, wow! trip with hubby to japan??? Wow... envy! Enjoy your trip!!! Sure gonna miss Baby E but if she's in good hands then just enjoy your trip!!!

ZZ ..yr fren got no kids of her own yet ah?? ..hehe

Lunar bday fun...talk abt trying this out last night with my mum ...get the below n see which one ah boi goes for :-

1) Pen

2) Calculator

3) Chicken drumstick

4) Dollar note

5) What else huh??

What do all these respresent??? I wana try this but dun wana it for the sake of doing it ..so nid to understand more ..hehe

Oh the ang ku kueh thingy...when bb wears shoes n step on it = kuai gaO zhang da ..isit?


wow, have a good trip yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i didnt have an itinerary offhand but I can tell u agar agar where i went lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also not sure but i think shld be

pen = office work?

calculator = finance/accounting

chix drumstick = chef

dollar note = biz

scale = lawyer

yes ang ku kueh step on it is kuai gao zhang da

woofy, i'm not sure about that tradition but i ever hear my fren mention, the chicken drumstick should not be real drumstick corz our darling very clever de. Knowing that's the only real food around... they will go for that so kindda "cheated" liaoz. hahahaha... so you must go hunt for those plastic drumstick!! hee


have fun and enjoy. hubby will never leave the 2 babies and go holiday with me.


what i did for #1:

pen - relates to work that required pen like writer

abacus - relates to accounting

drumstick - 不愁吃,不愁穿

$1 coin - got $$$

book - 会读书

celery - 勤劳

spring onion (chong) - clever

that thing doc use (don't know what is it call) - be doc loh.

i think that's all. need to relook at the video in fb to confirm.

Dazz..lol....plastic kway bong ...wa stress leh..where to find??? ..we were joking last night tt my boi will aim for the drumstick first cos he v tam chiak *0*


yes. my boy goes for drumstick and abacus. then my colleague who study early childhood say i mislead him by placing the real drumstick. well, its for the fun of it so never mind loh.

aiyoo..more n more things ..hehe

1) Pen - relates to work that required pen like writer

2) Calculator / abacus - relates to accounting

3) Chicken drumstick - 不愁吃,不愁穿 , chef

4) Dollar note - got $$, do biz

5) Book - 会读书

6) Celery - 勤劳

7) Spring onion (chong) - clever

8) Stethoscope - become doc

9) stamp - 做官

10)ruler - 工程师

phew !

Here comes my ang ku kueh qns....

1) Need any particular shape? flat or pointed?

2) got requirement for the liao mah ( peanut or tau sar ) ?

3) After baby steps on the kueh, must the parents eat the kueh?

aiyo..i sound so silly asking all these but i bo hiao all these...my mum also 1st time doing for her grandkid :p


i will stick to 5, too many very luan ;)

my mum told me the ang ku kueh must be given by her (wai po) and she will also need to buy 1 new set of clothes for ah boy too. then step on ang ku kueh to kuai gao zhang da.

bbdust...mmmm ...y must be wai po??? ..just curious with all these beliefs n stuff tt i hear from time to time....like my nephew..his hair growth behind his head ..got one line across his head which is almost bald...my ah kim was saying this is ah kor de lu...me ( my bro only got one elder sis nia so im the ah kor ) nid to buy a pair of shoes for my nephew so tt the hair will grow out wor *-*

Thanks babes. Am looking forward to some couple time but also feel abit bad for leaving baby E behind. Luckily the grandparents are happy to take care of her.


bbe is in good hands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dont know leh, my mum said she must buy so i let her buy loh haha at least i no need to go source for ang ku kueh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

err my boy also leh, his hair hor behind got one line quite obvious one leh then no hair de. does that mean i must ask my elder BIL to buy him one pair of shoes?


eh ask u ah, rem u told me bbz hair is like letter M from the top, i realised mine also leh, the sides no hair, behind one line no hair only middle got hair how ah?

bbdust... huh.. how ah? erm... i never care leh... lolz.. i was told got M hairline good leh... clever. lolz... (look at the Lee family). whahahaha...

hhhmm.... maybe you shave his head a few more times?? might help with the growth?

Haha Ming, like what Dazz says you can work on no.2 and he/she will be born end of this year... a school year ahead of the Dragon babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mommies,

Fyi, Taka is holding their Baby Fair from 9-27 Mar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

To those mommies who are on MC today, rest well and have a speedy recovery!

Hello Sonshine, I am a fellow SAHM too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha. oops maybe thats why my boy got one line there cause no gu gu to fix it hehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahahah... my colleagues soooo sweet. got me an ice cream cake from swensons. though belated but... haha! happy!

Dazz, Happy belated BD to u and enjoy your cake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Dazz,

Thanks for advertising for my skirt BP#3.

Hi Szy,

Wah, matching mommy/daughter outfits!!! Like that you sure win the competition this weekend leh, so I don't need to think what my gal is going to wear. Hee.....


My gal likes the remote ctrl too! In fact, she's interested in electronic pdts... Hps,camera, mouse, my laptop :p

Renting out toys - hehe...mayb we SAHMs can learn fr this SAHD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Remote control: she loves it but I refused to let her touch cos sure put in mouth. In the end one indulgent uncle bought her a toy one so she hold one daddy hold one.

Gbh: it's normal for babies to put stuff in mouth lei. Apparently the mouth has highest concentration of touch receptors so that is how they explore. I just give her clean n safe stuff to mouth. Then again she has eaten paper several times.

Hello pnut! *waves*

happy belated bdae dazz!

Hello gbh! And a big lol to the drowned remote controls! By the wAy u know the learning home u have in urhouse tt I asked u about in fb? I searched everywhere but cannot find [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yay to the upcoming taka fair! Gonna c what good buys I can

get there. Mothercare having bbfair Tmr onwards too at harbourfront


When will b ur last day at work? Take a break while searching for a new job and can loads of fun with ur little girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

